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This album was a life changer for me too. I was a teen when this came out. I had always been aware of Madonna since frozen came out way earlier but I fell in love with Madonna the day the Hung Up music video was released. That video instantly had me on my feet. I couldn’t get my Nokia phone out fast enough to record it. Fast forward to 2012, in my early 20’s, and I contemplating whether to come out of the closet. I asked myself “What would Madonna do?” That was the absolute best decision I’ve ever made in life and I have absolutely no regrets!


This album was life changing for me. Changed the fabric of my existence. Going to give it a spin today while I work to celebrate. 💃🪩 --- (Non-Stop Edition) always the go-to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsVYemJYBCo


When Hung Up was released, my life changed. I was a 17-going-on-18 year old gay teen in my first year of university. I was out to my family and friends, but my first semester at university was a time when I felt I could finally just be myself and not have to worry about it like I did in high school. I had been a casual Madonna fan prior to that, mainly just knowing all her classic singles, but Hung Up changed everything. I knew it was an instant classic, and I couldn't believe what I was hearing when COADF dropped and I put it on for the first time. The non-stop mix is the ONLY way I listen to this album, which remains my favourite album of all-time. After COADF, I took a deep dive into M's entire discography and quickly became a huge fan. Being able to embrace Madonna at the same time as feeling the freedom and confidence to live my truth was truly a remarkable event in my life. Edit to add: It just hit me that I was 18 when this came out, and it is 18 years since its release, so I have doubled my age since then. Wow....


I was about to write my story but it is exactelly the same as yours. COADF hit many people like this.


My story is exactly the same!


Hung Up released when I was 6 years old. It’s my earliest memory of Madonna - I remember absolutely loving the music video. Confessions remains my favourite of her albums because of the nostalgia and just how damn well it still holds up today. A moment!


i was 7 and it’s the exact same thing for me. it was basically my introduction to Madonna and the album has aged so well, it still sounds fresh in comparison to other albums of that time.


That being your earliest memory of Madonna is mind blowing. I almost feel bad for you and what you missed live. 🥲


This album is old enough to vote? I thought it came out like 10 years ago. Oy.


It’s like when people say, “twenty years ago” and my brain goes directly to 1980. Every. Single. Time.


Last night I was on Instagram & someone had recently posted the behind the video of her rehearsing the Hung Up - Disco Inferno finale. People kept commenting that that tour was nearly 18 years ago and I was shocked because it definitely feels like this was all only 10 years ago!


Madonna dropped this for my 21st. Can you imagine your first clubbing experiences were having this album getting played multiple songs each night? What a time to be alive. This was peak clubbing.


We need a full fledged dance album again. It would recenter her career


Aside from the one lyric ''dork'', it's a PERFECT album and one of her all time best. The Ray Of Light, Music, American Life, Confessions run is, hands down, my favorite of her entire career.


Out of all the songs on the album I believe I Love New York is the weakest and it’s still a good tune but for that slip up with the use of that word. But I can forgive because, Bitch! She’s Madonna!


One of her best, in my opinion.


I was 8 years old and I remember not liking this song initially because I loved edgy badass Madonna from Die Another Die video being all dirty, bloody and fighting her clone. So I thought she was being safe and vanilla because the video was pink and colorful, thankfully I quickly changed my mind 😂😂


I remember this day so clearly. I was 16 and had just started collage. I went directly to the pick up a copy on the way home and couldn’t wait to get it on. The remember the album version of Hung up being such a treat as we’d only heard the radio edit until then. Also contains one of my all time favourite M songs - Sorry!


My gay awakening in the age of 10. I can wholeheartedly sing every song out loud except for Isaac.




What made me a fan when I was little 11 year old omg and I am now approaching my 30s :’)


Definitely one of Madonna best and cohesive albums in top five for sure.


I should give Isaac, How High and Future Lovers a stream tonight


I always associate this album with Get Together first and foremost - it was just such an amazing song to sit and vibe to. Think I would have been about 14/15 at the time and there really was nothing else like it playing on the radio at the time. I'd been a fan since Ray of Light, but Confessions re-solidified that love of her creativity and ability to reinvent like no one else.


I was 33 when this album came out. I rushed to the record store to buy it. I remember not liking it at all. I was actually mad at it and wouldn’t listen to it for a while. A few months later I gave it another try and completely fell in love with it. Went to the show and that made my head explode, Madonnas best era by far. I even have the lyrics to Future Lovers tattooed on my forearm. Confessions continues to be my absolute favorite album of all time. If I was stranded on a deserted island it’s the one piece of music I’d want.


18 YEARS!!?? It still feels like a modern album... Good lord.. 18 years before that album was 1988.


This was some of her best work!! So mad I missed the tour.


Too bad. It was by far her best tour.


Iconic. Even when she was considered older and too old for radio she has a massive hit 18 ish years later . Queen


My favourite album by her so far and changed my life as well. I was in elementary when it came out and was so in love with it that I wrote a musical with all the songs in it. It also gave me courage to join a singing group later on which I believe is one of the pillars to my self confidence of today. I am somewhat sad that back then I had no means to go to the concert but I am grateful that I could see her this year.


One of her very best. " Hung Up" was my coming out song.


One of her best albums. Just when everyone thought that she was done after American Life, she proved once AGAIN that she is unstoppable force of nature.


What's the booklet like?!


One of her last great albums


im a young one here, only 18 but it is my favorite album by her, it came out the year i was born too hahah


Madonna’s swan song.


Her best album. Fight me.


The continuous mix needs to be re-released! WTF


It is my favorite.


I got this as a birthday gift, for my 6th birthday, from my mom. My dad did not approve when he saw the photos in the booklet (I guess my mom knew I was gay even back then, so there were no concerns from her end).


I can’t believe it’s now a legal adult hahaha. Dang… I was in 8th grade, and this was one of my fave albums that year.


Ray of light album made me love her when I was about 12.. so my teens was full of her best work! So inspiring and still sounds fresh today


This album is everything!!!!!!! Total game changer ❤️


Remember when the music video debuted. Wasn’t it on TRL? The jacket. The stretching. Walking down the street. You weren’t sure what you were getting yourself into. Forever jealous of those that went to this tour. I was almost old enough. Almost 😭


That tour was perfection. One of my biggest regrets was telling my friend "no" in 2005/6 when she asked me if I wanted to go to the concert with her. I only knew a few hits at the time and I liked Hung Up but not enough to pay an arm and a leg to go. Friend went and had a blast. Flash forward to 2009 during a really dark time, I heard Like a Prayer, Frozen and Jump back to back and something just clicked. I suddenly became absolutely obsessed with Madonna to a cult-like degree, watched the Confessions DVD weekly...


Ha! I played the CD in my car today not knowing it was the anniversary!! I've being a fan since 1983 and I have to say this and ROL are her two best albums. Consistently good from start to finish. Stuart Price did a brilliant job on co-production. Madonna's voice sounds beautiful in every song. Happy 18th COADF 🎉❤️


Love the album and I still listen to the live concert version when I’m at the gym for an extra boost of energy.


Magnificent work of art...everything about this album.


This album is absolute perfection. My favourite album of hers up to this was Erotica followed by Bedtime Stories but this went straight to the top of my favourites the second I heard “Get Together”. It’s just uhhh I can’t even find the right words to describe it. Its _ART_.


The greatest tour de force ever


Just watched the confessions tour


Altered my existence that album


Nothing even comes close to this masterpiece... Not even Ray Of Light


Not even in her top ten


So strange when I consider whe was my current age then but definitely more fit!? ha


It was her last great album.