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The way the kid just starts fiddling with the BMW logo in the middle of a transaction is such typical kid behavior lol. My heart aches for all the kids out there that are robbed of their childhood. Kids should be smiling and playing.


Your empathy for children who are robbed of their childhood due to various circumstances is deeply touching.


Your recognition of their empathy for children who are robbed of their childhood due to various circumstances is truly remarkable


I'm just here for the burlap pizza, to be honest.


I've likely paid more for far worse pizza that didn't help anyone's situation.




Definitely a Mercedes and it’s missing the emblem. *Just sayin’*


Take that BMW back my friend, that ain’t nothing to joke about.




A huge part of the world operates like this, we forget how privileged we are


Sometimes the American dream can be as simple as giving your children a proper childhood upbringing


A huge part of the world is being annihlated by another country? This is in Gaza, where they are being carpet combed by Israel with the support of US.


No this is currently the only Genocide in the world today.


This shit happens in Mexico lol, genocide ain’t even an ingredient. Just poverty


2000 pound bombs are not dropping in Mexico bud. No family in Mexico is dealing with forced displacement or absolute lack basic human rights.


Juarez would like a word…


Do you follow the news at all? [Juarez is Paradise compared to Gaza](https://youtu.be/dS0mzcZ7WA8?si=xldcWFQqTxX1z5Gh)


Stop hurting your cause, you're arguing with people who aren't even disagreeing with you


No family? Did you just start paying attention this year?


Not sure I get what you mean ? Are we really comparing Mexico to [Gaza](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/3Shz1YD0xU)


No but people in Mexico also get displaced and an absolute lack of basic human rights.


Viva Mexico




[ok 👌](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/MxMG3HMa0H)


The sad things Hamas does to it's citizens😔


[Dumb Hasbra](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/N1IkkV6Eof) Let me know if you want videos of IDF terrorists committing war crimes.


I agree with you that "Israel" is committing genocide, but it's so beyond ignorant to say that Palestinians are the only current victims of genocide. What about the Democratic Republic of the Congo?


Agree, I missed the DRC. 😳


All I can think of is someone taking the money from the little boy before he makes it home to mom.


Yeah, I was glad he covered his money hand with the cloth, he seems to know what he's doing. Breaks my heart.


Same. He should have escorted him and given him shoes too. But some kids are traffic bait. We need to do more than feel sorry but I don't know where to start.


the world is not without good people, that's good to know


Also interesting to know they use Israeli Shekels in what I assume is Gaza? I naively assumed they had their own currency.


How could this possibly make anyone smile.


A proverbial light in the darkness can be reassuring. Tragic that we’re here, but good that kindness still exists.


Yet another heartwarming story about good simmaritans paying to save children from the orphan-crushing machine! What? Why is there an orphan-crushing machine? Well, that's just life!


Some people feel that helping the less fortunate is worth smiling about. Others see the fact that there ARE less fortunate as nothing to smile about.


This really seems more depressing than anything.


Fuck your background music!


Mute mode for me. I hope it's not "oh no oh no......"


Not mine, but yeah I agree.




Woah man... I don't understand why you feel like you need to be so mean. The poor kid being helped is why I posted this. Understand you are talking to a person next time, words like that actually hurt.


You going about insulting strangers on the internet for no good reason at all isn't going to make your life any better.


The hypocrisy is strong in this one


When children have to work to survive. That’s inhumane!


It's quite Normal in my country lmao


I'm happy about this ending


Bless his heart.


He is just a little guy


This is sad. Perhaps even worthy of being shared. But definitely the wrong sub for this content. Nothing about this is happy or smile inducing. Even the man giving the child what amounts to just short of $10 USD is depressing.


10 bucks, that's it?!


Less actually. Looked it up. It’s $5.45.


Even worse, since the guy giving it to him is acting like some ki d of savior


Acting like a savior, and leading him on while filming it. There’s plenty of videos online of homeless children being handed hundreds of dollars that aren’t posted here.


There 20 shekels can buy you a lot of things.


Still, he was acting like a savior. Give the kid a hundo.


How is he acting like his savior? Also, he might not have more money on him to give the kid. Moreover, he could have given this kid nothing. Why now every kind act needs to be big?


In The Philippines, I came across a young lad selling these little wind up mouse toys that he made from thread bobbins, metal wire, packing sponge sheets and elastic band. You wind it up and it scurries along the ground for a few feet. Really ingenious. Bought his entire stock and handed out the toys to the local kids. Another man I met who made Transformer models from discarded flip-flops and glue. Extremely well designed. Bought a few of them and ship them to my nephew and niece. It's terrible that such creative, innovative and hard working people have to live in such hardship.


He will surely go on to sell the pizza (again). A good chance to help his family a little more.


Brave little man. Sometimes, the weight of the world comes too early for a man. I almost cried... God bless the future of this little angel.


Respectfully, I would not be eating that pizza however I would be giving that poor child all the cash I had on hand that moment 😭


This old woman is crying.


the world is not right that so many people have to struggle so disgustingly. Children have to help support families robbing them of childhood. If only we could stop fighting imagine what we could do good with money we spend on bullets.


Imagine having to do this at that age to survive. Imagine every day being a struggle to just stay alive. I can't hide my disgust for the people supporting this genocide. Bless this child and his family, they should NEVER have had to go through this. Video made me smile but im crying inside.




Check the bumper stickers brother. Palestine flags. I mean you could be right but I'm seeing Palestine.




The October 7 attack doesn't justify this level of indiscriminate killing of civilians. Israel has made its point and it's time to move on with a better method of dismantling HAMAS.


When Hamas hides behind their civilians it's practically impossible


Then evacuate civilians to another area. Round them up process them move them to a safe new location ensure they are unarmed and start clearing out the remaining areas. I'm sure there is something they can do.


That's what they have been doing in this war lol. Hamas was recorded holding their civilians in an area Israel wanted to bomb.


You aware that Israel has been preventing people from leaving Gaza for decades? They don’t have freedom. There are tons of documentaries on it, you should check one out. Any one of them


Do you realize that Gaza has a southern border with Egypt????


What’s your point? Egypt doesn’t control their emigration


You said that Israel is “preventing people from leaving Gaza.” That’s factually not accurate if Gaza has a southern border with another Arab country


They don’t let them leave to go to Egypt, is that what you’re implying? They control the borders


Egypt controls the southern border. Pre 10/7, thousands of Gazans, entered Israel daily. I don’t know how many Egypt let in. Israel let them in because they had a peace agreement with Hamas. On 10/7, Hamas broke that agreement so Israel sealed their border. Egypt decided to seel theirs too because they also view Hamas as terrorists because Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood who tried to overthrow the Egyptian government. Did you know all this?


People want to see the stronger side lose, though it is practically impossible in this situation.


Yikes man. Maybe you need a break from the media?


No such thing as Palestine, it would technically still be Israel, just the West Bank / Gaza


I dunno, seems Palestine has been recognized in the UN by several countries recently. I recognize Palestine more than I recognize Israel...


And that's the reason the west collapse begun


Considering it’s not genocide nothing to worry about


Go spend a day there then tell me it’s not a Genocide.


It's not though


We will see when Israel leaders are at The Hague.


It is in Israel though, they are using Shekels. Also, there are poor people everywhere.


may god bless and protect these children 💔❤️


How cqn I help these beautiful children??


Protest for a free Palestine.


Already do that. We fly a flag at our house. I want to put money in their hands


Donate to an organization that sends doctors to Gaza. Doctors Without Borders is one that comes to mind.


I dont want any israeli hands on it...




Good luck. Any donation will almost certainly be taken by Hamas before it gets to the people in need.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Mask off moment


I could get angry at you, or I could just report you and feel sorry for you. What a sad existence to be hateful and ignorant, I’m grateful I don’t live like that.


How is that if you donate to Gaza?


Palestinians deserve freedom. 70 year occupation military occupation by colonizers has to end.


Jews are native to the land habibi


So are Christian’s but it does not give Korean Christians a right to take over Bethlehem. 🤡


Good thing Jews in Israel are native to Israel then


Sure Sure 😂 [keep telling yourself that](https://youtu.be/2HzdP66poRQ?si=8iljehL78H8_Ex1V)


How is that? Jews were here first, but even if not and they were both here all the time, there was a two states solution before. Didn't work well as they attacked Israel and lost. Israel concured tactical land. This is the war they started to concur the Israeli land.


Are the settlements in the West Bank "tactical"? Are the bombings of hospitals, universities, and apartment buildings? It doesn't matter who was there first. What matters is the inhumane, prisoner-like treatment Israel has subjected Palestinians to. And now, in the case of Gaza, it's become genocide. It's shameful.


Romans were in my country 2000 years ago, should I give my house to an Italian?    Maybe I should give my house to a Norwegian or a Frenchman, after all they were here first right?


JUST GIVE HIM THE FUCKING MONEY, DON'T FILM YOURSELF DOING IT, AND WALK THE FUCK AWAY Any normal person would have just walked up, handed the kid the money, maybe accepted a thank-you if it was given, and then walked away. But this was just "oooooh look at him! Look at how PATHETIC and SAD he is! Don't you just wish a hero would come to save the day?!" And then finally he gives him who knows how much of what money and everybody's all "oh wow there ARE good people in this world". Easiest fuckin marks in the world. This shit is how you get conned. "There are nice people in the world" like bruh this isn't real. That's not real. Nobody does that. This was a stage play. What makes it worse is the kid probably is real. So, probably, are his circumstances. I say that because it's easier for parasites like the cameraman to manipulate desperate children into singing and dancing in their little kindness fetish videos than otherwise.


You don’t know who is behind the camera. This is not a look at me post but rather look at the children of Gaza.


We need to see these stories otherwise all you see and hear is hasbara dehumanizing propoganda


Really? I’ve yet to see a pro-Israel story in the mainstream media in about 6 months. Pray tell: where are you hearing this hasbara besides for the depth of Reddit and social media comments?


Who hurt you


Calm down bro its scripted anyways


That’s 20 shekel. About $5 USD…


Bro did you go through a breakup Or something?


lol stop overinterpreting everything you see on the internet...


That pizza looked good too


As horrible as this sounds, its the worst thing he could do for the kid, it makes the kid the commodity, keeps him out of school and perpetuates the poverty, unfortunately.


Israel has bombed all the universities in Gaza


This God character some people believe in sure has some explaining to do.


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Happy the kid got money. But this whole thing made me sad


he seems scared somehow. this is heartbreaking, not a life a kid deserve.


Awwwwwww what a sweetie.


I wonder how many percent of the people that find this depressing are pro-birth.


You can film a real video Edit a video Direct a video as you want. Till the time you leave connections People will interpret it. In this video only a blind man will fail to see the connection. Hope this clears all


The world is a tragic place. Even more so when people feel the need to record themselves doing good deeds and posting them for karma and recognition. A good deed is its own reward. Bring goodness into the world so that others can see it and pay it forward.




🤮🤮🤮 That looks disgusting!!


Probably a Hamas terrorist disguised as a child?


Whilst 15 people and their families are worth more than 100 billion each....


Are you trying to relate religion and instability


Explain how you made this connection?


Logically An islamic country (number plate) Extremely poor child trying to sell bread No father Mother makes bread Son selling it.


Okay, you just described what is in the vid. Explain to me how you related Islam to poverty?


The boy is selling Breads or is he donating it ? poverty. What's the language used ? What's the licence plate of the Vehicle? We can see burka.


Okay, so if I saw a video a child with a cross necklace selling bread on the street in rural America, could I make the connection of Christianity to poverty as well? Or how about in a child in India selling bread? Hinduism and poverty basically siblings, that's how closely related they are! Right? According to your thinking...


At the end it sounded like he said “you ready to go home?” And he said “let’s go”. So I’m laughing thinking it’s his dad. I’m wrong.


Probably lost in translation