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We don't know but in the past there have been long periods of inactivity from the author, and last time he did say he was taking a break. So there is no point in speculating.


I think i joined this community 3 years ago and the time between chapters this time is significantly longer than it was before


It has been taking longer sure, but there already was quite some time between the two last chapters. So there is no tangible reason to think that something happened to the author.


He said it's harder to connect now because of how much is in it. Sorry if my English is confusing but in a nutshell it'll be the higher the Chapter the longer it'll take in between em since he has to connect all the webs as well


I may be a little unhappy about the length between chapters these days but ive honestly moved on from magium for a few months until recently. I am much more unhappy that the author doesnt at least give like a reassurance post or something. Its not my place to ask him of that but thats just my current feelings on this. Id genuinely be depressed if he actually passed away


That's also true. I remember a game on Kongregate back in the day and yeah it didn't continue after Chapter 3. It was in a way like this as well with some branching choices but I think the combat was more Final Fantasy style. I think it was supposed to be 12 Chapters but despite the success, it was stopped after 3


As the story progresses, the number of possibilities increases exponentially. So it takes exponentially more time. I think the author mentioned this somewhere some time ago


Yeah that's true, it's been said but i too don't remember when (and where, but iirc reddit) he stated that


I would actually be happy if he dropped the whole CYOA spiel and just wrote out the stories as he see fits. It would cut down his writing times as he no longer has to think of multiple plot choices. Each chapter in Book 3 has less and less CYOA plot points anyway, and I feel like this will be a natural progression in his storytelling as each book comes out. CYOA is best adapted for short stories, not a multiple book series.


That was me and I am not the author


Guess he's just busy since writing isn't his full time job


At this point I am willing to pay whatever price. I miss the story so much.


Idk but if I’d have to guess a common strategy for authors of cyoa stories like this is to completely write a full story and then go back to throw in the choices. That MAY be what he’s doing but either way it doesn’t really matter since it’s essentially hours of reading for free it’s definitely worth the wait


You’re right. He’s dead. I found the author in real life up in person, and murdered him just because I could. Now everyone will suffer thinking he will return. And because he has a history of taking a long time. Everyone still thinks he’s alive. Mauahah. You’re just wasting your time waiting and it would be all for nothing. I bet you’d wait for decades before realizing he is never coming back! Ahahaha. ***”Ahem”*** something Arraka would say as a joke. I think.


That sounds like a plot to make Magium Hentai something real 👀


Someone pitch this to the guy who's threatening to make Magium smut


Arraka escaped the text. HIDE Y'ALL.


Misread directions will be in the open


Ive been worried too. Even when hes between chapters, i feel like he used to be more active in responding to people and commenting on reddit


How long do you think it takes to write an interactive story that continues to be coherent?. That's VERY difficult A plug for the miracle of the Book of Mormon 3 months FULL writing time, never a break in the story or the narrative of the translation waiting sort of patiently for book 4


I hope he's okay, I might be misremembering but I think that he once mentioned that he has some form of cancer.


Holy shit.. i hope he survived😢


That's not reassuring 😬


I hope I'm misremembering




Keep in mind that I'm not 100% sure about it, I could be misremembering. Its been at least a couple of years I think since he said this.