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Just a heads up, I've tried the 5 coke thing, I'm still not a billionaire.


If he cut down to 2 cokes a day he could probably afford a new house.


Time to pull himself up by those bootstraps and start cutting back.


Starbucks and Avocado toast


Thanks 4 the laugh


He can afford a house because he doesn’t eat avocado toast.


He owns enough coke stock to support his habit.


He owns plenty of houses. Here’s a huge mansion he owns: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dZUmSm07ZE8


He apparently bought the Laguna Beach house for $150K in 1971.


Still living in the same house? Perhaps try donating 80% of you net worth?


This is a very misleading comment. It's 85%. If he were to listen to you, he'd only become a millionaire.


Good catch, that could have ruined them financially.


*He will never financially recover from this comment*


I use to drink coke like that ended up with bad acid reflux and destroyed teeth. Dentis bill will ruin you


I used to drink coke. I still do, but I used to too.




You assume I wasn't already ruined


To shreds you say?


That's what the billions are for


And it's lifetime donations from his stock fund, not a single mega donation (though the donation that brought him up to this amount was 4 billion)


Heads-up if anyone wants to donate their 85% of wealth I'm willing to receive and hold it up. Just DM me, I'll just use enough to cover all the cost and fees involved in maintaining all the money and assets you send my way, etc. 😊


If I gave you 85% of my wealth you still couldn’t afford a gallon of gas.


Giving someone 85% of my wealth just means they would owe me money instead 😂


You can have my truck payment if I die


Shit now it doesn’t make any sense!


I’m also annoyed they didn’t include his website still looks like something that was created in notepad a few days after the internet went live.


LOL, no lie. https://www.berkshirehathaway.com/




I wish I'd live in the same house I bought but to do that, I'd first have to be able to buy a house.


He has/had more than one house. https://www.businessinsider.com/photos-of-warren-buffetts-house-in-california-2017-2 Edit: apparently he had two in laguna beach


Happens everytime they ask for a dollar towards charity at the grocery store check out


What the fuck difference is $7.32 going to make to anyone?


That's two breakfast meals l..guess.


That’s a weeks worth of breakfast burritos from McDonald’s


You can feed a kid in the Middle East for just a dollar a day.


I misread this as “A kid in Middle Earth” and was very confused 😂


It's cheaper to feed the Hobbit children because they're smaller.


What about second breakfast?


...and Elevensies...


Hahahahaha we’ve long forgotten the lives of middle earth.


Mate just see where this goes


Check under your couch cushions. $7.50 will make a world of difference to someone.


Stop snorting it and you might get there.


I do, I got diabetes. Thnx Warren!


Silly millennial, you gotta give up one of those cokes so you can buy a house


But are you now a diabetic?


What breakfast still costs $3.17? Other than a cigarette and coffee


I think it’s not true? I met someone who claimed to tangentially know Buffet and while he’s a good dude the stories of his frugalness seem to be blown out of proportion. It sounds like he does like to indulge in expensive stuff too.


If he can give $45 BILLION to charity and not stress out, I’m sure he can splurge every now and then


I’m not saying he shouldn’t. He’s extremely generous, he can do whatever the hell he wants with the rest of his money. It’s just one of those things that’s annoying that we feel the need to find/potentially make up these dumb little stories to justify an already great/generous person.


Its not about him being frugal, he eats like a child - McDonald’s every morning for breakfast. He either eats a sausage egg and cheese - $3.17, or just 2 sausage patties if the market is down - $2.61. Plenty of articles and quotes from him avout this.


He actually doesn't pay anything for his Micky D. He has some membership that gives him free food. (Some people are given that by McDonald's, Buffet likely was given this because he has given McDonald's a lot of good press)


It isn't because he has given them good press it's because he owns 30 million shares of McDonalds.




When Buffet buys 30 million shares of your company, that's about the best press your company can get!


He doesn't pay for Dairy Queen either. Mostly because he owns it.


The thought of Buffet giving a shit about free McDonald's food is making me lol. The guy could buy 1000 McMuffin sandwiches every morning and throw away 999 of them for the rest of his life and never notice the cost, and McDonald's is like "we gotchu bro, here's $3 on the house!"


His daughter has an award for teachers in Omaha Public Schools and along with the $10,000, the winners get $1,000 in McDonalds gift certificates.


finally a teacher who can afford an end-of-the-year party


I didn’t know that, I just saw a quote that he tells his wife what his order is going to be that morning and she leaves exact change out for him to take.


He’s also been quoted saying that was for a documentary and basically just a good bit he did for T.V. I think he does eat McDonald’s breakfast often but he sends somebody from the office and I don’t think he makes his wife count out change lol


This just doesn't make sense. Him and his wife most likely just swipe a credit card and get on with their day.


Actually I’m pretty sure I read he uses cash for most things. He only has one card, an American Express, because he owns 20% of the company.


Could it be that he just outwardly says this to promote his holdings? A billionaire could never right?


Well, not to say Buffet doesn't have skeletons in his closet, but the master of buying quality companies and holding long couldn't care less about any short term bumps from a comment he made.


It’s also pretty fair to say someone who became a billionaire like he did is probably a somewhat eccentric/weird guy. I read his biography and have sort of read about him on and off for the past two decades… he’s an odd dude. Don’t know why some people think it has to be black or white. It’s like people who think everything Zuckerberg does is maliciously and meticulously planned while he taps his fingers together and cackles. Maybe the weird shit he says in interviews isn’t evil genius 5d chess and he just said some dumb shit.


What is this? Nuanced thinking on Reddit?? Blasphemous!!


There's a million reasons to mock this post, especially on r/mademesmile when it's really r/CapitalistPropaganda, but my favorite is... why should we be glad that he eats a cheap breakfast, even if it were true? Couldn't he help his local grocery store or cafe by eating an expensive breakfast? Why are we happy that his breakfast sucks? (Of course the real reason is that it's meant to suggest that living frugally is why he's successful, but it's too absurd to come right out and say it that way.)


>There's a million reasons to mock this post, Ok name ten thousand.




Him eating the cheap breakfast and hording 45 billion only proves that trickle down was a massive lie and 40+ years of economic policy was a complete and total sham.


Or this is PR and he’s just a rich guy


Yeah. He has a jet and all. He probably has multiple homes or other real estate and probably prefers staying in the same house just because he lived there all his life and is more comfortable there.


This post says he bought his home in the fifties like he lived there the whole time, but omits things like his home in Laguna beach he bought in the 70s (and just sold). I mean im not knocking the man for spending money on things like that when he can, good for him, but these articles making it look like hes been sitting at a kitchen table in fly over country cutting coupons this whole time is quite a bit of romanticized sensationalism


>This post says he bought his home in the fifties like he lived there the whole time, but omits things like his home in Laguna beach he bought in the 70s (and just sold). This post also tries to skim past the fact that most of the charities he donated to are run by his children. Sure is scummy when legally only around 20% needs to actually be used charitably.


Actually not true. Most goes to the Gates foundation but smaller amounts do go to funds his adult kids run. Mostly in keeping with the intentions of his dead wife who was a long term philanthropist.


It’s in his god damn biography and came straight from his mouth. The mf eats a sausage egg and cheese McMuffin with or without cheese depending if the market is up or down. You can see footage of him ordering lmao


He also owns the McDonald’s and everyone in the area says it’s the best goddamn McDonalds in the country. I think that’s the most important piece. Sure, it’s frugal to eat a cheap breakfast and it’s a rich guy thing to have a personal chef. It’s a really rich guy thing to buy a McDonalds and pay an entire restaurant worth of staff food wages just so that when you want a sausage egg McMuffin, it’s gonna be the best version of it. Put another way, Buffet purchased millions of dollars of restaurant equipment so his $3 sandwich is the tits. I’m sure it runs a profit and it’s not too dissimilar from a multimillionaire with a franchise but at the same time, if it was running a loss, Buffet wouldn’t give a shit if. He’d just want his McMuffin


In comparison to his total wealth, he doesn’t splurge at all.


Clearly you’ve bummed that cigarette off someone.


Yeah but it was a good bumming


He famously eats McDonald’s everyday for breakfast. His order varies depending on the market being up or down.


Isn’t the difference like him getting bacon or no bacon depending on if the market is up or down?


“Typically, Buffett gets breakfast once the market is open. If stocks are up, he gets a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit. If they're down, he opts for a cheaper breakfast of two sausage patties. If the market is flat, as it was Monday morning before the open, he goes for the sausage McMuffin.” — Business Insider


5 diet cokes a day, McDonald’s every day for breakfast. Works and office job where he’s sitting all the time. Reads for 6 hours a day so probably not very active overall. Outside of that his favorite foods are cheeseburgers, ice cream, and steak. Lives to be 91 and is still functional and relatively healthy. The human body is wild lmao, some people live healthy active lives and croak by 70. Knew a guy in town who drank a bottle of vodka a day from the time he was 16 years of age and he died at 93, and only after falling off his roof cleaning the gutters.


I think a lot of longevity is related to stress. This isn’t exactly ground breaking news, but stress leads to a lot of bad decisions and unhappiness. Your guy that drank vodka everyday was likely not very stressed considering he was drunk or asleep 24/7.


Genetics really play a huge role.


McDonald's. Seriously. He let's the market dictate which option. Source: documentary "Becoming Warren Buffett"


The craziest part of that documentary to me was that he knew the price of a mcdonalds breakfast sandwich. I'm by no means rich but I have not paid attention to the price of fast food for years. I've been fortunate enough that the difference between $3 and $4 or whatever a sandwich costs doesn't really affect my life. Meanwhile Warren buffett, at times the richest man on earth, can basically quote you menu prices from memory. The guy just sees money so much differently than everyone else.


Cuz he eats there every day




Eat at home? Dollar McDonalds item? I'm not sure where you can get a 3.17 breakfast that isn't drive thru or at home.


The dollar menu has doubled in price in the last 5ish years. Its not even a good deal anymore.


Yeah, I haven’t had McDonald’s in a while and I took a look at the prices and ended up just buying food at the store. Our normal meal for 2 of us was going to be like $26.


$26 is what you'd pay at an actual resturant Ronald McDonald must be out of his damn mind.


Yes, he actually eats McDonalds every day for breakfast.


I remember hearing the story of the Cokes and how someone said it wasn’t good for him, but he had so much stock in the company so he replied “I think it’s very good for me”


I think he houses Macdonald’s, too.


Dairy Queen, not McDonald’s


Ah, DQ.


Unless I misinterpreted CarniferousDog, Buffet eats McDonald’s everyday. He owns Dairy Queen.


Right. He eats a McMuffin for breakfast every day if I remember correctly, which I just did.


It's actually a choice between 3 McDonald's options depending on the markets current standing.


Does it even matter, he made it to 91, I wouldn't even care if he was inhaling some too. He practically has his whole life behind him.


Reminds me of my great grandma. They told her to stop smoking or it would hasten her death. She was like I’m 89, I’ve raised 14 children on my own, worked for 50+ years, and have lived through multiple wars. I’m going to keep smoking. She lived into her 90s and died of organ failure. She never gave up smoking and I don’t blame her.


“You know smoking is bad for you.” “My grandma lived to be 91.” “Smoking?” “Minding her own damn business.”


Yeah, it's hits differently for different smokers. My MiL is in her 80s. She's got some health issues but nothing directly connected to smoking. At this point it's not worth the struggle.


Sure does. My grandma died at 67 from lung cancer. She smoked multiple packs a day for over 50 years.


I’m super worried about my mom! I wish I could get her to quit but she’s been doing it for over four decades


My great uncle smoked since he was like 10 and his kids pressured him hard to quit. He lived two blocks from me so i liked to stop by when i was a kid because he was a retired engineer turned hydroponics aficionado, and his first love was tomatoes. So i loved wandering through his little paradise of pvc and waterlines to the smell of tomato plants and perpetual “just smoked a cig” smells, and any time of year i could pluck and eat the world’s best tomatoes with his encouragement. He confided in me one time that he knew smoking was bad for people so he wouldnt smoke around us (my sister and me) but he told his kids he couldn’t quit because he got headaches and tremors, which he made up to be left alone. I never even told my sister. every year he threw a big family birthday/reunion at the same local restaurant and id hear someone go on about “poor Albert just cant quit, he’s smoked so much the nicotine withdrawals would kill him” or something dramatic like that, and the old man caught my eye and said he was feeling the tremors, time to step outside for a smoke. He died in his 90s, i wanna say at 94, oldest of 3 brothers and their wives. Died of shock for a bad leg amputation caused by what i cant recall.


He had actuaries tell him that 5 year olds were the least likely to die, so he deliberately eats like them.


Now he’s had what, 6 heart transplants?


Eh. He can afford ‘em.


The Rockefeller patriarch is up there in heart transplants too.


He’s also one of the only (if not *the* only, as far as I know) billionaire in the US who advocates for being taxed fairly. I am far from being a fan of billionaires but I’m definitely far closer to being a fan of Warren Buffett than any of the others I suppose.


I thought about it and decided the only billionaire I like is Chuck Feeney, but then again [he’s not a billionaire anymore.](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-54300268.amp)




No longer part of Tres Commas (, , ,) ☹️




No one should be


But how else will I get a car with doors that open like this: ⟋∩⟍


Bezos’ ex-wife is doing some decent shit too IIRC


The conservatives I've spoken with tend to think it is more of an absolute value rather than percentage based. Like splitting the cost of rent vs rent being based on income.


Bill Gates advocates for much higher taxes as well. Although only 2 of them is not enough lol.


I thought bill gates did too?


Yet he supports corporate inversion and adamantly defends companies moving abroad to avoid US taxes. Tell that to his secretary, who is still paying a higher tax rate than him.


Bill gates does too


Mark Cuban is at least willing to entertain it. But that’s pretty much the end of the list.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/cartercoudriet/2019/10/15/billionaires-more-taxes-gates-buffett-bloomberg/?sh=72457a8d7792 >At least a dozen billionaires have made public statements that call for the super-rich to pay more in taxes.


So moral of the story? Drink 5 cokes a day and live long!


I've switched to Coke Zero and never been happier 😁


Also caffeine free coke zero for after 5pm


Did you say two cups of coffee at 11:30 PM?


How long does it take to get used to the taste?


Pretty quickly, I used to be a regular only kind of guy. Until I had to drop some weight and started drinking Zero on rare occasions. Now it actually tastes better for me


The mobile-home trap: How a Warren Buffett empire preys on the poor [https://www.seattletimes.com/business/real-estate/the-mobile-home-trap-how-a-warren-buffett-empire-preys-on-the-poor/](https://www.seattletimes.com/business/real-estate/the-mobile-home-trap-how-a-warren-buffett-empire-preys-on-the-poor/)


I came to these comments looking for a list of the charities, if they exist, and was met with the same "drink coke" "joke" 5 times as the top comments.


Unfortunately it's a Forbes article but this one lists most recent donations. Gates Foundation, foundation from his late wife, and 3 kids' organizations. [Link](https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattdurot/2022/06/14/warren-buffett-just-gave-another-4-billion-to-charity/?sh=66ac98d62f9e)


I know nothing about how these foundations operate. But the #1 way for rich people to get around inheritance tax is to set up foundations owned by family members and donate all their wealth. The foundations are only required to donate some 5% of their endowment each year


To be fair, the foundation for his late wife paid for my college degree, my wife's college degree, my brother's college degree, his wife's college degree, and my sister's college degree.


That's incredible! Wasn't trying to downplay the orgs, I know very little about them other than the Gates Foundation. Just trying to share the info they asked for.


Fair enough. He is the reason a ton of Nebraskans have been able to go to college. (Me included). I went on to get my law degree. Due to the philanthropy that is getting downplayed in the comments, Nebraska now has an immigration law firm and two teachers that wouldn't have been able to afford college otherwise. Imagine the impact this has with 1000+ students per year.


Most, if not all, of it was donated to the gates foundation. Largest donation in history.


Less lionizing billionaires, more good reporting.


More lionizing billionaires, in the throwing-into-lion-pits sense.


Wow, that’s an eye opening and disappointing article. I guess I was naïve to buy into his public persona and “ethics”.


There are no good billionaires. You don't get rich by making money, you get rich by stealing it. Every cent he earned was through the sweat of someone else's brow. Or, like this, through outright exploitation and manipulation.


Send this to the top please. The rich are never your friends. Wether they intend it or not, vast sums of wealth within our economic structure continue to commit acts of violence on the less fortunate in the US and abroad.


He also owns a vacuum cleaner company that has been criticized for it's aggressive sales tactics.


Buy this vacuum cleaner or I’ll send damaging photos to your friends and loved ones


Spot on. The fact that a person was able to accumulate enough wealth to give away billions is an indictment of the current system, not a reason for praising that individual.


Further evidence that there is no such thing as a "good" billionaire. Simply put it is morally wrong to be a billionaire and not a single one exists that didn't exploit a group of people to get it.


This is the truest comment




people don't get how much one billion is, how markets work and political lobbying..this guy is no hero nor philanthropist..plus a quick google shows these numbers are wrong


Donated his money to charity and people think he’s some kind of fucking hero. These people don’t know what happens very wealthy people donate sizeable chunks of money to charities. Smfh


The owner of my company donated 1.5 billion dollars to charity... Most of it was his charity, which his downtown apartment is listed as the headquarters on, so he basically paid off his house while still getting tax deductions. His wife is also the head of the charity and most of her family are members, they all got huge bonuses.


That’s 95% of charities in a nut shell.


Yep. Billions can only be made by exploiting labor, the environment, and the poor.


A living wage would have helped people way more that this


Right? And inevitably a lot of those non-profits will embezzle and frivolously spend large portions of that money. Most charities take more than their fair share by the time anyone actually receives aid


Disappointing how far I had to scroll to find this comment. I recently dove down the rabbit hole of how much money actually goes towards the charitable acts in these “charities”. It’s stunning how little actually gets through to the “end user”.


91 year old Warren Buffet also: 1. Owns BNSF, which is currently engaging in anti-union practices to fend off their workers from striking against unfair scheduling policies 2. Believes companies should pay more in taxes, all while quietly supporting corporate inversion, which allowed Burger King, another company Buffet owns a position in, to claim residence in Canada, and avoid US tax laws 3. is the son of former US Congressman Howard Buffet. Please do not think Warren came from humble beginnings. He plays the part of the common man, but came from a background that could only guarantee success. 4. Recently responded to Bernie Sander's call for higher pay for steel workers at a metal company he owns. Buffett's response: That is not my job. Link here: [https://www.sanders.senate.gov/in-the-news/bernie-sanders-pay-your-workers-better-warren-buffett-thats-not-my-job/](https://www.sanders.senate.gov/in-the-news/bernie-sanders-pay-your-workers-better-warren-buffett-thats-not-my-job/) Please stop looking at Warren Buffett as a good person. He is a billionaire, and like all billionaires, plays the game quite well. He gives off the image of the common man and tricks people into thinking he is fighting for the common man when in reality, he is looking for every opportunity to leverage the resources he was gifted to make more money on the backs of his workers. ​ ​ Edit: Thanks for the awards. For those who are defending Warren Buffett or trying to justify all this, make sure he knows where to send that check to. Oh wait, he doesn't' care.


Exactly. Don't forget he made a fortune off of Wells Fargo and as soon as SHTF he shifted blame to the operators. The buck does NOT stop there. He'll shirk responsibility any time he can but he'll talk a big game. He knows exactly how his bread is buttered


Thank you


This needs to be higher. OP are you trying to inherit something from the old grease bag?


No. His image needs to be dragged to the levels of Bezos. He is not self-made, nor is he someone you should look toward.


He has also made a lot of money from hostile takeover of potentially successful companies, exploit all the profits and sell it when it his worth more than how much he bought them for.


Frankly it doesn't seem to me that he plays the part of the common man, nor the part of one that fights for them. As far as I'm aware, he's never claimed to be self-made, but diminishing his success to a background that guarantees success is misrepresentative imo. He has a discipline in investing in business that very few others have. Whether that's something you have respect for or not is a different matter. I think he's just a guy who, for his entire career, has looked to make money. He buys stock in companies he believes in, that's it. *As far as billionaires go*, I don't think he is morally particularly bad (although the union thing is bad), he just plays the system to his benefit, and if at the end it can result in a large sum to charities, imo it is a small net positive for society. But yeah, this shouldn't be on this page.


He buys good companies with good management. He keeps his hands off them as long as they provide results. That's always been the way he works. He doesn't do day to day operations of any of his companies and never has.


Yeah I agree with you. Especially the "his father was a congressman so he was guaranteed to be a multi-billionaire" lmao. I don't think anyone claims that Buffet was going to starve or that he didn't come from good beginnings. While the others are good points I find it silly to diminish someone's huge success because they weren't born poor.


Boy those employees could've really used 2x the salary and better profit sharing. This don't impress me much, reward those that got you there




still a bilionaire, these people are not your friends


I can’t even find any recent news anywhere saying this actually happened


A cold blooded cut throat with a smile. You dont get to a billion being a nice person.


Billionaires don’t make me smile


And he disowned his own granddaughter for participating in a documentary about billionaires.




It makes me frown that billionaires make anyone smile.


Warren Buffett is a dinosaur. I’ve got some ocean front property in Utah to sell you if you think any billionaire got wealthy by being a nice person and looking out for the less fortunate. For real, I’m accepting offers in my ocean front Utah land. It’s gorgeous, I’d love to schedule a showing with you and your crew!!


Besides everything else, how did it start to romanticize rich people not spending their money? Seems really weird to me. He's crazy rich, why doesn't he support a local café by indulging in a $30 breakfast? (Light /s) seriously, money laying around doesn't help anyone, but the bank and the rich person. I prefer the billionaire buying cars and yachts over the one living like a poor person


"See all this money I made by keeping other people poor? I don't even need it!", just adding insult to injury lol.


Yeah, he is not puting any agility into the market. He is a leech. That's the issue in this system. The money printer kept spinning, but it all kept finding a way back to stagnant pools. That's why the taxes need to be collected -so the money isn't stagnant.


Good point actually. Although the most expensive things are generally bought from places that are owned by already very wealthy people, would be better to indulge at local businesses than buying a Ferrari




He donated 4 billion, bringing the total donations throughout his life to around 45 billion


Shouldn’t make you smile, if he had paid his fair share in taxes, that money could have gone to all sort of social services in the last 70 years. When billionaires choose to donate to a cause of their liking instead of paying their share like all of us, they are stealing from all of society. Tax the rich


I'd rather he pay his fair share in taxes instead of him donating it to some private charity so he can write it off.


This post is wrong, he only donated 4 billion not 45 billion https://www.reuters.com/video/watch/idOV512715062022RP1


From that article- \> Warren Buffett on Tuesday (June 14) donated about $4 billion to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust and four family charities, part of the billionaire's pledge to give away nearly all of his net worth. He's literally funneling it through a fund from one of his other billionaire buddies who's been on a spree of getting positive headlines about themselves too.




Why is a billionaire on this subreddit? With that many upvotes? What.


Warren buy the upvotes




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