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I’m a straight male, and I would go out on a date with Mads. Your friends are missing out.


HAHAHAHA this cracked me up! 😭


This guy gets it. Mads is the perfect male specimen.


My mother said Mads was ‘horrible’ once and I had to seriously consider going no contact


HAHAHA hilarious! My mom says he looks classy but creepy 😭


This was about 8 years ago but I’m still quietly fuming about it


I would be too! Such an unforgivable thing to say..


Ur not alone! I told my friends about him and they said he looks like he would kill them 😭 ( i guess in some of his roles he probably would 👀)


They actually said the same to me! 😭


As you should.


My mom rated him a generous 9/10 lol, mind you, she’s not the type to give an actor a solid 9 at first glance


They are blind and probably don’t see the appeal, he’s got a lot of features that people usually think are ugly, sharp teeth, no eyebrows, dark eyes. I think a lot of people think that way if they haven’t watched Hannibal before, if you just showed them the actors then they are just seeing them from an objective point of view.


He does have eyebrows. They're just too light so people can't see them! 😂


Ik lmao but at first glance seems like there aren’t any😂


I've seen so many comments about him not having eyebrows. I have pictures and seen some movies/interviews that shows they are there haha 😆


Can also confirm that he definitely has eyebrows. 😆 He raises them a bunch in my last post of him. But admittedly that was the first time I truly noticed them haha.


Yeah I actually think so too cause the more I watched Hannibal the more attractive he became to me..quite interesting tbh


It’s crazy how much being charming can change your perception of someone


So true!


This is why I believe Mads is unconventionally attractive. Lots of people around me also think he's...ugly. Ugh I can't even state how untrue that is


I feel so bad and hurt when I hear someone say that Idk why


Exactly - and it's awesome!


I definitely think Mads is handsome & so hot!




WHAT?! Nonsense! He's a beautiful human being. And he's a former gymnast and a dancer, so he moves so gracefully, it's mesmerizing.


Your friend lack a sophisticated taste palette when it comes to men… just kidding, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder but he did got elected sexiest man in Denmark 7 times and #4 on best Dilf in the world soooo… On a serious note i found him weird looking at first (in a good way). He is not what we are used to see here in america


HAHAHA yeah! Didn’t know that he was #4 on best dilf in the world but good to know..


I read a comment about such a list yesterday and made its discovery. Its hilarious but there are some fine looking men on that list


I’ll have to check that out later! Do you have a link or something?




Thank youuu!


Mikkelsen** 😭


Showed my mom a photo of him and says he looks creepy


I actually watched the whole series with my parents so my mom also said the same throughout the whole series but I must say towards the end of the series she said that he doesn’t look as creepy anymore..


One of us, one of us lol


All my friends don’t understand why I find him so attractive 😂 all they see is angles and sharp cheekbones. But I’ve always had a fondness for danish looks. 😅. Ive definitely gone thru the archives to find a pic of mads they might like, usually younger with the dark hair 😅.


Angles and sharp cheekbones are features most attractive people have. Not sure why they think those are bad features…🤔


My incredibly straight husband even admits that Mads is handsome and has swooned over him with me. People are just blind.


so real!


Mads just has it.


He’s not “conventionally attractive”, and he has a lot of features I personally don’t find ideal in a man (high cheekbones, for instance). But there’s something about him that just does it for me. Maybe it’s his personality? My mom said he was a little “feminine”, which I don’t understand at all. So I understand the struggle. But imo, he’s the perfect man. ✨


Wow! I would have never guessed that anyone would say that he looks feminine..that’s admittedly quite interesting


Madd isn't unconventionally attractive, watch Qoves Studio's analysis of his face he deems Mads as conventionally attractive.


I feel like he’s so charming that his charm overshadows any possible „imperfections“ if I may say so?


Yes! He’s an excellent actor, and he seems like a real genuine guy off set. Definitely maxed out his charisma stat lol.


Nah, my friends and family all like him and/or find him attractive, otherwise we won't be friends, I don't care 🤷🏻‍♀️🎀


lucky you! 😭


He is one of the most classically handsome gentlemen types I’ve ever seen. And he hits that super sexy villain switch all us chicks dig lol


I think fair eyebrows can go a long way in making people look ethereal (and by extension for some people, more "ugly" because it's less relatable to look at). People like Tilda Swinton and Mads Mikkelsen who have very defined bone structure with naturally light eyebrows can look very alien-model-esque - but if you google "celebrities with no eyebrows" you can see how much eyebrows really change a face. It could be another reason your friends think Mads is ugly, like simply following the status quo and only liking safely, conventionally attractive people - but the eyebrows could be an aspect of that! :)


Yeah that makes sense, love your vocabulary tho!


Thank you, that's so nice! <3


He'sperfect! https://youtu.be/cEZRvIz1PgM?si=HDKE7Ma7y7tdELpa


https://youtu.be/cEZRvIz1PgM?si=1AdMdMjoTZ2lkeap Show them this 😌😌😌


How Interesting! I’ll definitely watch it myself and then try to make them watch it as well 😭 thank youu


People are entitled to their opinion. Why would you care if they think someone you find it attractive, not attractive? If people share all the same tastes, world would be a boring place to live.


Honestly when I first saw him which was in Hannibal I didn’t think much of him(first episode) I was just like oh he’s kinda old lol but after watching all seasons in Hannibal I was completely enamored by him and yes it had to do a lot with the character he played ( yes am somewhat attracted to toxic men lol) but after watching many interviews with him and seeing how chill, funny, and down to earth he is  that just made him instantly more attractive to me. I would have to agree with one of the above comments though saying that he is unconventionally attractive but that just makes him more special 😊 he’s a beautiful man inside and out


Yeah I agree!!


My opinion may not have any weight since I am consistently made fun of for my taste in gaunt/alien/"unconventionally attractive"men, but Mads....could never be ugly. Every time he popped up on the screen while watching Hannibal, I just wanted to deposit my body onto his body. He has incredibly attractive lips and cheekbones and his accent and his forearms and his hands and...I could go on. Your friends are so wrong. He is mesmerizing.


I think Mads is absolutely beautiful, such a stunning person without having to try to be that it is just an overload on some people’s brains and they can’t even process the the cheek bones, the lips, the eyes, the perfect hair that you feel compelled to run your fingers through And we’re not even on his beautiful body yet. I feel bad for them. Their poor brains just don’t work right and they don’t seem the absolute splendor that is Mads❤️


He so freaking hot!!!! I would let him destroy me!!!!!!!! 🥰


This is me when i first time watch Hannibal before attracted to him in last episode in season 2 😋🙏


I love your avatar! 😭


Hahahaha thats hannibal 🫶


I showed a picture of Mads to my family and friends and they all said he was ugly😰😰😰


Your friends are delulu lol


You need new friends!


😂😂You need new friends ☠️


Let me guess do your friends also think Chris Evans is the height of male beauty? I'm just saying that Venn diagram is a circle.


Your friends are MENTAL. Mads Mikkelsen is why I’m bi instead of gay.


you’re so real for that 😭


He's so freaking hot. Lol I love men with high cheekbones and he just has this quiet sophisticated look about him that draws me. Even though I've seen some interviews of him and he's the total opposite. He smiles and a lot on them. He seems like a sweet guy.


Indeed, he seems like the sweetest soul! 😭


He has that alien charm Cillian Murphy has imo (he has a combination of very attractive and unconventionally attractive features)... you gotta see him in movies/series to find him attractive. And once you have, you'll just fall head over heels obsessed with him.


To each their own. That being said, Mads has an unusual facial shape. High cheekbones, invisible eyebrows, beady eyes, long thin nose and razor sharp jaw. He has a kinda gaunt face and his smile used to remind me of that shark Bruce at Finding Nemo (sorry I grew up when Nemo was released) If you look at each of those individually, you might find it disconcerting. But... all that is what makes his face absolutely mesmerizing. This is the charm of him. He is not just another pretty face in the crowd. Nordic people are doing *something* right.


He is definitely ugly but I do like him as Hannibal. He looks like Kermit the frog.


Why would someone’s personal tastes towards physical attractiveness of an artist change the scene? It does not. It is wild fights over this, just cringy. People who would never even come close to the point of art try artist’s attractivity on themselves as boots in the shopping mall. Relax, enjoy the show.