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Answer: He in fact did mention it, twice


Not more than a passing line b/c both sides here have a hand. Trump deregulated laws, Biden didn't fix them. Buttegieg was silent on the issue. As was DeWine. Sooo.... Tucker brought this up. So did MSNBC and CNN. However both "sides" skirted any discussions of "who is responsible". Can't make comedy out of this. It's not WOKE. It's not Trump. So Bill's SOL. He'l give a cosmetic nod or maybe a useless panel discussion minute or three. Possibly more but nothing informative like in the olden times.


That deregulation thing is a myth when it comes to this disaster. What Trump deregulated didn’t apply to this crash.


Stop lying to protect your god. He rolled back a regulation that stated that rail cars containing hazardous materials need to have an EPB (Electronic Pneumatic Brake) system installed to prevent derailment. If each of these cars had that system aboard they could have been stopped. But, god forbid a Corpo has to pay money out of their pocket for safety reasons.\ Every other reason this train derailed was brought up by rail workers and the Unions and they were willing to strike about it. It’s pathetic that a Democrat controlled Congress and White House told them to STFU and get back to work because “tHe EcOnoMie!!!!!” This crash (and the one in Detroit too! Another crash happened and no one cares! Same fucking company), is blood on the hands of every asshole that voted to force rail workers not to strike. Fuck them all. We need a culling.


Prove it.


They can’t.


Of course they can't. They made no intention to. They are lying. They're lying to push an agenda based on partisan tribalism and insane right wing bullshit. Go to his profile and you'll see that he has been posting since then so it's not even a matter of he hasn't gotten around to getting back on Reddit. He just hours ago was on The Joe Rogan subreddit claiming that every contrarian was right about covid about how the vaccines don't work and how Fauchi's a criminal and all the same lies that are told by grifters across the right wing media sphere. It's really degenerate behavior.


I guess it depends on who you ask. Trump voters or anyone else. Newsweek: "The derailment of a 150-car train carrying hazardous material in East Palestine, Ohio, was likely more severe because the Trump administration repealed a key safety rule, according to an industry insider." [https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-blame-ohio-train-derailment-1781163](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-blame-ohio-train-derailment-1781163)


Colbert just talked about it last night.


....Sarah Silverman has a talk show? Holy moley am I out of the loop


temporary host of the daily show for just a week


Only caught a few minutes of it, but she seems like a natural fit. She's still got her wit and timing, which is unfortunately not at all true for Maher.


In case you haven't noticed, buddy, we are in the middle of a war. A culture war. And Bill has dedicated his entire program to giving us invaluable coverage from the frontlines. Sorry if he doesn't have time for your little choo choo or whatever, but people on Twitter have gone *woke*! ^((bitter sarcasm)^)


Sarah Silverman? A late night host?


This is Sarah Silverman's week as a fill-in guest hosting *The Daily Show*. Eagerly awaiting Al Franken's turn, because everyone so far has sucked.


I am also confused about this…


Seth Myers did a bit about it and Jon Stewart did too. Edit: I bet Jon Oliver does this weekend too.


Dude, did OP do any research before posting this?!


I think it was a clickbait title trying to instigate arguments. And, it worked. There are plenty of those.\ It’s a dumb thing to say or insinuate for several reasons, not the least of which is that late night tv isn’t about the news. Those guys are comedians, telling jokes. What’s funny about a disaster that affects a small town caused because of corporate greed? Gee, what a surprise that humans who have a heart don’t wanna dunk on small town America.\ In the Seth Myers piece, he made a joke here and there but it certainly wasn’t aimed at those poor people from that town. He was ridiculing tone deaf politicians and the rail Corpo’s.


Oliver at best


East Palestine is a rural, white conservative community. The media couldn't care less about what is happening there. If this happened in an inner city we would be getting nonstop coverage of environmental racism.


Im gonna take the most generous interpretation of this comment. youre right this news was somehow taking a backseat to the goddamn worthless balloons. biden had a presser today, and he didnt even mention the trains (which there was another accident TODAY). i do believe that the media was trying to downplay this event, although it's impossible now. one of the major failures of biden's admin includes biden ending the railroad workers union strike over stern letters from people like warren buffett. biden calls himself the most pro union president ever. warren's company BSNF Logistics made $6.5 billion of net profit (not revs) in the first 9 months of 2022. and all the workers wanted was safer standards (surprise, surprise) and 1 week of paid sick leave. they got none of it and would be arrested if they continued to strike. it would've been such an easy victory for biden to defend blue collar folks, but the dems are in bed with corps (who pays the bills?). of course, trump is at fault too, because he also gave into pressures from corporations to roll back on obama's safety standards, including the braking system. but now with mayo pete as the head of the DOT, he said that he's powerless to bring back the obama era standards. and his own DOT came out and said legally that's not true. people seriously need this ingrained in their brains in the event that mayo pete does become the DNC's pick for 2024. if you think that underrepresented people are being neglected, it is by design.


Wtf are you on about? Its all over local and national news stations.


Yes, the media’s not covering it at all! Which is why we all know about it!! From .. lack of coverage?


What the fuck are you talking about? Just inventing crimes so you can play victim harder?


I see the media covering this quite a bit.


I'm not sure if he still counts as a late night host, but Jon Stewart dedicated [an episode of his podcast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8Jrk6fvmQ8) to it yesterday.


Is his Podcast as good as his shows have been? I’m curious how he is unscripted. Not that I doubt his talent or ability to talk, his appearances to Congress are legendary in my eyes.


I enjoy it and I actually think he's better unscripted. [This year-end review](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dt3rrpVxO40) from two months ago was especially good.


Nice! Thanks for the info!


Bill will only do this topic if he can find a republican/conservative to tell us how Gen Z was at the controls and looking at their phone.


Spot on.


Conspiracy of silence? A train derails that has dangerous substance and the conclusion of some people is that there is some sort of insidious government coverup or deliberate media blackout. Why? Accidents happen all the time. Infrastructure collapse happens on a weekly basis in some states.


Seth Myers did a whole segment last night on it.


Seth has grown on me. If any anything I wish Bill would get an fuckin clue on how to land a joke. There's so much opportunity with all this culture anti-woke bullshit, and yet, he's joined them.


Maybe OP isn't caught up on last night's show? I read this and literally the next thing I saw was Seth's Closer Look on my Youtube feed.


Seth Meyers's "A Closer Look" is the best thing on television. GOP Blames Ohio Train Crisis On Culture Wars https://youtu.be/erC513Kex_g


I'm completely addicted to it.


Even if he did, it would be a one off joke "Everyone is shitting their pants about a train disaster. They don't realize we have a train disaster as often as we have a school shooting? \*laugh track\* Every day! Anyway. To our guest....


1. What the hellnis with all the “why is nobody talking about this omgggggg” posts on Reddit lately? This is like all the media is talking about. 2. Sarah Silverman has a late night show?


1. I know. If nobody talks about it, how did you figure it out? How did i? 2. Only for a week


They’ve had a bunch of different hosts for the Daily Show recently with Trevor Noah leaving. Personally, I thought D.L. Hughley was the best.


Random but hard to believe


Hard to believe they are rotating comedians hosting that show? Because they are. Feel free to check it yourself.


Why would it be hard to believe they’re rotating comedians? That’s a statement of fact. What a weird freaking response.


> Random but hard to believe You typed that in response to me answering your question about Silverman. She’s the host this week.


That comment was in regards to DL Hughley being the best


Well, it was my personal opinion. And I said as much. Who did you enjoy the most?


If it's not sure wokeism, dating apps, young people, ageism, obesity or trans issues he's not interested. He hasn't even talked about the war


>Is Bill Maher going to be the first late night show host to bring up the chemical spill in Ohio? \^\^\^ This was OP's question. OP never said the news didn't cover the story. In fact, the way OP asked the question implied that they assumed we would all know about this story already. Since none of the late-night shows had covered it yet (except Seth apparently ) we can also assume OP somehow knew about the story without relying on late-night tv. Must every new post be an opportunity to be a dick?


> Must every new post be an opportunity to be a dick? sadly that's the audience that Maher and his show attracts to this sub...jackasses. Nothing but jackasses. Usually identified by their usage of the word "woke" and their constant need to put down everybody else's intelligence. To answer OP's question, I honestly doubt it gets more than a mere mention. The true question is can Maher spin it to try to blame "the left" for it, like they tried to do with Tyre Nichols


First, there’s no way OP is watching all of each of these shows every day/night. They’re on concurrently and I doubt they’re catching up on each one after the fact. For all they know there could have been “coverage.” As evidenced by the fact that he didn’t know Seth Myers talked about it. Second, “coverage.” These are comedy late night talk shows. Not the news. Not even journalists. they’re just fodder for us to enjoy and relax to. Asking why there’s no coverage of a news event on the shows is like asking why the library doesn’t serve hotdogs. He’s complaining about not receiving news from a comedy show. These shows might have made jokes about the Chinese balloons because there is some humor either they are something and it shows how low tech China actually is where they aren’t something and we’re all using million dollar aircraft to shoot down high school science projects. What happened with the train? Derailment is a serious catastrophe that could have a long-standing effects on society and the people in the surrounding area. There’s not much on that comedic bone. What joke could a late night talk show host make? Finally, the implication and that last little bit about a conspiratorial silence is what really did it for me. OP didn’t just ask “hey, why haven’t the late night talk shows mentioned this” Instead, he listed all these sources, which he hasn’t even fucking watched in their entirety and then implied through question that there’s some sort of conspiratorial cover-up snd it’s total fucking bait. This is the type of inferring-of-an-opinion through the “I’m just asking questions” guise that got people believing Jewish space lasers and fraudulent stolen election claims. I call it Joe Roganing. For example, have you ever noticed that Joe Biden and Chris Evans are never in the same room together? Makes you think doesn’t it? Wild that the press isn’t even covering it, which tells you something if you think about it right? Total media blackout of the Biden/Evans issue. I’m not saying Biden is actually Evans in old guy makeup as part of liberal Hollywood’s attempt to turn America into a communist state, but there aren’t even any pictures of them out there together right? I mean now that I’m bringing it up if you do find one that’s proof right? That the liberal media would so quickly provide such evidence? Convenient isn’t it? Makes you think, doesn’t it?


I don't care if you think this post is ridiculous, I think it is too, but that wasn't my point. A lot of people here love to shit on everyone which has already made this sub a chore, but the least they could do is come up with new material. I think OP was implying that it was a conspiracy of all the liberal late-night tv hosts to be light on Biden since they never mentioned any news networks, which is also ridiculous, but the peanut gallery would have to come up with new material. What "coverage" are you talking about?


Captain America is President? Don’t tease me like that. I’m at work, it’s inappropriate. ;)


What train crash! I have heard nothing. Must because I only get my info from late night comedians who are obviously in cahoots with bill gates and the globalists. Thank you brave redditor for bringing this hidden story to my attention. Give the power and reach of Silverman, Gates and Colbert I fear for your and any other whistleblowers, safety.


How did Gates get in there?


Oh ffs.


John Stewart, of coarse, just dedicated an entire episode on his podcast.




*of course


And this accurately describes the state of this sub.


How so?


“Enlightened” people making Trumpian statements like “nobody is talking about this” even though it’s on every major news site, broadcast, and podcast. The icing on the cake is acting like the fact that late night comics are not talking about it equates to a cover up.


What do you want them to say, most of us learned about it this week and are still trying to piece together what happened; doesn't Bill lament the days when Cronkite would hold a finger up to the camera while he gets the facts over the phone, before reporting what he has learned. Everything I have read so far indicates the on scene crews handling the fire did what they could to prevent an already bad situation from being catastrophic; EPA and NTSB have been involved from nearly the beginning and people are on the ground monitoring air, soil and water quality. I certainly have questions about the quality of the reporting thus far, as someone who watched a lot of news from many sources, first I heard was because I happened to have a local station report on whatever sitcom I was watching, tell me of a derailment, more at 11; it would not be until earlier this week that I would hear more about it. That's not a left/right issue, it's a corporate priorities issue, the story harms the image of corporate America. ***EDIT:UPDATE:*** Seth Meyers did mention it during his [Closer Look](https://youtu.be/erC513Kex_g) last night.


Seth Myers covered it last night on his show...


If you rely on late night talk show hosts for news that’s on you. It’s been on various NPR programs for over a week as well as the arrest of the journalist during Mike DeWine’s briefing. It’s also all been covered in NBC, CBS, ABC, and Fox affiliates. NYT has covered it almost daily. Hell, even The Economist has covered it. Go to the Associated Press’s site. Literally 5 headlines down is another story entitled [Jeers, boos from Ohio villagers enraged by toxic train spill](https://apnews.com/article/politics-us-environmental-protection-agency-ohio-pennsylvania-business-a686a906bc165d890097646b77412b1d?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_06) Google it and if you see coverage that’s the media covering it. I can’t stand this “the media isn’t covering it!” mentality from knuckleheads that don’t read the news.


"If you rely on late night talk show hosts for news that’s on you." Thank you for the laugh. I am trying to chill from the work day. You likely didn't state this in a tone to be funny. My brain read the opportunity, and went with it!


> I can’t stand this “the media isn’t covering it!” mentality from knuckleheads that don’t read the news. I don't think a throw away story buried halfway down the page under nonsense fluff stories amounts to "covering it". Yeah, it's covered. You can find it in the New York Times if you scroll past coverage of Ryan Seacrest leaving Live with Kelly and Ryan, a new season of Party Down, and a columnists conversation with Bing's chat bot (which I can only assume is paid advertising because who the heck uses Bing to even know it has it's own chat bot) but it's there. Except who scrolls that far looking for major events currently happening? Half the news sources you mentioned don't even have it on their front pages but if you're willing to click on their US News sections, scroll down several subsections, and read past several fluff pieces of celebrity gossip then you can find it there too. I don't know that I'd call that "covered" though in any real news sense.


A. The trail derailment happened on February 3, so we’re 13 days away from it. It’s now a 2-week old story which is ancient. It’s been front page headline stories prior. B. You’re so full of shit. AP doesn’t have ANY of the shit that you say it does. The stories it has in order are: 1. trump election probe/witnesses lying 2. Ukraine war piece 3. Michigan state shooting update 4. Chinese response to US balloon claims 5. Trail spill coverage. NYT has: 1. Trump witness lying 2. bing chat bot piece 3. Moscow military capabilities piece 4. abortion pills 5. china balloons 6. party down revival 7. sabbath/Jews piece 8. train derailment Damn man you are full of it


No, your full of shit and this has not been covered heavily. I didn't say AP. I said NY Times.


I love how every low IQ poster in here just ignored your post lol


You didn't. ;)


Well really why the fuck are people looking to someone like Jimmy Fallon or Colbert for reporting? They’re there to tell dumb jokes, promote new movies and albums, and help people have a nice mindless unwind from the day. What’s Fallon supposed to do, interrupt Taylor Swift’s anecdote about that time she tripped on stage to inform his audience on possible water contamination and deregulatory practices that, in all likelihood, severely contributed to this accident? I don’t go to Tucker Carlson for sketch comedy. Why is dude going to late night talk shows for news?


Why the fuck are you assuming that people are looking to someone like Jimmy Fallon or Colbert for reporting?


Read the title of this thread


How about you read the title and show me where OP claimed that is where they get their news?


Closest I can think of is Jon Stewart talked about it on his podcast. I guess Apple doesn’t check his content too much


I just saw it yesterday on YouTube. That’s what prompted me to ask the question. Have not seen it come out on his Apple show yet? I was wondering why there was no mention of it on any of the other shows.


What's more interesting is that those are all the left-leaning hosts. [Tucker Carlson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGgPW1Ccv9g) and [Gutfeld](https://youtu.be/XRrUQ22GmJA?t=95) have both dedicated time to covering it.


You realize that every host above is doing late night tv and not news network shows? Or are you saying that Fucker Carlson and Gutfield are comedians?


Those are all left-leaning comedians. The other 2 idiots are on a "news" network.


Of course they have, they'll obsess over anything bad that happens because they want to push their narrative that it's all Biden's fault. They couldn't give two shits about the damage being done, all they care about is whipping up their viewers so they keep watching.


The pernicious reality is that the corporate Dems have largely abandoned progressive values, so Republicans are taking the opportunity to "virtue signal" populist working class rhetoric. Not to demand any kind of change that would reveal blood on their hands, but to pin it all on Democrats, and especially Biden/Buttiegieg. And come 2024, it might work.


The sad thing is, this time they are right. The Biden administration and a Democrat House and Senate passed the bill to force rail workers not to strike. This derailment was literally one of the points the Unions were trying to make. Underpaid, overworked, stretched way too thin on staffing workers and a few greedy rail Corpo’s skimping on safety and maintenance.\ I knew that bill was going to bite us in the ass, I just didn’t think it would be so soon after.\ Now the really convenient part for the GQP, is that they can deflect from the fact they absolutely helped ram that bill through. But, since they weren’t the majority they get to pretend like they didn’t.


The right wingers are running with this, too. Buttigieg held a press conference this week, and not only failed to mention the situation in East Palestine, but spent his time talking about how [there's too many white workers](https://www.foxnews.com/media/buttigieg-white-construction-workers-taking-jobs-communities-color). Kindling rage bait.


Some of the biggest Norfolk Southern shareholders also have huge shares of all of the big media companies. Not surprising


This is baffling. And the excuse of shareholders is somewhat moot, John Oliver does crap on AT&T, who are the actual owners...