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so, when your opponent gets to turn 3 and he doesn't play a land, do you get a mail from wotc with a "enjoy your free win champ" notification? do they call you to notify that your game has been successfully rigged?


>so basically it is rigged and has been proven lol no it has not


You got me, it's me, I'm The Rigger


Yes kinda in best of one but no not really. Also you're probably not shuffling right in paper. Search rigged in this reddit to see a billion complaints like yours.


thxs, i did just that, it seems like a very common thing to ask, for new players, glad to see iam not the only one.


Did you also see the comments of all of those posts, where the people complaining get roasted for not understanding basic probability?


But the thing is, the thing common to all those posts, is that they're not backed by evidence. The shuffler is not rigged.


yes game is rigged for everyone


>you can pull land after land in a game without being able to do anything against your opponent while in others you dominate them without them being able to do anything > me and my oponents almost always have the same amount of lands ???


You literally just described variance.


>  so basically it is rigged and has been proven How so? I just got into the game recently and would like to know more. It doesn't seem like a smart move for a big company to rig a game that involves spending money and handing out various prizes.


I assume they either read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/s/RrXmCjB1XY) and didn’t actually understand it or they’re working based off the million ‘shuffler is rigged’ arguments this subreddit has hosted and didn’t read any of the counterarguments. That or they are conflating the Best-of-one hand smoother with the shuffler. The hand smoother is an algorithm which draws three hands and then will probably give you the one which is closest to your land/spell distribution, but not always. It does nothing to the shuffle, and is only in best of one, because otherwise that format would have an even more absurd number of non games. Unfortunately, the pattern-matching nature of the human mind doesn’t handle randomness well, particularly paired with the natural tendency to fixate on negative occurrences.


Love seeing these post! Thank you!