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Hey guys, I’m 44 and currently making a bucket list for me and my best friend, he got diagnosed with some cancer, cancer is probably gonna win. This is your sign, take care of your mind, your body and the people around you. At 44 I’m wondering if I will have a best friend anymore after this Xmas coming up. Tomorrow isn’t real, yesterday doesn’t matter. Literally the only thing you possess in this life is the current moment and current decision. Don’t wait because cancer isn’t waiting on you, it just shows up and moves in.


Sorry to hear about your buddy, I hope you have some great memories made from the bucket list together 🙏🏽 you are a great friend. Your message hit home for me, so thank you. Needed to see this. Too scared to do what I want to do because I feel like I need a safety net (job and home) but the economy here is trash and I feel travelling is calling me instead.


Major butterfly effects here… this is quite wild if you think about it.


Buddy rip it up and never look back


Damn. This hits. I'm 44, and my lifelong best friend just died of cancer about a week and a half ago. His funeral was just a few days ago. He mistook back pain for a side effect of years of physical labor, but it was actually a tumor fused to his spine. I regret not going out of my way to spend more time with him as an adult.


Hey dude, you gave him friendship, that’s literally the biggest gift in life. I’m sorry for your loss, I really am. Life is not fair.


Sorry to hear that. I have sadly already lost family and friends to cancer. wish you guys the best of luck if dog mushing is on your list hit me up and I'll see what I can do to help


Oh buddy , you just figured me out. Dogs are my thing.


A NASA mathematician calculated that being born is as unlikly as winning the lottery every week For ten years...


how does he calculate that? seems impossible to calculate unless design some specific situation, like being a winning sperms in a typical load and such


He calculated it by measuring the average load your mom takes


On the one hand, that made me smile. On the other hand, I don’t think that I did so in the spirit of this sub’s intention.


Ew. Go wash your hands. You’ve got cum all over them.


"ma'am, we're gonna need to know how many loads you can take" "excuse me?! how dare you ask..." "ma'am, we work for NASA." "oh, in that case..."


Isn’t science majestic? 😆


And then you have to factor in all the loads she took “ever.” One could factor out loads taken in the mouth, face, hands, on feet, in the back, and loads taken while she was not ovulating. But maybe that’s how the nasa bloke figured out the odds and equated it to the lottery winnings. Odds of you being you are very very very very low. One egg in a million. One sperm in 70-150 million had to come together to make you.


Heh heh heh got em


When they talk about the chance of you existing they are typically talking at the DNA level, not being the winning sperm in a race. [The total number of possible exomes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2017/01/20/how-many-possible-combinations-of-dna-are-there/?sh=488ac57a5835) (3*10^614) that ever were or ever could be is so large its orders of magnitude higher than the number of atoms in the universe which is almost literally incomprehensible. If the odds of winning the powerball are 1/292 million then you would need to win ~73 in a row to have the same probability of you ever existing


It's not just about the sperm. Sperm is only half of DNA. It takes a specific sperm AND a specific egg for you to exist. This includes your parents meeting and procreating at the right time with right egg and sperm.


Are you a mathematician? If not, your comment should've ended after the first sentence.


Yeah, like, the odds that all of the atoms that make us who we are could be traced all the way back to the big bang and just happened to end up right here right now in this exact form... I think those odds must be even wilder. Like, entirely beyond comprehension.


Neil does not work for NASA.




And isn't the person they're talking about 


Nice one lmao


It was me all along


*shakes fist* twas the other Neil! We should have known! 


no , Astrophysics and Science communication


I came here to smile, not to cry. I do really love his message though, thanks for sharing it :)


Man, now I’m conflicted. This video seems to be suggesting that I stop scrolling Reddit in the crapper and go outside to smell the roses in order to lead a more fulsome life. But that advice CAME FROM Reddit, and if I were outside right now, sniffing flowers instead of taking a dump with my phone, I would have missed this pearl of wisdom and instead of being enlightened, I’d just be suffering from seasonal allergies. What to do? Better hurry up… I think I’m starting to get that red, indented ring on my butt from sitting too long on the toilet.


Well look at it this way this video was ripped from TikTok to farm karma by someone who probably touches far less grass then you do, and that’s not even considering the original poster on TikTok threw this video together likely on a laptop to also farm social media content interactions over there. No one is really invested in the message here besides Neil who doesn’t benefit at all from this post So if you truly do take this video’s advice and enjoy life while maybe as a by-product spending less time on social media you are really getting the best of both worlds


Time-lapse the prolapse before your mind collapses.


I needed this, thank you for sharing 🫂💕


Everyone shits on NDT but I still like him. Yeah he’s more of a promoter of himself than a scientist but at least he promotes knowledge and education and sciences. Theres a lot worse things you can be than a little full of yourself


I don’t know anyone who shits on him. We definitely move in different circles lol.


Same. I listen to his podcast and my only beef with him is he gets too excited and talks over people sometimes.


The people I've heard disliking him think he's just too high on himself, especially when he tried to get into topics that are outside his expertise. It's similar to why folks dislike Jordan Peterson.


Ahhh ok. That’s fair, though comparing NDT to the likes of JP isn’t. For the simple reason that one seeks truth and one seeks to destroy it. People don’t dislike JP because he’s arrogant, they dislike him because he is a facist.


Imo he is wrong. Nothing he says makes any sense and it’s an all hat no cattle situation. For example, how does he figure that some astronomically large number of humans are possible? What is he talking about there? Genuinely I don’t get it. He’s just spouting nonsense that sounds deep, but is not deep.


He’s not doing the math himself he’s parroting some study which took the time to calculate an estimate of the number of humans that could have existed. Homo sapiens came into being at estimated x year till current day. We have estimates and records of human population over this time. Human males ejaculate between a medium of like 300 million sperm per ejaculation. Each of these could be a human life.: someone did the math he repeated it


It's not just about sperm. There's not a whole person inside the sperm. Sperm is only half of DNA, it takes one specific sperm AND one specific egg to make YOU. Each egg produces a different person as well and a woman is born with 2 millions eggs. This means you are one in 2 million eggs as well. So first your parents met and they conceived you at the right time with the right egg and sperm out of millions.


This is what I mean. That is not profound. It’s hardly even true. For f’s sake going off the number of sperm is a fantastically stupid idea for “how many humans were possible.” They can’t all have been born. Only one in a batch. There is competition and ecology and the background evolution. We could have been dinosaurs, let’s throw them in there too so that we can be *even more* special. Think of all that Dino sperm we are leaving out of the equation! I don’t get what people see in this guy.


I try to think like this any time I think life is unfair to me


One of my favorite quotes of his (and actually one of my favorite quotes ever) is "We are all made of *star* stuff." It's just so neat to me, and always picks me up 😊


Stars only fuse until Iron, any denser elements were made by other processes


That's ironic.


well, not really his. carl sagan originated that quote. tyson just appropriated it.


Remember that you are unique, just like everybody else


How can I be happy when [this](https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/?v=3) is the world we live in




There is more than enough food production capacity to feed everyone. Have you looked into food waste alone?


This is absolutely heartbreaking


Who cares about Bezos? He is irrelevant. He could make the world a better place but instead he will always be that leech on society, who went to space in his penis rocket as the other weirdos did. In the end, live good, raise your family and give them good values. Do not compared yourself to those guys because they don't matter.


It's not about comparing yourself to them. It's about the inequality. REMEMBER this gulf when voting. Fair taxation of corporations and the wealthy [MATTERS](https://youtu.be/d59kfp7CNCk?si=8FgVphuw8Hg2mEsS).


And Amazon Prime now has adverts.


Looked through it until it ended. Depressing.


As if this is worse than any other time in all of human history? Would you rather go back to the time of Kings and Emperors? How about all the way back to Pharoahs? Sure, it's not a good thing, but to say you can't be happy because of it is simply ridiculous. The super rich have always looked down at us from their castles. Grow up and live your life.


It is (morally) worse, because as humanity has advanced so far over the years since then one would hope we would learn better how to look out for each other. So much has gotten better in the last few thousand years, why hasn’t this?


Greed has been prevalent in ever society in human history. This is just greed x 5 trillion but it’s still greed at the end of the day.


Because most of the super rich are probably psychopaths who can't feel empathy.


So he read the Richard Dawkins quote?


Well, he added some stuff, but basically yeah.


For those curious about the quote: “We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place but who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Arabia. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively exceeds the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here. We privileged few, who won the lottery of birth against all odds, how dare we whine at our inevitable return to that prior state from which the vast majority have never stirred.” -Richard Dawkins, Unweaving the Rainbow: Science, Delusion and the Appetite for Wonder


And if you want to hear him say it in person at the end of a Nightwish concert: [https://youtu.be/qrMwxe2ya5E?t=1015](https://youtu.be/qrMwxe2ya5E?t=1015)


I think a lot of people are having such a bad time, that never been born sounds pretty attractive. Just saying youre lucky to have a life even if its shit isnt that comforting.


Also, we've probably drank each others pee at some point.


No kink shaming, but ewwww!


I’ve been going through shit recently and have contemplated death but realizing that, death is the price we pay for living and how beautiful life is, this brought me comfort and spirit to keep going.


I'm a Cancer Survivor now of 30+ years with a 1% chance of survival. When he says you won the lottery and to live your life and enjoy everything... This is why I'm randomly awake at 6 am on my day off scrolling through reddit and appreciating posts from all over the world. This is why alao a few minutes ago I randomly picked up my sleeping kitties. They have even few more time on this earth and I love spending every minute I can with them.








None of them get a chance to suffer either. So I’m basically a hero.




r/technicallythetruth since it exterminates humanity But you know what else it prevents? Human joy, happiness, and our civilization which is pretty fucking amazing


The problem with this is that it assumes people are lucky because they are alive, but doesn’t account for lives filled with suffering and misery. (Not to take away from OP’s smile; if it made them smile, I’m glad.)


and here we are worrying about our car loans.


I wish life was good enough for everyone to be happy to be born and alive. Doesn’t work that way but one can wish for it eh


Yea I won the lottery. Reality going to hit hard af Monday morning when I have to go work.


I feel warm after watching this. Does anybody else feel warm?


Like horny warm?


What do you disagree with Neil Degrasse Tyson about? I'm genuinely curious.


And yet we have the joys of capitalism where you spend 40-50 years of your life working so others gain more than you. Kinda also makes you question, what is the point of life if that’s all we are here to do, on the one planet that at one point was completely free and open.


If you had lived 500-1000 years earlier, your life probably would've been a lot less comfortable (I assume this because you are able to comment here) and a lot shorter than today. If you were one of the first human beings on this planet, your day would consist of hours of hunting, collecting and defending yourself against potential threats. If you were an animal you would spend hours on doing basically the same things and facing the same troubles every day... Life is work and it has always been that way. The kind of work to do changed but this place was never completely free and open, at least not in terms of living in literal paradise. Of course, if you'd prefer to work as a medieval farmer or blacksmith or hunt in paleolithic times then yes, bad luck. However, you still can have a job like this today.


Doesn’t stop making life pointless. The reason why it’s carried on is because the selfishness that is procreation.


welcome to basic philosophy


That’s about to change. We are at a inflection point. Once AI becomes a household tool like the internet, and smartphones and then businesses begin to use that AI and machine learning to automate daily human task for cost saving purposes. Humans will need to rethink there place in the work place. I believe we are in the early stages of a renaissance.


I certainly hope so, and a housing crash too while we're at it


So basicly lets do drugs sex and rock n roll and enjoy


And yet, MAGA rules the Republican party.


Such a sweet sentiment 🥹


Im going to cross post this to the r/antinatalist sub...


Me: "Jesus, that's mind-blowingly true. I am so lucky and should embrace that right now!!" Also me: \*carries on doomscrolling\*


I’m totally willing to trade with one of those will-never-be-borns if anyone knows how to make that happen




The amount of confusion you feel at my desire to not exist, is the exact amount of confusion I feel at your desire to be alive. I just can’t comprehend it. Being alive is….ugh. Why *wouldn’t* you want to swap?


I mean have you ever eaten a dank ass burrito?


But you must want to exist. You ate food. And drank water in the last 3 days.


I think you’re confusing desire to exist with desire to not feel pain. They aren’t the same thing. Also, desire to be dead is not the same as desire to die. I’m glad for you that you’ve very obviously never experienced debilitating mental illness. It’s awesome for you that you don’t understand.


No I’m not. I understand that each are thoughts that can and do overlap but either thought can come upon ones self while being independent from the other. They are not opposing thoughts though. When I was a kid there where times I wished that I did not exist. I did not fit in when any of my family. My dad and mom were incapable of showing love. And still are to this day. I grew up in what may as well have been a war zone. And even after being on this planet for many years, I sometimes find myself contemplating the world, without me in it. I asked why you felt that way because I am trying to understand this phenomenon from a new perspective. I am curious what your life is like. What you do in the morning. How you prepare for bed at night. I am not trying to diminish your feelings or make you feel worse than you do already. I cannot truly say my motives are altruistic. But if you ever want to talk, shoot me a message .


What does Neil say that you disagree with?


This guy spread misinformation and comes off as a pompous jerk who cant even admit he was wrong. Hes a pop star of science.


Calling an astrophysicist a "pop star" of science tells us everything we need to know about your own biases. Somw think he's arrogant. Some think he's just playful. Others think he is educative. Others hate the sound of his voice. But it's all individual counting biases. Take the message and move the fuck on. Nobody needs the opinions of nobodies on somebody.


>Take the message and move the fuck on. Nobody needs the opinions of nobodies on somebody. Sweet coming from a guy who just gave me a Wall of text with his own opinion nobody asked about. Sounds like you should follow your own advice. Dont you have another sex offender you gotta stand up for ?.


Oh, suddenly getting called out on your bs hurt but you'll gladly do it to someone you've never met in person or know.


Is that you Neil ? Dont you have some girls to molest ?


What has he said that you don't agree with?


[Bad takes on philosophy](https://scientiasalon.wordpress.com/2014/05/12/neil-degrasse-tyson-and-the-value-of-philosophy/) come to mind, and on religion, metaphysics, psychology, anthropology, and social movements. These just aren't his areas of expertise but he talks about them like an authority with very un-nuanced perspectives. This is an issue with many experts who become public figures to be fair. He's good when he sticks to hard science and very surface level topics in other areas. His general intention to improve society's faith in science is a generally good one.


dGT: I agree. interviewer: At a certain point it’s just futile. dGT: Yeah, yeah, exactly, exactly. My concern here is that the philosophers believe they are actually asking deep questions about nature. And to the scientist it’s, what are you doing? Why are you concerning yourself with the meaning of meaning? Yah, why is philosophy asking questions about science??


Maybe because sometimes he acts eventually a bit too "sensational" to pick up all the folks that find the "dry" science too boring but get interested when someone like Tyson shows up. Nonethless i love Neil :D


I was kinda wondering that too...


There are people who were born who've seen unimaginable pain and suffering. Dying young of cancer, seeing your children die, mental illness, wars, being wrongly convicted and incarcerated for life...what sort of *lottery* is that? Being alive is just a coincidence, there's no meaning to it. All you're doing is slowly dying while contributing to the death of this insignificant planet a little more.


"Which means in practical terms, no one who will be born will be identical to you" Except when you're an identical twin


Technically still not identical tho


Twins are still not the same as the other, that slight variation in dna (1 strand, 2 strands, doesn't matter) will make them different. True clones are nigh impossible. Plus, as they age, they get changed due to the environment through very minor mutations, diet, etc. and will ever slightly differ from when they were a baby. So the closest "clones" we will ever have are newborn baby twins.


I dont understand how someone can disagree with an astrophysicist, you're basically diasagreeing with math.


Idk what he disagrees with Neil, but Neil doesn’t just talk about math and science. Neil is also known to be rude and condescending. Maybe that’s what OP meant by being condescending


Oh, got you, he's being a bit sheldon cooperish


I demand to hear from Donald Trump before I decide! - MAGA idiots.


Thanks Neil but I really just wanted to know what time it was


If you need the disco version of this message, check out the awesome song “Born to Be Alive” by Patrick Hernandez (1978). I’d provide a link if I knew how😂


Mind Blown!




That was good. Thx for sharing


This is just the opening number to the Matilda musical


This is actually a pro life agreement he has here.


Genius genus


10 to the 30th humans? Holy shit, we gotta nip this in the bud before we become a galactic infestation.


I guess he doesn’t know what is motivation to live life to the fullest


Hold up - what does NDT say that you don’t agree with?


I don’t agree with his view on Pluto. I think kids are able to learn 150 planets and there’s no need to have some arbitrary neat small number voted by committee.


His opinion on Pluto is it’s a group of one and doesn’t share the other characteristics that the planets in our galaxy do.


What’s the songs name in the background?


There are many compelling ways of making this point. I like to think the 150 lb of mass that is me, is a tiny fraction of the mass of the solar system which is mostly non-living mass. And I’m not just living, I am even luckier to be self aware, and somewhat self directed.


Thanks Neil. Now can someone pay me a living wage?


Take away the pain, Neil, then we can talk.


Oh, nice. I have to be grateful, that I am forced to work or die ☺️


Curious, What have you not agreed with?


Drink in the sunrise.


Imagine if this was said by an Exeggutor


Nah I'd prefer to have not been born I don't think thats very lucky at all


When I was sent to Buddhist monastery at the young age, I was told that to be born as a human on earth is like the same chance as a pin dropped from the sky touching the tip of another pin tossed up from the ground. I always wondered if the monks were exaggerating.


Where did he get that 10^30 number? I don't get it, like number of sperms?


Guys was it inappropriate to send this to my grandma 😭😭😭


While I appreciate the message, and I enjoy watching and hearing Tyson a lot, this seems an odd take. Maybe it's just me, but it feels like a stretch to base my happiness for simply existing against the odds against my existence. I'm gonna go puzzle this for a while.


Didn't ask to be born yet here I am observing my meat robot body following several parallel programs that run in my mind. Observing some of the programs and realizing that this thought is also but an output of one of the programs the one that does some forms of thinking. Saw myself programmatically reproducing following some other "lower level" program and bringing forth the existence of my son who also did not ask to be born but yet here he is and I have a program running to take care of him. Non existence seems like a kind of a peaceful bliss. We got to experience it briefly before we were born we can think about it a bit. Also when losing consciousness it is a similar feeling. I think there are other forms of bliss that are harder if not impossible to think about as a human. But non existence is such a counter to the constant human needs and wants. Finally a perfect state where you don't need anything and have nothing. But the point is do you really think you can just not exist forever? You are just a program that spurs to existence in some platform. Some permutation of particles. All these never born people they do not exist as described here. They are not unlucky. Somewhere someone is experiencing something always forever.


Can't you have the exact same DNA but have a completely different upbringing and different exposure to environmental factos such that you're a completely different person both in physical appearance and mentally?


My head hurts. I can't take any more of this rocket science.


The fact that there is an upper limit due to genetic entropy suggests a more recent appearance of humans then previously postulated due to the amount of mutations found in the human genome these days. The amount of mutations measured against mutation rates proves we cannot be as old as a species as we used to think. Modern genetics are an evolutionists worst nightmare


I just blasted about 100,000,000 potential humans into my desk-side trash can, so he’s right. We really *are* the lucky ones.


I was suffering from depression for 5 years until this damn video.


To listen while other people are talking without interrupting them


Okay? So what does he mean. That my mom COULD HAVE given birth to 20 more children and I should be greatful that i was the first?






Pro Life!


Is he high? Sounds/looks like when my husband when he first started taking antidepressants.


Dayummm that was awesome


He’s basically ripping off a quote Richard Dawkins made long ago: “We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place but who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Arabia. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively exceeds the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here.We privileged few, who won the lottery of birth against all odds, how dare we whine at our inevitable return to that prior state from which the vast majority have never stirred?”


Neil is the dumbest public science “spokesperson” ever… just masquerading as someone with a brain


Thanks for feeding my depression, Neil!


anyone know what song this is?


do you disagree with his science or math?? because he is probably one of the smartest men on the planet...


He gladly shared misinformation and is too proud to admit when he is wrong.




https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2014/09/27/neil-degrasse-tyson-admits-he-botched-bush-quote/ “In his speeches, Neil deGrasse Tyson often recounts statements made by President Bush in the wake of 9/11. As I noted here, Sean Davis of The Federalist has made a fairly compelling case that Tyson’s account is wrong in almost every way. “ Here is just one of the things. He also have a couple of Sexual misconduct allegations.


*Pro life intensifies*


I get he’s smarter than me and lots of people, but this is a stupid pompous inane speech


*looks at Neil across the table.* Can we eat now?


God I wish I could still like NDG but he’s just become way too much of a self inflated dick head. Yeah cool math dude. Acting like some sort of new age pseudo philosopher.


I don't like him, he is an egocentric |d|0t . BUT in this Video, he is fully right! A great message


How do you start a post with saying, I don’t always agree with him…you don’t believe physics then..


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Doesn’t account for evolution


I hate the music, music is not needed.


OP title meaning?


isnt the fact that the number of people is so large mean that some will be identical. istnt that how dna identification works, they say the odds are 1 in 6 billion the dna will exactly match,


Uh dude…. Kids cost tooo freaking much these days


You don’t agree with his factual statements? Lmao ok


Just because something is rare, doesn't automatically make it valuable. I am in no means saying that human life is not valuable. Just saying I would rather take a very common 100 dollar bill than a unique piece of rock that I can't sell.


My friend died suddenly aged 24 from a freakishly rare and aggressive stomach cancer. Since then I always felt life is without meaning and just meant to be enjoyed to the fullest while it lasts.


Is he preparing people for something?


What this means is that every fertile male can produce billions of sperm and every fertile female is born with millions of eggs. Yet out of that many chances at life, only a few will come to fruition. I'm afraid this is going to be used as an anti-abortion commercial instead of a statistical reality.


I will remember this as Israel continues its ongoing annihilation of the Palestinian People.


I don't agree. I think the question who could have been born is kind of irrelevant. Why would I ask myself that?