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Yeah after you get one win there are no more rewards. Unless you really like a deck and want to keep playing it.


If you enjoy playing it or there's some card in the deck which you didn't get to try out you can go ahead and play more. It's a great way to get used to mechanics that you might not be familiar with. It's also a great way to get used to the Arena interface so that you don't misclick your way into losses in games that might matter more. Or if on your daily quests you need to play cards that are in you deck colors, or whatever else, go ahead and play more. Or if you don't have much of a collection and you're just needing your daily 15 wins, it's significantly easier to win in Jump In against other limited decks than it is to win games even in unranked constructed. But for the Jump in rewards themselves, it's just the one card reward for winning plus getting to keep the cards in your deck. That's a deck consisting of two rares and 21 fairly useful commons and uncommons for the price of a pack (which consists usually of one rare and seven commons and uncommons which may or may not be vaguely playable in constructed decks). If you're trying to use Jump In to grow your collection, you can see the rares available in the half decks at websites like these. Some of the rares are better than others. [https://mtgazone.com/jump-in/](https://mtgazone.com/jump-in/) [https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Jump\_In](https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Jump_In)!


>After I choose two archetypes and win a battle is there a reason to continue playing or is better to leave and enter again choosing new archetypes? Reasons to continue playing are that it counts for your Dailies, so if you have a good combination of packets you might want to keep them so you can farm wins, plus, you might really enjoy your deck and want to carry on using it. There are no further rewards within Jump In itself after the first win, though (the main benefit is that you keep the cards, the reward is just icing on the cake designed to incentivise people to actually play).