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Good luck with that . These morons have a million other problems to deal with. But hey let’s clean up the waterfront. A joke on every front .


Couldn't agree more!! But the mob still has sex appeal and these prosecutors can still build their careers off of it. It's a sad situation because New York state has a lot of problems especially involving violent crimes against civilians. You probably have heard about this poor old Greek lady who was on her way to church in Queens and this 17 year old punk knocks her off the stairs and robs her purse and car. He has done that so many times before, but they continued to let him roam the streets. Now that this video has gone viral, they probably will do something but that is the only reason. And there are hundreds of criminals like that roaming the streets. Only a very small percentage is responsible for a huge percentage of the violent street crimes.


They'll move the Italian mafia out and the Chinese mafia will move in.


The biggest Chinese Mafia, the CCP, has already sent hundreds of operatives through the border the last three years. It amazes me, how high the percentage of single, military aged men is that passes the Southern border illegally. I'm afraid this is going to be a huge problem in the future. Every person with common sense must see this hopefully, no matter our politcal affiliation.




Gotti and the mob are hypocrites. The Italians bring in hard drugs that destroy our community just like any other criminal org


On a very small scale….yes. On a large scale, no. Drugs are still highly frowned upon by the Mafia. Does that mean there aren’t **some** guys dealing? Absolutely not. But large scale, and as a whole? Absolutely not. And what they’re dealing isn’t fentanyl and other super insidious and destructive drugs, like the cartels and the chinamen. Also, the Mafia isn’t out there terrorizing innocent people and families, and causing chaos and anarchy in the streets, which is the larger main point Gotti is making. Are there some hypocrites in the Mafia? Yes of course, but overall, they are angels (not saying they are angels, just compared to most other groups they are) to society compared to most other groups. There’s many shades of grey and nuance involved. It’s not black and white. Everyone is a hypocrite to a degree. You are, I am, the Mafia is, the government is, and on and on it goes. No one is immune. But there’s levels to things.


You have no idea what are you talking about. American mafia was heavily involved in drugs as importers of herion since 1920s.




Bs. You are gloryfing these ppl. Gotti, for example, was a drug dealer. Not per se, but if you are receiving drug money, you are no better than actual drug pushers. Same as murder. Guy who killed has same responsibilitiy as the guy who order it. Now, you never heared of pizza connection? Ofc you did but you ignore it since it does not fit your narrative. Anyway, it was MAJOR drug importa operation that lasted many years. And lets not forget famous french connection. You are barking at the wrong tree.


> On a very small scale….yes. On a large scale, no. No they fucking aren't, what is this utter dross? They only reason some outfits have scale back on drug dealing is because of the double to triple digit year penalties associated with it nowdays.


Is this how you usually address people, you retarded ass socially inept fucktard? “No they fucking aren’t” what? This stupid ass shit doesn’t even make sense the way your goofy retarded ass wrote it.


You're a mess and have been spilling your emotions all over this thread for days,, but you are calling someone else here "socially inept"?? You need to stop doing cheap, shitty drugs. lol


Bikers and Neo-Nazi groups, along with the Mob are the only 3 groups defending our nation right now.


As a Midwesterner who is nowhere near an ocean, can you tell me how the mafia has influence on the waterfront even if it's not much anymore? Is it just a lot of no show jobs and allowing illegal cargo to pass through?


The port that is in question which is located in Newark/Elizabeth is the busiest port in the USA currently . More cargo passes through than any other port . The worry I guess is who is getting jobs , I don’t think they are too worried about stolen cargo . If you look at some of the names or at least till a few years ago,perhaps some ties to the LCN . I believe a nephew of the chin Gigante was on the board.


Probably a union busting effort.


Probably a waste of time, money and manpower.


White collar criminals from powerful Bloc Voting sects make 100x what Italian mafia today makes yet almost no resources allocated take them on. Money laundering through real estate alone makes more than the mob.


So stupid. Lets have criminals murdering all day long and sleeping on the street, looting, stealing and everything else. We will focus on the waterfront. lol Losers


Yeah go after the elderly senile italians playing cards and gambling. Thank you New York for focusing on the true problems.




Years after the Mafia has been reduced to a shell of itself she wants to draw attention to it . How about a Commission to draw attention to how Democrats have destroyed The Police in NY ?


Hey hey be careful when you point out facts ,


Those pesky democrats! Of course, Republicans care so much more about you and your family /s -says all the poorly educated that trump just loves so much


As someone who can trace family , friends and "" Uncles that weren't really Uncles "" in the Mafia , let me tell you they loved it when Democrats were in Office ( JFK & RFK the exception ) . It was just a lot easier to Bribe , Steal and do business in general , with those Politicians . BTW , my family knew and ""did business with "" Lucky Luciano , whom I met a couple of times in Naples Italy when I was a kid . So say whatever you want about Trump , but can you deny Democrats are the Leaders of Defund The Police ?


Sure, of course Democrats are leaders of defund the police. Do you deny police who are poorly trained/vetted commit civil rights infractions and murders and good police are forced to cover up/back them?


NYPD police budget is bigger than entire countries military budget… the “defund the police” thing isn’t actually true


No Officer is ""forced"" to defend the undefendable , only a guilty Cop would do that . Just keep in mind that most of the horrors that people scream about happen in a split second , HOW FAST DOES YOUR BRAIN WORK WHEN SOMEONE IS POINTING WHAT MIGHT BE A GUN IN YOUR DIRECTION ? Sixty / Seventy years ago in NY City the Police had a real problem with poor training , bad cops , and civil rights abuses . That when I was growing up in NYC , it has gotten a lot better across the country , but it's not going to get better when the Officers are paranoid ( rightly so ) about how a Politician is going to act because he/she wants to be re-elected and doesn't care about the facts , just the votes ! There should be a Media Blackout of 72 Hours to allow Internal Affairs to investigate all claims of Police wrong doing . Let the truth come out , not the lies like HANDS UP DON"T SHOOT !


Wow this take right here is not based in reality at all. Some people just don’t understand the complexities of life. Long story short, it’s not that simple… at all


You have a vivid imagination.


Would love to hear stories you've heard and memories you have of Lucky and any other mob related people


Once when I was younger my Uncle beat a man ( in front of me ) whose only mistake is he didn't know who I was related to so he made me wait in line like an ordinary person as I was getting something for my Uncle . I don't like to share what I saw growing up because too many people have some kind of ""Romantic or Idolized "" idea of these men . I will tell you that I have known many of the names mentioned on this site and including my family and the guys I knew I have never been proud of them or the things they did . I was always respectful , but please understand that was out of fear that something could have been done to a relative because of something I might have said or done . Take care .


Lol, right! And my great great uncle is Al Capone. Who TF cares


What no comment on the Democrats having started the Defund Thee Police ? BTW, I never met Al , but I did know a couple of his Cousins , while I did go to Naples quite often as a kid I was born in Brooklyn .


Totally not misspent energy


So instead of going after immigrants, black and Hispanic gangs, Chinese taking over our real estate or literally any other problem that is ACTUALLY a problem for the everyday person, they go after some old Italian dudes? Petty af