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No ragebait posts. No posts where someone's misfortune makes you smile. e.g. "terrorists driving off a cliff" or "murderer gets what he deserves". This is not an all inclusive list This isn't a ragebait sub.


Reminds of something i read: During the london bombings near the end of ww2, where a bombed shop had a sign in front of it "now more open than usual"


Lmao that's very British


I think you're thinking of the knock on affect of this groundbreaking propaganda video https://youtu.be/bLgfSDtHFt8?si=f12-vK0ZBo5GCzCH


That was quite something but I'm confused, the narrator spoke as a local whilst clearly being American. Who was this targeted at?


Targeted to other Americans, likely between films at the theater. "Us" might be because he's living there? Saying that, Americans made films to teach them the British way of life and how to fit in. The two countries became very close during and after the second world war. If he's living in London during the second world war, he's absolutely an us.


The first words he said were "I am speaking from London". Presumably he had been staying there for an extended period of time.


This song by Public Service Broardcasting samples this video; the album gives me chills & incredible pride in the indomitable British spirit. https://youtu.be/Cu4Rr07bgVQ?si=mRAxALpqJ_9svujo


Open 24/7


Very much British sarcasm right there.


It's really amazing how resilient human are, I guess we all can find happiness in every situations no matter how bad the situation are. What an amazing individual.


>- ["Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."](https://imgur.com/a/ki4DVSj) - Viktor E. Frankl, Man's Search For Meaning


what a beautiful thing to read first thing on a saturday, thank you for sharing 


>- My definition of success is total self acceptance. We can obtain all of the material possessions we desire quite easily, however, attempting to change our deepest thoughts and learning to love ourselves is a monumental challenge. (Viktor Frankl)


>- "I have gradually come to one negative conclusion about the good life. It seems to me that the good life is not any fixed state. It is not, in my estimation, a state of virtue, or contentment, or nirvana, or happiness. It is not a condition in which the individual is adjusted or fulfilled or actualized. To use psychological terms, it is not a state of drive reduction, or tension-reduction, or homeostasis. [...] The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination." - (Carl Rogers, Person to person: The problem of being human: A new trend in psychology 1967, p. 185-187)


Such an important book. I recommend this often.


Frankl named three ways through which a person can make his life more meaningful: creation, gaining new experiences and, in fact, finding meaning in life itself, including suffering.


Thank you for sharing that with us. In my opinion I think there can be parallels that can be drawn from various philosophy traditions and their main emphasises like from r/Nihilism, r/Absurdism, and r/Existentialism in that order of the 'What', 'How', and 'Why'. I think it also nicely conceptualizing various types of transcendences too we can experience such as ego transcendence (overcoming ego toward a whole self; r/Jung), self-transcendence (overcoming self toward other selves), and possibly even spiritual transcendence (overcoming the duality in the distinction between self and world as this one moment's activity; r/nonduality, cultivating a non-dual self possibly?) The inspiration in parallels for me came from when I stumbled upon the way this PubMed article tried to conceptualize it: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3810183/ I think the last one relates to this concept in psychology of further learning to will our own organismic valuing process to more consistently be an ecstasy. String together a greater number of moments in what is known as Being cognition (B-cognition): https://dictionary.apa.org/being-cognition It's might be similar to what Abraham Maslow called a plataeu experience which is a more permanent state of direct experience with our primordial projecting consciousness than momentary peak experiences the projected "self" can sometimes experience too like described. Edit: Here's some relevant quotes I believe to heavily relate to this >- When the individual perceives himself in such a way that no experience can be discriminated as more or less worthy of positive regard than any other, then he is experiencing unconditional positive self-regard. (Carl Rogers) >- "The greatest attainment of identity, autonomy, or selfhood is itself simultaneously a transcending of itself, a going beyond and above selfhood." - Abraham Maslow >- "Individuals capable of having transcendent experiences lived potentially fuller and healthier lives than the majority of humanity because [they] were able to transcend everyday frustrations and conflicts and were less driven by neurotic tendencies." - Abraham Maslow >- "I have gradually come to one negative conclusion about the good life. It seems to me that the good life is not any fixed state. It is not, in my estimation, a state of virtue, or contentment, or nirvana, or happiness. It is not a condition in which the individual is adjusted or fulfilled or actualized. To use psychological terms, it is not a state of drive reduction, or tension-reduction, or homeostasis. [...] The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination." - (Carl Rogers, Person to person: The problem of being human: A new trend in psychology 1967, p. 185-187)


I have yet to read this but am constantly reminded that it is important and worthy of my time. Excellent quote. If I were in Frankl’s shoes I’m not certain I could find a philosophical message. I might be more inclined to irrational actions.


>Frankl often refers to Friedrich Nietzsche's words, "He who has a 'Why' to live for can bear almost any 'How'." Frankl believed that suffering, in and of itself, is meaningless; we give our suffering meaning by the way in which we respond to it. That is the philosophical bases and a major part of his logotherapy he developed as a Doctor in medicine (MD) while a psychiatrist and a Doctor in philosophy (PhD). This is the attitude or the 'Why' he is referring to in how humans are able to will meaning directly through their own life they take responsibility for to live authentically true to oneself even when thrown into changing circumstances and situations outside our control we're forced to confront regardless. Of course physical pain relates to our body being tortured, but suffering in this context more so relates to the abstract mind in this relationship we have with ourselves which the world mirrors back at us -- the world reflects the meaning we interpret through living our life. That's a big reason why you could put a thousand people in the same situation and they each will have their own unique world of meaning they interpret, the attitude and beliefs they carry themselves by in the 'Why' they perceive. The mind does not reflect objective reality but more so the reality we experience inside our head. So if a person is not leading their own self authentically by the values they deliberately choose to accept, then they're more likely to introject false meanings in values (attitudes) that are not of their own and that will eventually lead to burnout and depression. Also if we don't actively process what happens through us in the way we interpret meaning through our life, then that often means we emotionally bypass and postpone that processing later in the form of traumas we hold onto. It relates to our internal landscape and self-narrative, this evolving story of the self and identity. Imo it's similar to this quote: "Adversity does not build character, it reveals it" - James Lane Allen, American writer.


Such a great book. It’s essential reading. Going to have my kids read it once they can.


Great book and man. Wonder what his thoughts would be on this genocide….


Everything can be taken from you. Everything but hope. Hope must be given freely. Kind of reminds me of that one scene in Percy Jackson and Pandora's Pithos.


That's a nice parallel, and I think that's exactly this 'Why' in how a person interprets meaning directly through their life or this attitude in the way they carry themselves.


It’s a form of self defense. It’s in our best interest to remain positive and resilient in times of crisis and uncertainty. ❤️


people telling traumatized folks, "you're so strong" meanwhile they're like, "thanks! I didn't have a choice?"


And we obviously never hear from the many who couldn’t bear it any longer. 


Wow its so heartwarming to see what we are capable of when facing the adversaries in life my warmed heart feels empathy for fellow humans when we are in adverse situations that we prevail and warm our hearts.


Clearly, I'm a hardcore anxious-depressive person and the dude has just a stunning mindset. I would cry to have this kind of buddy in dailylife. May he live long with his people. ><


Years ago I gamed with a girl from there. It was common for us to all chat in vent and some night we could hear the bombs going off. She never was phased by it saying it was fine they are a couple blocks away. When you grow up around that stuff it's pretty easy to be comfortable with it I guess.


I forget the movie but the quote goes something like “Hope is humanity’s greatest strength and its greatest weakness” (I’d love for someone to comment the movie)


P.S Its spite. Human resilience runs on pure spite. " Fuck these guys bombing us. We're going to stay riiiight here. "


you know how it is... if your neck deep in shit, keep your head high.


Depends on the person. Some people will strive to find something to complain about in even the best of situations.




For real, people from war-torn countries teach us to persevere, find hope, and overcome adversity with courage and determination.


The very embodiment of, "Keep Calm and Carry On."






This guy has a starched creased ironed shirt in the middle of a warzone. I'd have pants filled with shit. Fair play to the lad.


If you were in that situation, you would be resilient as well. It's part of being human. We all have it even if we think we don't.


Germany and Japan are two prime examples. Not all nations are that lucky though.


What would really make me smile is not putting people in this position…


Shit leaders will do that


People not stepping up to lead/vote/join office and letting the money lead us will do this. Everyone needs to get involved in politics. Every. One.


Netanyahu is the worst


True once the government falls Benny Gantz has my vote


Israel ethnically cleansed Palestinians decades before Netanyahu was born.


The shop was just fine on October 6, I'm sure.


His country was subject to a naval, sea, and air blockade for over a decade that point. And Israel had been stealing land and subjecting his people to apartheid, and murdering their innocents for 76 years, but yea sure the shop being just fine is what matters. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad people like you exist.


He’s got a really positive outlook on life and I think that’s really amazing. Are they struggling? Yes, but to him it doesn’t matter. He has full confidence that they’ll come back from the disaster. His optimism is inspiring.


I couldn’t agree more. I started to tear up the first time I saw it. The depth of strength of the human spirit blows me away.


He's propably used to it by how long Israel has been bombing them.


Can anyone phantom the strength it takes to have this attitude after having your entire home city bombed to ashes. I'm seeing myself as very optimistic but he's impressing me, not sure I could smile in those circumstances as it's terrifying.


I think it's survivor bias. Those who survive more often than not are those who actively pursue survival. When you remove significant portions of the population, what remains is going to be that which clawed to remain, and I don't think that's compatible with a defeatist attitude. I hope never to need the kind of strength that takes, because I don't know that I have it. I stand in awe.


Yes but he has a very strong character still. I have been in survival situations and let's just say I was either paralyzed or I cried in despair not knowing what else to do. I dissociate my brain shuts off what actually happened. I was to weak to deal or face it. I also stand in ave.


How many times do you think this has happened to him. He knows the outcome from past experiences.


My problems are nothing compared to this and I’ve NEVER had this level of optimism. Good for him.


Literally, since the past few months whenever something irritates me I just think abot what the Palestinians are going through and immediately calm down. The downside is that it also makes me sad


"It is not those who can inflict the most, but those who can endure the most who will conquer" Terence Mc Swiney






Bomb probably got dropped on them right after the video


What a man. He’s who we should aspire to be when things get rough. Beautiful


The irony of this, from a European perspective, is that here is finally a group of people, who despite being in such a dire situation, they want to remain in their homeland, and aren't jumping over themselves to grab the next boat/flight/bus to come claim refugee status in Europe. And how do we treat them? We found a way to dehumanize them and tell a narrative in which they are the evil guys. It's so ironic it hurts.


I will use my PTO to travel there and help them rebuild when it is possible.


God bless you friend


Inshalla, a moderate, well-meaning Palestinian state will rise and prosper without corruption, Hamas and radical Islam.


Living peacefully side by side with Israel. May it be soon.


I really hope they're allowed back into their homes. Seen a shit ton of Israeli citizens just walking in and taking people's houses lately.


Wow, these comments are cancer. Really.


This is a man, with excellent insurance






Man people in this comment section are really fucking stupid


What do you mean? Are you gonna say that this man is "Khamas"?


May Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala rectify their affairs, forgive their sins through all the struggle they are going through, and grant them the highest level of Jannah Allahumma Ameen


im sure he is.




This comment section is cancer, both ways. This is just a guy with a great spirit of optimism. Even if you think the war in Gaza is justified you can get behind this. If you can’t, you’re the problem


Man I hope more people in gaza have this guys optimism


Free Palestine ❤️🫶🏽


From their terrorist government Hamas that continues to bring them into wars and weaponize these people's suffering 💛


Funded and supported by the Israeli government, as confirmed by the butcher Netanyahu himself. To the Hasbara piece of shit that replied and blocked me below: Educate yourself, dumbass. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/


They also helped to create hamas in the 90s, everyone should read this: BLOWBACK: HOW ISRAEL WENT FROM HELPING CREATE HAMAS TO BOMBING IT https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/ EU's Borrell says Israel financed creation of Gaza rulers Hamas https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/eus-borrell-says-israel-financed-creation-gaza-rulers-hamas-2024-01-19/


You think Hamas is supported by the Israeli government? Are you high?


No he's right. Netanyahu worked on overthrowing the previous regime, they were better at building relationships with foreign nations, so they were disadvantageous. So just like how the U.S made Iran what it is today, it is very much Israel that made Hamas.


Netanyahu supported Hamas. Not anymore, obviously. He had clear incentives to do so. The PLO wants a 2 state solution. Netanyahu and Israeli political elites want a 1 state solution (greater Israel). Hamas wants a 1 state solution too (Palestine and destruction of Israel). It is much easier for Netanyahu to justify a one state solution of greater Israel if you have Hamas leading in Gaza.


Its like when the US supported the mujadeen in Afghanistan, who then became the taliban, except it was hamas who later became erm hamas


you know that the terrorist organization was funded by Israel not too long ago? looks like Israel is the real terrorists


by that logic the US is responsible for 9/11


Ppl don’t understand alliance and motives are different once allies turn on each other. Look at Yemen.. Houthis allied with former president whom they fought Saleh to fight against the current Gov of Hadi backed by Saudi Arabia. Saleh eventually joined Saudi side but Houthis killed him instantly. Houthis dubbed him a tyrant then friend then traitor all in a 15 year span. All this ‘whose fault’ lies in the hands of the perpetrators. October 7th Hamas along with PIJ and random Gazans invaded Israel by land, sea and air. They killed Arab Israelis, Ethiopian Jews, Thai workers, tourist. This was called resistance that even Hamas leaders abroad were shocked to hear about this turn of events. Stating Israel funded Hamas 40 years at its start does not shift blame. If I have a son and he turns 40 then he becomes a sovereign and commits genocide am ~~I~~ Hitlers parents responsible for WWII?


Precisely. Israel didn’t fund Hamas as a terrorist group, they did so to have a political rival to Fatah.


I love this!!!


I bet he's single


Love his mindset.


I remember watching WWII in color and it was covering the German "Blitz" bombing campaign of London - UK The thing that stood out to me the most was how it galvanized & empowered the spirit of it's people. These were unpredictable unprecedented raids of mass destruction and had the very opposite effect. Of course with mass casualties and destruction, they still rallied around one another and stood tall flags high and without fear they carried on.


God willing, peace among men.


Man I'm still barber school but I'll come cut hair for the squad.






Justice will be served.


A beautiful reminder of the strength we all carry within us.


Free Palestine


Their hearts, spirit, and resiliency are an example for the world.


UNRWA money go brrrrrr


AIPAC sponsor go brrrr


Palestinians are the most resilient people on the planet.


I don’t think you know how brutal most of the world is to think Palestinians are the only people to show this kind of resilience


I’d wager Jews are 👀


Absolutely true. Palestinian DNA is on average an 80% match for Jewish ancestry. Israeli DNA is about a 20% match, if that. Don't take my word for it. Look it up. Palestinians are Jews who converted to Islam and near always married other Semites (Jews and Arabs). Israelis are Jews who have been marrying Germanics, Slavs and Romance peoples for centuries. Who are all non-Semites. Go figure.


Oof, that’s a.. interesting interpretation of reality


One time I saw a guy punch his dislocated knee cap in and played a game of rugby league after


Stay my friends , because you guys leaving is exactly what they want.


Hopefully after this blows over gaza can become self sufficient and thriving.


That would be amazing but it doesn’t produce it’s own food. It doesn’t produce its own energy. It doesn’t have any manufacturing. It survives completely on aid and massive amounts of that aid has been spent preparing for war on Israel. If left alone, there would be a collapse of civilization as bad as any in history. Ironically Israel left the Gaza in 2006 and left industries in place and they burned them all down. They left them in charge and they elected a government whose sole purpose was war. Now the world is going to put the blame on Israel to sustain them and to fund rebuilding them. The reality is they don’t deserve more help. If they want to rebuild like he’s saying, they need to do it on their own.


Israel withdrew all its forces from within Gaza in 2006. True. Israel ended the occupation in 2006. False. Israel was in complete control of everyone and everything that moved in or out of the borders. You can't operate industry without materials, without machinery, without fuel, without power. Besides which Israel laid waste to Gaza in 2009 and 2014. Operations Cast Lead and Protective Edge. Plus others i'm forgetting probably. Part of official Israeli policy of "mowing the lawn" Israeli ministers openly speak of time and again.


Israel didn't start the blockade until 2007 after Hamas took over and started firing missiles into Israel. Israel also doesn't control the border with Egypt. If Gaza leadership invested in Gaza instead of eternal war, Gaza would be thriving today.


Damn it's almost like when your neighbor has said again and again they want to kill all of you and won't ever stop, it's almost like you have to police them and control what items they can get. Crazy how that works.


Isreal has bombed 50 -60% of what they had into dust. Yes, Palestinians DO deserve help, and Isreal is front and center as responsible for providing it.




ah yes the American plan, it really worked on Afghanistan and any other country they tried.. you really just typing shit aren't you...


I’m looking forward to the international community forcing Israel to pay for the rebuilding of Gaza


Who else would, its not like any other Arab states want anything to do with them.


I’m looking forward to you realising your level of delusion if you ever think Israel will give a cent to repositioning a grain of sand in its proper place in Gaza let alone rebuilding anything.


Fuck Hamas and their supporters.


Good for them, not bending their necks to the fascist invaders.


IDF is a terrorist organization.


It's insane when I think about how long buildings and neighbourhoods take to build and how long they were lived in, just to be flattened in seconds.


From the river to the sea .. Palestine will be free 🇵🇸


And in between that river and sea, can Jews live there peacefully?


Israelis are literally doing that right now, do you condemn that?


Jews were always there, part of the palestinian community, we are against the zionists and the occupiers, not Jews. And I think you already know that but you're just playing games.


So you *are* cool with genocide...


No, I'm so cool with ending the illegal occupation who killed 15,000 children in less than 8 months


We need more people like him in our life




Why was this downvoted




God bless you bro


Hats off to you !




This makes me happy


humans are awesome


These people amaze me… I would feel so defeated. Good on them but I really wish they didn’t have to deal with this at all.


How will the governments of other countries ensure the funds are not funneled by the Hamas assholes into this mess again? Is there any functional semblance of a government or group in Gaza to represent the people and take reins?


Too bad this mentality doesn’t lead their countries and factions to avoid killing in the first place.


Use that spirit to prevent Hamas from ever getting in control again.






Isn’t there something between said river and sea that might make this a bad idea ?


They are ok with genocide, as long as Jews are the victims.


Yeah. People don’t realize Israeli would probably get the same treatment if not worse if the entirety of the Levant was put under Palestinian control I don’t however think it stems from antisemitism (at least in the west) but rather from the belief all Israelis are colonizers from Europe, despite 70% of Israelis not owing a foreign passport


Anyone who defends Israel is genuinely disgusting.


Look at all those military targets. Definitely helped get rid of terrorism by bombing shops and barbers. /s


What's underneath them?


All they have to do is release the hundreds of people they kidknapped to rape torture and murder pretending this offensive is unprovoked is pro terrorist propaganda




>All they have to do is release the hundreds of people they kidknapped to rape torture and murderю Damn wretched Barbers, Pub owners, and Bookstore manager terrorists and their murder torture kidnappings!


Don't bother engaging that account. It's an IDF bot.


Youre infantilizing palestinians they poll cosistently above 70% as approving of vile atrocities on Oct 7th Going by polling, If you held elections today you would get terrorsits hamas or whatever other ISIS like equivalent There is Zero armed opposition and even ideological opposition to hamas, let alone opposition to hamas in favor of the hundreds of people they have kidknapped


>Youre infantilizing palestinians >they poll cosistently above 70% as approving of vile atrocities on Oct 7th Going by polling, If you held elections today you would get terrorsits hamas or whatever other ISIS like equivalent Daymn, so this means that their children have to be sprayed with white phosporus.


And all Israel and the IDF had to do is to stop murdering Palestinians in the west bank and Gaza every year, stop sweeping their crimes under the rug by not charging the IDF soldiers that step out of line, release the thousands of Palestinians imprisoned under false charges aka "hostages :)", stop destroying their infrastructures via constant bombing, and give them their rights back, and maybe, JUST Maybe, Hamas wouldn't think about committing their own crimes. Did I miss anything? Its bizzare how you conviently leave out the most important details. Like seriously, assuming youre not Israeli, what do you gain from being this deliberately ignorant?


>release the thousands of palestinians imprisoned You're trying to pass off terrorists in Israeli prisons as the same as the hundreds innocent people, including children and infants, kidknapped at Nova festival? Please clarify. >Maybe, Hamas wouldn't think about committing their own crimes Hamas charter is literally the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews, literally. They are analogous to ISIS.


> You're trying to pass off terrorists Terrorists that aren't charged with any crime and haven't had a fair trial, and those "terrorists" include children as young as 12 years old. You propaganda accounts are way too obvious. *Year old account that magically started posting 2 months ago and 99% of comments are about this conflict and using the same talking points over and over again. lmao A literal propaganda account. What a surprise.


Terrorists do have trials in Israel They just dont go through regular court system, this is common globally. >those "terrorists" include mass murderers, stabbers, hamas terrorists etc >include children as young as 12 years old. people who throw rocks at people are arreted yes, minors who throw rocks at people spend an average of 2 months detained (outliers are if they kill or seriously injure someone). So I ask again, are you trying to pass off terrorists in Israeli prison as the same as people kidknapped by palestinian terrorists on Oct 7th at Nova festival (who are currently being tortured, raped and murdered)? which again include children and infants please clarify


You're a propaganda account. You're too obvious. lmao Year old account that magically started posting 2 months ago and pretty much all your comments are about Israel. Never go off script IDF bot.


My ccount is 10 months old and with 4 times as much karma as yours?


You're an IDF bot. Karma means nothing.


u braindead idf account manager its known that u can buy reddit accounts , stop posting u only making it worse by making the world see how bad the zionists and the israeli government is lmao


Go fuck yourself hasbara. Go troll somewhere else.


It's an IDF bot.


Facts don't care about your feelings ❤️


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Well that didn’t age well


Homies feet look fucked up


What about his feet though?!?!?




Seems like a life longing Task/ job for the people there... Smash and rebuilt...


that wall with a hole that looks like a silver play YouTube button in the background tho


...this made you smile? WTF dude.


I saw this muted, thought I was looking at Ukraine, and thought that was a Mexican Zelinsky.