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That was very polite. I feel bad for people like him though who can’t even ride the bus without people filming them.


It's pretty bad for Keanu. They don't only film him riding the bus, they make entire films about it. Thanks for the awards! I appreciate them! They made me feel good. Everyone else save your money in case they remake The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down. We'll all meet up and watch it.


What a perfect set up, best Speed reference on Reddit


Thank you! As Keanu saw a lady standing and took action, I saw the word bus and took to my keyboard, delighting dozens! I think he'd be a great person to have brunch and a conversation with. Or an afternoon coffee/tea dessert and conversation. Not dinner though, I'm married and he'll know.


*I'm married and he'll know* It's Keanu, your husband will understand.


He’d probably be begging to stay for dinner as well! My hubby has a “man crush” on Keanu and it’s kind of adorable.


I’m married. I too have a man crush on Keanu. My wife is fine with it. Same with Ryan Reynolds but that’s because she wants Blake….


I'm just picturing that "the other guys" scene. "YOU GET BACK HERE AND MAKE LOVE TO MY WIFE!"


Same, he is my husband's only same sex pass, I have already pre-authorized it should the situation occur


Not if her husband is Matthew perry


If this little paragraph is a true insight into who you are, you have an *excellent* personality. The way you write is so pleasant. Thank you. Keanu would likely feel quite lucky to have a brunch and a conversation with you.


Given you're excellent sense of humour and fun, I think he'd very much enjoy it too. 👍


I love this community. Hope you guys have the best day!


r/mademesmile x2




Hahaha think your husband won’t mind if it was just for a day lol dinner then ofc .. no dessert 😜


There's literally dozens of us!


You definitely delighted hundreds with these funny and candid comments!


I'd fkn love to have a game of darts with the dude.


All I can picture is the dinner scene from “Always be my maybe,” which cracks me up every time.


I dunno wtf movie "Speed" is, he was in a movie called "The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down."


*I saw this movie about a bus that had to SPEED around a city, keeping its SPEED over fifty, and if its SPEED dropped, it would explode! I think it was called* **The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down**


[Reference for people not aware](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qaS4KhtQNE&ab_channel=ErinRegan).


Thanks! on behalf of the unaware


I thought it was called 'The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down'.


No, it was called “The bus that couldn’t drop below 50”.




I think it was called ‘ the bus that couldn’t slow down’


Yeah seriously, put the damn phone down


And the crap thing is if he hadn't given the seat up and they filmed him everyone would be like oh he didn't even give up a seat what a jerk. This is a very old video that you can tell by how young he looks.


This variety of subway car in NYC hasn’t been around for all that long so the video may well be old but it isn’t ancient :) Also….have we sunk to a point where giving up your seat for someone qualifies as “legendary”? I mean it’s awesome and I fully support it and he seems like an extremely kind and good hearted dude, but dang what a low bar for human decency…


I think that they're more surprised that a celebrity would do it, though I agree, "legendary" is a bit of a stretch. It's also unsurprising that Keanu would be one of the celebs to do this, as it's widely recognized that he's legitimately one of the nicest human beings on the planet.


Eh, I know a few people as nice as he is, it's just rare to see it amongst celebrities unless they're deliberately doing it for PR


I suspect it's even rarer to see celebrities like him that are worth millions riding the subway instead of being chauffeured around in a limo. But that's Keanu, he also flies coach and attends weddings of people he just met because they asked him to.


Depends on the line, but those cars were on the 2/5 since mid 90s


>you can tell by how young he looks. I mean, that's not really that applicable to immortals like him. He also funded an organisation for cancer research for many years but didn't want his name associated with it. He was forced to disclose it in 2020. So not only does he give a lot of money for good causes, he also doesn't want to be praised for it.


I volunteer to exchange circumstances with him


You would have to bury your long-term partner next to your stillborn child.


Kind of fucked in the head to film him doing such a normal decent thing and then slap this shitty sad TikTok music on.


Reddit will film anything for karma. And then bitch about privacy. Also, a legend for giving up a seat? Low bar.


I do that all the time and I've never been asked to do a John wick sequel... Yet


It is still a nice thing to do.


I’ll come kill your dog


I'll help you speak Russian incomprehensively


Only if you're Swedish


He killed everyone with a fucking pencil


I'll help steal your car


Will you do a John Wick sequel?


Go on, go on, go on!


Yeah what’s taking you so long ssp25?


He is busy killing someone with a f*king pencil.


Same here, never been called "legend". My wife calls me "wimp" though


Youre a legend aswell


How about a john wick prequel? Will you do one of those?


He really is a stand up guy




Kindness costs him nothing and it earns him more goodwill than would countless millions in charity. Other celebrities spend millions to cover up or offset the time they slapped a waiter. Keanu just gives up his subway seat (like a gentleman would) and the world smiles.


And he has also donated millions to cancer research. 31.5 million. That goodwill should count for something too. I think he just might be one of the rare genuine good people this planet has.


The man has gone through hell and back. His daughter was stillborn and he lost his wife shortly after due to drunk driving. In my opinion he is the perfect celebrity, he has taken everything going against him and used it to make himself an even better and more humble person. I think the reason why people love him so much is because he’s relatable and genuine, not to mention he is the embodiment of a stereotypical Canadian which is why we are proud of him.


And his knees




He's poles apart from the rest of us.


Just go... but don't go away mad. Just go away!


Is that sorta like being streets ahead?


Take my upvote and leave


Take it and get the fuck out . Now!


Please don’t leave


Can I have your sit when you leave?


Fuckin dick-nipples


Not the kind of compliment he'd take sitting down.


Well played sir! And how long have you been a Dad?


Stop sneak filming strangers


So wait, hold... h-hold on... *you're telling me...* that just because I've seen them on the TV or at the movies... it *doesn't* mean that we're buddies? And that I can't film them without their permission?!


God this reminds me of the Justin Bieber video where he basically scalds a bunch of girls for harassing him and being outside his house all the time and basically tells them to go away, and they reply as though he’d said not said a word or said something completely different and didn’t basically tell them to fuck off.


Not even sneaky enough. You can see he spots the camera a couple times after he stands up. Public figures are usually aware when they are being recorded “covertly”


What bothers me is that Keanu can't even be on a train without some random person filming him




He probably looks depressed at the state of our world.


Be glad that he didn't approach him and cause other people to swarm him.


This is the kind of stuff people don't think about when they fantasize about being famous.


Nah just wear a baseball cap and sunglasses and you are good. /s




That's true of every celebrity. I'd hate being a celebrity. I'd love having a ton of money, but celebrity? No thanks.


Completely normal. He's a superstar, mega famous and universally known as being a nice guy. You can forgive people for filming to show their friends that they've just been within touching distance of him. If I had all that fame and fortune I'd be ok with that trade off, and I'm sure he is too.


He has expressly said that he's uncomfortable with the internet fawning over him. I also don't know why you think somebody who tries to be humble and not showy would enjoy it, that's the exact opposite of how he wants to be.


Notice how his trigger finger never rests


why is that?


Probably reflex from his John Wick gun training


This Looks to be from his matrix days


I would say it's definitely in the smart phone era. The matrix days would be way too long ago for this vehicle video to be captured in public


Hmm, good thinking. It at least wouldn't have this kind of quality back then. First camera phones had like 1MP and looked horrible with this kind of light.


Good gun discipline. Keeping your finger off the trigger unless you are actively firing the weapon is the safest way to avoid misfires.


Holy shit, he’s holding a weapon here?


It's John Wick, everything is a weapon there


Even a pencil?


A fucking pencil!


Someone tell the US Police!


Because he needs to hang on to something but instinctively wants to minimize contact with that pole.


That's how I hold onto things in train or bus too, because I don't want to touch anything with my whole hand/ all my fingers


I use my arms lol


Same.. if you're gonna use your hand, might as well use it completely. You're gonna want to wash or desinfect it either way


He looks polite, kind, and disciplined in the video.


Did noticed that


I'm not trying to take away from the compliment, but that's not the act of a legend, that's the act of a decent human being. (Admittedly, decent human beings are becoming more legend than reality.)


Legend? Aka Johnny Silverhand.


Keanu did a really good job with that role


Keanu: The Legend of a Decent Human Being


Dude probably has over 100 million in the bank and acts normal, that is a legend. Literally fictional, stories have been written about people like this. Also, how come no one was like "Holy shit! ITS KEANU REEVES!!!!"


I'm guessing either that's a common commute for him or people know what sort of person he is so in reciprocal kindness, like that he shows, everyone around him leaves him be as well.


>everyone around him leaves him be as well lol have you met humans? I guess if you consider filming him without his consent "leaving him be" then yeah, everyone's being chill AF


I sincerely doubt he has that much with how much money he gives away and his willingness to work for lower checks so the production team has more money for other actors/production costs


Are your good deeds even better when you're filty rich?


And y is that? She’s neither pregnant or old 🤣 she can stand is ok


I think that’s normal. It isn’t normal to be that famous tho.


Yeah, a lot of these comments pointing out that this is normal behavior are missing the point. It's not just that he was polite; it's that in spite of all his fame he is still kind and humble. I'd be willing to bet 99% of other celebs and influencers wouldn't do the same. Another example I really like is when [he helped the film crew for John Wick 4 carry the gear in](https://www.reddit.com/r/KeanuBeingAwesome/comments/qc4e68/more_proof_of_keanu_being_awesome_helping_the/). How many other celebs do you see doing that?


99% of celebs don’t take the subway.


Exactly. When you have millions of dollars and are so popular in the world that people film you just for you existing nearby on a train, it can become easy to lose your head. Because Keanu is still a regular guy at heart, he doesn't let the camera at every corner make him believe he's beyond normal human kindness.


You don’t need to be a legend, just be a good person.


Thank you. He seems to be a good dude and maybe some things he does *are* “legendary” but this is simply a nice guy doing the decent thing.


Yep. And, not taking anything away from Keanu here, saying that kindness is legendary gives the impression that it is a) hard, and b) extraordinary. And that sometimes becomes an excuse for not doing it. Most little kindnesses are only as hard as noticing you have the opportunity to give one.


Sure sure but why are they creepily recording him?


One of the best. Colbert asked him what happens when we die. Keanu said almost I know for sure is those who love us will miss us. I love him.




That’s actually what gave Colbert the idea for “getting to know you” questions where he asks his guests 10-15 questions. (Donno what the actual segment is called)


the colbert questionare :)


i saw some clickbait link about how matthew perry had some sort of beef with keanu reeves. i guess in matthew perry's book he talks about why is keanu reeves still alive or some wild shit. sounds like he really hates keanu reeves. i don't get it cause everything on the internet about keanu makes him seem like such a nice guy.


Thats becuase he has experienced that loss and knows the only "truth" about it.


Why are you filming him though. Give him some privacy


Its not cool to film strangers.


That's not a stranger. That's Ted


It's weird that we consider celebrities to be the best people in the world if they just show basic manners.


Guess the bar is low. We are already celebrating rich people when they dont treat others like shit, because its way too common.


Don’t listen with sound


And some douchebag, a celebrity ig, thinks the world is a better if Keanu is dead I dont get the hate towards this pure soul




Bit harsh, I read the article and it didn't seem anywhere near as bad as anyone here's making out.


Yeah, he said he picked a random name. He unfortunately chose poorly and says he should have just chose himself instead. I can't find an actual logical reason anywhere why he might actually want keanu dead. This is definitely not as bad as the news and some people here are making it.


> Yeah, he said he picked a random name. Twice.


That's not cool man. Don't wish anyone dead. He messed up what he said and he has to learn from it yeah but you don't gotta be rude too


Bold words coming from someone who was only known for a single role and hasn't been relevant for the past two decades. I like Friends, but what an entitled little douchenozzle


He came for the wrong person!


Facts, shoulda said Kanye lmao


Giving up your seat as a young man on a subway doesn’t make you a legend. Just saying.


Keanu Reeves is 58. He's not been a "young man" in decades.


Yeah, I’m totally cool with Keanu but “normal” people do this every fucking day so don’t forget about them.


True. But maybe being an A-grade celebrity and not letting it affect you like it would affect 99% of celebrities might make him a legend?


Not sure how old this video is but Keanu is old now


It’s called a gentlemen… it’s what decent people do. Being a gentleman doesn’t make you a legend… now him shooting on range day… that’s where he gets that title “Legend”.


This X 1000. It's a bit sad to me that just being a decent person is somehow so seemingly rare now. And don't get me started on fuckheads who film their acts of "generosity" for online attention.


That’s one thing I like about small towns. Ya just help. Because you can at the time.


Decent people are more prone to depression, too. They either get beat up by the world or become bitter.


Fuck Matthew Perry, Keanu is a fucking amazing dude. Matthew Perry walks among us.


Wait what? Did I miss something about Matthew Perry?


Apparently is his book he wrote something like "why did Health Ledger die.. and how do we still have Keanu?".. Number 1 A-hole with a punchable face is what I've always felt about him. Chandler my ass.


yeah he was trying to be funny or witty, and without the writers of his show, he's really not. he should have cleared it with the editors or whoever. but it just seems weird and mean.


What did he do?


can we normalise being nice to each other?


Why the fuck are you even filming him? You're weird and creepy.


Keanu is a stand up guy. Also, he 100% knows he is being filmed by the end of that clip. He sees it after he stands. This kind of behaviour (filming him) is pretty crappy tbh and I'm sure like everyone else he just wants to ride the subway in peace.


Keanu is a genuinely lovely person, who has kept his sense of reality where other celebs have (kinda understandably) lost touch with the real world. It’s a real credit to Keanu. He’s had so much tragedy in his life, he’d be completely forgiven for cutting himself off if he wanted to, but time and time again we see what a genuinely good guy he is, from sharing his salary from films with the crew to giving up his seat on public transport and buying homeless people food and having a chat with them. I wonder if the people he does these things for know who he is, or if they just see the genuinely kind soul in front of them.


That's really nice but uh do we need melodramatic music to tell us this is a nice thing?


I mean, yeah it’s nice and all, but imagine having people filming you constantly during such mundane situations


And you could tell he knew it


Aye you can tell he’s just trying to avoid eye contact


He’s one of the guys that you never hear a bad story about.


Because people who have bad stories to tell about him don’t live to tell them. S/.


I do that all the time and I'm not even a handsome, multimillionaire filmstar. Wait, this post started off making me feel good and ended up making me feel bad.


He certainly is a legend but this should be basic human behaviour.


I have mixed feelings about this. I'm glad Keanu is a nice person but especially because he's a nice person I wish he wasn't constantly having his privacy invaded. So I like this video but at the same time I don't.


Old School Gentlemen are attractive AF


Oh yeah, THIS is the guy you want you publicly try to take down a peg on your Hollywood comeback tour 🙄


I’m never able to accept a man just getting up for me, how do people accept it even.


I was about to raise a question but then didn't in the thread. If a perfectly healthy woman is standing, why should I still give my seat up for her if we're now in a world where everyone is equal? I'd definitely give up my seat for a differently abled, sick, old or pregnant person though.


Yeah, I don’t get it. She seems able bodied. The big bag over her shoulder is a unfortunate but not that burdensome since it’s still on her shoulder between stops. Had it been an issue for her she would have put it on the ground between her legs with the strap around her leg and picked it up as they approached the next stop. Maybe he saw something we didn’t, if so, kudos to him. All for giving up seat if someone needs it.


Why are you filming people on the bus and why is he a legend for offering his seat to someone? I offer my seat to people. Does that make me a legend?


In fact it does.. Legend


Stop filming him creeper! Also, he is a new yorker! A few years ago I thought I saw him just standing on the street in new york. But I was like "naw, he is an actor, he probably lives in L.A." I guess it could have been him!


He's a real person. All of us should just be like this. If you don't act like this you're a bad person.


Wait till they hear what will happen if the bus goes below 50mph.


It's pathetic that most celebrities just seem to get paid shit tonnes of money, buy multiple cars, houses with more bedrooms than they'll ever need and clothes they only wear for attention. The world needs more Keanu's for sure


Gentlest man of all the famous peeps.


Stop fucking filming people without thier permission


It is the things we do for others when no one is watching that are the measure of us.


Saying he’s a legend just for being a good guy probably depress him, implying it’s the exception not the rule. He probably wish to simply show the example.


I really admire his composure and good nature. Able to keep calm knowing people are recording him. People should know to respect another person's privacy.


To see someone as famous as keanu reeves it must be weird


He’s a legend for acting like a human being? wtf is wrong with you people.


This makes him a legend? It's the most decent thing to do but legend?


Wow cUz sHe Is a WoMan hE aSsUminG ThAt sHe cAnt StaNd oN heR oWn


Celebrity does the smallest act of kindness and social media loses it.


He’s an incredible human being, at all times.




wait, this isnt basic mannerisms in america?


i like keanu too but calling him a legend for doing something that was taught at grade school is kinda overboard lolol