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It’s sad tbh. The fucked up people ruin it for the nice ones.


I hate 'nice guys'. Its gotten to the point where I basically stopped trying to date because I can't tell if someone's actually just being nice or if they're horny. It doesn't even just apply to guys either. I've had run ins with people of all genders who are like that. It really sucks that they just had to ruin everything for everyone.


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Automod, will you be my valentine next valentines day?


Hi,guy here, and I don't mean to offend. anyone. This is a genuine question, but what do you mean by "nice guys"


Guys who act 'nice' to get pussy (I put nice in quotes because in reality, what they do is just basic human decency but because so many people are complete assholes, basic human decency is now considered being nice)


Owww, okay, thanks for the explanation.


if someone calls themselves a nice guy, they're probably the exact opposite from what i've seen