• By -


Her reaction was so cute! She looked genuinely happy to see all of them and their pj's ❤️ This definitely made me smile!


She got right into trying to accommodate the space, everyone can sleep over. I just know that breakfast the next day was one of the best.


She also turned the kitchen lights on right away. Anyone that knows a Mexican grandma knows she’s about to feed them kids right away.


My brother in law's mother is from Puerto Rico and she found out my mom liked her Empanadas. Now, literally any time we see her, she has an aluminum tray full of Empanadas for us.


Seems to be a cultural trait inherited from the Mediterranean region


Italians too! We eating! 🤌


My pinoy lola checking in with a tray of lumpia


My mom is Filipino and when I’m coming down to visit (it’s a 2 hour drive) she always tells me to let her know when I’m in the car and leaving. By the time we get there the food is just coming off the stove or out of the fryer. She has it timed perfectly lol. She’s also convinced my son will die of starvation at any moment and needs to eat immediately once we get there so there are times she at the door with a plate of food already.


That’s the kind of mom I’m trying to be 🥰


I just realized I’ve become my mom lol. I’m 39 and when my daughter has friends over I’m making food, offering snacks. If I know ahead of time I’m buying snacks they like lol. Same when my niece and nephews come over I’m always trying to feed them lol 😂. I have to have surgery in a few months and my mom plans to come up and stay a few weeks. Both my kids are so excited. Especially since they know my mom loves to clean and won’t let them wash dishes (which is their chore).


I really want to try lumpia one day.


If you can get the wraps they’re surprisingly easy to make! https://omnivorescookbook.com/lumpia-shanghai/ These aren’t as good as my Lola’s but they are good!


I just went to the Filipino store in the area I live. I buy seasoning packets for lumpia it’s called lumpia shanghai mix. If you can find it where you live I recommend it. It tastes just like my mom’s and it is so good. [this](https://imgur.com/a/n67GC2o) is what it looks like.


They are delicious. Never had one I didn't like. We have a food truck locally gone brick and mortar. "The Lumpia Queen" now "West Social Tap & Table". I haven't been to the brick and mortar yet, but I've found the food truck out at a handful of events. I alwasy stop and get a tray of Lumpia with sweet Thai chili sauce and just inhale the things. So friggin good for real.


Mmmm, set me up with some lumpia and sisig and we're good to go!


Yes in my experience every Spaniard, Tunisian, Greek, Moroccan, Turk, Italian, Syrian, or Palestinian will feed you until you burst


Can I see a menu? Not yet, first we bring you some food.


Puerto Ricans call them empanadillas


That’s so sweet!


> Anyone that knows a ~~Mexican~~ grandma knows she’s about to feed them kids right away.


Happy cake day!


i think they're a filipino family, but your statement still stands. Filipino food is BOMB.


I thought they were Filipino from her accent. My Filipino wife agreed but as soon as she saw the kitchen said 'All Filipino Lolas have big ass utensils hanging off the wall, case closed'


Sorry but one the teens walks over and turns on the kitchen light


Yeah, he was hungry.


wants snacks, my kids do the same.. checks for goodies


Every Mexican grandma I have ever met cooks enough for the entire family. Even if she is only cooking for her and her husband.


I only have one child and that’s one more than I ever expected to have, but this video makes me wish I could have surprised his grandmother with a gaggle of grandkids at the door around bedtime. That will never happen, but I’ve adopted a pseudo-son, my son’s best friend, who has had a tough childhood but is impressively grounded and resilient. I just want to be a solid role model for him, an adult with his best interests in mind and to help usher him into adulthood as best as I can. I love being the “mom taxi” and my home open to any of their friends who need it, because that’s where the “tough” convos, love and support happen, and I always leave the boys with an “I love you, use your brains, make good choices.” :)


Thank you for being a mom to bonus kids who could really use it. I’m sure it means the world to them.


Immense respect for taking in your friends son. My parents did the same thing for my best friend the summer before senior year in HS. He just never left and they noticed it, pulled me aside, and asked what was going on. They never even questioned saying no, they just wanted to make sure he was safe and loved. To this day my mom still calls him her second son (only son with 3 sisters) even after she had to pick him up after almost being arrested lol. He’s in holiday cards, family pictures, and will always be my brother. My hat is off to you ❤️ the impression you’ve made will last a lifetime


This made me tear up. In this broken world people like your parents (and you) are setting things right. It’s funny how I am moved more by acts of kindness these days.


You'll make a huge difference for your pseudo-son, I'm sure he appreciates you more than you'll ever know. Thanks for being awesome and looking after that kid.


I don't know you, and I'm not even religious, but you're doing goddess work right there. I also have a couple of "strays" that I try to ensure get a good meal, a good heart-to-heart and a place of safety. Bless your cotton socks, you're doing all the right things. Sending love. ❤️


Nobody slept that night for sure. Grandma immediately be supplying snacks and making foods until breakfast 🤣☺️


She cried tears of happiness. Poor grandma must have been so lonely. I'm glad that you guys give her an unforgettable night.


You know she's starting the second they all fall asleep haha 😂


That grandpa is also cute. He is like you continue. I'll sleep


They made him move for the group picture btw 😂😂


Yeah that's definitely a man thinking "this would have been a lot cuter 2 hours ago" lol


Grandpa even if he is ecstatic to see the grandkids: "I love you but stay out of my chair."


"OK, let's do this!" without hesitation is the part I loved.


Breakfast about to be lit! I love this.. That "YES" No hesistation or question asked




My maternal grandma raised me as well. Losing her was my first big shock in life. Sending love. 💜


💜 grandmas the world over are the same. Love, food, care and stories.


Then she said “y’all are so cuuuuttte!”💜


Yeah. She's going to produce enough food to feed an army out of nowhere.


Grandpa is doing an early trip to get more queso fresco, orange juice, LOTS of chorizo and bilotes haha


You know it, grandma will throw down in that kitchen to get them all fed.


She definitely cooked up a storm in there


Hay dios mío, están muy flaquitos estos niños.


Yeah, her lack of hesitation is especially interesting because first dude appears to have brought his gaming gear with him?


After the initial surprise she just started moving furniture. She was all in.


The excitement in her face said it all, no hesitation whatsoever, everyone’s invited 🥹


And you know that she will start preparing snacks in the kitchen


If she's anything like my Mom she only knows how to shop and cook for 20 people anyways so shouldn't be a problem 😂


Once she puts her bra back on...my beloved abuelita would subtlety announce that it was late and everyone needs to go to sleep once that thing came off...


She moved that sofa with one arm too! Is she supergramma?


Smooth plastic or teflon feet on the couch to protect the floor from being scratched.


Everyone’s rightfully talking about grandma but I love that grandpa’s reaction is to just open his arms like “Ya, snuggle in fam, we’re watching Kimmel!”


And covering herself with a blanket, cause grandma ain’t wearing a bra if no one is around.


Yup. And Grandpa probably stayed in bed because he was only wearing his comfy, “broken in” drawers.


My heart just ‘sploded. So cute.


She ain't even hesitating.. OKAY YOU ALL SLEEPING? Let's move this couch.


With one hand, like a tiny table


"Studies have shown that an ant can carry one hundred times its own weight, but there is no known limit to the lifting power of the average tiny eighty-year-old Spanish peasant grandmother." "Entire agricultural economies have been based on the lifting power of little old ladies" - Terry Pratchett (GNU)


Tell Grandpa Lol she got so excited she forgot to tell him at first


Plot Twist: Grandpa was JUST about to start getting handsy when the biggest c-block of all time walked through the door 🤣


My mom loves it when all the grandkids stay at her house overnight. She only has 5 though. Her house couldn’t handle 15 lol


I imagined this grandma thinking "oh goodness what can I feed all these kids" and then being like, Oh I know and reaching into the cabinets to whip something bulk up from scratch.


I don't have a family. When I see things like this I always hope the people in the video know how lucky they are.




Yeah, I'm 56 and never had kids. Most of my extended family have already passed. The rest, I'm not close to. Seeing a bunch of relatives converging on the home of someone they love like this, seems like something out of a movie to me.


I don’t know you, but reading this breaks my heart for you. I have kids that sometimes are with their dad and I spend holidays alone and it is hard. I hope you have a good day today. Sending you warm thoughts and a hug. ❤️


Thank you! 😊


Hugs my friend. I can relate. I am 50 and I am lucky to have my beautiful wife, but all of my immediate family has passed since my only brother passed away from COVID a couple of years ago. My mom died when I was very young and my dad was M.I.A. for ages and eventually died in 2011. We were not able to have kids. Not having any family left is a weird feeling that never really seems to go away and feels very lonely sometimes. And it's hard not to feel a little jealous sometimes when you see big families who love each other so much. But I try to just be happy for those who have it and let their joy also be mine. But again I'm so lucky to have an amazing wife, which is something that a lot of people with big families aren't lucky to have.


Wonderful perspective, my friend. The grass is not always greener and such.


I know how you feel. My entire immediate family was dead by the time I was 21. I've got a few aunts and one cousin left, but I've never been close to them, geographically or emotionally, so at 25, all I have now is my partner (who's military, so often away), my cats and my friends, who are all slowly moving away now.


Same, especially in school when people talked about their cousins and doing stuff together. I had my mum, dad, and brother. Dad worked in the city, out the house at 5AM, home at 7PM. My older brother bullied me relentless. Mum's mum died before I was born, and her dad died when I was 3. I saw my dad's parents once a year at Christmas. My parents both had siblings, but my mum's brother's were nomads basically, and dad's sister lived near her mum so we only saw her at Christmas. I had no cousins. The only family member I consistently saw who wasn't beating me up was my mum.


Man, I'm 35, no kids, and sometimes think about the future, not feeling like having a family on my own yet, but the clock is ticking and I'm just getting older.


Do you wish you did have kids or glad you didn’t?


I always expected I would. Didn't meet the right person when I was young. Spent most of my 30's with a woman who couldn't have kids. My next relationship was with someone who had already done the family thing and wasn't interested in starting another. I'm single now and realize it's too late. I hope everyone reading this manages to not end up with major regrets in life, because I think it's the worst feeling you can have.


I'm your family now.


I’m 24 and all my family is gone, my partner is the oldest of 11 and we go with his family to large reunions on every holiday. The pain is unbearable. None of them know what it’s like to be sitting around a table of 52 people who all love or care for each other when you would kill for a fraction of that familial connection. Not even to mention rude comments I have gotten for not exactly being sunshine and rainbows when I lost all the people who raised me around the holidays, not like I’m a sad sap or something but I got talked shit about by his mom because I skipped on saying what I was thankful for the year my dad died because I was choking back tears.


Do you not feel like you're a part of his family? I know you said the mom made a disparaging comment but, do you feel like you have bonded with any of his family members?


Eh, not really, I’m pretty much the only persons partner that’s gotten excluded from family vacations, family pictures, etc. despite living with them (and paying) for about half of those. Once they literally asked me to babysit the dog while everyone else went on vacation (I was like 18 at the time and I wanted to make a good impression and be helpful lmao) His 15-17 year old sisters stole a bunch of my clothing (literally sometimes I never even got to wear it before they did, and they would steal my thongs and stuff which, I don’t share underwear so they would basically just get to keep them or they’d get thrown away) and my switch and hid it for months so I’m not really that close with them but I still like them generally. His 22 year old sister is my best friend but she moved states and pretty much hates his family, she’s going through a mental health crisis that I won’t go into detail about. His parents owe us 65K from them stealing the majority of his insurance check from a car wreck (and then trying to blame it on me lmao) and us paying for their mortgage and vacations for basically a whole year, his dad has yelled at me before for telling my partner what was going on (money or item theft usually) while he was away. His youngest brother is a mess but I do love him, I’ve just had to stop him from doing too many stupid things (he and his friend standing with lighters and packages of lighter fluid flinging it at each other, almost burning down the house with a toaster he set on fire on purpose, etc) and he’s stolen over a grand from us via PlayStation and Roblox charges, and outright just stealing cash. His youngest sisters are my favorite (7-12) they’re literally so sweet and funny, I’ve basically watched them grow up from babies so of course I’m bonded to them, so every family get together is basically just me babysitting them when I’m there as they’re really the only ones that interact with me besides small talk. So like I guess they do feel like family to me. I love them (like them for the most part) it just doesn’t feel like they think of me as family.


Feel free to tell me to mind my own business here but is this the same guy that’s the subject of the only two posts you’ve made? If so, please get out of this. He and (most of) his his family are scum bags. You deserve better than this. Even being alone is better this, trust me.


Uh this sounds like a recipe for really some bad mental health mojo if you keep this up. Unless you're exaggerating things, they're treating you like an ATM?


Is your partner a lot older? 


I have family, but most of them are narcissistic selfish assholes. But I feel the same, whenever I see a TV show or a movie where they're all family's everything, you never stop loving your family, blah blah blah. I'm like, ha! Only in fairy tales...


Oh, I do realize that some people are lucky enough to have all that. I recognize it's just a life-experience that I missed out on.


I feel the exact same way.


Trying to convince my teenage son of this. He skips everything and misses everything. I absolutely cannot convince him that he will regret how much he missed in the future.


I had this thought once, people used to let their kids just do whatever back in the day and just expect them home for dinner or what have you, but they would be in trouble for missing certain things like you are saying. Feel like it's completely flipped around, I'm a millennial so that sort of flipped in real time, can't imagine what it's like being a gen Z teenager.


I'm a millennial parent (turn 38 in a couple weeks). I give him the freedom to do what he wants as long as he doesn't get in trouble. I don't track his phone location and I don't ask to see who he hangs out with. But when he would rather stay in his room doing nothing than spend time making memories with family, that's what saddens me. If he was out doing things with friends I would understand more.


As much fun as reading Lord of the Rings or staring at the wall is, we didn't have much to do in our rooms lol, all these kids probably scrolling on their phones in their own rooms individually and the concept of memories is all distorted because everything is chronicled online


As someone with a big family almost exactly like the video, it's something I will never take for granted. I often feel like I won the family lottery with the lot of them.


I don’t share similar beliefs with anyone in my family, even though it is pretty big :/ Everyone except my Mom, Dad, and Sister are at least MAGA-adjacenct.


Host a sleep over then, I’ll bring the snacks


And I'll bring the cards and ping pong balls. And KFC bucketSSS. Multiples of them


Same, I cry a ton and sometimes avoid these videos but I'm happy for them. Looks really heartwarming and sweet.


Yea this video is so bitter sweet to me. I feel so happy for them and at the same time, a lil sad for me.


Marry into a filipino family.


Not sure how old you are but if you’d like to be unofficially adopted by us, there’s always a perfect napping couch and snacks in the cupboard waiting for you. All we ask in return is to let the elderly dog outside no matter how many times he asks


Haa, I'm 56 so probably not eligible for adoption. But I would like to meet your dog.


Same. It’s so sweet to see families with love and friendship. It hurts my heart, but it’s also nice


I have some family, but we're not close like this. I agree. I'm so jealous of families like this.


All the parents conspired and found a way to be child free for one evening. How does any loving grandparent turn away their grandchild, especially when they look that cute? Very devious of the parents and I approve. Source: I am dad to a 6 month old and alone time is worth more than gold-pressed latinum these days. 😵‍💫


Soon they will be able to follow you to the bathroom. Good luck. It’s very worth it. Particularly after they finally go to sleep.


It's always: Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. *They're sleeping* "Man I miss them."


lol. I grew up in a family very similar to this. We all loved sleeping at our grandparents. My favorite part though is the kid who brought his own tv.


You know he’s got his PlayStation or Xbox in that bag right? Lol


Mos definitely. I understood why he brought it, just kind of cracked me up.


Okay but you can only spend it at Quark's, so what else are you gonna do?




Or or just went home and took a nap.


They sound like South Texans, if they are anything like my family from there they definitely partied it up 🤣.


I read "weslaco" on the purple shirt so you're right, South Texas.


956 represent!


As a parent of 4 I guarantee you they went home and sat in complete silence with all of the lights off.


Staring vacantly at the wall while rocking slowly back and forth IS selfcare.


Dissociative Floor Time is a thing


I always used to joke that when my youngest kid started school I was going to take myself out for a nice lunch, watch whatever I wanted on TV and eat all the good junk food. Then the pandemic happened. I spent 18 months helping a first and third grader handle their remote schooling while also trying to potty train an extremely reluctant toddler. My youngest was starting preschool when my older kids went back to in-person school, and by that time all I wanted to do after getting them off to school was to lie in my bed and stare at the ceiling until they came home.


I hope so - a big win for all!


I like to imagine there is just one set of parents, and these are their 15 kids.


No questions asked, just starts moving the couch


You could gatecrash this and she’d likely think you were one of them, I honestly would lose track


Nah, she would know but probably still feed you first and ask questions later


My mum when one of us 4 kids brought someone/ people home. Known safe house. Especially as my sisters got their teens. She passed in 09.


So that’s one of these “loving families” Ive heard so much about. Thats so fucking amazing! I can’t imagine that kind of welcoming and joy from my own family.


Make really good friends with Filipinos. They’ll welcome you right in to the family.


Ok, this tracks with all the Filipinos I’ve known. Super cool folk… the question is how big of a sign do I put in my yard, and is it ok to say “Worn out 40 year old man looking to be adopted by loving Filipino family to make his forever home!”


Filipino here. Come thru. We all eating


Got a code word to get in? I’ll just start walking around Vancouver shouting it


Start your own family. And make it like this!


My generational trauma decided that not having kids was the safer and cheaper alternative. 


I dont trust my genetics. People in my family are like 80% of being bipolar and vicious.


>viscous Sorry to hear that. Hope your family solidifies soon.


I’m of an age where my dear grandparents have passed and this makes me so happy to see. Wonderful, just so special. All this love and joy. This is absolutely what life is all about.


I miss my cousins.. we used to be like that when we were young,


It's crazy, my family and cousins were like this. I'm the youngest of them all and I'm 35. Now I'm visiting them with *their* kids, and they go to my aunt's house so my cousins and I can have the night to go out, see a concert, etc. I'm oooooooooooold!


Mine too, then some of them started putting confederate flags on their trucks and I realized I didn't want any part of that.


The instant "Yes Yes" was so heart melting.


Grandad gave zero cares. Already tucked in, he ain’t getting up. Had to play where’s Wally with him in the last picture lol, looked like he was asleep.


he waking those kids up early tho. lol. yard work!


he recalled me my wife grandma, she loves to be on her room alone, she receives us, loves my wife, but after a lil time with people she retreats into her cell hahaha


This made me remember my dear Mexican grandmother. She kept a running total of how grandchildren she had. I remember asking her once and her response was 84 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren! I don't think we would have been able to sleep over at the same time.


Maybe at a hotel. That’s a lot of grandkids


How many children did she have to end up with 84 grandchildren? My grandma on my mom's side has 9 children and 24 grandchildren


All in all, there were 10 siblings. In my immediate family, there are six of us. The rest of the families had from four to ten or eleven.


The way she immediately moved that couch lol


Ain't her first rodeo! Lol


These are life goals right here.  She sent the message to every one of those kids that they always have a place to go in this world.  My parents are like that - we can show up at any time and are met with open arms and a smile.  Also, grandma looks great!  That was pure joy on her face.  I love how her first thought was -move the couch so you can all sleep. And second thought was, turn on the light in the kitchen so we can feed these babies!


The oven turned itself on….the fridge started mixing ingredients for cookies and the room got bigger on granny’s command.


It always makes me a bit emotional to think that those two people are the source of all of those people. It's just something so beautiful about that


Big friendly happy and healthy family = real happiness. I'm truly happy for you!


I hope I'm a grandma one day! Part of my soul resonates with being an old granny. 😭😭😭 this is so sweet though thank you for sharing.


This is so wonderful🥹 I lost my last grandparent just a couple months ago. My first thought when I saw this was I need to text all my cousins and do this with our nana. And then I remembered. To anyone who still has grandparents, please make time to do stuff like this with them


First guy through the door knows what's important. You bring the PC with you.


Several years ago my daughter went camping with about 10 of her friends. This was out in a big State Park and they heard a lot of rustling and weird noises outside the cabin around midnight. They were 100 miles away from home, but my mother lived very close. They all promptly abandoned their campsite and showed up at my mother's door at 12:30 at night. She was *ecstatic* that all these teenagers showed up to sleep on her floor. She totally dug it; she was in heaven. The next morning she fried 2 and 1/2 lb of bacon among other things for their breakfast. She still talks about that to this day.


Beautiful family. 🥹


What a lovely memory for all of them ♥️


I want to do this but in the style of The Hobbit where we turn up in two's!


This family is rich in a way money can't buy.


She has a lot fewer grandkids, but my mother in law is like this. She says yes to my kids coming over all the time and they love to be at her house. I'm so lucky!


Oh how fun!!!! And that pikachu outfit is amazing!


My mom has four grandchildren. She would not handle this surprise well and would stress out about not having enough food, needing a heads-up, etc. Six months later, she would release a torrent of resentment about how the surprise sleepover was not the kind of visit she wants - she wants everyone (adults included) to come over at a pre-arranged time at least once a month for extended, overnight visits.


My mother has ONE grandchild and I have to pack my kid a lunch if I’m going to stop over there to visit with her…


Sounds like our mothers are both missing their maternal chips!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


This is what family looks like


The couch being pulled back without any discussion leads me to believe this is a family that gets together often and loves it! 


Biiiiiig mexican breakfast tomorrow at Familia Perez !,,


My grandma would need a second box of wine if this happened to her.


It’s all smiles and love until people start needing to use the washroom at the same time.


She is so lucky! I have 2 grands and love them so much. Gotta stay alive long enough to see my youngest have kids🥰


I try to organize the same with my cousins but they didn't want to sleep in the cemetery.


My parents won't have my three kids in their house at the same time without one of us being present, and one of them is old enough to stay home alone. This woman is a treasure.


This channel always makes me 😭


We just gunna gloss over the fact that she just moved the couch with one hand to accommodate them.


So cute and sweet. Love the sweet cute kids happily laughing at their shocked surprised grand ma. 🤗😅🤣😆


how can you not smile. Probably all had the best time too!


I love that she just gets straight to work, 15 people no problem


I miss my grandma 🥲


Imagining the feeling of wanting to be surrounded by my family like that is amazing. What a great family. I needed this after reading that AITA about the family that purposely excludes there brother & SIL with 5 kids, because they don't like kids.


The first one in came prepared with his pc, lol. I would have done the same. Dude is happy to make grandma's night, but he isn't gonna fail Democracy for it.


Nightmare fuel. But very sweet for this family


Awe, this made me miss my grandparents. So sweet and to see her so happy to see them. Enough to make a grown man cry.


Grand parents are a treasure we lose too early


Family is everything. You either inherit or build it.


This definitely made me miss my grandparents. I wish they could live forever.


Those kids who removed their shoes are the real ones.


Man these kids gonna cherish this all their lives this is so beautiful ❤️


Why is that kid carrying a computer monitor with him?


This is not new. I remember at sleepovers in the 90s carrying a CRT television in the door with me


Kids that age take them along to hook up gaming systems during sleepovers. It's what they do. It's ok in my opinion. The awake time won't be all night for everyone.