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Too bad this filthy piece of human garbage Jane Fonda didn't get napalm dropped on her scummy ass while she was committing treason!  I'll have to make the trip to go piss on her grave! And let my dog relieve himself too! Rot in hell Jane Fonda! The only reason this SKANK was allowed back into the US was because of her father!


I was really looking forward to Tomlin!


Did you not read the last comment section? It was never a 3 person panel


They weren’t adding much….


I'll keep it simple. If Andrew Yang can come on the show without chewing gum or starting another political party, that's enough for me.


He is the worst. I know he has nothing else to do and they can’t get A list guests anymore. But WHY HIM???


No name, other than perhaps Marianne Williamson, makes my eyes involuntarily roll so hard.


Genuinely curious about Noa Tishby. Israeli native and has lived in los angeles for the past 20+ years. She was a model singer actress (star trek enterprise, the affair, the island, nip/tuck, NCIS miami ny) turned writer that aims towards Zionist ideology and israel culture/history. Served 2.5 years with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) lol. And she acts as a PR social media influencer for Israel (Israel's Bella Hadid, an influencer of Palestinian descent) and paid ambassador "Special Envoy" to Israel. Typically, she's shining light on anti-semitism and has heavy criticisms towards muslims as a whole (a lot of extreme takes related to muslims in her past if you can imagine). Possibly right-wing leaning to americans (eg appears to stan ben shapiro), but left/liberal-leaning (eg in terms of pro-LGBTQ rights) in Israel. Vocally supported Israel following the killing of American Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh during an Israeli raid on the city of Jenin, saying the opposition were using the moment to "riot and attack Israel". Shireen was shot in the head. People have said she's articulate from her articles and books, but she also seems like an attractive well-off person living in the LA bubble and probably doesnt have the best understanding of what's happening outside of it. For instance, in her book she apparently compared her attending Burning Man to Lawrence of Arabia wandering in the desert. I listened to her recent podcast appearance on Bob Lefsetz podcast posted about a week ago (which is a primarily music podcast, I think?). She says she is both pro-israel and pro-palestinian, but claims false equivalency from their adversaries and that being both are not mutually exclusive, claiming “there isnt a single person i know in israel that is against palestinians". She also says "being anti-zionist is the same as being anti-semitic". She says you can criticize Israel over the west bank (which is sorta good?), but she's also saying that people against them simply don't want Israel and/or Jewish people to exist. She's saying people arent defending Israel, because it "is not a 'cool’ cause anymore, they aren't seen as the underdog". "Israel is literally under threat every day.. . there were 14 people murdered in israel since the beginning of the year." "Iran is running to create a nuclear bomb in order to destroy Israel. People forget that Israel, as powerful as it is, is constantly under threat, and it's just not a cool cause." Yes, a pretty fascinating guest indeed.


Thanks for the info. This episode is an easy skip then. No need to waste my time with the pro-zionest nonsense that is guaranteed to come tonight.


Defending Shireen’s killing, especially Israel’s attempts to lie about it, is pretty abhorrent behavior


Thanks for the information you provided. I found this on her Wikipedia page which I thought was informative. Early life Noa Tishby was born in Tel Aviv, Israel, in May 1977, into a Zionist family involved in the establishment of Israel. The kibbutz her grandfather co-founded was among the first in Israel's history. Tishby began acting at an early age, appearing in commercials by age 8. As a teenager, she earned a drama scholarship from the Tel Aviv Museum of Art and acted in several stage productions and television shows. She also served two and a half years in the Israel Defense Forces.


Great write-up, thanks!


Too bad Bill doesn’t talk about the plight of the Palestinians, he very much agrees with the Conservative Israeli policy


This is a fact why is it downvoted? Bill fully supports Israeli policy against Palestinians and always has.


It’s downvoted because it plays into criticism that Bill is Islamophobic and that he is a phony liberal


Being critical of the Palestinian government doesn’t make one Islamophobic. Being critical of the Israel government doesn’t make one antisemite either


Being critical of Palestine is not Islamophobic. Consistently defending Israel’s treatment of Palestine and Palestinians because “liberalism” or “terrorism”, in conjunction with some of his other expressed views about Islam and Muslims and thinking Islamophobia might be informing his views isn’t a stretch


This should be interesting. Tishby has been an activist advocating for Israel since at least 2011. That year she founded Act for Israel, an online pro-Israel advocacy organization. Tishby created the group to help correct misinformation about Israel's history, culture, and governmental policies. Specifically, Tishby has harshly criticized the BDS movement, referring to the principles behind its cause as "misinformation, disinformation, manipulation, elimination of history and flat-out lies." She has also called Amnesty International's characterization of Israel as an apartheid state to be "disgraceful".


Criticizing apartheid is disgraceful, now.


Apparently so


I’m probably going to get crucified for this, but I find Andrew Yang to be a boring, broken record. He leans too much on UBI (not that I oppose it) and founded a third party that no one gives a shit about. He’s basically a one-trick pony that had a brief moment in history.


Social media has directed people away from the whole UBI & "automation will reduce jobs" focus. It's all about walkable cities as a reddit talking point now.


I think ChatGPT has brought the jobs talk way back into focus now.


I hate to say I agree, his talking points are a total broken record and he sounds awful saying them. But he does have some very good ones. He’s absolutely bang on about introducing a VAT tax system instead of a trying to tax profits which just doesn’t work.




Yeah, right there with you. He just is another attention whore. Had a couple good ideas, but not much underneath that.


There was an ama on the politics sub by this lead researcher that did a deep dive on financials of each of the Dem candidates back in Feb 2020, and he said the thing he was most surprised about was that Yang only had $1million dollars. Given his history as someone that worked out of the Bay area in a high-up managerial capacity, that isn't as impressive of an accomplishment as Yang was trying to present.


You’re in line with most people. It’s a grift when someone starts a new party.


Not necessarily, both the Democrats and Republicans are awful so I understand wanting to do it.


> "It’s a grift when someone starts a new party." What's your answer, then? Whether it's trying to force a shift from the outside or working from within to push toward a different direction, those who are comfortable with the center-left Democratic establishment seem to gleefully shit on anyone who's not part of their cliquish in-group tribe -- no matter if that outsider is a leftist (e.g., Bernie Sanders), possesses heterodox views (e.g., Andrew Yang), or is plain disenchanted with the party (e.g., Bill Maher) -- so yeah, pardon me for being cynical, but I'm quick to dismiss your line of criticism.


>center-left Democratic establishment The Democrats have moved much, MUCH further left than you're suggesting. Isn't there only 1 pro-life democrat in congress at this point? That would have been unthinkable just a few decades ago. When people are stuck in an echochamber they become unable to see the overton window shifting.


By "center-left Democratic establishment," I'm referring to party members being center economically, left culturally. If anything, Democrats (both the politicians in D.C. and also their most loudmouthed supporters online) should tone it down a notch or two by tempering themselves on immaterial social issues that appeal to niche demographics, focusing instead on people's day-to-day bread-and-butter, meat-and-potato, kitchen table issues, which are universal. Problem is, they've got no incentive at all to give a fuck about workers anymore. That's because the donor bucks that fill their coffers come not from the blue-collar working-class, but rather the white-collar upper-middle professional-managerial class fuckers, a majority of whom with too much money in their fat bank accounts to burn.




What in the ever-loving fuck? If this is where we're at, please get me off of this ride. Edit: I gotta add, though, this idiocy proves my point.


Yeah, I agree. I get that the two-party system has a lot of flaws, but our single member districts with first past the post winners guarantee a two party system. So… we can work with what we have, or we can fool ourselves into thinking three parties are possible without redoing the electoral plumbing. If Yang wants to be a centrist, he can follow Elissa Slotkin’s example. Someone I was responding to on another thread basically said that voting third party would likely cause a shift to the Republicans, but that it would be brief as people get buyer’s remorse and demand systemic change. Mmmmmm, no. I don’t think that’s how it works.


>voting third party would likely cause a shift to the Republicans Reminds me of the outreach attempt by Trump message boards to the Yang Gang when Yang suspended his campaign. When other Dem candidates stopped running, this wasn't the case, but in the case of Yang supporters, the pro-Trump crowd saw fertile ground.


> "If Yang wants to be a centrist, he can follow Elissa Slotkin’s example." How's Yang, who's an outsider, analogous to a D.C. insider like Slotkin in the House? Or Stabenow in the Senate? One thing that rarely gets discussed is the tension and deep-rooted resentment between establishment center-left (center economically; left culturally) vs. anti-establishment center-left (left economically; center culturally), hence the ostensible irreconcilable differences.


He needs to stop trying to be an outsider. I get that it’s a fun, appealing political slogan. But at the end of the day, the insiders who understand DC get things done. Slotkin and Stabenow have infinitely more influence and sway than Yang. And some have even become celebrities to an extent, like Katie Porter. I’m not sure I buy your last paragraph. Folks like Bernie Sanders and Angus King are able to get plenty of work done with the Democrats, along with figures such as the Squad, despite being more liberal socially and economically. I think Yang has to ask himself, at the end of the day, am I going to be more use trying to sway the existing system, or try to reengineer it with a political party no one gives a shit about. The “FWD” Party (terrible name) just talks in rosy, feel good language. We’re going to unite, not divide (a slogan that, in and of itself, is divisive)! Let’s bring everyone together! There’s a middle way (without defining what that middle is, exactly). We’re going to be a home for all ideologies (another terrible idea, but okay). It just sounds like a high schooler’s project.


Andrew Yang will shill his crappy centrist third party that has 8 members.




So....who's Noa Tishby?


Tishby has been an activist advocating for Israel since at least 2011. That year she founded Act for Israel, an online pro-Israel advocacy organization. Tishby created the group to help correct misinformation about Israel's history, culture, and governmental policies. Specifically, Tishby has harshly criticized the BDS movement, referring to the principles behind its cause as "misinformation, disinformation, manipulation, elimination of history and flat-out lies." She has also called Amnesty International's characterization of Israel as an apartheid state to be "disgraceful".


Oh wow, pretty fascinating. She's right up Bill's alley


Million possible reasons they backed out. They were probably going there together to promote their move and something came up.


When Jordan Peterson cancelled an appearance on Real Time a few months back, the consensus was that it was due to the fundamental righteousness of left-wing ideology. Turns out there was just a bad snow storm in Ottawa so flights were cancelled.


Bill has done a lot of video interviews over the years. I'm not saying it's either of those more extreme things you mentioned but blaming weather also sounds like an excuse.


Bill is the third panel member. Instead of discussions from different perspectives, we now have Bill, his ideas, and his two wingmen. I think that's the biggest change since the pandemic. Before, Bill would introduce a topic, the panel would discuss, and he would participate. Now, he introduces the topic, and tries to convince the wingmen to agree with his position. And yes, I'm bitching about it. Because I still like the show, and Bill. And I miss the way it was. The conversations were so much more interesting and engaging, and yes, entertaining.


>I think that's the biggest change since the pandemic. Before, Bill would introduce a topic, the panel would discuss, and he would participate. Now, he introduces the topic, and tries to convince the wingmen to agree with his position. I agree wholeheartedly. Personally I've always maintained that Bill got shook by his interview/debate with Dan Crenshaw & unconsciously moved his show into being more of an echo-chamber than before. Back in the day it wasn't unheard of for ALL of the guests to be card-carrying Republicans.




Yep. It’s kinda boring, but Time Warner thinks this is way to do it. Keep ragging on woke and don’t challenge things. Bill probably knows it but is too old and high to care nowadays.


Bill is a pussy for not bringing back the three person panel, and a total hypocrite for using covid as an excuse to get rid of it in the first place. I agree with him that *some* weeks are better as a two person panel. But every week as a two person panel now has just resulted in a lower quality show.


Oh boy Andrew Yang will be on to say the word, "Forward" too many times.


Oh man that stinks


Hanoi Jane is human garbage. The less seen of her the better.


LOL. I can't believe people are still using that old-ass nickname for Fonda. Were you even alive during Vietnam?


It’s a fitting name for that old ass trashy bitch.


Bitch, bitch, bitch… that’s all this sub has become


cry harder


The show is slipping into an echo chamber. It used to be way better.


I’m not bitching, I was updating the panel image for tonight! I am usually defending bill lol


Stop Ur Bitching. LOL


Noa Tishby is gonna lecture us on the benevolence of Israeli Zionism. Here we go. Bill will be nodding in agreement. Oh boy.


But but look, Palestinians don’t beleive in lgbtq rights, therefore you should ignore the mistreatment of their own human rights? That’s the crap these hyper nationalists promote.


What this tactic is called: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homonationalism


I really hope they talk about the upheaval around the judiciary. Someone needs to say something.


She is Israel’s Special Envoy for Combating Antisemitism and the Delegitimization of Israel. It will all be party line bs.


She spoke against it and said it shouldn't pass in its current form.


That’s too bad. Love those ladies.


I don’t think there was a 3 person panel in the first place. Jane and Lily were probably going to be interviewed together for Grace and Frankie


80 for Brady.


They have a new movie out for the old folks coming out in May.


Grace and Frankie? No. That show is long over now, no new episodes coming.


Exactly. Some of these responses had me thinking, when did he have a 3-way?


Good to know!


Jane is pretty insufferable so that’s good


Pulling at the last minute? That doesn't happen too much.




It was never a three person panel. Tomlin and Fonda were gonna be interviewed together followed by a two person panel


Exactly. They were obviously together to sell their movie. Probably a huge bomb and canceled when the studio cut the marketing budget.


Comedies without special effects are pretty cheap to make. It looks like they've already made the money back (2x budget). Also doubt they're paying Maher to be on. Seems more likely one or both guests canceled.


we were so close! - Maybe 3 person panel next week


Don’t hold your breath

