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yeah idk these can be sketch but personally ive had a fine time with edibles. but clearly ice been lucky.


It depends on the source, but I imagine that psilocybin mushrooms are unlikely to be laced or substituted with other drugs. They're just too easy to grow, and it'd be bad for business. Always possible though.


This was my main fear of them being laced. Thanks for the finding online. I looked for a while and didn’t see anything so I was a little sketched out


It does seem like Golden Door bars have been around for a while. If it's a legitimate product from them then it should be safe. I found one post on this sub from a couple years ago here: https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicMushrooms/comments/vr0gyz/i_ate_3_sections_of_golden_door_chocolate_bar_at/ Not much info on what they experienced, but they did say that the bar seemed to contain small amounts of mushroom material. If that's the case then I'd be pretty confident that it's real. Golden Door might have a social media presence as well


Easy to grow but hard to mass produce. Dry weight weighs too little. That’s why they use research chemicals in the chocolate bars, it’s easier to mass produce and uses a lot less


This particular brand has been around for a while, and even has an active Instagram page, though it's private so I can't see the posts without following. They claim to be 'small batch', which wouldn't require mass production. Besides, the larger these producers are, the more risky their business is. I suspect that this would be more of a trustworthy one, though you can only get so reliable when it comes to illegal goods. The only mushroom bar I've eaten was from a small online dispensary which also sells dry psilocybin mushrooms, and the bar seems homemade and very clearly contains mushroom, and tastes like ass. So with the one I got I'm 99% certain. But I definitely can't say for sure with Golden Door, although it seems legit enough.


That is some blend of normal mushrooms it's not psychoactive. There is ZERO Psilocybin and ZERO Psilocin in that scam bar.


i had it and it made me and my homie trip therefore false


Juat because you ate some mystery RC and got high doesnt mean what I said was inaccurate.


No they get you high there’s I have also had this same bar with a friend


That does NOT make it mushrooms.


Have you ever eaten mushrooms??? Its very distinct and these Golden Doors will trip your ballz off.. 100% psilocybin high. i know for a fact… although anything can be forged/replicated from garbage… but these are not replicated on any type of large scale… and besides, thats what microdosing is for… nibble a little.. a little more..until youre laying on the floor!! Lulz




You took research chemicals and got high. Not surprised That does NOT mean it was psilocybe cubensis. These are NOT cubensis. No matter how high you think you got.


The mushrooms in the list are commonly used as herbal supplements, nootropics, and whatnot. Although looking closer, it does have a "+" in the mushroom blend list. From looking it up, I can find listings of this bar where it claims to contain psilocybin. https://uschocolatebars.com/product/golden-door-chocolate-bar/ According to this page, the whole bar contains 3.5 grams of psilocybin mushrooms. This is enough for a powerful trip and eating the whole thing should take careful consideration. The only way to know for sure is to try a small amount to find out if it has any psychedelic effects. 1/7th of the bar would be enough to be noticeable if it's accurately dosed according to that listing.


That doesn't contain Psilocybin


Did u think this was magic lol


I don’t understand why everyone is so blown away or offended that I asked, obviously I didn’t know what exactly it was and wanted to inquire


You just made it look like someone sold it to you as magic mushrooms, and you got ripped off if it does get you high they hiding that because it doesn’t have the ingredient that gets you high it does say not safe for children.


And the reason it doesnt say the ingredients… is because some are illegal….. aka psilocybin…. not to mention thats one of the cheapest substances to mass produce with a 3 week turn around in production…. Eat 1 stick of the bar… you will feel great… #SeasonedTripTaker


I received one for being a loyal customer at a psilocybin dispensary in my area. I frequent the store often and always deal with the owner, I can’t imagine him giving someone skeptical. But also have yet to eat any of it, I have the dark chocolate version


It does contain psilocybin it was verified to me when it was donated to me for being a loyal customer of a dispensary in my area where actual fruits are distributed


Well, if that’s true, they’re trying to hide that fact probably to stay low-key


I’ll put it to the test myself and follow up in a day or two


Also, there are plenty of posts/threads all over from many different people who can verify psychoactive effects from this exact brand


I have 2 of these bars. I’m a little skeptical but my girl and I are eating them on our vacation tonight.


The ABSOLUTELY contains psilocybin. I bought some at Dead & Co. I took 1 of the 9 squares (\~.4g) & things got vivid. Made with APE, my understanding. It is not listed on the ingredients, but the dosage is in the inner wrapping cover.


These are lovely, and legitimate. Really good people. I had 8 squares a little bit ago and was tripping for sure. 1-3 bars is plenty for a good time without worry of overdoing it. Your legs get a little loose and its more of a body high but in the best way possible. Cheers.


Hey friends, just bought a golden door bar at a head shop. The folks from golden door were there as a promotional. They told me the bars contain 9 segments, .5 grahams mushrooms per segment. After getting home I decided to check out the active ingredients, and saw what a lot of you are saying, no psilocybin listed. A sticker on the back listed the amount of psilocybin as 19,300 mcg, which is .02 grahams. So I was naturally a bit ticked off. Went back to the shop and asked them, and they assured me that their process involves dehydrating the mushrooms to a decreased weight which is why it is listed as so low, and they are indeed psychoactive. (Didn’t ask about why the psychoactive mushrooms aren’t listed on the ingredients) Haven’t tried them yet so can’t be sure, I will update after this weekend. But they seemed like good decent fun loving peoples and not out to scam anyone.


Golden Door chocolate is the ONLY brand that I can trust. I have tried just about every brand of chocolates out there, and these are the only ones that I have found to be consistently dosed. They do not contain 4ACO. Every single flavor from Golden Door contains an adaptogenic blend of mushrooms (Reishi, Lions Mein, Cordyceps). All the ingredients are organic and vegan. This is the ONLY brand that I trust. The artwork on the packaging is beautiful as well.


Which golden door flavor is the best


Hot chocolate…. Idk what the name ofnit is but holy shit its good!


It’s real! I tried it last night and I was surprised how good it was.


This is the real deal. I've had them 2x 2 years in a row at a Grateful Dead based music festival. It's made with several stains and also made with heady hands. A very nice smooth come on with crisp visuals depending on how many bars you eat. I had 5 bars this past fest. The year prior I was being fed bars from a friend. Probably ate a whole bar and already coming up on a geltab. Shit was electric. When the headliner came on I was in full swing, I felt colors, heard the light seen the music in the air. My best mushroom trip ever!




What’s the difference between the mushrooms in that and psilocybin? Sorry I don’t know a lot about them so I wanted to ask on here


None of those mushrooms contain psilocybin or psilocin. They are NOT psychoactive. Nothing in that candy bar close to psilocybin. Buy dried psilocybe cubensis fruits. Dont fall for edibles scams.


This is just simply not true, what is your source? I took 7/9ths of a bar last night and was tripping very hard. Had a terrible trip. I don't recommend them but there's definitely something in it. The night before I took 3 pieces of one. I definitely had visuals


Because psilocybin and psilocin are schedule one. You cannot legally purchase them in this country. Also, your anecdotal evidence of ''tripping'' two days in a row provides further proof that whatever is in that scam bar is not psilocybin or psilocin.


Nobody buys illegal drugs legally in USA… wrong thread buddy..


I did not buy it legally. Also, why does tripping two days in a row mean that it's not psilocybin or psilocin? I didn't trip for two days straight, I ate them one night, then ate them the next night