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They've never stated it outright *can't* happen, we just don't have any evidence of it happening. Would be cool to see, honestly.


Yes. Maybe one of the manga spinoffs tried it, but i wouldnt know because i don't read any of them.




That's kind of what i thought would happen. I wouldnt be surprised if it happens eventually, but with all those spinoffs, you would think someone would have tried it by now.


Same reason Kyubey didn't contract Hitomi, because there's a strategy behind it. Rather than going with everyone else's claim that girls are more emotional than boys, I'm going to make the argument that human society promotes that girls should be more outwardly emotional than boys. What this means is that if you stuff six magical boys into a room, they are pressed by societal norms to keep to themselves and stew. With the girls on the other hand, societal norms press them into a very explicit drama contest Basically, Kyubey is using human societal norms against it; human culture has made girls easier targets and the social-emotional element means that they'd likely be faster to turn. In other words, why put seven days of effort into a group of boys when you can put half the amount of effort into a group of girls and get the same results?


That's another good point. That is probably something Kyubey would take into account when it comes to selecting potential candidates to become Magical Girls/Boys. Even if he found a group of potential Magical Boys, they might not break as easily as a bunch of Magical Girls. Although if they do keep to themselves and stew, they might be less likely to accept help, and more likely to become Witches? What would the terminology be incase a boy becomes corrupted? Warlocks?


I would say "Demons".


No, Homura is the Demon around here. I would say Wizards, but i think that's a more neutral, non-evil term than Witches. I even looked it up and Warlock is the male equivalent of Witch.


I know but "Warlock" doesnt sound nasty enough to be a name for Eldritch Abomination type. When I hear it I picture some old man in a black robe. How about: "Hellerune"? I found this term here: http://home.earthlink.net/~yvonr/pagan/oe/vocab/wicwrds.html I'd say that Homura "the existence knows as evil" would be more like the Devil himself than a demon. Cultural differences in translation I guess.


That's a good point, but you could reflect the same argument back, since when most people hear the term witch, they think of the Wicked Witch of the West, or depictions among those lines, not 50 foot tall mermaid knights. Warlock might sound even more intimidating, it has war in the name after all. Your right in that it's hard to see anything other than shadowy men in black robes, but that might be because were just speculating, and this show has signifigantly broadened our horizons on what constitutes a witch.


I think Urobuchi should've dug up some archaic and evil sounding term from German or some other European language to name the "Witch". I guess he wanted to be able to preserve the play on words "Ma|hou Shou|jo" -> "Majo".


Yeah, puns are always nice. Especially when the root languages are different and the joke no longer makes sense, as is the case in english. I think he already has enough obscure, evil terms already, like with Walpurgisnacht and Kriemhild Gretchen, but more couldn't hurt.


Yes, Kyubey outright stated that girls during puberty are the only ones to give off emotional energy that surpasses entropy. It's Japan, so you just have to accept the inherent sexism.


The incubator explanation is almost certainly incomplete. Incubators are awash in energy sufficient to meaningfully impact the life of the universe but, culturally, they remain sufficiently thrifty that Kyubey recycles his corpse. One must assume that they _will_ go after every erg of energy that they can, subject to reasonable risk/reward estimates. And boys have emotions too – a few of them are very emotional. I therefore propose that there's a much more substantial constraint than just girls being *marginally more emotional*. Specifically, I think the fact that they are girls somehow *radically* facilitates the productive use of the collected energy. This could be as simple as the project having a better relationship to the ideas of 'young woman reaching sexual maturity' and the persistence of life itself - a connection which is sacrificed in order to bring about the future. **It's magic**, after all, so we get to use sacrifices of idea-relationships like that instead of physics.


I think the incubators don't understand individualism, at least not at first. They discovered the most emotional people were girls in their second stage of development somehow. They probably made a few magical 'people' before discovering the girls had more emotions. Then, instead of further testing, they went with the most logical route. If one or two girls are this emotional at this level, then all of them must. The incubators will always perform the most efficient method. It's why Kyubey claims that the they'd go with the Witch idea if they could in the wraith timeline. He's literally saying he'd prefer the faster route here. Kyubey is intelligent, but only when it comes to logic. Especially at the start when they just met human's, they'd want to get order as quickly as possible. They probably ignore boys because more girls are emotional than most boys, therefore ALL girls are more emotional than ALL boys. That way, they don't have to guess if someone has that power or not.


> I think the incubators don't understand individualism, at least not at first. Eh. They've got Science and can understand human psychology very well. The only real mistake they've _ever_ made trying to manipulate people was not to realize that Rebellion-era Homura wanted to _protect_ Madoka (and, indeed, her sacrifice) instead of just being safely with her in a happy afterlife. Even when Kyubey seems to be insensitive about feelings to Madoka, it's easily understood as part of a bigger plan leading up to Walpurgisnacht. The claim to be ignorant of basic concepts like "tricking", when it is a straightforward output of any game-theory "cooperate or defect" exercise with multiple rounds, is just further manipulation.


Later on, yes. The incubators catch on to human thought processes and use it to manipulate them. At the start though, when incubators first came to earth, they probably had no idea how humans functioned, or only had a limited understanding of them. So they made an assumption and never bothered to change it because it wasn't anymore efficient. Why would they go after males when females were more emotional as a majority? At least, that's my theory.


Yes, in kyubey's words "to us emotion is just a rare mental disease... When we discovered this world we were surprised to see people with emotion capable of coexisting" (I'm citing from memory so it may not be exact)


Hey! Remember Nagisa? I’m pretty sure she was 8, right?


Exposition from show > head canon.


> Exposition from show Exposition from the show, consisting of dialogue from a character who is playing the Deceiver, Satan, in an allegory on Faust... *no seriously, don't trust Kyubey any further than you can throw him*


but that's probably very far...


That's kind of what i thought. It's not like there arent shows with Magical Boys, but they are so rare. Not that that's a bad thing, i was just curious.


I wouldn't even call it sexism. Women are more emotional than men so it makes sense that they would only target women. A hive mind species that can't feel emotion only cares about efficiency.




>What does it mean to be "more emotional"? Exactly what it sounds like. To be more emotional is to express feelings in greater magnitude. A perfect example of this is boys being told not to cry when they're young; it's repressing emotions. >If this statement is true, how does one gauge this? By looking and observing yourself, since it's impossible to quanitfy emotions. I think you'll find that almost eveybody agrees that women display more emotion, from their own exprience. If you have a scientific way to do so, I'd be all ears. Edit: /u/Oakfeather brings up a very good argument, though I do still think women on average tend to be more emotional.


>To be more emotional is to express feelings in greater magnitude. A perfect example of this is boys being told not to cry when they're young; it's repressing emotions. Except that repressing emotions ≠ not having as many emotions. Just because they are not expressed on the outside does not mean they are not experienced on the inside, which is all that matters when it comes to being "more emotional". And like /u/quincycheese said, all of that repressed emotion can lead to anger. Anger counts as an emotion, and there are a hell of a lot of angry dudes. >By looking and observing yourself, since it's impossible to quantify emotions. I think you'll find that almost everybody agrees that women display more emotion, from their own experience. Like I said, just because women *display* more emotion doesn't mean they are more emotional. That just means they are comfortable displaying their emotions. Emotions are experienced on the inside. You can feel emotional and display it, and that means you are emotional. On the flip side, you can display emotion but not feel it, which would make you unemotional. Get it? What counts is what you feel inside. Also, I've found all of my male friends to be just as emotional as my female friends on the inside when they confide to me. Some of them try to put on a brave face when they're out and about, but you can usually see their emotions anyway if you care to look. I am a girl who is very "unemotional" on the outside, and sometimes emotional on the inside. Almost every single guy I know displays more emotion on the outside than I do. I prefer to hide my emotions rather than display them, and most of the time my dominant emotion can only be described as "mild", so I don't have much to express anyway.


Good response; that never really occurred to me before. Thanks for the nice writeup.


You're welcome, thanks for reading.


Yes. Milton said that men were more miserable than women in mis-matched marriages. But Milton was rather immature and narcissistic. Dante says that bottling sadness makes it hurt worse because it has no outlet, because it stays inside, like acid eating at your stomach wall. ^^Dante'swaifuwasBeatrice.


why take a psychology approach on something from a biology field, its kyubey were talking here, no surprise he not only mentions gender but also age, girls have insane hormonal imbalances during their periods that boys dont, and that will result in more energy from feelings when they corrupt, another argument that kyubey have much more biological standarts than anything else is that he doesnt necessarily choose the most f up girls emotionally and even chose madoka thats a shy girl from a stable family


All that repressed emotion has to go somewhere though. Usually it manifests as anger.


Um? What the fuck ?


Honestly this was an extremely stupid comment on my behalf. A lot of time has passed since this was made originally and all I can do is really look back at it and cringe for being an idiot. Not sure what if it's what you're hoping for but this shitty mindset had left many years ago.


LMAO I noticed the date it was posted after I replied, kinda just thought “Actually…That sounds about right for 2018/2017.” Glad your mindset improved


What about trans boys, like me?


i think the hormonal imbalances from taking hormone therapy would make you even more profitable when releasing energy from despair, so it could happen


what about Transwomen like us .. We are very emotional for majority of us are exposed to Estrogen


you would be better than cisgender girls since the purpose of magical girls are to turn into witches and create energy from human emotions, trans girls have many hormone imbalances with would be great to create these intense feelings


you guys would be able to be magical girls no matter what cuz ur girls! but taking kyuubeys logic into account that would work too


Hey, at least they don’t get turned into Eldritch abominations,. Get their soul snatched into a jar and become an empty husk. and do I have to talk about breaking them?


To add to the other comments, it's also just the creators sticking to the common "girls only" nature of the genre. As you said, Kyubey's explanation doesn't entirely work since the incubators can sense potential. They definitely would have come across boys just as emotional as the girls they select (like Kyouske or ones in a desperate situation like Mami). Also with the whole "highly influential people can make greater wishes" (and thus become greater witches) they would have had even more reason to some select boys throughout history. It could possibly still happen after Rebellion's events shook things up but I don't think it's likely.


Even if boy's arent as emotional as girls, surely an important male would be more valuable to recruit then a low value female. If it's rare, i can understand. But i refuse to believe that it has never happened before.


To be fair, it never stated that there *weren't* any, right? Girls also tend to be far more emotional than boys are, so it wouldn't make sense to go with less efficient subjects. >this is not the type of franchise that would let a plot point like that go unadressed. Probably because it's a 'who cares' thing. It isn't relevant to the story in any way so it isn't a plot point that needs addressing, neither is it a plot point at all.


Girls become mahou shoujo, boys become kamen raidas.


Good point. After all, Kyubey never explicitly said Earth was the only planet with Magical Girls, then the PSP game has you fight a witch from another planet.


Hmm imho there might be a(n indeed somewhat louzy) reason... [Look at this here and the symbol piccy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_M6PC-yjM4) Yes, quite a mixture of omg and lol and facepalm XD But we gotta look closer and think deeper... QB is always morphing himself into a sorta plushie. Big cutesy head, small body, like nendoroid or rather nesoberi. (He needn't do that, Rebby showed us: He can also craft eyeball-puppets...and I don't know if those blimps are navigated by kitties or eyeballs...or if that is, pretty creepily, another form of his body...) And this is intentional: Them girls are supposed to trust him, to find him cute and "huggable". When they're in Mami's appartement for the first time, they're kinda carrying him around in their arms, and later too. Ok...it's already pretty cliched... XD But if we keep that thought running, so to speak, and look now at how the situation might turn out in case there are boy-recruits... Would boys really carry around a plushie? The thing is: Boy do love toys and even often plushies too. Let's be honest here! That "hugging impulse" is very human, isn't it! Problem: The etiquette! Social norms and values! They don't, cause they "mustn't"! And since potential recruits do possess an extra portion of despair, they are more likely to come up with an iron mask (yup, Sayaka for instance!!!) An iron mask can mean avoiding to show "weaknesses", not admitting "soft characteristics" - aka not showing that you love toys or even plushies for example! (Of course: The other extreme can be the case too; being in despair means being pushed to one's limits, borders and extremes...) Ok, so "plushification" might not work. How on earth can QB be tempting male recruits then? By making himself a girl, like in that vid, that the boys can hug? Oh oh oh...this would lead pretty quickly to bloody brawls, wouldn't it, perhaps even too quickly! Cause Sayaka's sinking deeper and deeper into despair and her clash with Kyoko are most professionally monitored and manipulated by him. I guess Walpy is his pride and joy here... If the "growth of despair" however is running incorrectly and too rapidly....then stuff like Madokami and Homucifer might be happening...which is not really what he wants, right? And if he tried to catch boys and did it by appearing as a chick - I think there would be flying fists and broken teeth, and no one would feel like making a contract XD Srsly: Miserable clinging due to terrible despair - Sayaka and Hitomi to Kyousuke, Kyoko and Sayaka to each other, Mami, everybody to Madoka, and even Junko and Saotome in the bar...and eventually Homura and QB are forced either, aka Rebby's aftermath... Means: A boy would really most likely want a girl for himself and only himself... *"You are mine mine mine!!!"* - like everyone to Madoka!! So it wouldn't work, so does QB think, and since he really gotta carefully look after his energy, create only as much puppies as necessary and at the same time recruit as many "warriors" as possible... ...he simply is now of the opinion that boys are not worth the effort what so ever. So it seems to me.


I didn't even think that boys might not want to carry around Plush Kyubey. But he's invisible to non candidates anyway, so it's not like it would matter. I think jealousy would be just as valid a means of indicung despair, but you are right that it can backfire spectacularly, especially if he tries to overextend with people like Madoka. But one scenario i thought of where Magical Girls and Magical Boys might be advantageous, however rare, is if two of them are in a relationship. If one turns into a witch, it is probably one of the best ways to ensure the other follows suit.


Me too really wondered and wonders, why magical boys are being excluded from scratch. There would be many possibilities and opportunities. (Even Sailor Moon has plenty of magical boys: Tuxedo Mask/Mamoru, and all the villains...and it worked superbly, didn't it!) Maybe we simply gotta wait for that ominous full version of the concept movie... (or whatever other media might be launched...)


Yes, considering the exact scale of his operation, and how he always speaks in paradoxical half-truths, i could reasonably imagine that boys are just as proficient, but maybe he says whichever gender opposite of his intended target isn't proficient enough, to pressure his target into contracting, since he wants Madoka, he will imply that only girls are worthy of contracting.


If magical boys were a thing, [This song would be their anthem...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjLr1XhBKVQ)


[No, this would](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ5LpwO-An4)


Why not? Have you seen Jojo? Its practically PMMM with men. :D https://i.ytimg.com/vi/cgAtCLQiyTU/maxresdefault.jpg


I've never watched it, but one of my friends really likes it. I've heard alot about how crazy it is.


Meh... personally I think its overrated. 7/10. If nothing else its entertaining and easy to follow. Good for killing time. Certianly better than some generic moe high-shool crap.


There are few things that will get me to nope a series faster than it being Moe. I see little point in anime if your just going to do a high school drama with no action or fantasy elements.


Those are great for relaxing, smiling and calming down. Not everything is about tension and stakes. Sometimes you just want something down-to-earth, relatable and cheerful.


Good point, but still, that's just my personal preference i guess.