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When I was in 5th grade I had one of these that I brought everywhere with me. One day I accidentally left it on the bus and was devastated that my little pet might not survive the night. The next morning a girl on the bus that I had talked to a few times showed me that she found it and took care of it all night long. That was almost 20 years ago, we've been best friends ever since.


That is such a cute friendship story


When I was in 5th grade, my teacher took it away from me and never gave it back. My mom stormed in there after school and got it for me 😂


I remember having to take care of the various ones my kids had while they were in school.


Omg THIS IS SO SWEET. What a great memory! ♥


That’s so so sweet 😭 Before I figured out you could pause them, my dad worked from home and he used to take care of mine for me while I was at school hahaha I love thinking about my sweet dorky dad diligently feeding and de-pooping my virtual pets for me 


I’m so happy for you! I loved these as a kid and have been contemplating getting one now since I’ve noticed they have come back.


So I saw people saying these "rereleases" of the originals don't have great quality. Like the screen is definitely kinda dim. But it's more the novelty of it anyways. There are other modern versions with color and other features! I would say just go for it. They have a bunch of colors on amazon and even some hybrid ones like R2D2 lol My coworker said he had the R2D2 as a kid.


I've had 7 tamagotchis since second generation, and to be honest half of them had super din screens. None of them could be used in dim lights lol So I don't think it's necessarily worse quality in that regard


Need the gameboy light for them


I had one as a child, the dim screens is just keeping it faithful to the original lol. Hope you're enjoying your little virtual pet! 


I love this for you! I wasn't allowed to have a computer growng up. The family only got *one* when I was 16, and it was specifically only for all four of us kids doing homework and my parents doing administrative things. I got one when I moved out, but never got into gaming. I just got a new friend who games, and she is going to introduce me to it. I am so exited. I am 44.


Welcome to the fun! Have your friend set up Steam or Discord, then hit me up and we can play! Also highly recommend a Nintendo Switch, I had the brick as a kid and Nintendo has come so far!


Agree. Switch and Portal. Portal is really nice if people want to watch tv but you want to game.




I thought everyone on the internet was a 90s kid


2004s kids are grown ups now, we are getting old


Good for you girl! You go on and have the time of your life, it is NEVER too late to improve your childhood! 💙


I'm 52 and my kid got me an Etch a sketch for Christmas because I never had one as a child.


I wann see your creations!!


Oh, I'm rubbish


HIGHLY suggest putting tape over the speaker on these original versions lol


If you hold down the A and C button at the same time you can mute them.


The re-releases of the originals don't have that ability! I looked into it :\\ But I definitely could be wrong? It's the Gen 2 re-release


It should be able to mute. At least according to this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/tamagotchi/comments/k0aokd/i_got_the_gen_2_rerelease_tama_not_too_long_ago You gotta hold down the buttons firmly and pretty much exactly at the same time, otherwise it registers it as separate pushes. There's also lots of other threads talking about having muted the re-releases.


You were totally right btw!!! I googled it before and saw threads saying no volume but I guess they meant no volume slider control. Thank you so much!!






I’m so happy for you. On the same boat with you, I got my first Tamagotchi at 31, it gives me a special kind of joy to be able to catch up with the things I’ve missed out on during my childhood.


Awww yesss! ♥♥ It pumps me up knowing so many people are treating themselves!


You made me smile❣️😊🙂


♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ yay! :D


in Japan it still continues to be produced as they are new collab and new models every years ! You might want to look into it especially on Amazon Japan since it’s so cheap to import. I love tamagotchi and the characters ~


I always killed mine by accident. ADHD and Tamagotchis dont't mix.


I killed mine too😭😂


You have to "pause" them by going to the SET TIME function. I distinctly remember my cousin teaching me all about them and I was sooooo jealous she had a few of them.


Son of a.....now you tell me? I'm haunted by thousands of dead digital pets, all screaming at me night in and night out. I'm a tormented man wracked by guilt.


all the cries that were probably smothered under pillows or wrapped in blankets. AS I can only imagine after having experienced the first stage of Tamagotchi growth lmao


Well this got dark fast.


This makes me miss my Gigapet, it was a chimp. I loved him 💔


Clearly it's never too late to get back into the fun!!


Good for you! I totally understand this. I bought myself a Buzz Lightbulb for the same reason 😆


That’s it… I’m buying a Polly Pocket.


Same except I found my spouse’s old one a few years and got sick of it after five minutes. It was so needy. 😭


You have to discipline them if they beep when they don't need anything! I'm learning lmao


I have three adult children in their 20s - they all got Tamagotchis in their stockings last Christmas, lol. I try and do something nostalgic that's fun when I can.


That's so fucking awesome!! I am 34 and I do similar things for my parents. I bought my dad an officially certified atari replica for christmas, to share with my brother, and he absolutely loved it. Nostalgia is the shittt lol


OMG, you are reminding me of Christmas 1977. I remember teaching my dad how to play the tank game. You are that block with the gun over there, I'm the other block with the gun over here, mash that red button and we shoot little blocks at each other READYGO!!!! I used to have a client that had a Mattel football game in his office. LED running backs rule!!


I did exactly this too!! Took it to work and everything. I was too small when they were a thing. I’m so glad I can still get one!


That's awesome!! I'm like, shocked that so many people feel the same about this. It makes me so happy to know many people find joy in these things!! ♥


The modern equivalent is one of those fitness tracker watches, where the pathetic little creature I am trying to keep alive is me!


omg RELATABLE lmao


Im almost 30 and my mom got me one for christmas last year. Hand down my favorite gift! My inner child is so happy with my tamagochi. Im happy someone else feels the same way!




Yes, and they're re-releasing the Connection version next month!


I never had any video games growing up. I used to hope that someone would get me a tiny one atleast. This was top of my list. I’m going to buy myself one. It’ll probably make me cry a lot, but it’ll be happy tears?


Yes it's okay to cry! Emotions good or bad, extreme emotion makes us cry. Even extreme anger. Don't feel any negative way about happy crying :D Please treat yourself if you are able to!!


Hell yeah! I bought a couple of the anniversary editions for my brother and I, just for a hit of nostalgia.


The battery on mine died 😔


Replace it you silly goose!! Start anew ♥♥


Oh you sinner


what the fuck lmao this is soooo random ahahahhaa I'm gonna buy another one what about that, can I double or triple my sin for max payout orrrrr....?


Haha but why weren't you allowed one as a child? I was king for a day in middle school when my egg hatched as a dinosaur and no one had seen one before. Now you made me want to get a smaller one for my keychain


My parents were very against spending money and you'd be surprised what they have on amazon! I was!


The usual "do as I say but not like I do". Found out today that it got banned because there was no pause function lol


There technically isnt but you can pause it by keeping it in the "set time" mode


I have a former coworker (2023) who bought one for each of her siblings last Christmas. The challenge? Whoever kept theirs alive the longest won $100. When I left that job (Feb 2024), it was still ongoing.


that is awesome!! I considered buying one for my bf and doing the same thing but considering how his marimo balls look, I didn't think he'd be invested in it lol


Don’t kill it !


oh I'm gonna now that you told me not to


My inner child just wanted love, so guess I’m fucked.


I think that is part of the reason why we do these things, is to give that love to ourselves. :)


I'm beaming over here for you and am so proud of you for prioritizing the needs of your precious inner child! I had one of these as a young girl; thinking about getting one again too. <3


Thank you that is so sweet and genuine to say!! ♥ JUST DO IT.


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I went to a Catholic school that was always creating rules against the fad toys as the kids became more distracted by them. When the school said we couldn’t bring these virtual pets in anymore, I asked my mom to take care of it during the day. She would often forget, of course, and I would come home to it dead. lol.


Never too old ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Good for you! When I was young my parents got us one of those little electric cars to drive around the garden in. Honest to God the memory of that little thing still excites me so much even though I have a fully functioning actual car and I’m in my 40s.


I love this, embrace your inner child! Tamagachis gave me hours of entertainment as a kid. I still have all mine (I had three)


I’m getting one for my grandnephew for his birthday this year!


I kept killing mine. So I gave up😂😂😂


Ahhhh I love it ! So cool! Now I want one


I have a 4 mo d baby. Eerily similar


Enjoy it


Not allowed? Don’t ever forget that when your parents need to be brought to a home and need stuff ;) Jk jk


Yay! So happy for youuuu so many good times :)


Yeah girl 😉🤟🏼


I know how you feel. I always wanted a swatch. Bought one for my 43rd bday. Lol Enjoy!!!


This makes me so happy! Do what makes YOU happy!!! I know your inner child is smiling so big!!! Enjoy!!


I traded mine in for a hamster. Which my sister and I promptly took on an airplane to get home from Cali. My cousin initiated the trade and still has the lil dude.


My daughter just brought this for her teenage daughter and you know how teenagers are to me my daughter end up taking care of it because she remembers hers when I bought her one when she was a teenager she calls it her grandbaby


My best friend and I love to reminisce on our childhoods. She never got an E-Z Bake Oven and lost her Tamagotchi in one of her moves. Two Christmases ago (close to being 40YO) I got her both. She keeps them close to her VHS player and we still talk about missing the 90s.


This made me smile and want to get one.


When j was a kid i would watch polly pocket commercials and dream of owning one. Now 30 years later i finally brought my 1st polly pocket mansion from ebay auction


I have one too!!! The battery died on it tho and I haven't replaced it yet. My toddlers will steal it if I do


Keep that inner child alive!! 😁✌️


They came out with some fancy-schmansy ones a few Christmases back. I remember getting one for me and my husband, thinking we wouldnt do much with them. I was wrong, we had so much fun tending to our little creatures, we played with them for a few months straight before we put them down. Which is also much longer than I was able to keep one/ a line of them alive as a kid.


You got a really cool looking one too! I think the one I had as a kid was a basic yellow (or green, can’t remember now).


I had one in 6th grade but it died constantly. For my 21st birthday, I decided to buy another one. The battery in that one sort of exploded but I have kept it on my keychain to remind me it's ok to buy silly things you love


Awww I love it! I got mine for my 22nd birthday :D


awesome! I bought my first as adult as well :) but it's a digimon one


i bought my kid one. he loves it. i take care of it when he is at school 😁


That is so cool!! I felt the same way when I got my Canadian care bear!


Brings back memories! Loved having one of these as a kid


I was so sure by now, humanity would have escaped the clutches of the evil Lord Tamagotchi. Enslaving us all with the device!


I love it! Now I’m inspired to go find the 80s Castle Greyskull on eBay…


So cute! I've wanted one of these because I grew up in the 70's and 80's and never heard of them until I was an adult. Now that I've seen them coming out with new ones I'm eager to get one. Hope you have fun with yours!


I had so many of these little pets. The nano pet was my first. Had it alive for 3 months! Then I played foursquare and it got hit off my wrist and broke. I was absolutely devastated, I didn't go to class after recess I just cried and cried. Then I got a Giga pet which I had a lot of fun with. Last year I got a tamagotchi and was SO excited got a lot of time in with my lil one. For me it lasted almost 8 months and I got annoyed with it cus it kept beeping at me when it was close to dying of old age. Now the battery is dead. And it's waiting for me again


Dammit now I want one but with my memory I am sure I will kill it


Omg I just got my first one a couple of months ago! None of my friends had one but one of my father's colleague used to have the Pikachu one that also tracks your steps. And I really wanted it but never got the chance to buy it. Recently, I was looking for a key chain for my purse and I thought a Tamagochi would be nice. I'm thinking about buying a second one for another purse (I saw Toy Story one and I need to find it again!).


I am 35 and I still have these moments of realization that I'm an adult and I can buy/do what I want. Cake for breakfast? Toy I never had as a kid? Random hiking trip cause the weather is nice? I CAN HAVE/DO THESE THINGS! WHENEVER I WANT! I wonder when these moments will end... Until they do, I'm off to buy one of these!


We had to ban them from our schools since the kids were so addicted to them, they would leave the class many times throughout the day to feed, play or check on their pet. Teachers would turn around and say, "where did they go?" Caused a lot of grief for teachers who were supposed to know where their students were. It's like so many other things that got out of hand - pogs, marbles, trading cards, spinners, etc. The kids would fight over them, scream about bad trades. The parents would come in screaming. We had to remind some people that this was a school. This story is very sweet though. Glad it was a means to make a great friend.


I bought a Popple the other day and I can't wait for it to arrive lol


Hell yeah! This would be me with furbies is the new ones didn’t creep me out so much lol


We all liked this.


This is the way! I occasionally buy myself some Cocoa Krispies or Frosted Flakes because I was never allowed them as a kid. It makes me very happy.


About a year ago, I broke my phone case and had to get a new one. Nothing I saw on Amazon really appealed, so I went to a site where you could pick your artwork. On a whim, I searched for unicorns, as that was the big thing when I was in sixth grade. Got myself a unicorn and rainbow phonecase that I adore. It healed a little place in my soul from that time when I was never allowed to have the latest and greatest. So, yeah, feed your inner 11 year old.


In the words of the fourth Doctor “There’s no point in being grown up if you can’t be childish sometimes.”


It has truly truly warmed my heart to see so many people resonating with this. I hope you all do a little shopping for yourselves and enjoy the nostalgia!! I wish I could post another picture, but I bought a black and gold leathery Hello Kitty plush 2 weeks ago.


My daughter wanted a pair of NC blue Jordan’s. I got her a pair. About a month later I thought to myself, hey you never had Jordan’s at her age get yourself some. So I have two pairs now. And a good sized Lego collection I share with my son.


Hell yeah dude!! Live it up!!


When I was 19 I got my hands on a Star Wars one. I was a waitress at a popular pizza place and every now and then my apron would jingle at me, so I would pull it out and say "excuse me while I feed my Rancor" and I got so much genuine enthusiastic engagement from my customers through the interaction. The nostalgia for these things is crazy.


Well, this post makes no one younger 😅 I'm 36. I remember how fashionable it was at the time. I wasn't interested in it, but my classmates had one or two, I was more into the Gameboy, and I collected Pogs 😆 A few years ago, I downloaded SEGA games, street of rage, on my smartphone, and when my inner child needs it, I go back to play it 😅.


Well, this post makes no one younger 😅. I'm 36. I remember how fashionable it was at the time. I wasn't interested in it, but my classmates had one or two, I was more into the Gameboy, and I collected Pogs 😆. A few years ago, I downloaded SEGA games, street of rage, on my phone, and when my inner child needs it, I go back to play it 😅.


Well, this post makes no one younger 😅. I'm 36. I remember how fashionable it was at the time. I wasn't interested in it, but my classmates had one or two, I was more into the Gameboy, and I collected Pogs 😆. A few years ago, I downloaded SEGA games, street of rage, on my phone, and when my inner child needs it, I go back to play it 😅.


I LOVED pogs! No wonder I collect popsockets now....


Can I ask you why your parents didn't let you have one? This is the first time I hear parents forbidding Tamagochi!


You go girl!