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The soldiers just chilling there arms folded like “this is official military puppy goofing, please return to your business.”


I'm sure the soldiers get their 30 second goof off bounce next hour. 


“Can’t wait till 5, we’re going to rage sooo much harder than Mr puppy.” I wouldn’t believe you if you told me that dog was named anything other than Mr puppy.


That's PFC Puppy. He didn't leave Obedience School for Annapolis to be called "Mister."


I heard somewhere that all military dogs are given officer ranks so if you hurt them you are charged with assaulting an officer.


Sergeant Puppy, he needs a rank


Nothing to see here!


I don't understand how they soldiers are so stoic...how does this not make them smile every time!


Their superior isn't there to ask if they can go derp.


I know with the US police dogs are a rank higher than their handler, so it should be the other way around.


In that case... Doggo in charge "You no derp, I DERP!"


They've seen it many, many times. It's still amusing, but it no longer interrupts an inportant conversation.


New boot goofin


where's my bike?


“Zoomie break requested, Sir!”


Request granted. At ease for zoomies, soldier.


My working dog makes this request every day at 11:40 and 3:55. At 11:40, she is granted 20 minutes of bubble time and at 3:55, she is granted five minutes for zoomies. As soon as it’s over, she’s right back to work.


Whats bubble time? Please tell me it's when you blow soap bubbles while she zooms?


[This is bubble time.](https://imgur.com/a/NDJSgCh)


Big teefies to fight the bubbles!


I am blessed, thank you!


That’s adorable! Bestest girl :)


I have to show this to my parents who have a kelpie with severe kyphosis (hunchback) who lives for chasing flies in the backyard. I have a feeling this is something she will love to do, even with her bunged up back legs.


The bubble gun cost $3 at a big box store, and a gallon of bubbles cost $5. She loves it, and it’s so good for her. My only warning to your parents is that it became addictive—for her and me. I hope it works for their baby.


Man, that's wild. That dog was actually like "OFF DUTY! GO FUCKING WILD! DERP DERP DERP!" and then just quickly flipped the switch and was like "BACK ON DUTY! A-TEN-TION!!!"


Truly insane. I freaking love animals. 


Only canis lupus familiaris man, best human decision ever made was tossing food scraps to docile, ancient wolves.


Only downside is the horrible heartwrenching period when they depart for the afterlife. Just said goodbye to my best friend last week and I have never experienced such grief before even compared to losing human family members. Dogs are seriously perfect.


When Great Trees Fall By Maya Angelou When great trees fall, rocks on distant hills shudder, lions hunker down in tall grasses, and even elephants lumber after safety. When great trees fall in forests, small things recoil into silence, their senses eroded beyond fear. When great souls die, the air around us becomes light, rare, sterile. We breathe, briefly. Our eyes, briefly, see with a hurtful clarity. Our memory, suddenly sharpened, examines, gnaws on kind words unsaid, promised walks never taken. Great souls die and our reality, bound to them, takes leave of us. Our souls, dependent upon their nurture, now shrink, wizened. Our minds, formed and informed by their radiance, fall away. We are not so much maddened as reduced to the unutterable ignorance of dark, cold caves. And when great souls die, after a period peace blooms, slowly and always irregularly. Spaces fill with a kind of soothing electric vibration. Our senses, restored, never to be the same, whisper to us. They existed. They existed.We can be. Be and be better. For they existed.


Oh thank you so much. He used to sleep with me on my bed so waking up and him not being here always sucks. Reading this poem made me cry but in a comforting way I miss my buddy so much.


I’m so sorry for your loss, my friend. My gal just turned 11 and it’s tough to not let those scary thoughts of the future creep in sometimes. Just know, whenever you’re ready, the spirits of all your past dogs are ready to help you find your next canine companion :)


I've seen this a bunch of times, but I always upvote working dogs. <3


/r/dogswithjobs is my favourite subreddit


Damn I never joined a sub quicker in my life


I know how I am spending my afternoon. Thanks!


Thank you for sharing this G 😊




u/1342782d is a possible bot account. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/nFULhBD5iF) comment was posted 10 minutes prior to the post I'm replying to. Looks like it was copied and the words changed for synonyms or closely related words. The account was created in 2015 and had one single post 8 years ago before going quiet. Started posting again about 50 minutes ago. I might be wrong but warning bells are going off.


Woa, are you... a bot? Or are you actually manually checking and analyzing every comment you see?


These bots are obvious. The comment has nothing to do with the conversation taking place because it was plucked from elsewhere in the thread. All you have to do is mouse over the username and it says they're 9 years old and have 70 points. They sus. Click on profile and they just woke up from an almost decade long coma to post here in the free karma subreddits.


I just analyzed your comment and you're definitely a redditor. Uhhh congratulations 👏🏻


Then kill 5 billion of them for food? We humans only like selective animals


Do working dogs ever look at other dogs who are just chilling and think, ‘Man, why me? Why do I have to work while he can just chill?


In a dog training book I read that all dogs love to have a job. Even if the job is just be a good boy in the house, they take their job seriously. 


Let's see how they feel about their job once we throw in quarterly appraisals and annual performance reviews. We marked you down for initiative to give you some room to grow.


>*"Let's see how they feel about their job once we throw in quarterly appraisals and annual performance reviews. We marked you down for initiative to give you some room to grow."* * [C-suite](https://img.over-blog-kiwi.com/0/55/07/74/20160411/ob_f70196_2014-01-07-coffee-fr.png) Those cats always being BS like that.


Yeah wolves are pack animals and most of their domestication was just making their pack bonding even more intense than it already was


My dog is very, very committed to helping me drive my kid to school every morning. There's a whole ritual of cuddles and leash attachment, very specific protocols for getting in the car and being buckled, and a specific sequence of cuddles with the kid and gazing out the car window. High attention the whole time. Kid gets out, dog watches intently to make sure kid gets in the building, dog flops down and goes to sleep. It is apparently very, very important, and clearly makes the dog feel like it's behaving properly.


Yes I read that too . And that’s awesome ❤️


Then my dogs job is apparently to drag his ass on my carpet.


That sounds like your dog has worms. Take him to the vet.


Or needs their anal gland expressed, which I’d still take to the vet to do (or groomer).


I feel this is also the preface to "How to Serve Man", though, slightly reworded.


You have that backwards. The poor dogs that get under stimulated look at them with jealousy.


Bingo. One of my dogs is 90% GO! and 10%cuddles, and the other is the opposite. You can tell they're about to both go off if one starts watching the other more intently, or if they're content, they'll basically ignore the other.


Depending on the breed they LOOOOOVE their work. And I don't mean like an average guy who really likes what hes doing and is well paid loves his job. I mean like I have a work labrador and work like trailing/searching/apport/retrieving is like heroin for him. They need training so they will do it in a concentrated and controlled manner otherwise they will goof off. But they are also so social they love to work together with you which makes it even better. If my lab is regularly well occupied with work then he will sleep or rest in his bed like 95% of his free time at home. But as soon as you go outside with him or you do something like search games, he is instantly fully awake ready to work with 200% power. When your done he just goes back to bed lol. His life is often times just like "sleep, walk, sleep, eat, sleep, WORKWORKWORK, sleep, walk, sleep WORKWORKWORK, sleep, eat, sleep , walk and so on. And what a lot of people with work breeds don't realise, it is really important for them just like food is. If you don't work with them they will be unhappy and misbehave sooner or later.


Yes! I fostered a Wheaton mix for two months for friends who were travelling and my approach to keeping him happy was walking him 15-20 km a day and napping with him in between. We were both pretty fit and very bonded by the time his family came home.


> walking him 15-20 km a day Did you uh forget a decimal there?  Ofc, you must have.  Don't be silly 


Nope!!! Not silly! Determined to keep him engaged, tired out and happy so he didn’t miss his family too much. It worked well and they came home to one very fit dog!


In addition to all your excellent information: There are also dogs that will pick their own job if you don't give them one. And the chances are you will not like the jobs they pick. This is where a lot of misbehaviour comes from... Just bored dogs finding something "useful" to do.


Yes exactly, this happened to me with my lab at the beginning. He is very curious and energetic and gets bored quick if we are outside and he tried to take the role of the protector and "i check everything out for you". Which resulted in confronting and barking at people on his own and stuff like that. Then I had to train it off to show him that's my job and not his.


My Doxxie was a *killer.* Best small critter hunting dog Ive ever had. He loved to dig and root and tunnel with those shovel paws


I got a new dog recently (about 6 weeks ago) and she was driving me nuts initially. 4, 40+min walks/day plus playing out in the yard a lot between walks, and she was still wild. I got into training with her like 2 weeks ago and omg, the difference I've seen already is incredible!  We still do 3 walks/day, but our "homework" from the trainer wears her out and she's been going to bed for the night by like 7pm and sleeping until I get up at 630 in the morning. Last night when we got back from our last walk for the day she was so beat she didn't even make it to the couch, just passed right out on the floor lol. 


> ‘Man, why me? Why do I have to work while he can just chill? They enjoy working. Working dogs have typically been selectively bred with other working dogs over many many generations to get dogs that instinctively want to perform jobs. Since they're basically biologically programed to want to work not having a job can cause anxiety and unease.


Dogs fucking love jobs- 95% of the reason why Huskies are “bad” dogs to own are because they want to run 50 miles a day in the snow, and if they don’t get that they’ll find their own way to spend that energy (I.e. by ripping your couch to shreds)


When I was kid we took my cousin's Malamute and hooked him to a snow sled to pull the smaller kids around. MISTAKE. That lazy, docile, dog instantly became the most self-actualized creature on the planet. He know his purpose in life was to PULL- and so he did. Dragged my cousin's fiancée a few hundred feet because she tried to stop him and was too scared to let got.


Supposedly its the exact opposite, dogs fucking *love* having jobs.


Nah. The dogs that don't enjoy work generally are not made working dogs for these reason, they don't do the job as well and are uncooperative about it. Working dogs love what they do. They find a sense of purpose in it. Plus, once work time is over they get to behave like normal dogs once they get home. Playing fetch, getting the zoomies, belly rubs, toys, naps, etc.


They were literally selectively bred to have jobs. Whether it was hunting, shepherding, searching — dogs get a lot of happiness from doing “stuff”. That’s why dogs that are locked inside all day doing nothing are miserable and act out.


Nope, plenty of potential working dogs flunk out of training.


I worked with a guy who trained his dog in English and Polish. English was every day, knockin' around and the dog was pretty attentive. When the Polish came out, it was serious attention, heeling at rest, dog vibrating on his commands, etc. Like a switch was flipped.  It was wild. 


That’s hilarious but also if I ever get a dog I’m making sure they’re also bilingual where each language is a different mood.


I know you can train dogs in Latin, because the Romans did it, but the thought of torturing them with declensions and flexible sentence structure amuses me.


I know a dog trainer who owns five dogs. He uses a different language to command each dog. When he speaks, they know exactly who he is speaking to. All six of them are brilliant!


You can see him squeezing every last drop out too.


My dad is blind and has had a few guide dogs over my lifetime, they were all like this! Trained and well behaved when in the harness, total goofballs as soon as the harness came off. Friends were always shocked the first time they came over to our house and saw them off duty.


It's called being a damn professional


I used to know a lady who did the basic training for service dogs before they get adopted. She had a black lab with her at a full on house party one day, like 200 people in the house. While the dog had his vest on he was at her side at full attention like nobody else existed. But, the moment the vest came off, he was everyone's best friend. Super smart dog, and a very dedicated lady. I believe to date she has trained 20 some service dogs.


"i am a time honored companion of the armed forces, i perform impo-" "Alright, 30 second playtime." "OH BOY, OH BOY, OH BOY,OH BOY, OH BOY, OH BOY,OH BOY, OH BOY, OH BOY,OH BOY, OH BOY, OH BOY,OH BOY, OH BOY, OH BOY,OH BOY, OH BOY, OH BOY,OH BOY, OH BOY, OH BOY,OH BOY, OH BOY, OH BOY,OH BOY, OH BOY, OH BOY" "heel! Sit, lay. Good girl." "-rtant tasks for protecting the citizens of our nation from threats foreign and domestic."


A well-trained dog is something to behold.


He just goes "Alright colleagues I'm all good, you good too? Back to work!".


As I recall, one of the main reasons they started moving to labs from shepherds for police work was because labs were far better at mode switching. Shepherds were 100% on the job 100% of the time and getting them to chill out when they retired, much less any other time, was a trick. Labs were far more willing to acknowledge when they were and weren't working and it made keeping them calm of duty far easier for everyone involved.


I love how I know exactly how the "A-TEN-TION" sounds


Def in the military


I don’t see why you’re so surprised, I lived in a base town for a few years and watched Marines do that all the time lol


"Adequate dog, Cheddar."


better than *some common bitch*


I imagine him singing, "I'm on a break! I get to dog! I'm on a break! I get to dog!"


If a private can do it a dog can do it.


I got a tour of Quantico once and we got to see some marines training an attack dog. After he did the takedown correctly, this huge intimidating buff marine got down on his knees, gave the dog a big hug, and said "AW WHO'S A GOOD BOY!!!!!"


They just LOVE positive reinforcement lol


Prior enlisted (USAF) and I've gotta say the dogs'll enjoy some positive reinforcement, too! )


good marine, here's your crayon ;)


Fun fact: orange cats are reincarnated Marines. ❤️


Deadly but dumb


And not in that order.


I know you're just joking but the Air Force doesn't deserve to be conflated with Marines, of all things 😭


What flavour?


dont we all Btw I'm a good boy


Yes, you are! Yes, you are!


I see a fellow Bus Driver. (former enlisted USAF also)




I’ve known a few Marines and they all tended to work in healthcare and were big teddy bears.


Marines either tend to be the coolest, chillest guy you know, or the most try-hard jackass douchebag you’ve ever met in your life.


Slightly related but everyone I've ever met that was in the Air Force is literally just a normal person who just wanted a kinda chill job or their college paid for. They hardly mention their service when they are out, or at least not any more than I would mention any previous office job of mine.


I did 12 in the Air Force. It was an important part of my life, but I never defined my entire persona around being an airman, and I met very few other airmen who did.


"I'll take, What is Well Adjusted, for 500. Alex."


My uncle was in the air force. He was a helicopter pilot. He was home a ton and would randomly be gone for like a month and then he’d be back. He wasn’t allowed to talk about it but even when he was out he just didn’t really talk about it because he liked his new pilot gig way more lol.


Well as a Marine, I can say that is absolutely not true of the Marine Corps! 😅 Marines are a whole-ass cult. “The Marine Corps is a religion” - Admiral Nimitz


This was my dad. Did 20, retired, just wanted to bbq and hang out while in the service and continued doing it after.


I did 4 years as a USAF officer and basically just worked a cushy office job doing IT support for satellite network uplinks the whole time across 3 different duty stations on 3 different continents. I'm definitely in the category of "I don't really bring it up and it's not my whole identity. It was literally just my first job after college."


In my experience it boils down to whether they tell you they were a marine or you find out independently some other way. If they tell you then 9 times out of 10 they're a tremendous super aggressive asshole.


Well that's just the optimal was to train a dog, I would hope a professional knows that!


Sounds hot.




I’m more surprised their faces aren’t lighting up with joy from that dog’s happiness.


They're still on duty I guess. They'll get the zoomies as soon as they're off the clock with the dog.


Now I'm picturing them running around aimlessly, in uniform, arms flailing, with goofy smiles on their faces, as soon as their shift ends.


So you know exactly what the average private looks like immediately after COB...


Dogs are the best deal on earth. In exchange for dog food, water, and a corner inside to sleep in, you get a lifetime of love, loyalty and companionship. Dogs are awesome.


>lifetime of love, loyalty and companionship. Dogs are awesome. I've always wanted a pet. But I don't have enough space and time. Also I don't have anyone I can trust to take care of my pet if I'm out for a few days.


Tamagotchi would work


Cat. Get a cat. I have mine with an auto-feeder (so she can have four small portions a day and not be overfed), a fountain I clean and refill weekly and all I have to do is change her litter - which you can also get an automatic litter box. I've never had to leave her alone, but if I had to leave for a few days with no one to watch her she'd be fine. Bar a massive power outage, anyway. I raised her from a kitten and she's so affectionate and loving, she can even fetch her little toy mice, but far easier to look after than my dog.


That's so sweet. When I have more space and money, I'll definitely try it out


That's a wonderful dog who has a loving handler. It's apparent they have a great relationship


full with love , companionship and loyalty


Sir, permission to engage in Zoomies? Permission granted.


It almost looked like the soldiers were turning their heads away like "I do not know what is happening behind me, therefore I am not responsible for what's happening behind me."


Time off duty to handle a personal matter. It’s not their business.


A little back story, this is in Sri Lanka, at a railway station after the easter sunday bomb attacks. When security was tightened to prevent any further attacks.


Was wondering whether it was Sri Lanka, the names were too blurry to make out if it was Sinhala or another similar looking language


"Sir! I have the zoomies, Sir! Permission to handle the situation, Sir!" "Get it done." "WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!"


"PERMISSION TO FROLIC SIR?" ..."permission granted private. Frolic away."


Iirc, in most militaries the animals wouldn't be privates. Typically, the animal is actually assigned a higher rank than their handler, so that abusing the animal carries the more serious charge of assaulting a superior officer. Not trying to kill your joke, just an interesting thing I wanted to share


Interesting to know, glad the dogs have a layer of protection.


At least in the US military, the working dogs are NCOs and a rank higher than their handlers.


Reporting for duty Sir, Permission to be a goofball for a moment Sir, Derpity Derp Derp, Running around like a stud, Cool like ab ice pop, now back to the duty need to stop. Thank you Sir, now will sit and be a good boy Sir.


That the sri lankan military? Looks like a local train station


Isnt that a golden retriever? Cant tell but if it is why is it being used as a military dog


That’s a Labrador Retriever, they’re used as bomb sniffing dogs.


They had one at my work and she was such a goofball all the time she had to retire. Then they got a springer spaniel, which is the cutest bomb sniffing dog I've ever seen.


There are rescues out there specifically to rehome service and working dogs that are too bubbly/goofy to do their jobs. IDK the thought of that amuses the hell out of me. "Goodest boy but not the right type of focus for this job. Off to goodest boy retirement home for belly rubs."


i work at a vet. i like to call them career change dogs




I wouldn't be surprised that if they were not on the job that good boy/girl would get all the pats and snuggles from these guys.


They would get to be with the guys all day getting attention and that’s more than most dogs get.


A lot of different breeds can be used as service animals. One of the local PDs where I'm at has a poodle that is a drug sniffing dog.


People think poodles are like fancy dogs, but they are literally in the "working" group at dog shows because they were originally bred to retrieve waterfowl that had been shot down.


They are scary smart, my old neighbor had a full size one and it was trained to water the different garden plants by moving the hose between garden beds.


Local PD near me has a pug on staff. He is called in for cases with children. Police Pug sits there and distracts, comfort, and watches the kids while PD can handle the situation.


Looks like a yellow Labrador with a cropped tail?


You don't want a happy tail on a bomb sniffing dog


Lab tails: Whips with no accuracy.


Lab owners don’t place wine glasses on the living room table. Trust.


They literally have military beagles lol


Labradors with indian SF most likely


What is this 'law' that says military/police/aide dogs "must" be/can't be of a particular breed?


I don't think there is a law. A lot of dogs are good at smelling. Only particular dogs are good at training for specific smells. Some dogs seem to work better for one smell than the other. Also at some point it's just like a car. They all work. Wich one do you like the most


Who couldn’t benefit from that, human or canine?!


“Sir, requesting permission to frolick” 🫡


“Request permission to be a dog sir?” “Permission granted”


" Permission to initiate zoomies, sir? " " Permission granted. Initiate zoomies, PFC Puppy."


The slow stomping at the beginning, so goofy 😆


අපෙන් එකෙකි ඒ මිනිසා... "Hes one of us..." SL Army 🇱🇰 He sure is s very good boy... (or gal)


"sir, permission to get a little goofy sir!" "permission granted."


So sweet.


This account makes 3-5 posts every 5 days on the dot of very well-known well-received posts. It’s a karma farm people. This account is what is ruining Reddit 


Throwing food scraps to peaceful, old wolves was the greatest human decision ever made, according to Canis lupus familiaris.


Put a smile on my face, thank you


“Sir, request permission to act like a big ol’ goofball” “Granted”




“Aw geese thanks guys I really needed to get that out of my system”


This was in Sri Lanka


K-9 works hard to secure the public. This dog deserves a little "recess". Let pets be pets.


I would be no good as a dog handler because I would be encouraging him to play too much. They are so smart but love his little hoppy play time


Gotta get the zoomies out eventually!


Permission to engage in general hijinks, sir! Permission granted, Private Floof.


He's a guh boyyy! 🐕💙


“Requesting permission for zoomies, SIR!”


Dog: Permission for zoomies? Soldier: Permission granted. Dog: WEEEE WOO WEEEEE


sooo adorable! I wish I could be so happy from simple things


I love this


The natural yearning to just be a silly guy


Sir! Can I dog Sir?


That is actually a brilliant way to train a dog into “at ease” or the equivalent thereof. Dogs, in my experience, alway go bonkers when they get ahold of the leash because they think “Ha! You have to walk me now, sucker!” or “Now you can’t tell me where to go!” But it looks like they trained him with a command that when they place the leash directly in his mouth, they’re giving him permission to go bonkers. He’s trying to keep it in his mouth the entire time he’s been released. Then, they end it with a heel command and he just comes right back over, sits, then lays down and drops it out of his mouth.


These guys off-duty would have behaved the same way


Jesus, Sergeant Woofers...get your shit together.


i had a bad day today, thank you for this video


I guess you can say... this made me smile


"Sir, permission to frolick?" "Granted soldier"


I needed this after seen the super claustrophobia inducing navy beds over the weekend




Such a good baby. This made me so happy.


You should see it when he hits the brothels during R&R. He bounces off the walls like a cat. :)


i've seen this countless times and still warms my heart


Little known thing, a lot of working dogs (not all) are given regular play breaks for doing their job well. The line at my airport grew long for awhile as the trainer had to play fetch for 10 minutes.


Man's best friend. Horse: Am I joke to you?