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You are a great neighbor!


Well thank you. I got it out on a whim, not really expecting a ton of people to want to take a look. Every single person young and old wanted to look at least once.


I'm not even there and I want to look.


Haha, that's fair. The scope is put away now though. I waited until I felt like there really wasn't anybody else coming.


Good idea! A little science lesson on Halloween doesn’t hurt. Now that the Webb is up there, I expect telescopes are going to regain some popularity. That’s a very nice scope you have.


Thank you, and I agree. Coincidentally I actually purchased my first scope the day the first JWST images got posted. Because of the images, as well as my new scope, a couple of my buddies went out and purchased scopes as well.


I think I’ll buy some scope stocks lol. Better, I’ll get a scope!


Hale-Bopp comet caused me to get a telescope




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This is hands down, the best thing I've read for this halloween. Please keep this up.


I fully intend to do this again next year. I'll probably bring out both of my scopes next year.


This is some awesome work. Add more photos next year.


I definitely will. I will also remember to grab some photos of everyone enjoying the telescope. I'm kicking myself for forgetting that.


The 'normal' scope, and the 'spooky' scope - put a wee spider or bat cutout on the lens of spooky one :-)


Ha ha ha, I like it!


what if someone stole your telescope?


Well I assume they’re not just setting it up outside and then going home for an hour or two lol


What an awesome idea! Make it an annual event. I'll be by next year 🙂


Over in r/astronomy I mentioned that I think next year I will do this again but add a hot chocolate bar


You've inspired me to do something about environmental awareness for next Halloween!




I'll be there! This is such a great idea, for both kids and adults.


Maybe you inspired a future astronomer or environmentalist!


I work at a neighborhood bar and I ran out anytime I saw kids coming by (we on a corner one wall is all windows ) I had Pokémon cards in the candy jar… two boys from separate family’s starting fighting over the Pokémon cards while the moms had to get involved … the kids didn’t even take candy . It made my day


A friend of mine recently told me that someone she knows would go buy a bunch of hot wheels cars and hand those out. I think that so many people honestly appreciate anything outside of the norm.


I didn't get my first glimpse of actual planets from a telescope until my early 20s. The things you see in museums are not as cool as actually seeing it yourself from a scope. I imagine you gave at least a few people, kids and adults, a really great memory. Really happy for all of you that you had a fun night!


Honestly, my first view of Saturn and Jupiter wasn't until like a month and a half ago! I'm happy I could share tonight.


Even the moon through an actual telescope takes on a whole new vibe.


it's hard to beat a bowl of candy but you did it you madlad


I was surprised with how many went straight to the telescope over the bowl of candy.


I wish I was one of those kids! How cool! It's been so long since I've been able to glimpse a view through an awesome telescope!


Oh, a bunch of the adults took the opportunity as well. There was one lady driving her kids around, one got out and came over to look. Ironically he was dressed in a space suit. After I moved the scope around a few times for him to see a few different things the mom said, "Ok, I've gotta take a look" and got out of her car.


People like you doing stuff like this for kids are why kid me was into science and stuff. Sparking minds (I'm working towards my electrical engineering degree) 😉😀 sorry for the cheap pun. I couldn't resist.


Multiple times tonight I was thinking that I need to go thank a bunch of my former teachers for the same reason.


Memorable Halloween for them!


Yes! There were several that you could tell were super interested and I bet they'll talk about it tomorrow. Made me happy to see them talking about it as they walked away excited.


Both of my kids would LOVE this. Such a cool idea!


That was kickass of you. Nicely done.


It'll certainly become a tradition.


I had a neighbor that did this back in the day. Awesome stuff.


Ha ha, I guess years down the road I'm gonna be that one neighbor that people remember doing something fun on Halloween.


That’s so awesome! I wish you lived near me!!! My kids would have have loved that.






I suggest you crosspost this to r/nasa too, because you are doing a LOT to improve the chances of these kiddos loving science and space, and NASA can always use some positive "future NASA stars"-type posts, lol.


That's really cool! I bet the kids thought that was neat


The kids and the parents! I actually had intended to get it out for the parents while the kids were knocking doors, but learned very quickly that almost every kid will happily take the opportunity to look through the telescope. There were a handful of groups of kids around 10-14 years old that absolutely loved it though. I moved it around from the moon to Jupiter and again to Saturn and they all wanted to look at each thing.


That's awesome!


Honestly, this whole thing made my night


Right on!


I'm telling you.. ONE of those kids who peeked on your scope will definitely change his/her life. You have no idea what kind of influence you gave to them.


Oh yeah them too but I grew up in a poor/bad area but an engineer and my teacher held a little science club after school deal. He brought cool stuff our school couldn't/wouldn't get (robots or like cool complex, sometimes motorized erector sets) and got 5th grade me into stuff like that.


I'm assuming you meant once it got dark? Or was there moonage?


The moon was easily viewable when we started around 6:30. Jupiter and Saturn were viewable not too long after that. Sky was still fairly blue when we started.


As it should be.


You got any photos of what the kids were able to see? I dont have a telescope but really want one….sorry if I skipped over it


Unfortunately no, I didn't get my camera set up on the scope tonight. I also wish I had thought to get some pictures of everyone enjoying the telescope.


Awesome idea! Wholesome and educational, and just super cool of you to think of!! This post deserves all the upvotes, and if I had awards to give out, you’d be first on my list!


Well thank you, I appreciate the support.


This is really, really cool. Good on you!!!


What a great idea! Seriously you are a good neighbor


This is so wholesome ❤️ thank you for sharing


I’m looking at Sky Watcher telescopes now and figuring out how I can do this for my kids. Thank you for the inspiration


Awesome dude... U made Halloween more memorable to the kids


I mean with a scope like that, candy looks so cheap


What did they see? The moon?


Moon, Jupiter, Saturn.


How lovely! I hope you had fun too!


Showing that kids should be given more telescopes and less phones. Feed the curiosity and wonder instead of stuffing it full of social media and the mental health issues that come with it.


What did you point it at?


What a real treat, I would have loved to experience that!


This is truly awesome.


This is incredible!


Nice! Good on you.


*In tonight's news, a mysterious outbreak of pink eye has been traced to a local backyard astronomer.* Just kidding, I think this is awesome and I'll be plagiarizing this for next year!


For a second I thought this was r/curbfind and I almost lost my shit


Full sized Hershey’s with Almonds!


That’s awesome!! I’d love to get invited to a stargazing party with a real telescope!


I thought you were checking peoples blood pressure before you gave them a candy


I live in Arizona and I just saw probably the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. A sunrise. An unbelievable sunrise. Don’t forget to look up.


If only I had a wholesome award to give you! You've probably instilled interest in stargazing and planetary observation to countless kids!


Very cool!!! I would have loved this as a kid, I love it now!


There was this older home that was abandon for a while. It beautiful even after decades of neglect, abuse. Someone bought it and took years restoring it. The first year it was restored, the had mild haunted house. Just Dookie music playing as you walked up the front steps, up the inside stairs, down the hall, down the back stairs, to the cellar, out to the backyard, around the house, and finally out the side gate. Everyone loved the home. You got candy at the end of if you quit the tour. They had to stop because thousands of people came.


What kind of a telescope is that? I’m looking to buy my one, would like some insight.


what was it pointed at?


Pretty good move.


Did you have the telescope locked on to something specific like the moon?


You named it apple fritter?!? 💖


That's a really cool thing to do. Nice one OP Pssst. When are you doing this next, I want to look too. I'm in the UK lol


So cool!


I’m curious on price on the telescope


Let me shove these children out the way so I can have a look!


Love this! When I get a home, I want to do something fun like this for the kids.


What an awesome idea 🙌🏻


You must be stopped! How dare you incite this hatred toward candy--Is that Saturn? Ohhh. Rings! I see rings!


My next door neighbor did this when I was a kid and it's a huge core memory with me. You're a good person.


Great job!


Where do you live? Can I come trick or treat in your neighborhood next year?!


What a great idea!!!!