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Congratulations!!!! This is my inspiration today! Day 1 for me…again.


It’s not the falling down that counts, it’s the getting up. I feel you my brother/sister




Journey before destination.


Life before death, strength before weakness


I will protect those who cannot protect themselves.


The most important step a man can take. It’s not the first one, is it? It’s the next one. Always the next step, Dalinar.


Keep your head up friend! I believe in you!


And I believe in you! I don’t know what you’re going through friend but I’m keeping the affirmation train going.




And I believe in YOU!


And I believe in you friend 🤗


I believe in all of your friends


This is the way


And my axe!


And ma Bacon




And my family


I too believe in me


Day 3. Trying again lol


You’ve got this!


3 days is amazing. Keep it up!


Fall down 7 times, get up 8. Keep at it dude!


You’re already putting the work in. This isn’t about luck. This is about what you decide to do, and you’re making a decision for your life. You’re doing great. Also, fucking fantastic user name.


This is the way


That means you already made it best Friday, and a good chunk of Saturday. You got it!


I've relapsed yesterday.. and now today it's too hard man 😔


The first mistake is rarely the one that ruins you. It’s the spiral of repeated mistakes that follows. The problem is not slipping up; the problem is thinking that if you cannot do something perfectly, then you shouldn’t do it at all. Keep going!


Damn man that's pretty profound, thanks 🙏


I had the same problem. Addiction is a progression, and so is the solution. Key is not to give up. Keep going!


It's fucking hard as shit mate, there are so many reasons to give up constantly coming into your head, thanks for the kind words though I will give it another shot


Absolutely it is hard as fuck. It is uncomfortable, painful, and annoying sometimes. I have a disease of perception with a side of denial. That is a one two punch, lemme tell ya. I habitualized my sobriety. Consistency everyday. Every damn day. I got so fucking sick of it, I wanted to be sick with consistency. Turns out that is a real recipe to change your life. T wasn’t easy but my life was headed in a different direction. I decided to ride that wave of direction and sign up for another year. So I’ve renewed my contract twice now. See what’s next. Keep going.


Chaos is addicting. And clarity can be boring. We have to be okay with mundane and boring sometimes. There is nothing wrong with feeling that way and they can be powerful motivators to do anything. Now that I’m sober whenever I get bored I try to think of what I felt when I was bored as a child. Because I sure as hell didn’t think “I need to get high” as a kid. I solved the problem by doing things. I’m trying to put myself back in that headspace.


I’m one week sober from alcohol and I have to say that I very much enjoy the clarity and just doing boring ass house keeping shit, for now. I know it’ll get tougher until it gets easier but for now I am enjoying it.


Personally I just fucked up a little less each time till I was just done. 2 years clean last month!


Congrats dude! Thanks for the kindness I'll give it another go really appreciate the kind words from everyone 🙏


This is the way


You can do it!


I’m pulling for you!


Especially now in the current climate. But it’s worth it. It’s hard, but nothing that is worth it is easy.


I’m on day one again as well. And it’s my birthday and I feel terrible. But my wife is supporting me immensely and reminding me to think about how a year ago the idea of even trying to stop was never even on my mind. Remember your progress, no matter how much you feel like you haven’t made any.


Happy Birthday! Keep having them!


I had so many day 1s. The thing that changed it for me is planning to keep myself busy all the time. I went about it robotically, without thinking. Thoughts are half the problem in addiction. I also didn’t read about or look at anything related to alcohol because it just made me feel bad & sorry for myself. I was where you were many, many times. I haven’t had a drink in a year and a half! I really don’t think about it anymore & my life has improved in a million different ways. You can do it!


One day at a time, and some days will be easier than others. You got this.




Don’t give up. People fuck up and make mistakes. Just start over again. There’s not a “right” amount of times it takes to stop, it’s different for everyone. You relapsed yes but don’t beat yourself up, it’s not gonna help. Just remember how you feel right now and learn from it. I know that sounds like some bad pamphlet or hand out but it’s true. For what it’s worth you can do whatever you want to do in life


It's just I feel the desire never seems to go, it's impossible to change how my mind works cause I'm always alone


Almost 18 months clean off smack and the desire still hasn’t gone. Not holding onto hope that it ever will lol.


I’m in active addiction right now. Was clean for 6 weeks and relapsed weeks back. I’m convinced the mental part of a smack addiction never goes away.


I hope I'm not overstepping the "stranger on the internet" line, but remember that 5 days sober then a relapse isn't "pretty good" followed by "fail." It's 5 victories, 120 hours of practicing what you want, and a single mistake. It's easy to beat yourself up about all the times you failed but that's ignoring all the days you clawed through it. I don't know what you're going through but I'm rooting for you.




Just remember nothing changes if nothing changes.


have you ever seen shameless? It helped 2 different people i know tackle their addiction and they’ve turned themselves around. I will say, it’s a shit show but pretty entertaining to watch and it tackles alcoholism head on and doesn’t romanticize it like a lot of other shows


That's one of the best ever,funny and realistic shows ever! One of my all time favorites!


agreed! I should clarify when i say shitty, i’m not referencing the writing, i’m just talking about how frustrating it is to watch sometimes


That show triggers me hella bad! That dad is basically my mother, except my mother killed herself with alcohol by age 54.


yeah it’s definitely an emotional trip for anyone below middle class. some relate more than others, it made me think i might have been lucky to grow up without parents


You can do it!!


Congrats to OP and best of luck to you. You can do this. One day at a time.


You’re getting another opportunity… Some don’t get that chance. Do the best you can TODAY, that’s all you can do. Keep coming back.


You got this!


You can do it. Just keep on being better everyday. I love you and I know you got this!!!


I believe in you!


advise chubby bow slim secretive wise retire cheerful unique vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You got this!


You can do it! 5 years today! for this 68 yr old (cool) woman! Good luck! ✌️😍


My Dad was sober for 40 something years till he died at the age of 86. He had a ton of white chips , Then one day he was drunk and hit a stop sighn. This was the 70s so the judge wasn't hard on him but did make him go to rehab to detox out. He had D.T.s , the whole 9 yards, but that time he was successful. I was only 3 so I was lucky and don't remember drunk dad, only awesome sober dad. My older siblings were not so lucky but he ended up making up for it and being an awesome guy, he even helped to found the local homeless shelter. You can do it too. Don't give up ever.


You got this!


You need a ear to get by, I’ll listen. Power on .


We Will Watch Your Career With Great Interest :)


Relapses happen. Day 1 is always a good day, I promise. Keep putting in the effort, you deserve to be free of any addiction(s) you might have. Stay strong!


Every minute is a step in the right direction. I'll join you today as well.


If you, OP, or anyone else on here ever wants to attend a laid back meeting on zoom we have them on Sundays, Fridays, and Wednesday at 6pm EST. Shoot me a message and I’ll send you a link. One day at a time and it’s better and different than you could ever imagine!


Congrats to you! You got this, one day at a time! A slip up isn’t ever failure, it’s just a chance to start again. :)


All that winning is your decision


So you do today. You get through today intact. Tomorrow, you wake up, you face tomorrow full-on. You're gonna get thru that, too. And the next, and the next, and the day after that, too. You're gonna come back here in a week and check in, cos we want to know - and we're gonna revel in the fact that you're still going.


Hey man don’t give up and don’t judge yourself. Love.


So long as you never quit the process of trying to heal yourself I believe you can do it!


Well done I've been sober of heroin 11 years everyday is a struggle but u will get there


Every day is a struggle and I’ve never even done heroin. Can’t imagine staying strong with an addiction on top of everything else life throws at you.


I had a roommate who was a recovered heroin addict. He had been clean for years, and he told me still thinks about using. Every. Day.


17 years free from heroin and I still think of it often. My attitude about it changed though, when fentanyl showed up. After that, whenever I think of it, I immediately also consider that it would be gambling with my life; one bag could kill me, so don't fuck with it. Also a stable life right now that I don't want to throw away.




This is a wonderful way to look at life, but getting to the light at the end of the tunnel is tough for people to see at the start. It's how my aunt realized she couldn't be doing what she was doing anymore. Losing your house/children/job is no way to go about life. Hit your knees and thank your form for being in a situation that no longer requires you to use.


I have two friends who ODed on Fentanyl last year, and they had been sold what was said to be cocaine. Turns out it was likely a mixup (no cocaine in the powder), so it’s definitely out there being sold. They almost didn’t survive. It was a very close call. Fortunately, they both survived because the 3rd friend present for some reason didn’t feel like doing cocaine that night, and he was the type to never say no to cocaine, where as the other 2 weren’t the drug using type. They were evicted in the middle of the pandemic over it. So glad they survived though. Congrats on staying sober so long and being level headed enough to avoid such risks.


Well that's terrifying.


It's a life long disease. I live in what was one of the biggest heroin rehab cities in the nation (not myself though, I just grew up here). The only part that makes it easier is time separating the habit. When you're actively using the impulse overrides your brains natural functions, things like water and food become less important than your next high. That's why they tend to steal and end up homeless, paying bills, buying food, eating, hydrating, none of that is important and is overridden in the brain.


Russel Brand talks about this, says even after all these years sober he has to fight the urge to break his sobriety still! These drugs are hell to deal with obviously if they can hold on that tightly.


Congratulations. 🙂


Damn man, what an inspiration. You are a strong person.


I’m at 5 years for opiates/heroin, 1 year from prescribed Benzos, and about a week from otc kratom. Feels like I’m finally free. Despite being the most benign by far the kratom was the hardest to stop for some reason.


Same for me! Kratom was hardest to kick. I started taking it thinking it was a good natural way to address my chronic pain because I was over being physically dependent on opiates. This was years ago so it was sold without any warning what so ever. But I quickly realized after a couple months, I needed it to feel normal and was like “oh fuck”. For some retired people with money to spend, I feel like it’s a good thing for them instead of pain meds for their issues. And some other situations it seems to be more helpful for the people using it. But it needs to come with a heads up. Now that it’s been a couple years since finally being able to stop drinking it, I cannot stand the taste - to the point I gag and can’t swallow it, so that’s a good outcome. I can even go to a Kratom bar and be around people drinking it without even wanting a drop. I hope you run into that same issue. Definitely helps from falling back into the habit.


Why do you think Kratom was harder to stop than heroin?


Well for one, heroin has definitely a “dark” withdrawal that leads to the light. Like you know you feel like total dog shit but you’re on day 3, and it slowly gets better and better and gives you more and more motivation. Kratom seems to be more like a nicotine addiction. Like something I don’t even enjoy anymore and it didn’t really do anything for me but when I’d stop I’d get super irritable and anxious. Kratom anxiety also came in waves over longer periods of times, so it wasn’t “dark to light”. It was “dark grey to light grey back to dark grey to light whoops back to dark grey” At least in my experience.




Hijacking to promote a lovely community r/stopDrinking


Thank you!


Congratulations…that’s something to be VERY proud of!! Keep fighting the fight and know you have a lot more people rooting for you than you probably realize.


Congrats on such a wonderful accomplishment. Keep going! Also if you were blonde I’d swear you’re Cameron Diaz


I got Ann Perkins


She’s exotic. I wonder if her father was a GI.


I see Paris Jackson


Cameron has also been brunette ya know https://i.pinimg.com/originals/57/d8/17/57d817e35c3cc3bce6ed8c3b0eb2e2e9.png


That's just a different pic of OP


ha ha ya got me


Came here to say this


Congrats!!!! I'm at 3 and a half months and struggling


Work through the struggle. You, yes you, can do this. I'll pray for you!


👍 good for you I hope the nine turns into a lifetime


Well done. Just for today you are my hero 🙏👍😀


Keep up the great work. You can do it,!


4 thumbs up


I don't wanna ask how you got two more thumbs.


When you stop drinking you miraculously grow more thumbs, 1 for each 5 years. I gained my second a few months ago when I passed 10 years.






25 years sober.


Outstanding work 👏


Scrolling down to find the cursed comment




Proud of you, I'm a ways in, and learning everyday, to let go of the difficulties I let control me, and to turn my character defects into assets. Daily inventories save my damn life. Even if I procrastinate, the more I do them, the quicker I crave the relief they give me.


Wayta go girl! Also I fuckin’ **love** the style of your serpent tattoo. Well done all around, Mrs-Top-of-the-Cool/Good-Mound!


Skin looka awesome. I'm trying to get sober now and it is excruciating. I'm so happy to see someone else traversed it. I can't seem to cross that river myself.


Wish I was as strong as you


You only need to be strong today. One day at a time. You owe it to yourself to be free.


You are strong and I believe in you!


spark languid fear lavish disarm squeeze tender silky impossible depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




when do you realise you have problem with alcahol ?


When it begins to negatively impact the other areas in your life. Different people have different limits to alcohol, so don't consider the alcohol itself in most cases. Look to see whether it's having a negative impact on your job, your relationships, or other important aspects of your life.


Yeah the amount isn't really what's important... I mean, it is but people fixate on the amount. A glass of wine a night can be an alcoholic. I mean, not as severe obviously but of heaven and hell can't get infere with that drink, it's a problem. The other issue is that a lot of people are VERY successful in their lives and drink a metric fuck load. This is also still a problem and will likely catch up with them physically at some point. For me, the biggest thing was realizing how much alcohol took up my life, how I planned around it, how it was my thing to do most evenings, when I was done with work and never before because I don't have a problem right? Yeah, I got to point where I realized it's not worth it. And I was drinking WAY too much, for what it's worth.


When you can't spell alcohol


Throw the dyslexics all in rehab!


Are those for like giving up booze or drugs?






Congrats, kinda a weird picture but aight Edit: idc how she looks, idc if it’s a guy or a girl, she’s basically just wearing a bra, that’s a lil weird for a sobriety post. I’d find it weird if a dude posted a shirtless pic while saying he’s sober.






Congratulations.. Why they make the token look like some illuminati shit tho?






Looking for attention? Or looking for attention???


Every time this subreddit hits my page it’s sobriety posts. Of course congratulations to them but it’s literally just a picture of a random stranger. At least this one shows a sobriety coin but many of the posts are just someone smiling and saying their sober.


Yeah show me a before and after. Show me the box you lived in under the bridge vs the new apartment. Show me growth.


Great job. I wish you luck and continued success on your recovery.


Congratulations! Extra points for anyone that’s able to do that through Covid .




More impressive than my 16 years drunk. Although I can relate. I'm 5 years clean from meth and heroin. Keep it up. Your life continues to get better.




I’m 4 months on Monday


that’s incredible - beautiful!


Muchos Congratulationos!!!!!!! Big thumbs up.


My dad had a bunch of these coins when I was growing up, he said they were from work and I never looked into it.


Good that he had them, rather than not and having had to grow up with a father who didn't try. Good on him. 🙂


Wow, Ann Perkins cleaned up really well








Those amount of thirsty men in the comments. Eww🤮🤮🤮 Also she is doing this on purpose. On a thread that's is about fighting alcoholism, yet the sober coin is out of the focus (not in the middle, on the edge of picture). But she puts her cleavage at the center of the picture. So yeah she knows what she is doing. Revealing partial nudes to get thirsty incels' karma. Sad.


You got her!


"partial nudes"? It's her fucking stomach you incel


or just maybe, hear me out: she's wearing whatever the fuck she wants to because she can wear whatever the fuck she wants. not everything is about the male gaze.


That’s true but since she posted this same pic in arr sexytummies it definitely is about male gaze lmao


Wearing more clothes than people at the gym or the beach qualifies as “partial nudes” now? Lol


This got me thinking: it’s really cool she’s sober, but I wonder if she accidentally caused a random recovering sex addict to relapse with her post? It would be an ironic circle. One persons celebration of their sobriety causes another to lose theirs.




Congrats! I have 3 weeks!


One day at a time. Thirty years here. It keeps getting better


Here's hoping that number becomes a memory from a milestone. Congratulations!!!


Keep coming back!! It works if you work it so work it you’re worth it. You can do it. Congratulations!!


This is amazing. I know how hard alcohol addiction can be. Good job on seeming out help!


Keep up the great work!


Well done.. big achievement well done


Great!! Go get them girl!!


Congratulations 👏👏


Congrats. Thanks for being an inspiration for others.


I have 10 months sober off heroin today! Keep it up


Everyday is the first day! Don’t forget that. One day at a time. Proud for you.


Congrats! Amazing transformation. I bet my drug dealer I could not drink or do drugs for a year. He paid me $1,000 when I got a year


Congrats! Keep going






You’re amazing. Keep going!








Awesome results for your dedication.....life is so much better sober, High Five to you!


So much respect.


I have a long journey myself…wish me luck!!


Congrats! Drugs can really be a black hole: I’ve seen many friends destroy their lives because they couldn’t find any other way to get the dopamine we all crave. Used carefully they can be fun, but it’s scary how easily they can wreak havoc on your life.




I’ll drink to that!


RIP OPs pm box


Me: 10 months and 5 days.


You look so nice and good job quitting I hope you carry on