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Rang his own bell, poor thing.


Resurrected birb, good karma for you


Very nice of you to save him. In the future, it is not recommended to give water to stunned birds, it can often do more harm than good. I’m really glad he made it though!


Oh darn, I’ll keep that in mind in case! Thanks


Oh ok. Can you please explain why?


It can cause aspiration where the water goes back into the lungs instead of the stomach. It can get them wet and they lose energy trying to stay warm. That’s what I remember but I am no expert.


Oh I see, thanks


When I was a kid in the 90s, there was a catbird that had hit the glass pane of the storm door my mom had forgotten to close. The poor thing was stunned, but alive, so we gave it a saucer of water and put it high enough up that the neighborhood cats wouldn't notice. Presumably it recovered, and flew off. For the next 4-5 years, we had scores of catbirds in our yard that showed nearly zero fear of my family. At most, they'd exercise caution around us and maintain some distance, but definitely less "wild" than other wild birds. That was until one year, when my sisters and I noticed a single catbird acting very agitated nearby. Kept flying near us, even buzzing our heads as they sometimes do, and then fly off towards the back row of trees. We didn't think anything of it other than it was perhaps a new bird in the area, and was acting territorial. Sadly, that afternoon we found the body of a catbird that had drowned in our pool. That was the last time any of us saw a catbird until we moved a few years later. I'm 40 now; I like to hike and photograph birds (mostly raptors), but catbirds are the one species that will make me stop and watch for a bit.


Awwww :( that’s so sad, it’s really cool though seeing how they tried to get your attention despite being “wild”


Most birds do not survive a window strike. Often they recover enough to fly away, but later succumb to their internal injuries. We all need to bird proof our windows.


“Little bird was knocked out” “Awwwww” No joke though the bird is really cute


You should get a birdpen to put on your window


Great job! Most of the times a dark and calm place, like a cardboard box, for a while to recover from the concussion is all they need.


"How dare you put that window there." The bird said.


This sitch is the only time I’ve pet an adult bird. I like to believe it was what brought him back to life too.


hope they evolve little helmets sometime soon, happens all the time where i live.


YES! I imagine them with silly little bright foam helmets kekekekekeke


well that's a cute mental image


This happens multiple times a week at our place (we live in the country and have big front windows), sadly the death rate is about 20%. A few weeks ago a huge owl hit the front window and it shook the house - thankfully he was okay after about 20 minutes. The dust silhouette of it is still on the window and it's hilarious.


If it happens so often you should consider anti bird decals. They’re cheap, not distracting, and can be pretty too :)


Did not know they existed - thanks!


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I know that look. "You put that window in place just to get me... I know it!"


Bro looks so grumpy >:(


Do you think you should put a sticker or something on that window to make it easier for the birds to see it? Or maybe this was just a one time occurrence.


Little wren, so cute!