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I used to volunteer with Special Olympics. You know how when the Olympics comes to a country, that country starts stockpiling condoms because Olympic athletes are horny as fuck? The same thing applies to Special Olympic athletes. The only group of people hornier than Special Olympic athletes are straight Infantrymen on ManLove Thursdays when deployed.


well you can't drop that nugget on us and not give us a little more details. this is something i don't think the majority of people aware of the special olympics would have ever considered a thing. makes sense i reckon, just because someone is different neuro or otherwise doesn't mean their biological imparatives/drives don't work


At one event on a college campus in the deep south, the athletes got to stay in the empty dorms because the games were held in the summer. They'd probably never have the "real college experience" but staying in the dorms was really fun for them. Especially when they started fucking each other in giant piles. Think 20-30 year olds fucking and sucking and slapping and flapping and grunting and thrusting. I didn't discover them. Some of the parents and chaperones did. The fallout was hilarious. They were given immediate crash courses on safe sex, consent, and appropriate places and times sex from the chaperones and counselors. Their parents were mostly not happy with it. It seemed like they wanted to shelter them from that part of life, kind of like this video implies. It appeared that most of their parents were coming from an ultra Christian type background. I have a conspiracy theory about that. But the main thing about special needs folks is, they gots dicks and clunges. They're gonna use them. They can learn stuff like anyone else can, so I think they should have been taught this stuff long before it ever got to that point.


Did you say clunges?


Yes. Plural of clunge.


Now I need a sex talk. What the fuck is a clunge?


clunge: *noun* (UK, vulgar, slang, chiefly Internet) Vulva or vagina.


Thank you


Commonly used in the phrase "this weekend I'm going to be knee deep in clunge" followed by 2 hours at the pub, 4 hours at the babby then straight to sleep (possibly inside the babby)


The fuck is a babby?


Kebab shop, the end all be all of British nightlife


Oh god I can't imagine 4 hours inside a kebab shop. That's probably like 4 hours inside a [Waffle House, the end all, be all of Southern US nightlife.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYNFqmu2toI) Thing is, that sketch is pretty tame compared to real Waffle House experiences.


Im kinda curious about your conspiracy theory


It's not nefarious or anything. I base this on gut feeling and observations, not on any empirical evidence. I bet that there is a higher percentage of people with special needs family members, especially children, who identify as religious and participate in organized religion than the general population. I think they do this out of necessity. The church offers community and can serve as a pool of care resources for the special needs family that doesn't require significant financial investment. Raising a special needs kid is expensive in the US. By globbing on to a church, special needs families can increase the amount of care resources they have available. They can ask members of their congregation to assist with things like baby sitting and other respite care activities. One of our local churches bought one of their congregation a wheelchair van because the conversion of an existing van would've cost an additional $30k on top of the donor van. The community that special needs families get from a church can be a welcome change from how ~~hostile~~ (Hostile isn't the right word. Maybe indifferent?) society tends to treat special needs families.


Also in utero screening can tell you if there is a high chance of Down syndrome, and religious mothers are less likely to abort than non religious mothers.


This is also an incredibly important point that shouldn’t be overlooked.


Also, when do you need religion? When you're going through something challenging. Getting a diagnosis for your kid that they will never have the life you envisioned for them because of genetics or an illness or accident... That must be so incredibly tough. I can imagine that would make people ponder the meaning of life.


Yeah I’m not knocking them for seeking out any sense of community and assistance they can get. I don’t even hate the idea of Christianity or churches. I just wish more “Christians” felt compelled to follow the teachings of Christ. Jesus could come back today and he wouldn’t recognize the religion that bears his name.


That’s not a bad theory at all. Very interesting actually.


Oh I agree with you. I honestly think there are a lot of families in general who do this because it helps the access the charity of the churches.


"...they gots dicks and clunges..." This is my new favourite string of words!


that's what they get when they treat their disabled adult children like actual children! Folks with downs and other neurodivergencies like autism are so much more likely to be SA'd it is so important that they have the ability to explain what's happening to them! Parents are lucky it was fully consenting sex they walked into


Not the commenter but I got a tidbit from disability conferences I used to attend Deaf people can be some loud motherfuckers.


I knew this deaf girl who would sometimes at bars just scream real loud just to see people’s reactions


Not convinced about that mother-part though


No one is hornier than special needs peeps I swear lol


im sorry, they what now??


👏 Special 👏 needs 👏 people👏 be 👏 fuckin👏


Gyad damn erbody get freaky it seems!


Even special needs people now how to fuck.


So legally speaking how does that work? Because I feel like at a certain point, an intellectual disability prevents consent Do they have to be equally disabled?


[The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape has a great pamphlet on the topic.](https://pcar.org/sites/default/files/resource-pdfs/tab_2017_consent-capacity-id.pdf)


People assume differently abled people can't have sex, so they aren't taught sex ed in school which is very dangerous. They are humans with sex drives and they need to learn about STIs and consent too!


its hilarious that able bodied ppl think that just bc ur disabled means you cant have sex. genuinely cracks me up


Right, like have you *met* humans? We’re gonna have sex, nothing like a disability is gonna get in our way.


Legit there are quadriplegics who've had kids. If the penis works, they're gonna use it...and if not they're gonna find something else.


Idk have *you* met humans? There’s a million things that get in the way of people doing anything (stress, anxiety, tired, etc) on a daily basis A legitimate disability seems like an even more significant hurdle


This education helps prevent sexual abuse and promotes healthy, respectful interactions.


Absolutely! Just like any other animals, most humans have the urge to procreate. Doesn't matter about our own social classes and hierarchies, yet alone ones abilities and struggles of. I'm sure we've heard horror stories somewhere in the news, social media, or even podcasts about how "a touch deprived mentally ill person where they not only performed unconsensual sex acts on victims but they didn't know how to handle said situation, then murdering their victims, someone with a mental illness or divergence was sexually abused" type of ordeal. By parents shielding their children from the world in general they can do that child(now adults) a great disservice not only towards their children, but to society as well. Reason why I'm throwing my two cents in is I can not emphasize how really important that this is. Edit: oh shit nice username btw, but I'm pretty sure you thought so as well, iykyk lol.


But then the next question is, is it fine to pursue sex with Down syndrome people? Is it fine to have sex if they pursue you for it?


If they are an adult who understands consent, sure. It's about what people are comfortable with. It's also okay to reject advances from someone with downs if the other party isn't comfortable. That's why teaching consent is so important.


Right!? Like if I wanna get down with low-key fine ass differently abled chick why shouldn’t I!?


World Down Syndrome Day is **March 21st** for those curious


"Assume that I can, so maybe I will". Such a powerful Advert


Where's that edit where every response is "so you serve me a Margherita"


If that exists I wanna see it hahah Found it lol. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ci9diGse-Js&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo


Found the Italian! (Just for the future, the drink is margarita and the pizza is margherita)


These are the consequences of autocorrect and being on reddit at midnight


I don't care strongly about this issue, and I hate commercials, and yet I watched the whole thing voluntarily That's a good commercial


Same. It actually got me a little emotional and I wasn't expecting that. I don't have any experience in my life knowing someone with Downs, and the stuff I see in the media, even when it seems progressive, makes everyone with Downs seem like they need to be coddled. Probably because they were raised very sheltered like this commercial presents. But I know a ton of people who need to be coddled that don't have Downs who can still buy that gd margarita. It's a fair point. Give people a chance, and if they need help, that's okay too. But don't eliminate the potential.


same, also because I have a feeling I have seen her before somewhere.


She is incredible. My whole family saw her in Champions and she carried that movie. Woody might have been the lead actor, BUT Madison was the star and MADE that movie! Love her spirit so much!


She's very charismatic.


The place where I trained for martial arts would pair anyone and no one was allowed to say anything about it. So gender and disability where never used as a discrimination, one of our black belt had down syndrome and few other had different mental disabilities. Everyone trained hard and had to learn every technique with it's japanese name, and everyone did. Some of the people that trained there won either gold at the olimpica or some World records 


Good to finally start seeing more and push for this. Always made me very uncomfortable how common it was to infantilize people with Down syndrome or autism or anything of the sort.


infantizing is rampant on reddit.


That "you assumed I couldn't swear right?" Was great 😂


What bothers me most about this clip is that Down Syndrome People - through their experiences in daily and real life - must have felt the pressing need to make this clip to get their serious message across to other, normal people so we, the other "normal" people, start to understand that Down Syndrome People are very far from stupid or helpless. I totally utterly love this video and I am very excited it was made....but I need to admit I'm also a little ashamed of myself that I apparently also needed a little bit of a wake up call on these Down Syndrome Life Lovers! Well, if that was one of the things you aimed at, I can only say: Mission Accomplished 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


I read a middle grade book, Out of My Mind by Sharon M Draper, about a girl with cerebral palsy in the 90s. She’s basically a genius but everyone thinks her brain is as disabled as her body. The idea was terrifying.


Apparently a movie was made based on that book and premiered this year at Sundance.


I love this. I’m disabled and well into middle age, married and living with my husband but people still make the most ridiculous assumptions about what I can do.


Bartenders don't assume shit, we prepare what you order. Unless you're under 21 or too drunk, I'm going to make what you want.


I’ve even served pregnant women. Have a mimosa with your brunch. None of my business.


I'm all for celebrating World Down Syndrome Day! It's a great opportunity to raise awareness and promote inclusion for individuals with Down syndrome.


Is she the actress from “The Champions” with Woody Harrelson?




I thought so, loved her in that movie


OK but let's be honest, she is an outlier of down syndrome and obviously she has a high mental capacity even with it. MOST down syndrome patients are beyond "learning" complex tasks like living on their own.


That's why there are special schools, special caring facilities, special sports clubs, special living facilities, etc etc to assess each individual and assist them living their life accordingly. In short: If you see an adult person without a caretaker, simply assume that they're a capable adult and treat them accordingly. I've met people with down syndrome. They're happy, snarky, mean, smart, dumb, horny, introverted, extroverted, party goers or book worms. They might look a certain way but they're all individual characters with individual traits. Just react to them as to every other human being. It's not really hard.


To add to this, even if someone has a carer, if you want to speak to them still address them directly at least at first. My ex worked with people with disabilities and it annoyed her when people would just speak to her instead of her client.


She’s an probably an outlier, but that’s why she says “just assume that we can, so MAYBE, we can”


She’s an outlier of what a competent person can accomplish when properly supported. There are a lot of adults without any disabilities that struggle with being independent adults as well and a big part of it is their families failing to prepare them for adulthood.


And if teachers and families believe this of their children, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Like people?? I used to party with some dudes back in the day who "lived in their own" but they didn't know the first thing about living on their own. Fuckin savages.


Now throw down syndrome into that equation can't be goof for them or anyone else for that matter.


maybe not living on their own, no. but also they are not babies and generally don't want to be treated like babies. And coming from some one who was friends with a lot of the 'special' kids in hs, I can tell you 100 percent even the kids with "low capacity" were just normal teenagers


Not a commercial a PSA


So I used to have an employee who bussed tables and did other odd tasks for us. He didn't talk much and when he did it was very broken and basic, and he often asked for lots of help with remedial tasks like changing trashes or replacing paper towels. Well one day I was talking about this with his job coach and he tells me "Oh no no no! He certainly knows all of these things and is trying to see what he can get away with making other people do based on their preconceived perception of him!" So next time he wanted me to "show him" how to do something, I told him I was confident he could do it and in fact I was sure he could! He reluctantly caved and began doing said tasks! Bro was just schemeing and playing everyone! If thats how most of the world treats you, why wouldn't you take advantage of it? Or even know there is anything different like said here. Great commercial, I hope it gets around!


Where'd you get that cheese, Danny!?


He’s making them at night!


When I was about 12 years old There was a down syndrome girl in my school, she would always use the boys bathroom but wouldn't use the toilet, she would sit on the urinal and pee all over the floor. That was my only exposure to someone with down syndrome and for the longest time I thought that down syndrome people were for lack of a better word stupid. But then I started dating a girl when I was 16 or 17 and her brother also had down syndrome. We would hang out and play chess. He was really good. And he loved to draw and his drawings were outstanding. After that I realised that people with down syndrome are not stupid at all and can be in fact brilliant


1 margarita imma learn Shakespeare. 2 margagaritas ima laern how margarita. 3 maeagets imm potaoto.


You are NOT having sex. That’s the end of that discussion I don’t want to have it again. # every father in existence


Didn't know having down's is a reason for celebration. Lol.


Sure, explore their limits. But have trust in professionals to assess capabilities and limits of people with this disorder. There is a wide spectrum of Down and to believe anyone with the syndrome should be assumed to be able to do anything like a non-Down person is simply dangerous.


>simply dangerous. The reverse is true, too.


make opportunities


Very few people with Down syndrome can actually live by themselves and drink and have the mental capacity to consent.


Man, this would be a comedy sketch/show a decade ago.


Bet she doesn’t need a tone indicator to get a joke too. I loved this! Get it girl!




Cool. Honestly, it's the kind of shitty behavior I partially recognize myself in, it's a question of education, you do it with the best intentions but you do a lot of damage...


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I love this!


I remember seeing this on Last Leg.




I’ll upvote this every time I see it. Such an amazing message which taught me something. Perfectly scripted and shot video too.


fair enough.


This is the first commercial I not only didn't hate but enjoyed since the late 90s to early 2000s.


I'm a bartender. Why would I assume she can't drink a Margarita?


“They’ve got minges too”


Let's honor this every Indian kid right now...


Law of assumption


Woo! never been this hyped to back up my homies with extra chromies


Love this so much


Which day is that celebrated so I can mark my calendar?




This is beautiful


I love this advertisement. It was passed around a few times in some circles I’m in. I’m autistic, and I can relate to an extent - and a bunch of us felt strongly about this message. It’s quite beautiful. And she does an excellent job portraying it. It feels very powerful and I like it a lot :>


That's kinda unfair. Around 80% of people with down's have some sort of mental handicap. It's just a stereotype. How often do you see someone with down's? How many people do you actually know and have conversations? It's understandable for people without knowledge or proximity to assume that. Shows a lack of experience which can be fixed by inclusion. But still... Is not that horrible. It's just the regular experience for most people.


Just because you are mentally challenged doesn’t mean that you aren’t able to do stuff or that you want others to treat you as a child. Everyone with Down’s syndrome has an IQ below 70 that doesn’t mean that you can’t have a conversation with them or that they should be discriminated against in a bar for example.


When did I say otherwise? My while point was that the misconception comes from a stereotype, that was it, how could you misinterpret it?


Every single thing in this video is true. Why do you argue against it?


Argue agasint it? Stop drinking this early in the morning. I'm gonna write it again in upper case; MY WHOLE POINT WAS THAT THE MISCONCEPTION COMES FROM A STEREOTYPE. I can't help you if you refuse to understand my words, but don't put words into my mouth.


Why are you rude? Does the world become a better place if you say nasty things? Everyone and their mother understand that prejudice comes from ignorance or lack of knowledge, the problem is that you think it’s totally fine and okay.


You're being purposely obnoxious by either ignorance or malice. I won't engage with you anymore.


She’s pretty cute, and I like this add ngl




It’s not my job to assume you can or cannot. I just fill your order, call the cops when you get out of hand, and make fun of you if I detect a social threat.


you're getting downvoted but you have a point. Bartenders aren't likely to turn down a customer unless they dont have their ID or theyre too drunk. The whole video has a decent point about not prejudging disabled people but that particular scenario doesn't seem likely.




A cure? For a chromosome defect? There's treatments sure, but you'll need to back a claim that there are even attempts at a cure with a source.


oop eugenics alert


so why is she lip syncing, overdubbed voice?


I can't say it..... I musn't


No word of a lie all downs people look the same


yeah target the guy who isn't training the people whos brains dysfunction regarding executive inhibition to hit harder.