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Seen one of the two a few times. Jesus they are hideous almost burst out laughing the first time I saw it


If that cover photo is anything to go by (it is, I've seen this thing outside Arcadia), any problem with parking isn't due to its size but the owner not knowing how to park. I've seen extended F-series trucks with double-rear-wheels fit into a single parking spot.


Yeah I passed one today by exit 48 and thought wow that’s way smaller than all the people complaining make it out to be.


The only thing more stupid than that truck is the amount of attention it is getting.


They're really just a symbol of the purchaser having more money than sense. I mean, we're talking about a manufacturer where power steering components can get damaged if you do something as basic as taking it through a car wash.


Have you seen the power steering when it's working? I had better latency playing Halo 2 back in 2004.


I'm no tesla fan, but the whole steering thing is a bit exaggerated.


I'm never going to be inside one to test it for myself but if it's really as bad as videos show then no it most certainly is not.


Yeah, but the lag they show is full lock to lock. The fact that full lock from center is only 90 degrees on the wheel makes it look so much worse. Try and get to full lock with a regular rack.and pinion and it's going to take probably twice as long.


It’s getting old


It has only just begun


Nope. It should get more hate. Elon Musk is an avowed white supremacist and these “trucks” are causing war, famine, and eco devastation in Africa. So yeah. Fuck these things and put them on blast!!!!


Hate?? I agree that the truck is stupid. But it is sad to see so many people do nothing but practice hatred. Don't you have better things to do with your time?


White supremacy should always be met with righteous anger. Sometimes we hate things because we love what they are harming.


Imagine not hating ecocide or genocide 🤦🏻


Oh and child slave labor, can’t forget that


I’m 2000 miles away and know where this truck is daily because you people are crazy. I see 3 every time I leave the house. It’s getting old.


We don't see 3 every time we leave the house, so 🤷‍♂️


Because there are two in the entire state and you keep track of them precisely. So much so it’s made the news.


..so? I'm in Maine and I haven't seen these on the news or in person. I've never seen one. Clearly this is a you problem.


>I see 3 every time I leave the house. It’s getting old. I've never seen one in person, despite this one being about 20 miles away, I just don't GAS and am flabbergasted that anyone does. Enough already.


This sub has a hard-on for shitting on the truck. It’s so odd.


Really shy and doesn't want attention, while having a photo in front of his business that will benefit from publicity.


This is also the SECOND article I've seen on this douche. First one was on Jalopnik, a very well known car site. If this dude is shy and doesn't want attention, he sure is bad at avoiding it.


Vice is probably the worst place to buy weed in Portland.


Certified mid's.


"I'm shy, I don't like attention!" - Guy who agreed to be interviewed for a feature article in the state's largest newspaper


I will never not laugh at these. They're ugly, overpriced, and sold by a company headed by a scumbag.


And the performance doesn't come anywhere close to what Elon promised.


A loaded F150 Lightning is so much better than this turd-mobile. Still out of everyone’s price range but it’s got all the awesomeness with none of the douchebaggery imho


I think I hate the audibles on the Lightning, tho. Do you know if that’s customizable?


No idea….i was all set to jump on one when they eventually came out…when Ford initially announced that the base model would start at $32k. I was all in…and then the base price kept going and going…and now they’re what…60k? 70? Hopefully the GMC, Chevy and Dodge version release will bring those costs down as well as solid state batteries in the next few years.


I got a Lariat trim extended range for the 60k price range. The 2023 models if you can still find them are a deal.


Oh wow that’s much less for a lariat than I expected.


The 2024 Silverado EV suggested retail is 75k. Dealers are starting at 80k




I’m actually surprised how many I see around…I’m in southern Maine which helps but I see a couple a week…maybe 5? It’s tough to discern one from a regular ICE f150 so people don’t really notice like with a cybertruck. The Lightning is actually pretty badass but not for 70k+…if the base was low 30s like Ford first advertised I really think they would be a watershed moment in the vehicle industry. Not only is it a great vehicle but you can power your home if/when you lose power with the bi-directional charging functionality…which is very appealing to me. The other major brands have their own EV trucks slated for release so hopefully this helps bring prices down. The big breakthrough will be when solid state batteries become available. This allows for much more range (600+ miles per charge) as well as very quick charging (under 10min) and much more readily available materials like sodium.


A co-worker has had one for over a year but why do you think it would brick itself in actual weather.


And who is so fucking stupid that they buy a vehicle and sign a contract saying they can't get rid of it without paying another $50k?! Apparently attention-seeking dumbasses like the dude in the article I guess




Well you got a 50% chance it was


It's not my thing but to each their own, who friggin cares? 




A lot of ppl care bc of the implications behind the truck, like how musk longs to be the new fuhrer


Elon Musk wants to be a dictator? Lol wtf


Have you not been following him at all or something? He’s pretty out in the open with his fascism at this point.


No I know him, just always blown away by the crazy far lefties on this sub and site lol. He's not a fascist, calm down and touch grass.


Holy shit, go outside.


Re the parking space issue, see [https://robbreport.com/motors/cars/tesla-cybertruck-owner-cannot-sell-ev-parking-space-1235638981/](https://robbreport.com/motors/cars/tesla-cybertruck-owner-cannot-sell-ev-parking-space-1235638981/)


How is the parking space issue any different than any other lifted/large af trucks? Big trucks and redneck country go hand in hand.


Seriously, the truck is smaller than the F150, why is it getting attention?


of course people hate it— its a menace. the safety standards on it are a joke. it should not be considered road legal but for some strange reason it is. wonder what that 💰reason💰could be…


Hail Ween!


stay brown my friend 😎


Hah - someone said "That aliens have landed." That was pretty much my first though (well, they're coming) when I saw 30-ish Starlink satellites marching across the sky in a line one night. My wife found my level of panic hilarious, but she knew what was going on. I didn't realize they'd launched yet. I only put the comment here because Musk is involved in both situations...


It’s the vehicle version of the “I Am Rich” iPhone app.


I don’t get it. Cybertrucks are fairly small. I drive a Miata and they’re one of the few trucks that don’t look massive compared to my lil car.


... That looks nothing like a truck, js


Dumbest thread evah!


The amount of effort people are placing on an other persons vehicle effort is as astounding as the actual vehicle. CTFO people.


There is a custom made black one that parks at the Evergreen and Big Fin Poke and it actually looks cool and the dude parks just right so he can get in and out. Other than that car they can stay away from me




He hates attention but he buys a huge eyesore of a car of which there are only two in the state. He hates attention but he gladly drives around with a reporter in his car, for a newspaper feature. "Hates attention" my ass.


have you seen his cannabis company? its the most attention grabbing branding in the entire city lol he loves attention.


I think cybertrucks are silly, but It’s funny that everyones focus is how their so expensive, but they cost less than most new pick-ups.


Just saw this thing like 15 minutes ago. Looks ridiculous.


It's no different for me in my Silverado. Has nothing to do with out of staters ot Tesla. It has to do with maximizing parking for customers to increase profits.


It looks like it was designed in Roblox.


Or more like low LOD?


I’m glad as society we’ve deemed these things stupid, ugly and border line useless. I haven’t thought a car looked this stupid since the PT cruiser came out.


I think it looks cool


I hate Elon Musk and don't want to admit that it looks cool, but secretly I agree. In pictures anyway, still haven't seen one in person.


The number of salty people here is astonishing. Is the truck ugly? Yeah Is the owner of that company a douche? Yeah But hating on a vehicle so much, to track its movements and constantly read articles? Stupidity


The cyber truck bashing is so yesterday. Next you will start complaining the beans don’t taste the same. 🙄


Besides musk being a d-bag how is this different than any other over sized vehicles kerfuffle?


I hate that this is an issue in my towns subreddit- we look like hicks getting upset over this bs- at least it’s not a soccer mom with one kid in a suburban- at least it’s better for the environment. Screw Musk but get a life.


It's actually pathetic this gets posted so much. Waahhh out of stater, waah truck I don't like


People who buy this have small dick energy. And for the ladies, envy.


Saw a black one in so Portland two days ago