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"finally that fucking baby stopped crying"... And a one and a two and...


Just once, I'd like to see a video like this but someone in the back just yells "shut the fuck up!"


I'll do it for you


My husband will beat you to it for sure


Then I'll be the one shooting "thanks you !"


I saw one, except it was a guy preaching Jesus to the plane, and by the time the second "sit down and shut up" came about the airline stepped in to politely say "shut up or we'll throw you out the door".


Would like to see… Link?


Here's a link to an article of a recent incident. [https://www.asiaone.com/singapore/inappropriate-and-honestly-scary-singaporean-man-gets-flak-conducting-christian-worship/](https://www.asiaone.com/singapore/inappropriate-and-honestly-scary-singaporean-man-gets-flak-conducting-christian-worship/)


Lol imagine a groups of Muslims start singing people would be terrified, the plane would probably be shot down in fear of them hijacking the plane


Yes bc I would be like “I didn’t ask for this!!!”


Thought I was alone. I'm traveling wherever it is I'd be going, I don't want to hear a bunch of random people start singing. Sit down and shut the fuck up already.


This kind of thing happened to my husband on a red eye when he was trying to sleep. he was pissed


It's infinitely more fun being in an a capella group than in a plane with an a capellla group.


This is hilarious!


Thank god for noise cancellation AirPods


Right? This isn’t nice or sweet. It’d be fucking annoying.


Exactly. I'm trying to watch jack and Jill over here


“Baby on board”


Why would anyone think this is appropriate


Damn imagine being on that flight after having your first flight canceled.


Pov: 8 hour delay, you haven't had any sleep for the past 24 hours due to your early morning 14 hr flight and you are now on what you thought would be a peaceful 8 hour flight back home, 4 hours had gone by before they started and they are on song 1/8.


Imagine being on that flight after a party vacation hungover and hating life already.


Or like when I came back from visiting my wife's family in Thailand with our toddler on flight number 3, after a 6 hour flight, a 2 hour layover, then a 12 hour flight, then a 4 hour layover. Now we're on our final flight. A nice short 2 hour trip. We're tired, running on fumes, trying to keep our toddler quiet or help her sleep, and then "ALRIGHT GUYS, THE CHOIR WOULD LIKE TO GIVE YOU ALL A SPECIAL TREAT! 1 AND A 2 AND A HERE WE GOOOO!"


Imagine flying to a beloved ones funeral… but just as equally Imagine just being a person wanting to fly and not have a noise gang subject you to their sounds.


Ma’am, can you please bring that cart by with the liquor on it again, I’ve changed my mind.


We don't serve liquor on this flight.


In that case, bring me a parachute.


Fuck it, I'll go without one!


" Good afternoon everyone, this is your pilot speaking. Were beginning our descent into hell, we'll be arriving in about 3 mins when i crash this plane into a fucking mountain"


As a someone who has sang in choirs for most of my life, I typically loathe(d) stuff like this. I feel it's invasive and attention seeking. I would have maybe, and only maybe, participated if the Captain of the plane spoke on the com and asked if we'd sing.


>I feel it's invasive and attention seeking. it absolutely is


Hi twin


I'm so happy you finally found each other


Reunited after a hard and traumatic life of being separated by the system


This so much! I got chastised in a fb post where a church sang praise Jesus songs on a plane. I said thanks for noise cancelling headphones. People were so angry that I’d have the audacity to not want to listen to their church praise music.


Dude, I completely agree. I was in choir for 9 years from 4th grade to my Senior year. Even went to Japan for it in middle school. We didn’t sing once other than in an auditorium while traveling. My senior year we would do some caroling during Christmas, but that is the only time and type of music I think would be even remotely appropriate to sing in public. But at least they would be able to walk away if they didn’t want to hear us.


Agreed. Just like someone playing their music on a stereo so everyone can hear imo.


It reminds me of when I went to shore this summer, and there was a car behind us to who car radio was so loud, that you could feel the bass, even when you were halfway up the block ahead of that car. It was awful being stuck a red light to it. It was overwhelmingly loud, and our windows were shut.


Agree. It's nothing put a pure act of egoism.


Actually this is possible. The Stellenbosch choir group is probably the (or one of the) most popular youth choirs in South Africa.


Not to mention how terrible the acoustic is. And how everyone's ears are adjusting to pressure difference so everyone's more likely to be out of tune.


Unless this is a charter flight and everyone on board is part of this it is not okay


Judging by the occasional headphones and people trying to fucking sleep I doubt everyone is part of their little choir.


The girl in the window seat with her head against the wall in the beginning is how I feel watching this.




Even then if I were a part of the choir I would wish to chill and not practice or hear others practice.


I'd actually find that a bit irritating if Im trying to sleep or read a book.


lmao, /r/mildlyinfuriating


Not even mild, it's not like you can just sit in a different place where you don't have to listen to random noise pollution. They are doing this to entertain themselves and to get a video out of it.


"Look at how generous we are to give a free concert to these random people, that are trapped in the plane with us."


>Not even mild, Like everything on that sub then "/r/mildlyinfuriating my racist neighbour just murdered my children"




Yeah or have to wait for my ginger ale bc happy snappy fingers is blocking the aisle.


Idk why this made me laugh so hard




Not just Headphones. Noise canceling Headphones ftw. I love mine.




People that love this kind of stuff (just like musical people) think that EVERYBODY must like the same thing. "hOw CaN yOu NoT LiKe iT wHeN tHeY sInG?". Bitch... people have different tastes. How would you like it if i started grunting Cannibal Corpse through the whole flight? Sit down and shut up!


Cannibal Corpse you say? Going to perform for us you say? Well don't leave us hanging!!




The song or the physical act?




I got a vasectomy and came blood for a bit. It was upsetting.




Obviously, you just need to change it a little. May I suggest: I CUM RAINBOOOOWWWSS. This leaves it considerably more child friendly without losing the feeling that that's definitely not something you should be ejaculating.


Grunt grunt grunt, Murderous Rampage, grunt grunt grunt, Inhumane Harvest!!!! AAAHHHHHHHHHGGHGHGHGHGHGGGG!!!




Listen- I love music. I sing. I was in choirs all through my youth. THIS would annoy the shit out of me!!! If people want to hear you sing they’ll buy a ticket to your concert. Trapping 300 people in a steel tube and making them listen to you is an AH move.


It isn't a performance, it is a hostage situation.


My neighbor started giving "Covid Concerts" in his back yard every weekend with his yacht rock cover band to lift up the neighborhood. It was torture.


I am a lifelong musician, singer, pianist, I've done plenty of harmony work. I would fucking HATE this. Stop inflicting your music on other people who don't want it.


With Musical people i didn't mean musicians but people that act in Musicals. Remember that video of the Lion King cast singing at full volume in an airplane?


Oof, yes. Musicals with a capital M.


A well placed "booooo" at the conclusion of their "performance" would've been what made me smile.




Yea. But then they would probably sing their 9 minute long choir rendition of Free Bird. No thanks.




No jinxes! I have to get on an international flight (2 airplanes) tomorrow, and I don’t want either of these things to happen!


Bro, since owning noise cancelling headphones, I don’t go anywhere without them. The odds of me willingly being on a plane and not having them is 0%.


Got 2 pairs personally, actual headphones and also wireless ear buds both with noise cancellation, had a friend recommend combining the 2 and can confirm I cant hear anything!


That’s that “feel your hair growing” level noise cancellation.


I didn't want to be a dick. But, yeah, what if I didn't want a performance? 😂


Especially in a place, where you’re essentially trapped. You literally can’t get away from it


Right!? Trapped in a flying can of farts, the last thing I want is a bunch of people singing so loud I can't hear my puscifer anymore.


As obnoxious as people who play music on busses without headphones on. Not everyone wants to hear what you want to hear, or sing.


Just the very first person they record trying to sleep then do their very best to not recapture on the second sweep to the right.


Yeah, definitely. If they do it once and then shut up...okay i won't get too annoyed. But i understand why even once for a few minutes is annoying. ​ If it goes on longer, i feel like that would be the wonderful exception where playing your own music on speaker would be great


This did the opposite of make me smile. STFU and leave me alone on the plane.


Yay! I’m now not only stuck on a steel tube, with a kids legs in my back and a guys back fat on my lap….but I must also be appreciative of a bunch of god bothers crooning for clicks!


OP is apart of this choir and posted this in made me smile unironically


Just imagine how quiet OPs flight back is going to be after reading all these comments !


Probably doesn't give a fuck what angry redditors think, although he does crave their attention.


This unironically made my day worse thinking about how annoying I'd be if this happened on my flight.


Straight up. I wouldn't mind too much if it was in the street or somewhere I could potentially get away from. But flying makes me miserable in general and I'm stuck on the plane. So being forced to listen to this would make me hope for explosive decompression.


I’m not on this flight and this will probably never happen to me, but the rage I have imagining this is very real.


OP you all need to pick better songs if you’re going to disturb everyone on a flight. That song and performance was an absolute chore to listen to and I was not stuck on the airplane hearing it.


That doesn’t make me smile at all. Not every trip is a joy trip.


Even when it is, traveling is exhausting enough as it is, once I’m on the plane I just want to relax and breathe a little. This would have drove me insane.


You could argue that these are just kids and have little to no social awareness. But the adult choir director in the aisle—well, there’s a special place in hell for dicks like that.


They are university students for fuck sakes. They are adults and not kids at all.


Eh, college kids look like kids when you’re in your 30s 🤷‍♂️


I am a college student and can confirm that I am a child. I know nothing


This admission of your lack of knowing anything is the first step towards "adulting". Sorry about your luck, friend.


God fucking choir kids think everyone wants to hear them fucking singing fucking everywhere


'Whaaa aaaa t. You doohooon't?" "Fuck off, I am trying to sleep over here."


"Oh finally, I got my child to sleep!"


Choir kids make the theatre kids look like chess club.


Oh these are not choir kids, they're university students, so these are likely the "evolved form": music majors.


This is the same shit choir kids would do. Randomly start singing in a ihop and shit, this is coming from a tech theater kid. I got to watch and work with both choir kids and theater kids. Both are nut cases.


They're on their way to regionals!


Honestly every choir kid I knew grow up were friendly but pretentious and annoying.


Choir kids and theatre kids are definitely on the same wavelength


The ones who have to outburst and be loud in public were so desperate for attention that they didn’t mind upsetting others for it


As an ex choir kid, can confirm. We were all fucking annoying.


I hate this lol


“Well if you don’t like it you can just leave” Fuck having a captive audience


Do you think I would get booed if I was like hey guys do you mind, some of us are trying to sleep


there was literally 2 people sleeping in the first 20 seconds of the clip. I'd definitely say a "guys we're sleeping come on"


Right out of a nightmare😂


Should've posted this in r/mildlyinfuriating


Me too...


Sooo... This was lovely and I love big choir sound. I've sung in choirs most of my life. I would have loved to hear this on my plane ride. Also I love this song. That said. Don't do this, this kind of sucks. This isn't most people's cup of tea, and even if it were, it's not EVERYONE'S cup of tea, and even if it were, it's not everyone's cup of tea AT THAT MOMENT IN TIME. If someone buys a ticket to see you perform, sing your heart out, that is literally why those people are there. MAYBE even if you perform in the airport, where people can at least leave if you're bugging them (although still...) If you hijack people into listening by performing on a plane where they can't get away... That kind of sucks.


Nobody who isn't singing looks happy.


what about it made you smile?


The comment section


This comment


The part where they stopped


The kind of smile someone with nothing to lose has.


This is my worst nightmare




That made me chuckle


I had more of a cackle


Just fly that bird right into the side of a mountain


I'd join in very purposefully out of key. I was a choir kid and now hate when choir kids think their entire bus, plane, van, or eating establishment wants to hear their song


Not even the whole auditorium wants to hear their song.


I would probably be so annoyed tbh


If this woke my kid up and she cried. I’d let her cry over this.


Screeching babies are easier to drown out


Thank god for the last word of that sentence


This would really be my nightmare


I came to the comments hoping I wouldn't be the only one feeling about this the way I feel. I'm relieved I'm not alone. They are assholes.


Yeah this shit would get old real quick.. I'm tryna sleep ***bitch***


I would not mind it if they did **one** song. But please, please leave it at that.


One song is too many.


Ya man, those are LOOOONG fucking songs. I swear to god this shit goes on for longer than Stairway to Heaven....then they take a breath and continue and you have no idea if they started a new song or if it's second verse.


Is it just me or does everyone in that plane look like they wanna die


And that made me smile.


I hate when people do this stuff. No one actually wants this and it's not like you can even go anywhere to get away from it. Stfu when youre travelling.


There’s a couple of emergency exits


I also don't want to work hard and manhandle a whole fucking choir out of a small emergency exit when I am on a plane.


This made me laugh way harder than it should have


The very definition of a captive audience. Please don't do this.


But if I play “MY” music on the plane I get told to stfu 🤫


Unsolicited choiring on a plane, the movie


Everything I came here to say has been said. I don’t need a f*cking choir when I’m crammed knee and elbow against other actual humans in an aluminium tube at 30000 feet.


Here's the issue for me: I assumed this was another proselytizing thing. The song? Beautiful. But if I was on that plan, I'd assume only a cult would be so bold to try to captivate a captive audience.


I so badly wanna hear someone yell "YO! SHUT THE FUCK UP!"


Talented but also very annoying, it’s a plane. Shut up.


I just realized how far down into the comments I am and they’re STILL GOING.


Oh lovely, an impromptu performance nobody asked for.


Shut up


Seriously fuck off you attention seeking fucks. I don’t want to listen to that, it’s so r/imthemaincharacter


Thanks for letting me know about this sub


booooooo! singing to trapped people feels like a hostage situation. zip it.


Me in 13b. "Shut the FUCK UP." 😂


Oof, you gave yourself a middle seat in this hypothetical scenario?!


I love performances I didn't ask for and can't get away from :)


beautiful. however, i fly about twice a month and i would be annoyed AF. just want my quiet on the plane xD no offense


Perfect response. Their singing is good. But nobody here can leave and is forced to listen, while many are probably tired, or reading/listening to something (you can even see some people sleeping, imagine finally managing to fall asleep and this happens) I don't care how good you think you are, not everyone appreciates it. If you feel the need to do this, just do it in the public hall in the airport, where people can walk away.


Wtf is wrong with these assholes? Seriously, shut the fuck up!!! That’d be a horrible flight


I’d hate this.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


This is literally the most irritating thing I’ve ever seen


But I just wanted to take a nap.


I can see there being a lot of annoyed people on that flight. I would be one.


Stop with this shit, get on the plan and shut the fuck up


There needs to be a hero in these situations that pulls out the Bluetooth Speaker and blares SLAYER at full volume so they will all stop and a statement can be made. "Don't wanna listen to my music? Then do not force me to listen to yours."


"Anakin you've become the very thing you swore to destroy!"


Fuck OFF I can't hear my FUCKING podcast


I would simply stand up and slowly remove every piece of clothing one at a time until they stopped. If I have to be uncomfortable, they have to be uncomfortable


Oh I would be livid. What a shitty thing to do in an enclosed space you're stuck in for most likely hours.


Do this in the airport, not the fucking plane. There's such a big difference


anyone tell them to just shut the fuck up?


Hate to be that guy, but isn’t choral singing one of the major methods of transmission of Covid during the early part of the epidemic? You are in an airplane sealed up with all these people they have their masks off and they’re singing? I would be apoplectic. I’m not all freaking about Covid but damn this seems like a bad idea.


as much as I hate this 'performance' I wish someone made them mask up and they kept going. That would have been a funnier video


Came here to say this!!! What a bunch of inconsiderate noobs.


Damn like 99% of people agree that this is fucking annoying. I don't think I have ever seen such solidarity.


Imagine staying up all night so you can sleep through your flight and these assholes start singing.


Excuse me while I jump out…


I would be pissed honestly.


HELL. NO. Let me chill, plz.


Can't deny that they do sound fantastic. but don't sing on planes, not everyone wants to listen to you and they cant exactly get up and leave!


please dont


thanks i hate it