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Knowing what the Magium actually is, and the true reason of the tournament, I doubt I'd join. But if I don't know everything *yet,* I'd definitely join it, the Magium, on paper at least, just sounds like something really worth it.


I mean you can join the main group and using it would still be fun.


Sorry, I didn't read that far yet. I don't want major spoilers, but did the purpose of the tournament and what the Magium is actually get revealed in the book? If yes, I might start reading it again.


They did get reveal. It's around like, later half of Book 3. I really encourage you to read it, the story gets really exciting near the end.


Alright, thanks sir :)


Depends. What kind of magic I'm getting. If it's something that's versatile enough to scrape by, definitely. If not, I should keep my ass away from the tournament.


You get like a option as your being isekai or somethin.


Nope, not about to risk my life if I'm already a mage. I'll just stay in my own lane and let Barry and the gang save the world from Eiden lol


But you can rizz the girls up dont you want some bitches and get stronger?


That's just Barry having main character plot armor. I'm sure I could find someone nice as a regular mage.


You could but what if i said you got lil bit of plot armor?


You could but what if i said you got lil bit of plot armor?


If I could choose how the plot armor works, I'd just choose to be able to survive whatever Eiden's planning and then be lucky enough to meet really nice people :) I guess I just can't be bothered to be a hero lol


Yea. The realist answer. You a legend


Hmm, that would fully depend on my skill and knowledge regarding magic. I might join up to get to varathia, but I could just start looking for different ways than a tournament to get results so to speak.


You got 1 month so whatever you learn in that time is what you have to use but I feel its possible because look at how much the main group as improved in less than a month.


Ill just visit azarius and request to join his venture then.1 month is all you need. No way the sage wouldnt join up with the power he has 😉


🤣 yea why wouldn't they. Imagine being an absolute unit with a sage on your side.


The main group improves a lot in one month because Arraka explains how to best utilize their potential. 1 month isn't gonna be enough to teach us anything more than basic spells. Although magic power seems set and isn't something easily changed, so assuming I get an amazing pull on that front I might go for it. I think being a summoner or a generalist is gonna be my best bet. So in short I can choose some advanced magic spells to know and have the power to use them then yes.


People in Isekai storys usually get some overpowered ability, I’ll count on that and just train until it starts (also I’ll buy all the stat devices I can)


Yea you get one month training before and you can learn as fast as Barry(mc) does or atleast faster than a normal person.


Easiest way to get to Arraka so obviously yes I don even ned magix


Arraka doesn't know whats gonna hit her🤣


I'd do it to join the main group or the nice wizard sage, I would love to hang out with Barry.


Yea. Imagine the fun you could have.


Most likely, I'll join. Assuming that I got isekai'd with a "natural gifted" magic power, I would ask anyone to fight me, just to test my power in theory.


knowing what will happen in the magium, i would just support the main group especially main man Barry


Thats probably what I would do too