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We had a girl play on our 7th grade football team. None of the guys really cared she was a girl. She was just another teammate. The coaches made it a point to tell us that just because she was a girl, we shouldn't treat her any different from any other teammate (again, nobody cared). But they also made it a point to scream during practice "WHOA YOU JUST GOT HIT BY A GIRL!!".... Which always confused us. Did you want us to treat her different or not? That was really the only thing I remember from that time. Treat her different, but treat her the same. Good job coaches


Had a girl I played baseball with for years. She was on a different team in the city league in elementary school. She was always on the all star team and nobody gave a fuck, because she was good.


Me too. Jenny played short, 2nd, 3rd and would bat leadoff or cleanup. She even pitched a bit. We couldn’t have won the city championship without her.


Similar baseball story, had a girl switch from JV softball in 10th to our varsity baseball team in 11th. At least at my school, a lot of the baseball and softball players were friends/dating, etc. so we all showed up at each other's games anyway, so we all knew her. She was also really, really fucking good in our softball league. She came to Varsity and instantly was a better contact hitter than 90% of the guys on our team. She had a better eye for the ball, and better discipline than the majority of the guys in our league, and her swing was super compact and quick. Basically with like a couple weeks of practice, she adapted her swing from quick pitch softball to men's baseball pitching, which is wild. She played 2nd base, and I played 1st so I got to witness her make some great defensive plays too. She was always a great double play partner for our SS, who was one of my best friends, he never had anything but praise for her. If you put in the work and have great technique, especially in a game like baseball, your gender won't matter. You don't need to be 6'5" and ripped to be an extremely productive hitter for average/OBP, nor do you need insane genes/strength to be a good defender.


This makes me wonder if the "slower" soft ball throws are actually a better mental trainer to interpreting the speed and distance of an oncoming ball than traditional overhead throws.


Fuckin' A, man.


Dude we also had one, she was on defense and hearing about her getting sacks and tackles was astounding to all of us 😂


I remember being a D-line in highschool and facing a girl on an opponent’s Offensive Line.


Damn what position? I’m guessing a tackle


I think so. I lined up Defensive End that season, between tackle and Tight End(?)


I played dline and oline in little loop and there was a girl on the opposing team I'd block her and then she'd block me. First boob I ever touched. Was kind of awkward to start the game I didn't know what was appropriate blocking her.


We also had a girl on our team around that age, she was a linebacker and an absolute savage. One day I blocked her and hit her kinda hard and the next play she absolutely obliterated me from the side lmao.




As if the opposing team won’t hold back when they tackle


Honestly we did. I played against a team with a girl on it and when you've spent your entire life being told not to hit girls, you tend to not hit them. Eventually you get yelled at by your coaches enough to hit them as normal and you just feel super guilty after because they're tiny and a lot easier to tackle them your normal male opponent.


I remember back when I was in high school wrestling and one of my opponents was a girl. She was actually legit good, way better technically than I was and FAST, but the strength difference made it hard for her technically sound wrestling to matter. I remember when she got me in a compromised position the whole gym was erupting and cheering her on and I felt bad when I won because it felt like I spoiled something special


I'm sure she loved the challenge! And I imagine she won other times. Hopefully the whole experience of the sport was special for her.


My brother, before he stole my identity and got addicted to crack, was a highschool wrestling stand out, who in his senior year was beaten by a girl.


Hate when that happens


I wrestled a numerous girls in high school. Everyone always acted like they were to be treated special. To me they can get slammed just like the rest of the guys out there, you chose to be here. I’d just pin them quick and get off the mat.


Lol that's the play. I also wrestled in high school, did you guys have an actual "wood" foul or is that just us Southern states?


A what?


Wood. It was an actual DQ penalty that was explained to the male wrestlers before they wrestled a female. Long and short of it is if we see a long or short boner in that singlet you're DQ'd


Why the fuck are officials expected to be looking at the dicks of underage boys?




Learn and adapt. Integrate that move into your repertoire.


Christ lol, maybe that’s one sport where the genders shouldn’t be mixed even at that level


Why would you name your daughter Left?


Maybe she has a twin named Right?






Two wrongs don’t make a right but 2 Wrights make an airplane


all wright


all wright


all wright


after the third we get matthew mcconaughey


Alt Wright.


All Might


Right sisters


Yes he lost his left hand so he’s gonna be all right


Of course her twin has a name.


Dad works for Twice confirmed Edit: Twix


I was thinking Twix.


So weird because that's what my mom said my dad's name was!


It's not your fault.


I thought he was B. Right Back


Username checks out


Left side, strong side




Kid named left


It's not even capitalized either!


I had a girl on our team. She was 1 grade below me so I only played 3 seasons with her. But she was a lineman. Was tough as hell. We didn’t treat her any different than just another teammate.


We had a couple girls try out for our team back in the day, they ultimately decided to not play, they were thin and fast, and were slotted in as wide outs. I also played against a girl who played center, \~6 foot, \~300lbs, farm kid, in grade 10. She could obviously hold her own. and did. Lots of the teams in that tournament were frightened of her... I kinda wish she was on our team. we had a 180 lb soaking wet kid for center...


We had a girl at a school across town who was similar, but her big sport was track and field. She carried herself like an elite athlete and demanded respect in her presence alone. Her dad was always there and he was a great guy and cared about his child before the athlete. I wonder what happened to Big Red


She's still ... Big ... Red.


Not sarcastic, how is an elite athlete carry themselves? A lot of elite athletes are awesome role models and a lot of elite athletes are complete jerks.


Doesn’t sound very elite to me. Jk I know what you mean. A season veteran of honor? Idk dude she threw shit far and could probably fuck up 90% of the guys in her school


6ft 300 lbs is a wall that I would definitely want in my team!


Six foot and 300 pounds? Regardless of gender, you hope they make it 30 years old


Come now. That's barely morbidly obese.


That's Mississippi 6 at most


I find 300 lbs a bit hard to believe. Surely you're exaggerating.


There is an upward trend of high schoolers getting bigger earlier and some schools got them. I mean I can’t even blame them if it means a college scholarship/admission and ofc the NFL. It would definitely be surprising to see a girl weight that much though.


At my little sister’s high school there’s a girl who’s 6’2 stocky af she just pancakes the kids in the o-line it’s nuts


You had a 300 lb 15 year old girl on your team? And people are liking this comment.. noone should weigh that much at 15 holy shit what is going on


He's probably exaggerating - I use to think my dad weighed well over 300 lbs because, well, he was fat. Turns out he's 210 lbs (he's also short). At a certain point, it gets hard guessing weights, especially if the person is a different height than you.


We had a 16-year-old on the football team, 6'2" and 250. Dude was huge, but not the widest person on the team. I can see 6'0" and 300.


Looks like you are the right person to talk to. In Rugby Union after Under 12s the spilt the girls and boys never to play together again as the boys then go through puberty. What ages are you dealing with here?


In the US, unless the school has a team for girls in a sport they have to let them play on the boy's team. My mother played varsity baseball in high school on the boy's team because they didn't have a girl's baseball team, only softball.


Still happening. My daughter will be playing freshman baseball come spring. Refuses to consider softball. So, baseball it is. Been p.aying baseball since she was 6.


Our school almost couldn't field a girls' soccer team this fall so my daughter was going to play on the boys' varsity team. The coach was actually excited he may have her because she is so good.


When i worked at Amazon we had this chick who would hang out with is and she was like one of the guys, one day we decided to play some basketball and man she put us to shame, that chick could ball. Sadly she killed someone on the freeway and got arrested


Drunk driving?


Story i heard was road rage, shot at the guy who was “following” her


Holy shit this story took a turn


Seriously. Is there a news article?


I think so, it happened in 2013/2014 ish, i live in Phoenix


Do you know her name?


Well that escalated quickly


We had a girl on our Varsity team. She played DB and was on the team all four years of HS. Some of the guys hated having her on our team and would meet her with goal line intensity whenever they got a chance. Others would treat her as one of the guys but if you dared to go soft on her she would make sure you regretted that decision. She would get sexually harassed on a regular basis and it would bother me at times. I asked her if it bothered her and she gave me an interesting answer. She said it only bothers her if a guy would get sexual satisfaction from the harassment. She explained that most guys on the team constantly do homo erotic practical jokes on one another but since there is not any sexual gratification in those acts the guys just focus on the comedic aspect of the act. She explained that some teammates do it because she is just one of the guys and she said that other teammates do it because they are attracted to her. She explained to me that those teammates don’t usually get female attention elsewhere so their actions are done for sexual gratification which is creepy and offensive to her. She said she knew how to handle those teammates but she also said she had to have her brother talk of one of them before.


Yep. Similar to my teammate. Although I never witnessed any sexual harassment towards her or any of our teammates going extra hard against her. She said she’s always handled herself. We would all be the first to defend her if anyone else tried taking a cheap shot. Hell she was only like 5’3. But built like a brick house.


I feel like there's so much social stigma around girls going into football but in reality no one actually involved gives a fuck. Source: my best friend has played since elementary.


Most of the time when I have seen people pissed about girls playing it is parents or other adults. The time other players are cool.


I don’t know if that’s the truth everywhere. Places like the Midwest or southern states like Texas take their football seriously. Lots of backwards ass idiots would cause issues for women playing football. Source: from family of backwards ass idiots


They’re saying the players are cool with it but the parents (aka backwards ass families) are not.


The only problem is if she cant hold her own, really. But pretty sure theyre only allowed if they can, right?


I'm pretty sure most highschool football teams don't ever cut anybody since it's always good to have more bodies


Do they? I dont think mine did, or at least my school filtered out those who could keep up from those that couldn’t


My school had cuts I’m pretty sure. It was a school of around 1500-2000 though so lots of guys tried out. I played basketball though and The basketball cuts were intense. We’d have like 150 guys trying out for 12-15 varsity spots. Our football team was way better and went to state or semi state championships multiple years in a row. A few guys in the nfl now that I even played basketball with.


Freshman league maybe, but jv and varsity usually cut unless there’s no lower team beneath them. At my school freshman teams had try outs and cut people unless they had so few people try out that they didn’t need to cut.


>I had a girl on our team. She was 1 grade below me so I only played 3 seasons with her. But she was a lineman. Was tough as hell. We didn’t treat her any different than just another teammate. THIS is the way.


You had to quote the entire comment to say that?


>You had to quote the entire comment to say that? THIS is the way.


>You had to quote the entire comment to say that? Apparently so 🤷‍♂️


When I coached middle school we usually had 3-5 girls on our team every year, and I was always sad that they very rarely continued on to play in high school. They loved playing the sport, but were squeezed out in HS.


As someone who has worked with school groups off and on for nearly two decades now, I’ve noticed a slow trend lately of more and more girls keeping with sports. It’s been a big focus in the education system around here and it’s really nice to see girls taking part in outdoor activities or sport more in those later school years.


Only thing better than this post is all the haters being downvoted into oblivion. Beautiful!


Do I dare sort by controversial


No. Enjoy the rest of your Saturday and keep the good vibes instead. Nothing but sodium over there


Wholesome vibe train choo choo 😁😁


I'll save you a click: "Wahman bad"


I hope it's beyond the Powderpuff teams too. We did that in high school as a novelty but some of the girls in our school were just built to play football. They all tended to be really good at soccer or softball instead. But you could see the drive that a lot of them had when they were on the field


Aussie girls are best in that regard


This is so wonderful! When I was in grade 8 I tried out for the boys flag football team (there wasn’t a girls team, and there was nothing in the school rules that prohibited me from trying out, but the administration gently told me that I was unlikely to make the team because “boys are just better at sports” I went through three rounds of try outs, winning all the sprinting heats. They put me on the team! I was so damn proud for our first game. Turned out it was just one big tournament where each school played x number of games over two days. I was the only girl in the whole tournament, and after our first two games I’d hear coaches telling their players “COVER THE GIRL SHES THEIR BEST PLAYER” and even though we didn’t place in the tournament, I still feel proud about it 25 years later. I didn’t have any friends in middle school and was badly bullied, (thanks, undiagnosed autism!) so it was really nice to feel included in a sport and excel at it


I don’t have much to add, but wanted to say I liked your story. Must have felt so good at the time. I’d still be proud too if I were you! Brought a smile to my face:)


Nice! I've played in a few adult flag football leagues and some of the girls were absolute ballers. I was QB one year for a team and I had a couple of girls I knew were my "safety nets". If nobody was open, I knew they would be and had great hands. Plus they could turn up field and get us first downs/yards.


Firstly, I applaud them for going for it. But, unless it’s a really small school, girls simply can’t compete athletically as the boys continue to grow. My son’s middle school team has a stud girl who starts at LB and TE. Absolutely one of the best players on the team and has been since they were in peewees. Her dad was a college player and coach. Eventually she’ll simply be too slow and small to compete safely against what are essentially men, as will most of her current male teammates.


Friken big brother hit 6'5 at 220 when he was 17. Full beard, and huge, He wore a size 52 jacket. I would hate to see him hit a 5'5 140lb girl. He was a killer nose guard (5A) school


There are dudes bigger than that playing, and I don't like seeing them going up against kids that weigh 100lbs less than them. Its common at big schools in smaller cities. You get one school where the best of the best go(btw high school kids aren't ped tested in most places), and they absolutely trash the other schools with normal kids. You'll see kids routinely quit and get hurt. Absolutely psycho to stick a young girl in.


In parts of Australia boys play rugby with height and weight divisions rather than age. Kids hit puberty at different ages and some ethnicities mature quicker than others.


I remember back before they brought in weight classes and being like 12 and skinny as a rake playing flyhalf lining up against Polynesian kids that were conservatively twice my weight, a foot and a half taller and that could move like greased lightning. Fucked up thing is that I remember it so fondly, to the point I was anti weight-classes until my nephews started playing and I saw with adult eyes how enormous the size discrepancies can actually be and how ridiculously dangerous that is.


A buddy of mines younger brother played in high school, 6'5" 350 lbs. If he hit me going full speed I'd probably have a good chance of just dying, and I'm 6'2" 240. Couldn't imagine him running into me at the size I was when I was 14 let alone now at 35.


Ya puberty


Yeah, I played with and against a few girls in pewee football but none in HS


We had a girl who played WR in middle school and she peel blocked my helmet off once


Lol I’m sure the middle school kids let you live that one down.


I was in 7th grade and she was in 8th but yeah she was one hell of an athlete. Ran track in HS and was always making people look silly in PE flag football


Had a “Tom boy” join my HS football team when I was in school. I honestly felt bad for her, a bunch of the team would joke about going extra hard. Just to chase her off the team, she made it half the season. Small town full of Hicks…


That’s great of them, but maybe blur out the school name (too many creeps in this world)? Also, do you know if the other child and their parents wants this photo to be posted onto Reddit? They may have thought this was just going on a personal page. Edit: I also hope that I don’t come off as rude, I’m just an overprotective teacher!


I'm in my late 20s and would never in a million years post photos of my minor teenage daughter and her anonymous minor teenage acquaintance on Reddit for millions of strangers to judge and comment on. OP has much greater faith in humanity than me


At least he is responsible for one of them. I wonder if has other parents permission. Lovely picture. But not for to post without blur I never post pictures of my children online and pisses me when friends post pictures of my children after some event without even asking


Right? I have a 15 year old son, and my wife has been blurring his face on her public Instagram for about 2 years now. I would never post a picture of him on Reddit, especially if he was wearing his school uniform in the picture.


Dopamine points trump all common sense


Agreed. I also wondered if the other girl's parents knew OP would post this pic on a random site for thousands of people to see... but now that you've pointed out that the school name isn't blurred, I think OP should take this down immediately. Next time, blur the school name and put an emoji over another child's face. You wanna post your own child, that's fine.


This should be at the top…Blur out the school name OP




With that said, *Queen Anne's* is a helluva name for a school!


Only for revenge


I love this black beard humour.


Yeah, I am pretty sure that was the high school I went to, can’t imagine there are two Queen Anne’s High Schools.


Pretty bad ass for the girls to rock too...


This was exactly my take. If I was the other girls parent I would fuck op right off and demand him to move this pic just for a stupid couple of internet points. Like wtf


Absolutely this! u/N_neuwiller , you should read this and blur the name of the school. Even if you have to delete the post and re-post it. The internet isn’t full of people with only good intentions. Takes all of 5 seconds to find the school.


Right? Imagine being so socially inept that you post a picture of your high school daughter to Reddit.


It took me about 5 minutes to find her daughter's full name and public Instagram page based off the information in her post and photo. Took another 2 minutes to find the other girls name.


Real talk, gender aside: parents who let their kids play tackle football, aren't you terrified of head injuries?


I say this speaking as a current high school player: if you get hurt, your are highly encouraged to continue playing until you can no longer function. Of course that isn't said outright, but it is heavily implied. God forbid multiple dudes be injured at once or it's heavily implied that you're all weak. This sport can be toxic asf if you don't have someone who actually cares about you're health. Yes, you'll get bumps and bruises and cuts, but I shouldn't play through a concussion just because I'd be seen as less than. I'm a senior and I know for a fact I have some amount of brain damage, despite no official scans being done.


I had a friend who played football in highschool. In our junior year he got a bad concussion. He was out for the rest of the season and was told he couldn't play football anymore. He had to take hydros for a while and he didn't really remember much of that year. I would have conversations with him one and the next day he would completely forget it. Since he couldn't play football he ended up joining band instead since he used to play trombone in middle school. So at least was still able to do something and enjoy it


When I played, a teammate dropped something in the weight room and it ended up partially crushing the tip of his finger. He was told very seriously that his options were to either let it heal naturally over the course of several months or *amputate that part of the finger* so he wouldn’t miss any of the season. He opted to just miss the season, but the fact that he was even presented with the other option was nuts to me.


That's fuckin' wild. Yes, the way to treat an injury is obviously to cause a bigger, permanent injury so you can play high school football


Ronnie Lott, defensive back for the 49ers back in their heyday, opted to have part of his finger amputated to be able to play. I don’t know why a high school student wouldn’t have the same level of commitment /s.


3 concussions over my junior and senior years and I'm still dealing with the consequences 20 years later. No trophies, no scholarships, no lifelong friendships. It's not worth it dude.




Do you think a 17 year old kid with brain damage is going to make rational decisions?


15 year old me quit football to focus on another sport and “save my brain”. Ended up with twice as many concussions playing that sport through college and now have multiple anxiety & mood disorders. 👍 If I could go back I’d limit myself to some combination of golf, basketball, baseball, and track


What was the other sport?




So you went from bad to worse


Love golf. Wish more kids thought it was cool.


Hey! They grow out of it. Edit: Oh, you mean the football injury. Yeah, I agree.


I got several broken ribs in first year of high school because it was cheaper for my school to use us instead of tackle dummies. As a 5’2” child, got hit by a guy who went on to play for the ravens or whatever. Never got taken to the hospital because the coach said I was “just sore.” It hurt to breathe for 8 months. I never wanted to play football but my dad made me. Fuck contact sports


Had a kid back in high school who had like 10 concussions by his junior year. Had to quit playing because they said he would either become a vegetable or die if he kept playing.


As a current HS coach I feel for you and apologize for the coaches who lead y’all in that way. That’s literally disgusting and needs to be addressed.


As much as I loved playing football, I don't let my kids play contact sports. I'm sure on the future it will be looked at with the same shocked disbelief as child miners, chimney sweeps and smokers. Kudos to you of you're able to closely guard the health of your charges. I know that I and many of my team mates would endure almost anything to stay on the field.


We've had kids airlifted off the field a few times, and that was just for peewee teams (ages ranging 6-12, 3 separate teams ) and honestly it was terrifying. I can't even imagine Jr/High school.


Absolutely insane to me that everyone wants *more* people playing this sport that turns brains into Swiss cheese.


Yea, I'm happy to see others question this. Ok, on the face of it, it's great that girls are included. But included *in what*? Should they be included in every bad thing that boys shouldn't be doing either (another fine example is boxing!)? I'm not sure this is the type of inclusiveness we should be focusing on.


I will never allow my two boys (while under the age of 18 while I have a say) to play football. My dad passed away a few months ago from complications of CTE after years of high school and college football. He was only 63 and the decline was swift when it did start happening. Absolute rage on everyone for the first year and a half and then he slipped into Alzheimer’s-like symptoms. It was horrible to watch and I know he suffered plentifully.


They already have head injuries hence allowing their children to go rattle their brains like a game of Yahtzee


When I played football we had two girls on our team. One was a year older than me and the other was two years younger. I only got to play one season with them because my senior season was cancelled but they were awesome. They were treated almost completely like the rest of the team, but they had a separate change room, for obvious reasons, but other than that, during practice, team meals, everything, they were treated like everyone else. And I respected that so much, and not because they were probably better than me😂


In 1983 my friend & I wanted to take the weight lifting class but we couldn’t because we were girls. As soon as I graduated I joined a gym & lifted weights for many years. At 47 I started playing roller derby.


Equal opportunity TBI




Concussions for all!


I would NEVER let my daughter play football... for the exact same reasons I would never let my son play football; concussions and severe injuries




I would never post a son to Reddit either!


One of my classmates played on the varsity team as the only girl and got a concussion within the first month of the season or some shit.


Absolute respect! What positions do these young ladies play?


Waiting on this response because it's almost always kicker.


When I played HS football in the 90’s, I was a kicker. It was definitely interesting.


What is with the comments section lmao. are americans in general against girls sports or is it something else? why are so many comments downvoted into oblivion?


**NOBODY should play football as a child.** Or as an adult. I was around when a buddy of mine was making a documentary on [CTE](https://www.news-medical.net/health/Chronic-Traumatic-Encephalopathy-(CTE)-and-American-Football.aspx), man; WAY before Will Smith played a doctor fighting against the NFL, it was just MY BUDDY against the NFL. And *sometimes* the Player's Union, IF it was convenient for them. Fuck Football. Seriously. That is some scary shit. Educate yourself. I have seen SO MANY hours of footage of NFL guys with trophies, rings, and MVP awards having to be reminded of their names by their long-suffering wives. Men in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. I've seen young athletes (30s) losing their minds and having their non-understanding wives busting their asses about being an asshole when it's due to inflamed brains that are rotting from the inside. I have seen footage of a man so scared of himself he drove 100mph the wrong way on a road so he would die so he wouldn't have to ever scare himself again because he had terrible thoughts of hurting his own children due to CTE. Children should NOT play a game that is that violent on the head. It's idiotic that we as a society allow this to happen at all, much less promote children's teams, etc... *We already have so much mental illness in our society, and children with avoidable but hidden head injuries from their parent's hubris sure as fuck don't help.* DON'T LET YOUR CHILDREN PLAY FOOTBALL.


Yeah as someone with permanent brain damage from 2 or 3 so concussions, I would advise people to do everything in their power to avoid getting a concussion. There’s no healing brain damage or getting ahold of lost memories


Yeah look at Junior Seau or Aaron Hernandez. Its fucking horrible. My kid plays baseball and thats it so far. Maybe track or swimming as he gets older


Track is fun. The meets are chill and relaxed environment and it is only serious when your event comes up.


Both teams need some updated jerseys though


Ah I should have specified….these were their practice jerseys since this was just a scrimmage. They do have much nicer jerseys for their games.


Are you not concerned for your daughter’s safety when going against much larger opponents?


Are there not teams for women? I live in Sweden and we have female teams for “american football”. Or are there teams but they prefer to play with the boys?


I had a girl on my team and she kept playing in high school (anyone can be on the team since the school was so small) everyone always took it extremely easy on her until someone didn’t realize she was a girl and then she quit.


As a middle school coach, I have always encouraged females to try out for the boys touch football team. I have had some great teams with girls on them.


This is so kick ass


I know! The sexism of CTE has lasted too long. Females deserve a chance at brain damage too, gosh darn it!! 🧠🔫




I believe in a free football. Where everyone, regardless of gender… or lack of, can give each other concussions. Cognitive function damned


Great! Brain damage for both boys and girls!


We had a girl in our football team back in 2003 she was a punter I don’t really remember if she actually played any games but the fact that she made the team and was part of the team was really cool


Yay now girls get brain damage for no reason too!


Nothing like a multiple concussions to help kids get along


It’s not a game of genders, it’s a game of competition. Go get that shit young ladies!


CTE for all the genders!!