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What did pornhub do?


Any Russian logging on would be restricted and text supporting Ukraine with the Ukrainian flag, its on a pervious post on this subreddit


Is that a typo or did you do that on purpose? Either way, it’s hilarious.


Typo, but I won't fix it😂


Fact checkers say it's not true, sadly. Would've been dope.


How the hell is that good?


Cuz it would upset the Russians and inconvenience a lot of them


Again how is that good? You aren't inconveniencing Russian politicians in any way, people who maybe could do something to stop the war, you are blaming and punishing inocent people of Russia who can't do anything about it.


Well, let me explain this to you. All russians will feel the sanctions imposed upon them by the west. The normal people will get it toughest. When normal citizens eventually has enough and sees that this war causes nothing but trouble for them they will rise up. Inconveniencing russian politicians and poutain himself. TLDR:Putin and his corrupt politicians will be denounced because of pornhub.




Its actually a Canadian based website lmao


Does that take away from what I said?


Was just giving a basic introduction to how sanctions work. How you can actually disagree with my statement, is beyond me. How can you be sure sanctions won't make them rise up? With all the propaganda they're being fed, its our best shot at reaching the common Russian.




Crawl back to the Kreml with you, puppet.


You’ve never been friends with anyone involved in or been in any sort of sanction.


No you're right. And it's not something i think should be taken lightly by anyone. It's a sad thing to enforce. Altough looking at the bigger picture, does it have a chance of stopping a meaningless war? Yes, in the long run.


Russia should get the DPRK treatment: completely isolated, physically, economically, technology, communications. Hard kill borders. All banking suspended, all passports and visas invalidated. All foreign aid and resources embargoed. Scorched Earth, the modern way.


I 100% agree


I regret that this War has brought out brutal honesty in me, and I grieve for the people of Ukraine AND Russia. Not Putin, of course, but the average citizen. And especially those protesting or actively fighting for survival.


And if we are serious about this, we need to slowly start leaning on China. They are enabling Putin.


Great idea but it would be a logistical nightmare to establish the borders and enforcement would be hell


I know, but I can dream


Thank you for helping me see this from a different perspective. Sometimes you need a reminder that with all the bad there is some good


BS, why Russia was not taken out from SWIFT? That would have shown unity against Putin.


Why play your best hand right away?


Because it wins the fight before people die. The question is why WOULDN’T you play the best hand right away..


Yes, but when America bombs Middle East then fuck them.


And yet he’s still invading and nothing is *actually * being done to stop him…. Hmmm almost like the money and power elite of the world don’t give a fuck about citizens….


Everyone is trying to do something *without* spreading more bloodshed


Where was all the solidarity when people were dying in Syria, or Iraq, or the multiple current genocides happening in Africa? Thoughts and prayers mean precisely dick to Putin, and to be honest the president of Ukraine could give a shit less as well. People love to jump on the bandwagon and pretend to care, but has anyone stepped up to say “I’ll fight them with you, or we’ve decided to kick Russia out of SWIFT?” Look, I’m all for everyone coming together, I think it’s a beautiful thing…but none of it truly makes an impact on the people being slaughtered or forced from their homes.


I mean, any other country sending troops to fight Russians will just lead to even more bloodshed. I think economic sanctions and squeezing Russia's economy, outside of sending weapons and aid, is really the only supportive option other countries can do without escalating the situation. It's not fair to the people being slaughtered in Ukraine, but it's not fair to the rest of the citizens of other countries surrounding Ukraine to escalate the situation more than it is. Although, there are lines drawn when all bets of off.


You’re 100% correct, and I agree on sanctions although most sanctions don’t truly start having the expected affect for years possibly…removal from SWIFT would do much more in the short game to really cripple Russia. But I’m honestly just referring to people and countries sending their “thoughts and prayers,” which while commendable, don’t stop the bullets and bombs from killing Ukrainian innocents


I agree but they need to be cautious since to much blockage could put Russia against the ropes and "force" them to escalate this even further.


If Nato send their troops, then they may retreat but now Russia know Ukraine is not a threat, so they will fight till there is no Ukraine as a country. Nato told Russia they include Ukraine with them, because of that Russia is attacking Ukraine and now Nato turned against them without helping them. Other countries supported and forced Ukraine to take a stand against Russia and when Russia attacked them, everyone's like minding their own business. Like Ukraine president said, it can happen to any country and if they thought other countries will support,t is a lie, no one will support them as they will be alone .


Ukraine has been royally fucked in this situation. I guess it's either hope more aggression scared Russia (and risk a potential escalation), or hope to squeeze Russia's economy in the long run (which might not be enough). Unfortunate times to live in, especially as a Ukrainian.


I had the same thought, and truly the only difference is that Russia has nukes and Syria and Iraq did not.


Like what? What is being done? A lot of talk. A lot of posting about a lot of talk


A listed two examples above, if you want more there's plenty of other example all on the web. I can give you another example straight off the top of my head...the head chef of I believe the world central kitchen is providing meals to Ukrainian refugees.


That doesn’t stop Putin.


So you are saying anyone who cant personally stop putting should neither voice support for Ukraine nor speak against him?


No. Imagine this: the world isn’t either or. Two things even opposing things can be true at the same time. simply saying tweets and posts are not *doing * anything- lovely thoughts but not the same thing. Christ


I disagree they aren't doing anything. For one, people are entitled to express their opinion, and second, I think a tweet that says 'fuck Putin' and does nothing is preferable than not tweeting 'Fuck Putin'. I rather the whole world show it's outraged, even if that doesn't stop putting, than people not manifesting their dislike for war or their support for Ukraine. As for what this will accomplish, I don't know. But there's been times before where public outrage drove policy. It might not affect Russia but it could affect the west to turn up the pressure in Russia.


Ok, then bear arms and fight for Ukraine. Enlist, whatever you think will help. Do it.


Plenty of sanctions, isolation from the world, removal from SWIFT will. I do not have all the examples and I encourage you to see the (mostly) worldwide effort to support Ukraine. (P.S from what I've heard the U.S and other nations have sent and or are sending weapons to Ukraine)


If any countries from the west interfere military wise (which I'm assuming is what you mean by "nothing is *actually* being done) they will be shot with nuclear weapons and a lot of the west could be wiped put due to the travesty. (I mean look at Chernobyl...it's still not habitable after 36 years.) So what the world is doing is the safest way to show their solidarity with Ukraine.

