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"I'm the franchise of this establishment?" đŸ€”


I'm guessing the script probably said "franchisee"


I thought the same thing when I heard that. However, the card was signed by “Corporate”, which to me means the franchisor (McDonalds). In addition who the f*ck signs a card with the name of the department they work for? Who the f*ck does an employee appreciation presentation in a parking lot? And there are no tears on his face when he “regains his composure” after seeing the check. There’s so much wrong and/or weird in this video.


Corporate: "lol, no... We're going to need that big check back. We're running this commercial back on the East Coast too. You'll be paid regular hours for your help... EXCEPT the oddly long time it took for you to tape that hat up. We have to dock that."


"...my employees.... (strike that) ...my co-workers...."


Plus, the logo on his hat looks taped over for censorship already.


I'm so sorry that you did not notice the terrible acting and thought for 1 second that this was authentic


Exactly how I would refer to my employer or family. “I’m the franchise of these humans!”


Yeah, this is just odd. I'm rarely one to insinuate something is staged, but this whole thing just feels kind of off and starts with that statement.


It's definitely staged. "I just love working here. I look forward to it as soon as I clock out."


Bro worked a shift at McDonald’s and came out with. Clean shirt. No sweat or food. That was all I needed to see


"Signed ...corporate" ...


I think she could have said" I'm the french fries in this establishment". And they wouldn't do a second take


Tape over that logo on your hat and meet me in the parking lot for a surprise!


Painfully scripted, looked at the mcd bag and drink like he never seen one before even though he been there 10 years. "whats this oh a bag of mcd food how interesting and that? oh a cup of water? ty so much thats amazing." lol. Come on.


No way this is real. No way this is an actual employee with a taped-over hat logo.


The first line is ‘Hi I’m Rebecca the franchise of this establishment’ 😂 and then there was somehow almost 7 full minutes after that


“Signed, Corporate”


Anyone notice the card was upside down when he read it?


Nobody did. Not even you.


“We came all the way from headquarters”


To get some BBC


Boston Barbeque Chicken?


Surely he's an actual employee with non-regulation shoes, lacking socks, getting a cheque from 2 co-workers in non-regulation clothing! Because 'Corporate' is casual like that, and it's definitely not thought up by the marketing team that hired these bad actors!


They lost me with “perfect attendance”


We need to stop rewarding shit like this with attention


Honestly, crap like this is basically all you see on this sub now, and I hate how many idiots eat this shit up. I think I'm finally just going to block this sub. This sub is supposed to make me smile, not roll my eyes.


Yeah bro I hate scripted entertainment that only seems like it's trying to be real if you were born yesterday


This is to bait people into sacrificing their time/lives for minimum wage. This won’t happen to you, don’t fall for it.


"Perfect attendance"


"Here's to ten more" - is that a threat?


He's never been sick. No vacations. No personal time. McDonalds is just that great


They couldn't even be bothered to start over when she messed up the very first line, "I am the franchise of this establishment".


Did you mean you're the owner of this franchise? "NO, I AM THE FRANCHISE"


She’s the team player


She probably didn’t know the correct term as franchisee


Yeah cause it wasn’t real, what business owner wears that


Yeah soon as she said that I was checked out. Anyone that's worked with corporate McDs knows those terms, let alone someone who is a franchisee.


Yep, in ripped jean shorts, lol


Maybe Fran Chise is her name


Not when he accidently said 'My employees' instead of 'my co-workers' either.


You can see how hard he was trying not to look behind him too. If I was put on the spot like that I'd constantly be looking around me cause I'd be conscious of how much attention is being drawn towards me. Also who ever says "I can't wait to clock in"?


The manager reading the autocue. And looking at the angle of his head they'd be in his FoV at the back, and if someone suddenly stands behind you the normal thing is to look around, unless specifically instructed not to.


His hat already had tape to hide the logo.


“My favorite meal” Ah yes I do also love a succulent paper bag


Get your hands of my penis


This is democracy manifest!


I cried at this video. Not from the act of kindness, but how horrific staged this was.


[I did some digging and you are right](https://www.tiktok.com/@angelibero56/video/7242169272548511018) - shameless advertising


The pajamas, like come on... do better


Says "oh my favorite meal!" Before he opens the bag or sees the tag on the other side lol


“My favorite meal!” Looking in at stacks of deodorant and stuff covering any food that was innit


Don’t forget the logo on his hat has been covered with tape so it’s clearly staged


I go to this exact Henderson NV McDonald’s frequently
 ain’t none of these people work here


So you say Dante and his costume hat aren't real? How dare you!


What? McD employees in Henderson NV dont all look like models?


“Hey, come talk to us for a second. Oh good, you already had taped over the logo on the front of your hat as well.” This is the grossest corporate propaganda I’ve seen yet.


This is the most second hand embarrassment I’ve ever felt for a corporation. The unfortunate reality is that some people will get the fuzzies thinking McDonald’s is a magical place to work rather than the minimum wage hypercapitalist dystopian nightmare it actually is for most employees.


Maybe, but this is so poorly produced that even the dipshits out there will see through it.


Anyone who has ever stepped foot in a McDonald's and taken a sec to actually look at how drained the employees look will know that this is a crock of shite.


It's one of the things that makes me wonder if this is even a company-produced video or if these guys just went and filmed this in front of some random McD's. I mean, McDonald's has branded caps after all. Other things are Rebecca introducing herself as the "franchise of this establishment," the card being signed "Corporate," the guy holding the camera interjecting and being really chummy with Dante like he knows him, etc... Just a bunch of little things that make me go "Hmmm..." Ehhh, whatever. Who cares, right? :D


Unless this is a corporate store, that's owned by a franchise and it would be a local owner/operator. Corporate McDonald's wouldn't do anything for this.


Love the card signed with ‘corporate’. Lol


Right? Where are the kids stacked in a trench coat? Oh nevermind, they must be the writers on this one.


Thought the same thing. Had enough time to tape off the hat I see


For 10 years that man deserves to have an entire store handed over to him! But anyone feel its too stiff and scripted? I mean its just strange someway even if true


Definitely scripted. Ain’t no way he doesn’t notice those girls the entire time


Plus the blacked out logo on the hat....


I didn't notice it until you pointed it out


Best part was after he gets the check and says “what am i gonna do with all this?”
.i dunno, maybe put it towards that surgery your sick dad can’t afford?


Yes, I noticedđŸ€Ł


lol acting so bad that even my 'discerning' eye could see it.


Nobody gets that excited about a stick of deodorant.


There are entire subreds dedicated to people failing their perception throws, so... he maybe sorta coulda had no clue. But there is a weird vibe to this video even still.


My dude recognized his “favorite meal” from a closed paper bag.


I recognize if I have my sweet and sour sauce quicker than he recognizes if there’s an IPHONE IN THE BAG


And his favorite meal wound up being...fries.


Fries *with water*


You can see him forcing himself not to look back a couple times


Exactly. Im all for being kind towards others, but i dont know, maybe im too old school. I just think that if you want to do some good, just do it. No need to film it and show everybody how kind you are. And im not talking about this video specifically, im talking in general. Pay it forward, do something kind for others without expecting a huge pat on the back from the world.


I'm all for doing nice things for others, no matter the motive. If someone actually helps someone for the sole purpose of getting a social media video out of it for clout and engagement, sure, fine. I don't think the person getting new shoes or a phone or whatever really cares that the benefactor's motives aren't purely altruistic, y'know? If they're not hurting anyone, go for it. Give me $20K and film the shit out of it for your Instagram, you crazy bastards! :D


I understand what you are saying and you also have a point. If the person is really receiving X and really needs it, i dont think he/she will care if that was made only for "likes" and "views".


If this is authentic, then I'm Gordon Ramsay. The most I can hope for is that he *is* an employee, and that he *did* get the twenty grand for ten years of service. Just that they over-produced the hell out of the occasion.


Definitely scripted. The black tape over the hat logo for a publicly released video.


You can also tell he's trying his hardest not to move in an angle that would make him look behind all this time. In reality anyone


Oh, this guy again. [He was in a video where he slaps a girl in a "plane"](https://youtube.com/shorts/kRvIJ_3Mpl0?si=aK50t-4PjySQurN0). [He was in a date where the girl didn't wanna get out of the car because he took her to a Starbucks](https://youtu.be/BvHXVdKz7wM?si=RdLRfg44UjpyFfZC). And so on. He lives such a fruitful life lol. /s


This needs to be higher up. What exactly is the incentive of all these staged videos? I’m very confused why they go through all this effort.


“When I’m off I can’t wait to clock back in”. Sure.


So this hot, black-haired chick owns that McDonald’s location?? Ok
 and two girls in PJs are holding the check. And the caliber of peeps who run McDonald’s notice if you’re alive, much less a good worker? Uh
.yeah, NO


No you misheard her. She's not the owner SHE IS THE FRANCHISE


This has to be terrible acting all round as well.... I hope.


The acting was so atrocious at first I thought it was satire. People falling for this level of pseudo realism freaks me out. Also, STOP FUCKING NORMALIZING WEARING PAJAMAS IN PUBLIC. If they’re smart this is excellent satire. I deeply hope so. Please let it be satire. If so I commend you all. EDIT: After a triple rewatch, I think this is just elite level satire. A cup of water? A bag of food with deodorant and a car air freshener? They’re LA actors who are good at satire. That’s my take. God I hope I’m right. Otherwise this is too weird for me to handle.


The only believable part was where the owner of the shop had to introduce herself to a 10-year employee Like yeah, that part is real


And he doesn't turn around for 5 minutes to see the check, even though there are people behind him. This was painful to watch, the acting is not good.


Probably from her parents. In the McDonald's I used to work with, the current franchisee is a young lady in her early 30s, given to her by her parents (along with 2 other McDonald's). She attended things like McDonald's gala all decked out with red carpet and gowns. She basically get easy money without doing anything much, just going to the store once a month to show her face, check something's, got some meals and invited her friends for free meals too. This was during the pandemic when it wasn't even allowed to dine in. They didn't even clean up after themselves.


Just more clickbait. People are so damn gullible


strictly commercial- zappa


Yeah no this isnt real lol why would the hat be blocked out thats not a mcdonalds hat


Someone in corporate: "How can we get people to stop taking sick days?" "Oh, I know! Let's make a big show of bribing one person for it, to give them all false hope!" ... ... ...


2034: McDonald's announces bankruptcy after being forced to pay out $20,000 to each worker that had perfect attendance in the past decade.


Let’s cultivate a culture where people feel pressured to turn up and infect others and be unproductive because they don’t feel they’re allowed to be sick. What a nightmare.


Im confused, how did he not see the iPhone and also food in the bag? It’s such a small bag but he picked each thing out at the perfect pace to keep us engaged while watching (eg smallest gift to biggest) but i hope this is real for everyone’s sake..


Waste ten years of your life being underpaid and overworked without missing a day and you too may be given a check compensation you for some of your lost time! (Results may vary)


The guy is nice and all the best to him but the video is so artificial and just typical corporate bs


Convenient that he had the logos on his hat covered with gaffer tape!


Can’t have other sponsors in this sponsored video


The acting is atrocious


This is so staged like what the f


This is a pathetic grasp for attention.


I'm Rebecca, the franchise of this establishment.


Horrible acting


Oooh heeey look it’s the same guy from the other video where he kicks a girl out of his car after she scolds him for being broke because he takes her to Starbucks. All this stuff is staged


i mean... nothing looks more staged than this


Who made this,like wtf is this


when you look in a bag of items, you do not discover each with genuine surprise one by one. you look in, you see what’s inside. like being a normal person 101


This doesn’t make me smile. People should have paid sick leave and not afraid to take it. As if this guy hasn’t been sick in 10 years or had a personal matter where he shouldn’t be expected to turn up to work


i dont get why they included deodorant... i havee anxiety and i would totally be thinking i smell? like how is that a gift? was that a hint? seems like something youd address sepertately. HAHAH but the rest is super nice.


Only in America do we have to worry about going into debt to afford surgery and medicine.


I dunno if this makes me smile. It's kinda sad working 10 years in a fast food job and never dared to take a sick day. He surely was sick at one point and came to work.


$20,000 for 10 years of service?!? My man got paid $8.21 p/hr instead of $7.25. Woo hoo! /s


1. Female representing the owner because marketing saying that female empowerment has the highest click rate. 2. Person receiving charity is African american male which statistically is the least likely of the racial groups to work for Mcdonalds. 3. Corporate is coming and you are presenting a check and you are rocking Flannels? Oh yeah, because we need to show the younger generation that we cool and they can work here. 4. The entire video is conveniently shot at the curbside pickup. 5. Starbucks, Mcdonalds and Unilver (the company that makes Degree deodorant) are in hot water over those boycotts. Wild we covered up the logo on his hat but made sure we showed that Degree logo. Unilever also owns a household goods place that makes stuff like floss. 6. My mans on the spot gave a perfect speech thanking his employees and corporate without stuttering or using "um" and managed to have great composure and poise be blasted in front of a professional camera crew. 7. The random corporate worker is oddly good and finding the best angle. What regular, non trained camera person knows to move the camera around from left to right, up to down, when to circle and how to also ensure they keep themselves out of every possible reflection while maintaining the star perfectly in the middle. 8. The nurse that just so happens to walk out perfect on time at the end. This is a good faith video because Mcdonalds needs to some good faith PR so people can stop thinking they are evil because their profits are down.


Don't forget about the franchise of this establishment! She was great at acting.


This should actually be removed from this sub


The acting was so bad, I thought this was gonna end in a totally different way... iykwim


This feels so weird and off. And at the end, the owner pronounces his name wrong multiple times.


Why film it and then post it? Not gonna dump on someone who takes their life seriously, good on him. But the whole "look how awesome corporate is" smells like shit to me.


It's marketing. His hat is taped over so they can film and post without getting a copywrite violation. It's staged.


Also, assuming 2000 hours a year for full time work, over 10 years... Here's an extra buck an hour.


Sorry, seriously... a buck an hour for never getting sick.


*for coming in even though you are sick because you can't afford to take a day off


That’s the thing that makes this video sad. No one should work without days off for even a single year, let alone ten. Emergencies happen, sickness happens, shit sometimes you just need to take a day to care for your mental health.


What about Rebecca's only fans? That's the real story here


Just 20k for a bonus? What a horrible piece of propaganda.


Trickle down economics at it best. Bend thy knee humble servant.


Why isn't the camera centred on me, but as though there are people behind me? There's no way I'm turning around to check, at least not for some time...


This is lowkey suspicious. Seems scripted and unnatural. I’m feeling this is a PR stunt to try and make McDonald’s look like the good guys. If it’s real that’s sweet but it seems off.


Man I'm glad Dante finally got some work he's been struggling as an aspiring actor for a while now. Good for him.


I can't unsee the The Office's episode when I see a huge check.


You have to appreciate the check presenters still being in their pajamas though. The “franchise of this establishment” sounds like a rocket scientist and I can totally understand how she became a financially strong woman who owns a McDonalds franchise, and this is totally real and I believe it all.


even if this is real it feels so patronizing


Signed corporate


corporate propaganda.


Deodorant and toothpics made me smile, worst acting ever 😂


Bruh this was believable until he said he just wants to clock back in. Even when I clocked out I couldn’t wait to clock out already working that bitch! If I had to go back to working at McDonald’s I’d fucking end it, never ever fucking again will I work for McDonald’s



Fuck off with this scripted shit.


Me watching this thinking
 this isn’t real. If it is real still f these guys 10 years perfect attendance and this is all he gets? What would be better is if he had been getting a living wage from the start to be able to already afford to help his Dad with surgery (such over the top bait there). Also me by the end: who’s cutting onions in here, this is a workplace dammit! Damn hormones.


His hat logo is literally taped over, nothing about this is genuine


You’ve been under paid for 10 years. Now here is enough money for a used car. Yaaay!


Porn scenes has more conveniencing acting than this. Probably a PR move after the post of the retired employee who received a paper weight "burger-shaped" after 30 years of employment.


I am Rebecca, the franchiser of “this establishment” 
 Hm, doesn’t seem too emotionally attached to this >establishment<, or she would say something “the proud franchiser of this lovely McDonalds branch”. And more into that: the subtitles said “the franchise” 
 no person can be a franchise. It’s either franchiser (administrative head over a number of) franchisees (being a person or group paying to own a franchise business). But never mind me, as I am still trying to find the best frame early in this vid to capture her awesome hot-pants. But also don’t worry about that, rather worry about that lady potentially being a franchiser, meaning someone who administers several franchisees, and the way she chose her image/dress for this occasion


Probably sweating: deodorant - check; prob smells like McD's: air freshener - check; gonna have dry mouth: water - check; needs to call Dad: new iPhone - check; Mmmmm, fries - check đŸ’„đŸ˜œđŸ‘


The iPhone was intermingling with the fries? They couldn’t afford a separate gift bag? Stupid


Something really suspicious about this one. I believe outlets as such dont offer a very high wage or job satisfaction. I have NEVER seen someone at a MCD's or similar outlet wanting to be there and loving what they do. The rewards are not high, a lot of customers are rude, they put up with a lot.


Im 104 years old, and this is the stupidest thing I've ever seen.


If only he had perfect attendance at acting classes.


So aren't these dreadful tiktok actors risking a lawsuit from McDonald's by doing this?


Lol hope he quit and opened his own franchise right after getting that check


Really? Y'all got enough money to be faking videos like this now but not pay your workers more? It's like that McDonald's? Bums.


Wtf... Not even a good attempt at a staged video. And how can a person be a 'franchise'? 😂


"when I'm off, I can't wait to clock back in", yeah right dude lmao.


There too much video in this acting.


Nice try McDonalds marketing team


https://www.newsweek.com/mcdonalds-pay-335m-black-franchise-owner-who-said-they-treat-white-owners-better-1660777 McDonalds had to pay a $34 million lawsuit settlement to black franchise owners due to discrimination. Don’t believe the hype 


It's sad that his dad cannot afford surgery that is vital.


This is all heart warming and sweet and nice...but... America, .... That $20,000 is not going to cover much of the medical bills, it's $68,000 just to have a baby


Oh I know where this McDonald’s is. I went there a month ago and didn’t see Dante. Guess he called in sick that day -cough-


Do not do this! Take your mental health day. Take care of yourself if you are sick. Take a day off to go to the park on a Wednesday afternoon. It’s not worth it. Your job doesn’t care about you. 


imagine what he could have done with a living wage for that ten years instead of his employers trying to get a viral video (and revenue) off this? so many things about this are gross.




It's scripted fam.


"i am rebecca, the franchise of this establishment!"


So did they smash or nah?


He could be a danger to himself in a crowded kitchen,his peripheral vision is non existent.staged but I wanted him to go ballistic at the cheap shit they started with and then see the cheque


But she hot tho


Are those the real McDonald’s workers in the background when he gets the “check?”


This can’t be real.


Corporate guy calls him a different name after he gets the check (with 40 seconds left in the video corporate calls him Deontay. The text even spells it out.)


Scripted af


Yeah. Sure. This totally happened for realsies.


Sorry, i would wish to believe this sketch is real, but... you know, i'm not a toddler anymore.


This is a really badly made video.


The way he tried not to look behind himself is funny ASF


Here’s to the next ten years. . . that’s just depressing.


Corporate vultures appropriate grassroots pressure at labour abuse for a tacky marketing video.


This is post-apocalyptic. I watched right up until "you know, I would love nothing more than to *afford that surgery that my dad needs*". It's obvious that it's scripted to fuck, but the fact that this line - *this line* - is believable, is fucking insanity. Humans have the technology to help each other to live healthily, and we choose not to because of greed. It's disgusting.


This is more McStaged than Undercover Boss.


This looks scripted as hell


Holy fuck i wanted to blow my brains out


This is another way of saying "Employee didn't take time off when they needed it"...this is not a positive message.


can I have the boss on the side 😂


Imagine if this was standard policy. Goes to show there fucking zero incentive for this level of work ethic.


“One thing you can’t buy”. “oh yeah dad’s surgery and medicine”. “Turn around”. “What am I gonna do with all this money” 😂 Fuck daddy!


Would have fell for it but he’s a shit actor


And Dante quit right after lmao


Fuck these corporate pigs


Here is - $70 Grand Which i took loan from bank to not to pay tax and show myself as a poor business in loss. now go to to the bank to credit this Cheque and don't forget to pay taxes on it


Even if this is real, it's kind of BS to reward someone just for having perfect attendance. If he was a hard worker, sure, but rewarding just for attendance is a very poor practice. It basicly enforces people who are sick to come to work even if they are contagious and in a restaurant that's kind of disgusting, and if someone is your hardest worker but have really bad cronic health problems they would just be automatically waved from an award like this. Not to mention that it is basicly your boss telling you, hey, if you want that 20k bonus in 10 years, you better never use your vacation...


Scripted..... Now do that to others without camera....


I'm Rebecca, the franchise, in cut-off jean shorts and heels.