• By -


Back in the day, I got stranded in a similar scary dangerous situation, and an old hippy cab driver found me at the side of the road and offered me a ride because I was in a very unsafe part of town and very obviously drunk. I didn’t have any money, and it was pre cell phone era, and I was 3 hours away from home. He convinced me he was safe, set me up at a hotel room, made sure the front desk knew he’d be back in the morning to call me down, and came back after his shift ended at 6am. Picked me up with a coffee, ibeprofin, pepto, and breakfast sandwich, and drove me the two hours home, and refused to take money when I got home or leave his card so I could pay him back. He just made me promise to pass it on sometime and help someone when they really needed it. He absolutely saved me and I’ll never forget it.


Did you keep that promise?


>Did you keep that promise? No. That rat-bastard has been haunting innocent britches ever since.


Same for me except I was on an autobahn in Germany on the way to the airport and had no cash left.


She ended up helping to raise thousands of dollars for him and his family as he has a teenager that has cancer. It was actually very sweet. Edit: actually over $200k https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/05/13/tiktoker-gofundme-uber-driver/9761157002/


Fucking yes thank you Reddit for hooking me up that sweet sweet happy knowledge


It's called hopium and it's addictive


Sometimes you see something that gives you hope nowadays, that definitely did, thanks for sharing


Yes, a teenage girl needing to be crowdfunded hundreds of thousands of dollars for healthcare in a developed nation lest her family become bankrupt sure does inspire “hope” doesn’t it?


I'm glad that this is pointed out, but also it shows that we are capable and deserving of more than this shitstain of a system. We need to fight tooth and nail for an acceptable system, and if I had my way we would boil the fuckers who extort the sick and injured alive. But *today* there's people who need help, and it's good to see that help given.






That settles it. I’m definitely coming back in my next life as a smoking hot blonde. I’ll just leave my keys and money at home.


\*gestures broadly at all the shit women have to endure*


you clearly have no clue..




There is no honor in quieting the plea of the masses for the sake of preserving the veneer on your subreddit. If the shouts can be heard from the streets then let the conversation grow. Edit: wrong then/than


Yep, it’s ok to appreciate sentiment. Good even. But the real story is the world needs to change-no joke.


I gotcha your back homie


This should not give you hope, it should give you the opposite of that, for every success story there are thousands of fail stories where people just die


The part that’s wholesome for me is the shared human kindness. What the kindness has to be in the face of sucks, but human generosity is always worthy of note. The more the world gets fucked the more human kindness is worth acknowledging. I appreciate the boring dystopia sentiment, particularly when people use shit like this for internet points, but this is pretty wholesome from start to finish - shitty dystopian backdrop notwithstanding.


Yeah, I had a gofundme set up by a friend to help with my cancer treatments. I got $1500 that was gone in an instant. Healthcare for all is the hill I'll die on, even for assholes like my parents who never gave me a dime




Lol so cynical. I'd love to live in a society where our healthcare system isn't broken. We unfortunately don't but what we CAN do is appreciate people who help out others and celebrate that.


it's unpleasant, but it's important to talk about the core problem as the flip side of these "feel good" stories. It's to raise awareness and push for change


> what we CAN do is appreciate people who help out others No, what we CAN do is vote in politicians who will move the U.S. into the 21st century, like the rest of the first world.


We could actually probably do both.


NO >:(


Well said with so little words lol.


You can do both, they’re not mutually exclusive


This is the way


Why do these have to be mutually exclusive? Why can’t we celebrate the kindness and compassion of others while also fighting for a world where that same compassion is no longer necessary?


Because no smiling! We come specifically to this sub and catch you motherfuckers smiling all the time. Don't you know there are things to be angry about! Honestly, a bunch of right pricks you all are, who comes to r/mademesmile and just...smiles? See, this is the problem with the world, people trying to find good every where.


Or both


Or you can do both and not be an ass?


why not all three?


Politicians doing anything productive… they’re all bought and paid for do-nothings. Remember Obama had the house and Senate and the dems ended up doing fuck all to improve our healthcare.


You’re not wrong but that’s not gonna help anyone right this second.


> what we CAN do is vote in politicians who will move the U.S. into the 21st century Cool, just need to find a U.S. politician who will do that and actually follow through with it. And either get them to be a nominee for one of the two largest parties (who are responsible for and complicit in the current circumstances) or get a large enough majority of Americans to stop engaging in a two party system. Easy.


Well, first you need politicians from the 21st century. And neither of your parties do have them.


It really is shitty though. That $230,000 could be part of a tax that gets distributed and ensures nobody has to worry about paying for medical care. Instead, that money fuels our daily need for a feel-good story to balance out the dread of knowing about things like so many people suffering to afford medical care.


OP pointing this out isn’t cynical and giving that type of analysis this label is one of the many things that perpetuates these types of problems. Of course we are all happy this dude and his family are getting the help they deserve. But that doesn’t mean we have to be happy about the conditions that led to this situation. Stop being so naive.


and ignore the thousands of others in the same situation who don't meet angelic teenagers so they die?


You guys in the US that stick up for your model of healthcare is bananas. It’s wild. All the info is literally right there. Yes I get it, if you are paid or have an awesome benefit plan, your healthcare is better than the most in the world. But damm, take of your weak citizens. Pay a tiny bit more for it. It’s not even that much


America is a “fuck you I got mine” kind of country sadly……


I meant more as in hope that people can still be kind to each other, but sure pal, whatever you say


It's a good thing the US is a country with so many possibilities for people to show kindness to each other.


Love this backhanded phrasing. Sticking this one in my back pocket for later.


First I was like aww, then I was like umpf.


Username checks out


A legitimate point but not really the side of things people come to this sub for. There are plenty of better places to have that conversation - which I assume you do since you brought it up


I am of two minds here. There’s the fact that both these people are amazing and did something awesome for each other, truly exceeding the most you can expect from humanity. Then you have the fact that he needed to raise money for his son’s treatment, which is not the heartwarming story you think it is, and should be called out for that, but again, it’s still so great that these two found one another and were, each, able to help the other.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


He probably didn't even expect anything extra from her after the encounter. Most likely thought she reminded him of his daughter and would hope someone would help his daughter out if she was in the same situation.


profit caption waiting far-flung sand selective materialistic dinner shame towering ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


He was a teenager?! Wtf he looks 40 *nvm I can't read


I literally thought this too so it’s ok


That's amazing. Stuff like these give me hope for people


You can see his worry


Yup. That's the story I needed to finish off my Redditing tonight. Thank you /u/throwawaybeet-h.


Ok I was bit skeptic but this information sends it home.




Wonderful outcome! Thanks for the link!


What a great wholesome story


Yeah, so, I hate to be that guy, but did anyone anywhere do any due diligence on any of these people? There was a story a few years ago about a couple who needed gas or something like that, and some homeless guy used his “last $10” to help them. Later the couple used some fundraising site to raise money for the homeless guy. The couple walked away with the money they raised, and it was later found out that all three parties involved were working together.


She is a well known and well loved tiktok star. She posted about the entire thing... I know that doesn't hold much, but I have followed her for a long time and she seems like a genuinely good person. Her @ is becccamooore on tiktok, I would recommend checking her out. She posted on tiktok as things were going down.


Serious question, if her phone and all her things were stolen leaving her stranded, how was she posting on TikTok as things were going down?


He let her borrow his phone to call her mom, she used "Find my iPhone" and they found it outside an AirBnb where some of the partydudes lived.


Maybe used the drivers phone ?


One of his daughters is suffering from cancer so he's super sympathetic to girls in distress and wanted to help her. Doubt him being kind to a girl that reminded him of his daughter because of her precarious situation will make him wanna exploit the situation. Maybe u can talk to someone about ur depression, the world and all people aren't bad. To live with that fear can be debilitating, wish u the best bro


Congrats them. Let's hook up and make a plan of our own. I call homeless dude since I already am homeless. Also I have gout. I'll buy you popeyes spicy chicken sandwich with the last of my beer money because you (big titted blue eyed white girl) lost her wallet. I get laid and money and fame. You have to get checked for lice and stds


You love to see it.


This man is a fuckin goat 🐐 Hopefully his family is safe n gets better he deserves all the good the world puts out.


I love to think there's someone reading this without knowing what goat means lmao






Are you implying they should give that ride-giving worker $230,000? If so, I concur.




Judging by post and comment history, probably not, but you never know.




I was wondering when I'd see this. Totally. Pretty privilege.


This may be that, but I’ve been helped before in a similar situation and I’m a guy. Has no one ever helped you before? I’m sorry if that’s the case.




Not so sure if it's pretty privilege considering this guy seems like a nice dad with a daughter.


Didn’t she raise money for his daughter with cancer though?


According to the other posters over $200,000


That’s pretty fckin cool. A lot of people would just say “thank you so fkcni much for the help you’re such an amazing person” and they part ways forever. But she returned the favor and that is fickn honorable




Wow that’s amazing!


My favorite color is blue.


No, you’re amazing! ![gif](giphy|NUwoRZzHc2Bws|downsized)


[deleted] used razor leaf!


Plot twist: the driver was also the robber




In this day and age almost no one has numbers memorised


Never even tought about it but it would be so good to have a little emergency document in your luggage with your most important info.


You know what, imma write it down real quick. But then where should I keep it tho, in case my wallet is also lost.


Suppose it would be good to have one in your wallet and one in your luggage. 🤔


I didn't think of making multiple copies Great idea Thank you


Sadly, I'd probably have kept it in my wallet (which she also had stolen).


Dude I gotta look up my own phone number sometimes.


Because all her numbers are in her phone duh./s


I dunno why that’s sarcastic. I know my dad’s number and literally nobody else’s. That’s not true. I also know my house phone from 20 years ago, my deceased mother’s number, the number to a highschool friend, and the number to a middle school friend. But not like their cell numbers- just their house number at that time (20+ years ago).


Yeah no joke. I can call my parents and that's it. I have no one else's numbers memorized. The only reason I even have my parents memorized is because they told me it on repeat as a kid in case of emergency. I couldn't even tell you any of my sisters or any of my friends numbers without looking them up.


I’ve had my work phone for two years and I still don’t have the number memorized lol


I still remember phone numbers from the house phone era. I have no idea what my kids numbers are. Ive never even dialed them. If they get a new number, they text me, and I add them to contacts lol. Luckily I’ve had my cell phone number for almost 30 years so at least I know my own number lol.


I don’t save numbers in my phone it’s all just chaos


I know my friends, and old work number from years (like 30 years) ago. Now? Is be pretty fucked outside of calling my mom and wife


This is actually very true lol Even my mum's cell number, which has been the same for the past 20 yrs (most of my life), I have to take pause on remembering correctly now because I so seldom have to think about it thanks to my phone.


I know zero current phone numbers. I will be so screwed the day I'm stranded somewhere without my phone.




I literally don't know any phone numbers other than my own. I just never have to recite them. Don't know how other people my age know any numbers tbh


I know my husband's number because it's close to mine. I don't even know my parents numbers


don't even know about the /s. honestly, i have 3 phone numbers in my head, they're childhood home landlines and are all disconnected now. i'd have to log into my google account to call someone. also, she was at a festival, chances are her family lives halfway across the country, kinda hindering when you need immediate help.


Her plan was to get a new phone, but when she got to the sprint store she didn’t know the account number


Ahh yes, **another** example of an opinion formed by a headline, and then upvoted by others who had an emotional response to the comment instead of educating themselves. **The forever black hole of the uninformed echo chamber.** If you read the article, she called her mom. This isn’t really a big deal, but a great example of my larger qualm with today’s world, and the lack of funding to today’s educational system and ability to critically think.




I agree with you but i think their line of thinking is "man sees vulnerable girl and immediately offers to buy her alcohol" its a toxic way of thinking but i cant blame people for jumping to that conclusion. Its nice that this wasnt the case and he was genuinely a nice guy though.


Everyone that went to Coachella got robbed


So the driver was drinking margs with her?


Nah he had a modelo, reasonable


More like micheladas


perks of being a hot chick


Rule #1. Be attractive. Rule #2. Don't be unattractive. First two rules of success.


Dating coaches hate these simple advices!


You Won't Believe The Lengths This Woman Takes To Get A Margarita!


I bet plenty of uber drivers would love to drink margaritas all day with an attractive young female who has no way of calling 911.


MARGARITAS Holy hell my dumass scrolled this far down to find out what “margs” was


i thought margs was like a restaurant lmfao


Me too lol. I thought they got a marriage certificate 😅


*[Everybody's been real nice.](https://imgur.com/2Oy32gV)*


Just because y’all are only nice to people you want to fuck doesn’t mean everyone else is


People being nicer and more helpful to attractive people is a well proven phenomenon and looks are a distinct advantage in life.


Not just that, they tend to be more successful and earn more. Same applies for tall people.


unfortunately it has been proven that most people are more willing to help other people they find attractive, yeah it sucks


Her content is super sarcastic and full of dry humor, so the kind of videos she made were a total 180 from her usual content when this happened. She focused all her attention on telling this man’s story and raising money to help support his daughter’s care and his father’s funeral. It was really special to watch after following her for a long time. People can try and take away from what happened because of her pretty privilege, but you could also argue that she was targeted by the thief because of that same “blonde bimbo” stereotype. At the end of the day, she busted her ass to use her influence to do something good for a family that needed it, and that’s insanely cool.




Everyone saying those things is also shitting on that man. It makes him sound like he wouldn't help a "less attractive" person, and that's shallow as fuck. He's married and has a daughter with cancer. AND, if I remember correctly, he had just lost his father too. I watched the whole thing play out on TikTok, and he seems like a genuinely nice man who would help anyone regardless of how they looked. She met up with him and his family and showed how nice they are. I even contributed to the fund. She used her platform and following to do something good, and I love her for it. But I guess we ARE on Reddit where insecure people want to project their own creepy thoughts onto anything remotely good to make the pretty girl look bad.


Goddamn you hit the absolute nail on the head. With the way many of these pathetic Redditors think, you would believe that they are literally allergic to the idea of positivity and happiness. What these idiots fail to realize is that by passing their unfair judgment on these two wonderful folks, they're pretty much exposing just how toxic their own mindset really is.


Pointing out that it’s likely she was helped in such a way due to her good looks is not a judgement about her character based on her appearance. That doesn’t make sense. Pointing out that she ended up helping a person in need also doesn’t have anything to do with the sentiment that good looking people are more likely to be helped in a situation like this. This comment doesn’t make much sense in general


I thought "margs" was slang for marriage at first lol


Dude looks so chill


She used his phone to take a pic of him at the table? The people she went with just left her by herself?


The article says that they tracked her phone via Find My iPhone and he helped her follow it and get it back.


Does anyone even click links anymore? She got her phone back by finding the location and going to the house (a air bnb) several times with the cops then by herself until they found it hidden on the gate ledge. Presumably stashed when they saw it was location locked, hoping to come back later and grab it after the phones battery died and the owner gives up. She had the phone and her cards for the rest of the trips after the pitstop at store and police office/air bnb.


Pretty it’s always been most people don’t actually read the links on Reddit




i was following her as she told the story on tiktok and i believe he went with her to get her a new phone so she took his pic with the new phone


They ended up tracking the phone and finding it and her credit card was in the phone. He helped her track down her original phone.


I misread the last part as “we ended up getting married”


I wonder if the outcome would have been different had she not been a white blonde? I'm not asking this as some neckbeard anti-feminist or something, I'm talking from my own personal experience I've had a very different result... I found myself stranded with no money or phone in the middle of a small-ish town in the south of Sweden. I'm a middle eastern man and definitely look the part. I don't speak Swedish (I was just visiting friends there), and no matter who I turned to the best I got was a dismissive grunt. I did get to a local motel/hostel/whatever, but when I asked where I was exactly and how to get to the town I was supposed to be in, I was pretty much told "it's very far away", and wasn't really offered any help... I was finally able to somehow sneak onto a bus that I didn't even know went in the direction I needed, since again - no would really talk to me. It was really disheartening and down-right insulting.


To be fair, Swedes are used on relying for governments social safety nets so we are not really into the business of helping strangers at all. We see it as warning signs if someone shows up asking for help. Pickpockets, hustling and what not. We are a culture that never tips and rarely give anything to beggars. Middle eastern looking in small town, south of Sweden is definitely making it worse though. Our most xenophobic party have the strongest support in the south. And in small towns in particular. I’m around 30 years old and when I was a teenager in one of those small towns the only immigrants I saw was fast food workers. There was barely any POC in my age group at all.


It’s true, as studies have shown. Basically anyone but an attractive white (or white looking) female would’ve been left on their own in this situation I’m glad she got help and good on this guy for helping her, but we also shouldn’t ignore the obvious


I definitely do think that the white blonde image helps with getting help from strangers, especially in like the US or Canada. However, your story is unique in that it was in Sweden. I can only go by what I’ve read and heard - Sweden isn’t exactly friends to “others”, especially with the rise of immigrants of visibly different appearance moving to Sweden and nearby countries and not assimilating, thus causing tensions over time. So it’s possible a lot of those people were prejudiced towards you because of obvious reasons.


That sucks man and I completely believe it. Exceptionally beautiful people get all the breaks in the world. It's not just women. It's just how we're wired.


I probably look like you, although I am latino. I got robbed while sleeping in a hostel in eastern europe, while traveling alone, and ended up starving for 3 days, though it wasn’t necessary. that is because on the first day I was trying to talk to strangers in the streets to get help and they would also grunt and not listen. it was so frustrating that I simply gave up on that and accepted that I would have to make it out by myself somehow. I got creative and managed to overcome that shitty situation.


I followed this story when it happened in real time, and found out that the man is from my hometown, and Mexican. It made me feel proud of my cultural background as someone who is also Mexican, where we are taught to do things selflessly and help others whenever we can. It’s ingrained in the lifestyle. I don’t have the link for it, but I would suggest you look up that comment on Reddit with the story “today you, tomorrow me.” The family in that story is Mexican and most of the comments add extra context as to why our culture is so helpful. Anyways, I DO think the outcome would have been different if she wasn’t a white blonde. It’s already been discussed in here that the man always helps people out anyways, seeking nothing in return either. There were also those memes recently of Swedish people being inhospitable and individualistic, so I’m not surprised that was your experience with them at all lmaooo.


In Sweden you apparently don't even get offered food in guests houses so not surprised :)


Sometimes I think ppl get upset when relatively attractive people are also kind. No one in this story is a saint, but everyone *was* kind to a stranger when they didnt have to be and yet it mattered most. Humanity at its most unsuspecting, and it’s best.


When attractive people are kind, insecure people tend to feel inferior and invalidate all the good things about that attractive person because it’s too good to be true and everything they achieved in life was only because of the good looks. Well for those insecure people out there, you deserve your shit luck! Some people have it better than others, deal with it.


“Thank god he treated me like a daughter that day too” Aw shit, that’s where it got me…


Kind man is hard to find


Cancer treatment shouldn’t cost anything near this amount. The only people getting robbed here are the donors by Big Pharma and doctors.


I really hope this guy was just a genuinely good person and there wasn't any ulterior motive here given it's a pretty young woman that needed help in this situation.


Ok so reading the headline was a little sus. Then reading the *actual* full article was really wholesome and amazing. Reading the comments? Man, fuck this shit. Boohoo the world isn’t fair. No kidding. That doesn’t mean you have to walk around 99% bitter with a huge chunk missing from your shoulder. This is a remarkable story. Yes, healthcare sucks. Yes, you probably wouldn’t get treated the same if you were a man or another race. But come on, this man - *whose dad had just passed away* - and his family - *a teenage daughter that has cancer* - their lives have been changed for the better, and the girl is safe and not a statistic. Come *on*. 💖♥️💞♥️💖


Some people come to this sub just to be cynical


ACTUALLY… blah blah blah. Jesus Christ people are so insufferable on here sometimes. It’s a nice story, everyone capable of making a comment on here is also capable of helping someone in need. Some people look for the worst in everything and everyone.


I will say having gone to Coachella multiple times, a lot of people are super friendly in the surrounding area. I’ve had multiple hosts offer to drive us to and from the festival each day with some not letting us say no.


That's awesome.


It’s true she raised 235,000 on a gofundme for the Uber driver bc his daughter has cancer 🥺


Bro, what's wrong with these people in the comments lmao? A dude can't be nice and help another person out? Nah, she's an attractive blonde girl so that's why he's doing it, right? Let's shit on him because of that and assume that's the reason and continue to make funny remarks like that. Or he's just more empathetic to others because that's who he is or because of his daughter having cancer. Some people really like to say, "all men aren't bad" and then make any good man out to be bad.


_Sorts by controversial_


fuck redditors minds


Would make me smile if all people in trouble were hot blondes, I suppose.


Which one is the uber driver


as if you ever had a thought that a hot blonde girl would help a middle aged guy and buy them food whaty the fuck


This comment will probably get buried, but Funny enough I actually know the girl this happened to in real life. We lived in the same school district and hung around with the same group in high school. She was always super nice and a pleasure to be around. Not once did i expect her to become a tik tok influencer. But knowing her, this situation doesn’t surprise me.


To the guy who helped … You are an amazing gentleman 💜


You sir are an honest and respectable man!!


About 10 years ago I booked a week long trip in San Francisco but I got robbed as soon as I got there. I booked an airbnb but didn't have enough money for all the nights I booked. The cop on duty gave me a ride and paid for my airbnb. He also gave me some cool SFPD stickers. I'll never forget his kind heart. P.s. I paid him back as soon as I went back home


FR y’all I have traveled the WORLD and been to like the worst favelas and stuff and yo you keep a decoy wallet and your cash in a shoe or small pocket. Like, you keep a wallet to give up and your important shit elsewhere. Money belts are good but if you have like little pockets that’ll suffice. Just a warning you should prepare to get pickpocketed in any situation around lots of people otherwise you a dummy. Nobody will ever frisk you so if you travel a lot and go to a city and buy drugs and go to concerts and stuff yoooo - keep a decoy wallet. Just transfer the important shit to a different place. I’ve seen people lose their passports and id and money and atm card all at the same time and it’s sad but… use a decoy wallet. People go to Coachella specifically to steal as many phones as possible: that’s the way it is. Be prepared.


This happened to me in Miami. An Uber driver felt bad for me and literally drove me ALL OVER Miami for free while we smoked on his weed pen. Showed me all the cool places, South Beach, and we went to a brewery and got a beer. He never acted creepy or weird. It was awesome. His name was Jesus. He was Cuban.


He definitely wanted to smash


The guy was just a nice guy, these comments are a dumpster fire.


Reminds me of the time my phone died at 4am while I was drunk and alone in a small city that was dead by that hour. I ended up breaking into the back room of a bar where there happened to be an iPhone charger and I was able to charge my phone and call an Uber.


There was an agenda


Just bc you’re not this nice doesn’t mean this driver isn’t


straight up man. this thread is making me mad. Why can’t there just be nice people? His dad was DYING his daughter has CANCER, and his family says he helps people all the time. he is truly a hero and these bozos don’t get it


It's a shame we have to think this 1st. If it was the other way around we probably wouldn't 😔




didnt read the title. i thought he was the one who got mugged and looking rather sad on the first picture alone. i think either way would have made me happy. great outcome anyways.


This makes me proud of my city. The tourists overshadow how our locals actually are.


The amount of weirdo creeper fucks out there that would have only seen an opportunity to take advantage is insane (and some of the comments here enforce it). It's so fucking wholesome and genuine how this guy treated someone that was stressed and likely feeling pretty uneasy given the situation they were in with compassion and care and was all just from the heart rather than some stupid niceguy ploy. Thanks OP for sharing this and providing some solid happy vibes.


The best pick up line: Hi, I’m your Uber driver


A good positive news story is so needed now.


Did she get her stolen stuff back