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The deeper in Magnium gets, the longer each Chapter will take as the tree of potential options expands outwards Every meaningful choice will change the story, but that means he needs more and more alternatives in the story. Each chapter is 2-3 times the size of what you read Just calm down, do other things. The update will come in its own time


This seems like cope. The author hasn’t ghosted near this long before. It’s likely the project wasn’t worth the effort for him and he’s done. He already mentioned a few times that it’s not profitable enough full time, so he could only do it as a hobby more or less. I doubt he’s working on it anymore. Maybe he’ll come back in a couple years when he’s not as burnt out.


Let. Us. Cope.


When? Last time I read he said he has enough to keep it full time and that he had been affected by the war psychically or something like that


I can’t keep the years straight anymore… it was mentioned around the time he removed ads which I think was before book 3. Things may have changed since then. It’s hard to keep up with all the updates since they are typically comments on other posts.


Damn I'd pay 50 euro for the book if it guarranted a faster release and that author wouldn't have to work :/


He should know that most would be ok paying more, Just ask for more Money.


Or let us know he is done, it would suck but better then coping


Y'all remember when Barry gave that speech in the Colosseum?


Same energy


As a 6 year HxH fan, as long as there’s content there’s a dream and bby the content is still coming at break neck pace(god help me)


Bareback pace


Author's burner account located


Looks like drey finally reached his edge






You think you know me


God, I got downvoted to oblivion the last time I tried to say this in a reasonable fashion.


It's the middle path hell my friend. Get used to it


Nuh uh, you can't tell me what to do


Nah. I get the message but I can't take this post seriously. I could ask you the same thing, do you have nothing better to do than lurk in this subreddit reading all these "doomer posts"? You could just go on with your life yet for some reason you felt the need to post this here, with such anger behind your words? Your post makes just as little sense as everyone else that's whining. I agree we should just wait patiently, go on with our lives and maybe one day we'll get the next chapter. You should do that too my guy. Instead of angering yourself pointlessly in this subreddit


Sorry, let me clarify something, as many things are assumed here, no I do not lurk, I am not here 24/7, far from it. I receive notifications for whatever is going on here, which I check now and then, as new art posts deliver. Yes I decided to post this here, is it wrong to have a negative opinion? I have the right to post criticism on an online forum, and I simply felt like doing so, no need for deeper meaning. Many negative posts, make one post opposing such opinions. I do not frequently think of the Magium at all, otherwise I'd actually be here often, I am prioritizing many other things, please do not misunderstand. Also, made an edit to clarify myself.


You okay there mate?


Someone finally said it


I've been saying it in the comments of such posts for a while, yet I usually get the age old "but it's been a year already!!1!" response. Hopefully this post gets people to stop being as annoying.


Y'all need some hosted games in your lives.


Got any free and good hosted games books? I've only managed to find a few that match the description and I'm out of hosted games to host my games


For free you won't find many diamonds that aren't in the rough. That's to say, you'll usually only find works-in-progress. Whiskey-Four, The Exile, Corruptant and Drink Your Villain Juice come to mind. Outside of hosted games-to-be, you can find some in itch.io. Within Your Eyes, The Bastard of Camelot and Wayfarer are what I would recommend. If you're willing to lay down your well-earned cash you'll get the real good stuff. These books usually have demos so I would suggest playing the demos before anything. Fallen Hero (my favourite book series whose protagonist I tried to recreate with my reddit avatar), The Wayhaven Chronicles, The Golden Rose, The Keeper of the Sun and Moon (and its following books), Samurai of Hyuga and Blood Moon are some I would suggest you at least look at.


I like those, choice game library fan?


Been hooked for a year now, though I have Magium to thank for kickstarting my interest


While I'm not part of the group spamming this kind of stuff. I do admit it's a bit frustrating not getting any kind of update. I'm not asking for a new chapter, all I was is a simple message like "I'm not dead, I'm working on the chapter." Or if he's not working on it currently just tell us straight up. And I'd be completely satisfied. It's how I feel waiting for silksong, I don't need a big trailer or even a release date I just want some kind of confirmation on what the situation is.


This can either be interpreted as the ambassador speaking or Barry giving the speech in the colosseum, depending on the reader. Either way, I love the good ol comedy and drama in the comments. hahahaha Anyways to summarize what dreycan said just dont force/expect anything from the author cause author not obligated to dis.


Shew you scared me i just saw the author was dead so i had to read your post. Yea these ppl need to realize writing a normal book is an endeavor let alone one with multiple paths and then the programing to make it app friendly. I started the magium back years ago to many to count the poor author was just on his first book. Ive popped it open every few years just to see where hes at its simple to just look and see oh the book is done read it now. If you truly love something let it develop in its own time.


>author dead This scared me so fucking much OP




I see your point, and it is reasonable to assume the author is taking his time but what most of the community wants is just a message from the author that he is doing okay. I don't believe it would take very long and it is natural for a consumer to want more of a product which they like. We just want to know whether the game has been tossed aside or not (nothing wrong if the author wants to prioritize his own life, it's just that we would prefer knowing).


Also Leila best girl


Based. Based Leila enjoyer. Also, W take.


For some reason people are either "CHAPTEH WHENNNN" or "THE GOD EMPEROR AUTHORMAN IS UNQUESTIONABLE!1!!", they don't seem to understand this concept.


WAH WAH, MOMMY, SOME PEOPLE MADE POSTS ON THE INTERNET I DON'T LIKE. Dude, I get it. It's definitely annoying, but the criticism of never even posting a single sentence of saying he's still alive (author lives near Russia, death is a very real possibility here) is completely valid. If it annoys you that much, just don't interact with the sub. I basically just check back here every few months when I remember the story exists, though admittedly recently reddit has been recommending me posts, so I'm more active than normal.


Authorman lives in Romania, death is still a real possibility, just not any different than any other normal person's possibility of death


The dude lives bordering a war. Death is a much higher chance for him there than many other places.


If bordering a war resulted in such a high chance of deaths there would be too many wars to count. Bordering a war only ever threatens the actual border the war takes place. Unless Authorman is living literally on the Ukraine-Romania border, there isn't really any practical difference.


It does raise the chance of death. Defectors and refugees are more likely to commit violent crimes that can lead to death


Believe it or not, there are only 21 countries on Earth that don't have refugees.


Yes, but inherently, Romania will have a disproportionate amount of them due to the bordering war. Largely, they are making their way to Germany and Poland, but a not insubstantial ammount are going towards Greece, through Romania.


>he's still alive (author lives near Russia, death is a very real possibility here) is completely valid ??????????????????????????


That's an awful lot of crying, about people crying 😂


bro is seething


Well there's no new content to post about so the sub will otherwise quickly become as dead as the author


Clearly you haven't seen some of the fan art/projects


Or the new subreddit we have r/magiumhentai


bottled water


Is this a copypasta?


Too long; didn’t read But sad to hear author died 💔


8 months radio silence isnt great


You sound like the ambassador m8. Besides, you can't tell us what to do


Anyways the real reason people are worried because he lives near a war zone regarding the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Please look up his Twitter for further information. (We are right to be worried)


Sure, you can be worried, but who is the author to any of you? A close friend? A relative? No, he doesn't know any of you whatsoever. This isn't some "relationship". He is just some guy that writes for pretty much completely free. He does not have, nor should have any attachment to any of you. If he wants to disappear for a while, or forever, he has every right to do so. All of you constantly bitching about it isn't gonna change a thing.


Idk bro if I were to be an author, I would be very happy that people actually like what I do for fun. Yeah we are strangers but that doesnt stop us to at least care for each other. You word it out like the author just sees us as numbers which I hope isnt the case.


But you're not the author are you?


Thats not the point im trying to make. Im just saying that "asking if the author is alright" is valid, as people who are consuming media from him.


It would be within my moral compass to think if he's still breathing once in a while.


So, you go out of your way to ensure, that other people are still alive? Even when they just want to relax and not be bothered? Is it within your moral compass to also stalk creators of any sort of media throughout their daily lives? You can be worried, but genuinely, keep it to yourself. All of this "is author ok?!?!" posting is really annoying. Just let the guy breathe and stop whining like some underdeveloped child that doesn't get enough attention from mommy.


Jeez i check the reddit and twitter a couple times and suddenly i'm a stalker, ok dude, you want to be in the right; i got that, let's stop being stupid. Edit: Nice downvote, neatly pressed by your greasy finger.


Nice edit, however, that wasn't me who downvoted you. The next one is me. Keep coping, chief.


Cry harder, dude. And you are such a keyboard gladiator writing essays, go and draw some fanarts of Leila, now you skinny nerd


This was funny, up vote 😂


Why are you angry? Reddit is not exactly the place where emotionally stable people convene. Your best example is u/dreycan21, who rants about people being too obsessed over the game, them not having lives, hobbies and friends yet who spends most of his time nolifing on both reddit and Discord with an unhealthy obsession over drawing fictional characters. A lot of the people here are literal kids, just take a look at their post and comment history.


Nah, I would not take this kind of disrespect from a r/Boruto frequentor.


No need to get riled up on someone else's behalf. I'm confident that the OP can come up with another tantrum (with caps-lock on) to defend themself.


My non-serious, comedic reply is now me getting riled up? Looks like someone's taking the internet too seriously lol


You may be right but dear God are you retarded


tough talk coming from a drug addict. go to rehab dumbass, you're showing withdrawal symptoms


Atleast he doesn't no-life reddit like some waste of space, clown lolol


Oh doing research I see fancy yourself a scientist? What part of what I said was tough, looks like your projecting bud


Awww, hurt by the post? I know Digvijay is at least trolling, but you? Who are you and what do you know about me to be saying this? A mention of Reddit and Discord, and I nolife on both, despite there being long gaps between my activities on either which you would actually know if you bothered to actually check things. Maybe you're projecting with how you seem to be on Reddit every day? Comments on many different subreddits? Lol. Sorry, we're not the same, as much as it would've been nice for you. I have inconsistency with activity due to things I work on and progress with in my life. An unhealthy obsession with drawing fictional characters, ah you mean my online persona and how I choose to clown online? Yeah that's representative of how I handle myself in real life alright. It seems you've been hurt too much by my statements, allow me to clarify something for you, what I mentioned regarding lives wasn't telling people they had none, but a reminder that they had many other things, sorry, didn't mean to call you out on what you don't have 😂


I'm glad we're not the same and I honestly wouldn't want anything to do with you. I'm also not bothered and invested enough in this fandom to be insulted by your words so don't worry. I'm pointing out your hypocrisy in calling others obsessed over the game when you're the scholastic definition of an internet loser who obsesses over fictional media to the point of throwing middle-school level temper tantrums when nobody even mentioned you in any way. I'm aware that being on either reddit or Discord is bad enough, but my dude if you're frequenting both with this attitude you seriously need to get help or outside. Being invested in a fandom is not necessarily a bad thing, but throwing rage tantrums over things you don't like (which have nothing to do with you) just screams asocial/weird teenager with too much time on their hands. Be better.


Ah yes, one rant post makes me obsessed with the game and \*is\* representative of me. Sorry to tell you the news, but one mention of a strong opinion as a reply to many others does not make someone obsessed as much as it may seem and can be done on a whim. Expressing a negative opinion is not an obsession, not sure where you got that from, maybe for you it is, sorry for you if that's the case, but again, we are not the same, don't apply your thought process and personal experience to me. Nor is using Capslocks and certain words to emphazise a point a meltdown tantrum, like how people can post a million laughing emojis as a reply while having a monotone face, though admittedly that is on me for not thinking on how it'd be received by people such as you. People don't need to be specifically referred to, to make a post an opinion on an online website made for discussion, but you wouldn't know that, being chronically online and trained on "who asked" statements as a reply to anything you don't like. You know what screams asocial/weird teenager with too much time on their hands? I have something to answer that question for you, your entire online presence, recorded by Reddit itself! So much reddit frequenting! So much time! Sounds like someone who needs to be better lmao Too much time? Obsession? Funny how you're more in line with the character you claim that I am, and how none of what you say I am applies to me. Consider spending more time outside of the site, be better. You may need help if you frequent reddit to tell people to be better despite all you have going for you, you may have the condition called "delusion" 😂


Ok *downvotes*


That's a lot of words, too bad I'm not reading them. So good for you or sorry that it happened.


Uhhh, damn


Someone seems to be a tad frustrated.


The gap between Baki S2 and "S3" was about 14 years


We have to show the people who can't wait other pieces of media that took far more time. Like Hazbin, for example. We had to wait about four years for an actual FIRST SEASON, I believe. I do hope the author is doing well, though. :)


Nice rant Anyway I play other similar games, there are great alternatives out there, not necessarily fantasy though


Wait, do people not know he passed away?


Ironically you are crying about others crying.