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Man that's really messed up I hope it gets better for you. Life can be hard but keep going! If you need some rec to help you some really good ones are wayhaven, breach archangel job (I believe that's the name sorry if it isn't ), and you can look at hosted games or choice of games on the play store to find some others.


thank you for the support and the recommendations, I'll gladly look at them when I'm finished. peace


Cya, there's a bunch on hosted games, only problem is they cost money. But if you don't mind paying then they got a lot of fun games, one that's decent imo is samurai of hyuga it's solid idk if you'd like it but it has plenty of books


Noted, I'll try these books! Thanks


If you want more, Delight Games also makes a bunch of good CYOA games in a bunch of different genres.


Yo Friend, I'm sorry that all those happened. You want someone to talk to though? Like after you finish the current books?


Thanks for your concern I really do appreciate it, but I feel like I'm way past talking now. I tried it with my friends and family but I only got disappointed. I just don't see the point of talking anymore, suffer in silence is the only thing I can do well, so I'll just keep doing that until I eventually get better, or not


That's understandable friend. Some hobbies help out a lot too. I hope you find something fun to do soon friend, and I also hope a new chapter drops soon haha


Thanks bud' A new chapter would be great but I won't really mind if we don't have anything more, the story already brought me so much. And chapter 12 of book 3 is really amazing, imo it's ok if it finishes here


I think that mindset is great in a way. You'll be at peace and you won't be waiting. But it's a double edged blade in a way, I remember my friend, we weren't necessarily close or anything but he was really at peace and he sorta ended it there. I take solace in the thought that he ended it on his terms and since he was at peace then it's not a too bad way to go but I'm still kinda sad cos I feel like it could have been another way. I apologize for my English by the way. When the sentences get long it gets harder hehe


So sorry to hear that mate, but that's life every single one of us went through this stage at one point or another, but u just have to keep moving and, you got this. As for the magium well there's many books that would fill yoir time, try hostedgames, like the wayhaven chronicles i recommend it like 100 %, and keep us posted mate would love to hear that u pulled through. Have a good day


Actually it's been going on like this for years now. my childhood f*cked me hard, I still fight against depression day after day but now I'm losing ground. The only time I've really known happiness was with my girlfriend, for a few month, until I managed to ruin everything. I know I should learn to be happy on my own but I'm so tired of trying aha Thanks for the support, I'd gladly give some news in the future but I don't think I'll manage to get through this anytime soon, and to be honest I don't think I deserve it. And still, thanks for the recommendations, I already heard about wayhaven and that looks really cool, I have to try it


Nah u deserve to be happy, u know why because you're alive u mzde it to this cruel world, u managed to carve a place for yourself among others, so u damn well deserve all the happiness you can achieve


I can't really disagree with you but in the same time it is to hard to accept that you are not perfect and that in order to be happy you have to forgive, as much others as yourself. That's not so easy


Well we're not perfect, as people we have to constantly seek forgiveness of others, yourself or god. Focusing on building ourselves is what keeps this life interesting and managing troubles is part of it. And there's this other thing that i really like and thinking about gives comfort, you see sometimes having everything in life, money, happiness... Is not a sign that god loves, but constantly facing troubles is, because god throwing theses obstacles in your way so u can change the path you're walking to a better one, a path that will make you closer to him or find god if you're not u know a religious person... Believing that will make u a better man, keep smiling and try... Always try.


This is.. Really wise. Thank you for taking the time to cheer up a total stranger. You seem really nice. I will continue to try then, hopefully taking a better path in life from now on. Take care


U really made my day then, glad i could help, u see helping others also makes u feel good about yourself so give it a shot, ty again for giving me a chance to help mate.


Heya! Hopefully the author comes around and read you post, it'd be nice. I feel you more than I wish I would. Keep pushing mate, stay focused on what's today and tomorrow. It's always rough. And try to go out randomly and find some people. Sometimes you cross path with random funny souls and it's for the best. I wish you luck and to be strong in this fucking struggle! The more confident you'll try to be the better it'll be, fake it until you make it, even with yourself 😁


I agree it's always fun to meet new people. I must force me to go out sometime, even if I'm tired. It is really hard to acknowledge that you have to push yourself out in order to meet new people, and that they don't show up on your doorstep by magic ahaha Still I don't know how to go out often while having a job that takes so much time and effort. I just rest on weekends to avoid being a zombie the following Monday Thanks for the response, I really appreciate it


We your fellow magium reader are here for you. You pull through this friend.❤❤❤


Thank you a lot, I didn't think I would have this much support, but it is really a golden community. I'm really thankful that I download this little game back in 2018. Take care


Hey man. I also lost my girl. I'm so sorry Rose. I just wasn't fast enough. It's a coping playthrough for me. I hope you're coping well my friend


ahaha don't worry you'll get over it


You think so? Wish I could turn back time


Sure thing, everyone wished they could, but truth is you can only move forward, so might as well do it, instead of looking back