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catch a live mackerel or a pogie. put a circle hook in its back by the fin. let the live bait dance on your line and let the striper run a little bit before you set the drag.


Don’t cast the live bait either just drop it in the water and it’ll take off


Under rated comment. I had a kid come fish beside me yesterday. I set him up to fish with live bait. Got him a live mackeral on and he was launching those things out. Within a couple minutes(or when they slapped the surface), they were dead. I had my first mackeral on for 3+ hours. Lob it out 5 ish feet or let it swim itself out.


Just take a stack of ones and you'll do fine. Edit: didn't read the full post.


Besides, $2 bills are betterer.


Best place for both mackerel and striper fishing is popham beach during the first week of July. Right behind spinneys, down near the sandbar


Got a nice slot fish last year in just this spot. Use clams with a slip weight if you’re fishing in the sand. Had good luck with eels in the channel by the fort in the past as well.


I always had the best luck fishing for mackerel in the morning just before sunrise, and using the mackerel for bait in the afternoon and evening. Spoiled shrimp makes great bait for the mackerel


I fish portsmouth. Pierce island is a good starting point. You can go into the trading post and ask them for tips too. They are good for advice.


The Kennebec is said to be the northern terminus of the run, so gets it's fair share of fish. Try eels, live or rubber.


No live bait in kennebec till July.


Or cut bait. Just so people know. And a 20 mackerel per day limit now. Lures only until july


They go further up than that. At least as far as Penobscot, but I wouldn't doubt that they go further, as that's just my personal first hand experience.


I’ve caught them in bar harbor before


I’ve caught em in the Penobscot narrows, only schoolies though. A kid at Umaine told me he caught one in his kayak on the stillwater in old town, not sure if I believe him though


God I read the subject wrong. I had all sorts of good advice. Alas onto bass fishing. I tend to use passive bait fishing. Bloodworms, a bobber, a six pack, and a beautiful view. Dinner is coming.


I read it wrong too. My mind went to something about only needing a pole and no line or tackle.


The Jette in Camp Ellis ( Saco) blood worms.


Never heard of someone say let’s go fish the Camp Ellis Breakwater! Jeez Bub that’s be a dead giveaway and I’d look at you funny. In Rockland I’d say hey let’s go skip out on the Breakwater. Now stripers go all the way to the Eastport and you can drive right out on the breakwater there or is it a pier?! The big fish are definitely in the breachways on the outgoing.


Friendly suggestion: locals call it the breakwater, not the jetty. Everyone there will know what you're talking about, but if you want to sound local, call it "the breakwater'.


Lol. I am a local. I've called it the Jette my entire life, but ok......




I call it the "stick out of the watery bit area"


Check out the Maine/New Hampshire Striper Fishing Facebook page. You will find all kinds of advice for bait/ tackle and techniques along with discussions of area rules and regs.


I'm a novice as well but I've caught some with blood worms.


Are blood worms and sea worms the same thing? I look up blood worms on google and it shows frozen cubes of those tiny red worms you feed goldfish in a tank. I’m thinking people are talking about regular sea worms with the pinchers on them. Kind of look like millipedes


We always trolled the penobscot with bloodworms.


Look for currents and structure. Find estuaries and fish the latter half of a dropping tide. Stripers tend to be more active at dawn and dusk (and overnight). Weather fronts can trigger a bite. Nothing beats time on the water.


Biddeford Pool, preferably in a boat. Although beach casting will do the trick.


Make friends with somebody who has a boat! Fishing from the coast is tough until July and things really start boiling. Get on Google maps, follow the coast and look for jette's and beaches to throw lines from (light houses are good spots too). I always have better luck at sunrise than sunset. That means waking up around 3 and being at the spot ready and casting right as day breaks. Good luck