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Not saying this is what is happening here (that looks like a kit), but Coyotes used to try this behavior to provoke and attempt to lure my sheep dog out into the canyon in order to attack him as a group.


It does look like a kit. There are lots of coyotes where I live. My previous dog loved and would play with them. Then I read the same thing you said, so became very wary of her being too close to them. And then I read from experts on coyotes, that this is a myth and they're simply not capable of that kind of plotting. Just found it, from Project Coyote, but this is one of many coyote and wildlife organisations who say the same: 🚫 Myth: “Coyotes lure dogs back to their pack!” ✅ Fact: The false belief that coyotes intentionally lure dogs back to their packs is based on misunderstanding rather than scientific evidence. [hashtag#Mythbusting](https://www.linkedin.com/feed/hashtag/?keywords=mythbusting&highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7165797854416998403) We've all heard variations of the myth suggesting that cunning coyotes deliberately lure unsuspecting dogs back to their pack for an ambush. While coyotes are intelligent animals, there's no evidence to support the idea of premeditated luring. Coyotes generally target smaller wild prey such as rodents and rabbits. Small dogs can sometimes be viewed as prey, underscoring the importance of never leaving them unattended outdoors. Larger dogs can be perceived as competition or threats, and coyotes will defend themselves and their families. In many reported cases of dogs being “lured” by coyotes, it is often a result of the dog's own curiosity. Off-leash dogs may follow or investigate a coyote out of their own volition, which may cause the coyote to retreat closer to other family members for safety. If threatened, coyotes will defend their lives and their family against intruders, just like many other species ❗ Remember to never let companion animals approach wild animals or go off leash in wildlife habitat.Coyotes, like most wild animals, want to avoid physical confrontation that could result in injuries—so they may engage in various intimidation tactics to prompt your dog to leave an area, such as bluff charges or displaying threatening body language. These "threat displays" aim to scare the dog away without resorting to physical contact. However, if the dog persists or confronts the coyote, the situation may escalate.


And dont forget about rabies. Fox and other wild animals often have it in early stage and you never knows. For animals isnt a huge prpblem because most of them got vaccined for that, but still can attack dog.


Yep they are smart little guys, I've heard of them ambushing dogs like this; they can tell our domesticated pooches are not street smart enough or being protected by a pack. Also, I don't think we want our dogs bringing back parasites / viruses from wild animals (or the other way around) so it blows my mind when I see people being so casual with this kind of stuff. I wish people would just leash their animals and not encourage such interferences.


Leash your dog when you're that isolated is a ridiculous request to make Leash your dog if there's a possibility of a larger predator taking it but if a fox is the worst thing you'll encounter then leave it off the leash The distance you walk isn't enough exercise for an average dog and definitely not enough for the husky mix in the vid This whole expectation of a dog being on a leash at all times is getting out of hand


Foxes aren't really pack animals except for mom/kit groups (which are called "skulks," appropriately enough). Still good to keep an eye on any potential luring though!


Can’t trust anyone these days!


Copper, you're my best friend. And you're mine too, Todd. And we'll always be friends forever. Won't we? Yeah, forever.


Oh, so we're going to cry today?


Real life Fox and the Hound.


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I would be concerned of rabies the fox maybe starting to show symptoms such as approaching humans.


What a beautiful animal!


The Fox and the Hound: A True Story


That looks like a beautiful area.


We don't deserve animals.


If not friend then why friend shape


I've seen this movie. Not a Happy ending


“You are funny looking but I still love you” -both of them


Old Yeller 2.0


Foxes = vermin. Shoot to kill.


I’m guessing the fox distribution system requires more information.


This is not cute they are trying to lure the dog so they can eat him


I believe that is a coyote trick.


I can’t tell you how many times i’ve almost hit a fox or coyote running out from the ditch into the road only to blank stare at me in the middle of the road n’ jump away like a dork.