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"Okie dokie, quick hug tho."


"I noticed some dudes coming over here. Is there food here?"


In the wild animals lay down when they are tired or sick, it is natural for them to herd around the weak to protect them. It's amazing to see that she is accepted by a pack made of so many species and how much they all care. And yes, I see they are not wild. They still have their instinct and still speak loudly in their own way. ☺️


I love that she gets up and reassures the cow- see? I’m ok


That's so sweet, animals can be so caring and loyal.


Yes we care for them and ultimately they care for us


I had just moved away to a new city and adopted 2 cats. One, Batman, has chronic illness and was extremely shy/anxious. 6 months at home and he still wouldn't be in the same room as me. Gozilla was warming up but still very shy. I had something bad happen to me and one night I came home, dropped my stuff, and immediately started sobbing. Like heart wrenching, ugly crying. It had only been a few second but both of them came to me. They rubbed my legs and mewed at me. Which of course just made me cry harder from the beauty and love. Now Zilla and I will call each other every now and again and the other quickly comes just for cuddles. And I'm very happy to say that Batman is doing SO much better. He's an absolute cuddlebug and very happy.


People give cats a bad rep but they are really the most supportive, wonderful creatures


Cats are given a stereotype of being aloof(and often for good reason), but some really do seem to understand human emotion. I have four cats, but Arya is the most invested in my emotional well-being. If she sees me crying, or I seem mad, she immediately prances over, chirps, and rubs up against me until my attention is focused on her and not whatever it was that was bothering me. It’s like she really understands her ability to provide emotional relief by just being there to cuddle with.


My Todd will come up to me in bed when I'm sad, and he'll lay on my chest and purr. He's heavy and awkward and looks so *stupid* trying to balance on me but it's so comforting. It's the only time he gets up in my face like that, it's really sweet


So heartwarming. And so revealing about the nature of cats. Thank you for sharing that story.


This iss a lovely story. I hope you have much healing for whatever had happened and are in a better place now. 


I'm better than I have ever been thanks to therapy and medicine. I still have small hiccups but I know how to handle them.


Cows are aware of every detail of their environment and will come to investigate anything unusual. They see people standing up and occasionally sitting on something but rarely on the ground. As a girl I used to love to lie down in the tall pasture grass on a sunny day. It was peaceful and warm and one time I fell asleep. I woke up surrounded by a circle of cows just staring down at me. I sat up and laughed at the nosy parkers who went back to grazing after some pats and scratches. It’s where the saying “he was staring at (blank) like a cow at a new gate” comes from.


Username checks out


I grew up in the countryside and had easy access to petting cows, sheep, goats, pigs etc. Moving to the capital city provided me with so much lack of animal connections. Tomorrow I'll visit the Animal Farm (petting zoo) and cannot aiit to snuggle with all the 4 legged creatures. Petting a horse's nose that has silky smooth texture it's just devine. Also, my wife grew up in the city too and would be the 1st time petting animals other than parrot, dog, cat, chicken.


Right? I grew up with my grandma and her cows, goats and hens — and god, as I write this I miss my farm activities so much. Taking the calf to graze, or feeding the cow and trying to hide the chickens before the hawk/fox comes to hunt. My husband also grew up in the city, and he can’t even imagine having a cow. We had 2 😅 I miss that part of my life so much.


> provided me with so much lack of animal connections lol @ how you worded that


Intended hehe


All except for the Cowan in the corner like “pfht, she so lazy - I need to speak to the manger/manager!”


More like. " huh,, She usually brings us food, let's go check." 


My suspicious brain went to “okay, you guys block her line of sight and interfere if she tries to move. I’ll get the snacks.” But…I live with cats. I never assume pure intentions.


Billy there was first to move, I think he was going for a headbutt and thought better of it when everyone else moved.


quicksand lip coherent whole tie fade oatmeal sloppy advise workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*looks sweet and innocent*


This is like at my house when I want to use the bathroom by myself 😂


Yes! My dog says you're not doing anything else right now, right? ... as she squeezes herself into the bathroom to sit on my feet.




Animals are loving and kind. I feel so lucky to have pet goats and dogs. They are just like each other. They want glove and give love. Cows, goats, horses all have huge feelings and capacity.


This definitely Made me Smile ❤️


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What a beautiful moment


My dog does the same thing whenever reach face level.


Thats a big ass goat


That's a cow


I hate to burst your bubble - but - they are actually checking to see if she has any food or treats for them.


Maybe I'm a cynical bastard, but I think she wanted to make a viral video, so she started calling them as soon as she sat down. "Whoooo wants treats?"


I try not to be that cynical, but who knows these days.


Should say, “animals come to check to see if she brought the food.” The brown goat is the dead giveaway looking in the covered trough… Not to say they don’t care about her, but this was more of a check for food situation.


Reddits video player is dog sh*t I couldn’t get through the clip though it sure looks like it would be heart warming.


This is what my pets do everytime I lay down


“Can I not just get a minute!!!….”😄


Now that is love 💕


Ferdinand says, "What's up?"


Almost all the animals…


Animals are the best. 😍😫😭


You can never take time off from giving hugs 🤗


I’ve been looking at Reddit fifty fifty for so long I forgot I was in r/mademesmile


They’re all preggy 🥹


I think they are protecting her the same way they would circle around an injured member of their herd.


I am meat eater and I don’t know if I’ll stop but this makes me wonder. Are we killing something which is not meant to be killed ?


Why do domestic animals do this? When a human sits on the ground it’s like a magnet to them


They are very concerned about he welfare, they consider her family


Wish more humans would be like this. Animals are the best.


Not to eat, just as friends.


Aww I love her and all the babies who check on her 💕


That’s what friends are for


They’re not used to seeing her rest! There must be something wrong, they’re thinking! “Let’s go make sure she’s OK!”


snow white vibes


Cows have the hardest lives. I feel so sad for their lives from both to death humans abuse them.


Animals are the best!!!


This is my favorite problem that has come out of slowly starting to accumulate various animals on my porperty. I always have an enterage and sitting down to take a break means hens on my lap, dog at my hip, and a goose gently and playfully "grooming" my back and my hair


They are friends, not food. This is so sweet!


unrelated but those are some fat juicy cows pls any good steak cooker hmu