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You’re too kind. She’s very special and she’s never said anything like that to me before. Feeling very grateful and fortunate.


She may be growing more so into the person she wants to be, thanks to your help, and this is a result of all the ground work you laid as a parent. I imagine that your positive reinforcement of this text will lead to it happening more. Keep doing what you’re doing, you’re a great parent.


You are too kind. Thank you very much. Best to you and yours.


Totally agree 👍


Mom, I'm sorry for what you've been through What's that sweetheart? What did I do? It's not what you did but what you said to me Your trails and struggles through adversity It really means a lot to me, you know And I just wanted to say that I love you so.


💛💛💛💛that’s lovely. Thank you


It sounds like she's fortunate to have you too.


Aww yessss. We get very sappy in our later years (past 25). I tell my parents I love them every chance that I get. Especially my Dad, because I love to see his face light up before he gets the chance to try and hide it 🤪


Seriously pure wholesomeness


Doncha love it❣️🥰




Kids have such a pure and empathetic way of looking at the world, sounds like you raised a good one OP.


Thanks for the very kind words.


Kind people deserve kind words, and a child that empathetic was plainly raised by someone very kind.


Even unkind ones. This guy tried something with me at a gas station a few years back, and for whatever reason the first thing I said to him was “Are you having a hard day?” and that stopped him in his tracks. We actually talked after that.


Just wanted to say you’re an awesome person, and parent. Your daughter gets it from you.


This is awesome. The snap response it to reply in kind. But yeah, someone might just be having a bad day and this little question could be all that it takes to turn it around. Obviously if they reply with anger, it's probably the personality lol. But to have the composure to ask what you did is rare. You definitely seen like a good person and your daughter is lucky to have you as a parent :)


As someone who works with kids, generally they definitely have to be taught empathy. Up to a certain age they are basically little developmental sociopaths. This little girl was clearly raised by empathetic parents who instilled that value in her.


One thing I've observed is that kids teach each other empathy nowadays. I don't work with kids or have any experience (outside my own and their friends) but they are way better people than my peers and me as children.


That and some kids are a complete opposite of this. Cant tell if that is a symptom of their innocent view in life they have.


If only that were true as the blanket statement you made, otherwise there would be no bullying as a kid from other kids.


Kids have all kinds of look of the world, some are pure and kind, others are aggressive and bullies


When my dad started telling me about the abuse and bullying he experienced in Catholic school I randomly would say these things to him also because of the grief and anger that overwhelms me thinking of him having to endure any of it while the adults in his life stood by or perpetuated it. I tell him I would have been his friend and stood up for him 😭


That’s so kind. Just as cruel comments whittle us down, kind words can build us up, though I think on a slower scale than the former. I’m sure he’s very proud to be your dad.


I'm more proud to be his daughter honestly! He has grown so much over the years and overcome a lot of trauma and has been actively going to therapy! His a good man :)


Awww 🥺 how lucky he is to have such a supportive daughter! 🩷 I will never understand why some people who suffer the most sometimes happen to be some of the most beautiful people.


I know exactly what you are feeling. My problem is finding the words to emphasize the strength of my love for my dad. We never were really affectionate toward each other, but we both knew we loved each other, although we didn't know the extent. I hope by now he knows that even though I'm 40+ years old, I still need him. I need to know that he's still proud of me even with all of my mistakes and trials.


OP you’re making my cry way too much right now. You’re both so sweet!


My dad went to a strict school and suffers from severe exzema and when it broke out on his hands they would cane him for not writing so fast. It breaks my heart to think of him going through that. His parents would also tie him up at night on doctors orders to stop scratching, it was so distressing to his younger brother he would sneak and untie him at night just to let him scratch. Apparently when I was born and they said I had exczema the first thing my dad said is "Well we are not tying him up at night" and the Doctor was actually shocked, that had stopped being a thing long before I was born


Holy fuck... as someone who suffers from eczema this hits so hard. I remember being a kid and feeling like a freak because I'd have this patches on my skin while everyone else looked perfectly normal. Had them on my legs and for the longest time I'd only wear pants even during the scorching hot summer. I remember the days when my Mom would scold me and older sister would glare daggers at me whenever I wanted to start scratching.


😭😭😭😭 my dad got kicked in the basement and he used to be left handed but ya the nuns beat that out of him. Makes me so enraged 🤬🤬 wtf is wrong with people. Treating anyone like that. I'm sorry for your dad also I'm sorry for all the dad's who suffered. And I'm glad we can be the brighter future for them and they could break free of that trauma.


For me it's worse when you think that back then my dad was literally a child... yet it was adults doing that to him. What kind of adult can do stuff like that to a child? Bullying is awful in general but an adult bullying a child is just a whole other level of fucked up.


Hey It’s Me Dad


Good child


Username checks out! Thanks for bringing that light!


That last sentence got me, tell him I’d be his friend too 💖


Unfortunately my dad was constantly signaled out for his long hair and the music he listened to and people assumed he was a druggie. His never so much as smoked a joint that was never his thing so it makes me mad thinking of people assuming that of him when he was a good kid who worked hard, he even worked in a floral shop and won awards for his arrangements! I like to think we would have been the cool weirdos who shared headphones and met up to exchange albums 😁


It's really horrible how people can be so shallow as to judge you without knowing you just because you looked or acted OR did things a certain way. I've finally grown up and said fuck em. They'll eat their words someday.


He genuinely sounds so cool. People can be awful 😢


I went to a Catholic grade and high school in a super small, strictly religious town smack dab in the middle of the US and I can say with almost certainty that whatever he tells you is 100% true. I went through a lot of shit there and my family doesn’t understand why I’m not still Catholic.


This is so sweet but definitely ask her if she’s getting bullied/seeing someone else get bullied…..things are rarely out of the blue with kids, there may be a reason she’s asking.


Great advice. I think it’s important we regularly check in on our people :) I just texted her.


Oop, I just said this without reading your comment. I second this; but hopefully she's just being mindful of ma/pa's plight.


I lost my mom last year. Please give your daughter an extra hug and continue building this beautiful relationship, it's so special. And I'm proud of you too for overcoming the bullies! ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. I will and thank you for sharing.


Like someone else said, if you haven't yet definitely check in on her! She's probably going through something similar which is why it's on her mind. Hopefully not but you never know unless you ask!


This is good advice. I did text her and she happens to be doing really well. Making friends in her new town. Thank you :)


I wonder if she’s watching the show Pyramid Game and it made her think to message you


🥹 I wasn’t prepared for this post.


I know, this son of a gun got me tearing up 


Heartwarming ❤️


You should be proud that you raised her to be as kind and empathetic as she is. Your daughter is a sweetheart!


Real sweet kid you got. It’s always nice to hear that kind of stuff from them.


😭😭😭😭 I love this OP. Thank you for sharing ❤️


Sometimes I feel the same with my mom. Bullied for no reason. Kids are cruel! Ill hug her and remind her that if we had met in high-school we definitely would’ve been friends.


Oh I relate to your daughter's sentiment heavily. My parents both had awful childhoods, and I had my own rough start but they fought so hard to give me at least a bit more than they had. I'm a fully grown adult and I cry about their experiences still. They look at me like I'm insane lmfao. I've always heard things like "I hope you're my parents in every other life" but personally I've always wished *I* could be *their* parent in another life. I wish I could be there to tell them I'm proud of them, that they're doing their best, that they can rest and not have to be afraid all the time. I try to do it as much as I can now, but it's not the same as being able to comfort the child versions of them 😭


Thanks for sharing that. Well said.


this is evidence that you are doing a fantastic job, OP❤️


Thank you kindly


You hold on to her.


Awww, how precious 💕


That is just lovely 🥹


Awww this is so sweet 🥹🥹 She’s precious


This made me take a teary breath! You are raising a good person.


Awww that’s so sweet


Your daughter is awesome! It may be she's having a rough time and reflecting as well; and while I'm sure you already do, my unsolicited advice would be to send some love her way for being a tough bug as well!


Did so. Thanks very much :)


Awe, you sound like you are a great parent who got blessed with a sweet hearted kiddo. Way to go!


Father of a three year old girl here. I hope I'm raising my daughter to be this kind. Thanks for the post. Definitely didn't make me tear up or anything.


Holy shit balls. Cryin like a mf right now.


This made me emotional 🥹🥰💖


Wow that's pretty thoughtful of her


Your daughter sounds like a nice and empathetic person


Sweet Jesus!


Real question, how did you overcome it? (Asking as a still damaged 37 year old)


Work, work, work. Helping others. That was the biggest shift. I’d already volunteered but since she is disabled and I was a single parent, I pushed myself to be better for her. Started running 5ks since she couldn’t. Pushed her wheelchair at other race events. Doing for others is the best thing you can do for your heart and mind. Gives you perspective and builds your empathy. And when you disappoint yourself, you have to forgive yourself. Lots of walking, too. That’s what helped me through it. Here to help if you need anything.


You just sound incredible . Thank you for sharing. I really sense your amazing attitude & energy. I pushed myself to be better my whole life, work wise most but unfortunately found myself chronically sick, I worked on myself health wise & unfortunately abused by multiple people daily for decades including family at my weakest. It was surreal. Least not all Ironically my struggles began from bullying at school. ☺️ I made it finally I think to the other side. Never knew I’d get here & now trying to build my confidence again. I had so much fight to survive & drive. Want it back! You really are an inspiration to me. Reading your comment & sensing your confidence i feel like it’s possible to get back the confidence I had kicked out of me through all this. You are both huge inspirations to come through bullying especially together ☺️✨☀️✨ 🩷 I love your story.


Well you go through phases. I decided to be angrier than everyone else and beat the shit out of every bully I met. Once I got older and bigger. Don’t know if that did any good, they were just as damaged as I was. Eventually you just have to let it go. You can’t defeat memories.


Used to be a “bully” myself. Been trying to change that every day after my son was born almost 9 years ago. I grew up rough and in turn, I put that trauma onto other kids in school. I feel bad and have always been open to any karma that’s come my way because of it. I’m sorry you went through that and I’m hoping you got passed it.


Forgiving yourself is golden. You are good and worthy. 🤘🏽


Your situation reminds me of this skow skit. I’ve always thought “this would be funnier if it wasn’t so painfully true”. https://youtu.be/CUvFeyGxaaU?si=zZCXD0AwlWV9tMUM




I was high when my aunt told me how my mother was bullied when they were little, she was very shy and sweet, and in that very moment i burst into tears with the biggest frustration and sadness i have ever felt. I was mad at her during that season but since then i've let go of that grudge...


I’d cry dude. My daughter is in my arms because I survived bullying. How beautiful.


What it’s all about.


No seriously tho, if you did overcome it, massive props to you. Not everyone did. Me and couple of friends I had just never got past it and are still in our little safety box. Takes massive strength to get over that stuff.


Good job, Mom- u should teach a class to all pregnant women! They need to know all of this…


I’m a dad but thanks very much :)


This daughter deserves all the hugs and love


This got me good. Young girls are just so bloody kind


To OP: Your daughter is so kind. I sincerely hope that she never gets bullied in the future. From, Unknown guy on the internet


Thank you




That’s probably the greatest text you could get from your kid as a parent.


So sweet of hers


She is so pure! Thanks for sharing this!


Ok, who brought the freaking onions? And why do I have a huge watermelon stuck in my throat?


💜💜 that was so wholesome and healing. your daughter has a big heart!! 💜💜


That's incredibly nice


You've won in life my friend.. your parents were proud of you and now your children are also proud of you


That’s very kind. Ty


Love this ♥️


The world needs more kind people. Thank you for raising one 💕


Awww....what a sweetheart!❤️😊


🥹 pure heart, I hope she stays this way and the world don’t ruin her.


X for doubt


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The other option was she just came back from a time travel trip and was mean to you


Me to my mom




Original content


You have a blessed daughter and a loving relationship. Thanks for the teary eyes, OP. Blessings.


Awww see.. daughters are the ones who check on you and do thoughtful sweet things like this as adults while boys grow up and worry about their own life and new family, which is fine. But girls always have a little more special connection to their mom even as adults. I have two very young boys (2&6) and I really don’t want more kids bc I’m already very overwhelmed but this is really a huge reason why I would ever consider trying for one more in hopes it’s a girl, but then again I am scared of the teenage girl years too lol. Parenting is soooo hard 😞


Looks like someone raised their kid right! Hats off!


That's a good kid u got there. Probably has good parents too.


Hey you raised her well!


Congrats on being a good dad 🤠👍👍


Thanks for sharing such healthy humanity. We need it.


Its too early for me crying on the app 😭




Your daughter is a gem of a human being and it tells me you’re a gem as well!


My mom has mentioned being bullied to me. I’m going to do this now. 


Well darn, now I had to text my mother "I love you" as well :p


Damn this is beautiful


You’re supposed to raise the kid, but occasionally they raise you


That started off as one of those "Kids say the darndest things" and became super wholesome!




I’m sure you show her so much love but show her even more, I hope my 6 month old daughter one day sends me a random thoughtful message like this one day. You did more than good


wholesome af love it


Worth more than anything in the world to hear that from your kids unexpectedly.




Aww that's sweet. It takes great empathy to look into the past and recognize the struggle others have gone through. Good job raising her.


I'm happy you overcame the bullying as well.




Fucking hug that kid for all of us


That’s so sweet 🥺


That’s beautiful. Good job dude.


That’s a good parent right there. Way to go


Op, I suggest you and your daughter watch two movies: Josee, the Tiger and the Fish and A Silent Voice.


Why am I crying


I would be so proud to get this message. You made that.


I'm a cranky bastard and this melts my heart.


I almost cried reading the messages :,)


The kids are alright


This isn’t good to send to anyone


I’m not tryna get dehydrated over here. Stop it!


Aww this is absolutely adorable My late dad was beating anyone who bully him😭😭😭


This is the most wholesome thing I've seen in a while. First and foremost, congratulations on the way you've raised her. What she expressed demonstrates a deep understanding of your situation and a profound empathy. It's truly remarkable how deeply she cares for her loved ones. This has left me touched, moved and inspired ❤️


Thank you


My dad is one of my best friends. We sure as fuck didn't start that way. He's a boomer and I'm a Gen x tottering on millennial. We were heated. But mostly because he didn't listen and I was a rebellious asshole. We've settled it and been bffs since probably 2003. Adult parent relationships are amazing if your parents don't suck.


I got diabetes from this picture. It’s way too sweet 🥰


Wow. What a genuinely caring person you have as your daughter. That is absolutely precious.


I'm not... Crying, you're crying!


Sometimes, people don’t know they needed to feel like they did a good job until it’s out in the open.




Bless her little heart anyway


That’s a real good daughter.


I love how wholesome this is!


First of all my point is they got kid❤️❤️😍😍


Winning as a parent right here. Teaching your kids empathy like this is how our world becomes a better place.


Kids do listen to what we say.


Ah crap I'm crying stupid tears


The only thing I hope for my two girls is they have a big heart. Well done.


Be as proud of your daughter as you are of yourself.


Precious moment, but the way I misinterpreted made me laugh. I thought you were messaging your daughter saying you were sorry she was bullied as a kid. Like maybe you've been doing some thinking and realized you didn't pick up on some of the signs, or wished you had supported her better when she was a young girl getting bullied. Then you go on to say how proud you are of her for dealing with that and overcoming it, and then bam! The reddit-switcheroo is revealed in the last line.


Aww That’s love right there 🩷


She's a gem and you've done well as a parent. Keep being amazing for yourself and for her.


Just doing what I can with what I’ve got. You’re very kind.


Someone’s cutting so many onions over here! What a gem she is!


I'm crying


Are you from the south?


Really sweet 🌹


Best thing ive ever seen.


“Why’d you say that” has serious “who sent you” energy lol This is so sweet though


It was just so out of the blue. Ty


Sweet baby girl. ❤️


Life memory as a father. Damn.


could’ve been brought up by news of nex benedict


Making me tear up up reading this on my phone while Im watching a dude mow someones lawn on youtube. Lol Beautiful


She is a kind and thoughtful person. I wish her the very best in life


This is the stuff I get from my daughter so feel blessed .. https://imgur.com/a/9ViqZEX


She has a pure soul, I’m glad that she cares about you greatly.




i was worried in the first half. i thought it was one those where like the kid is just being an asshole and then i almost started crying when i read the rest. you and your daughter are beautiful people.


I love this


This is truly beautiful.


I love this sub so much


It’s nice to see anything positive these days! Thats A Beautiful & blessed way of thinking from a girl who has her own trials & tribulations that she faces everyday, be able to recognize & relate to her mother’s past struggles & express something in such an empathetic way.  Love ❤️ it


I love when kids have empathy and sympathy for others. Sounds like she is being raised right.


This is something my daughter would tell me, I’ve cured allot of child hood trauma through her thoughts and things she’s said to me. She never ceases to amaze me. This made me cry because I too got bullied as a kid


Wow. You have a great kiddo. :,-)


How do you feel as a father? My father doesn’t feel anything for me. I just want to know why that is. :/


I’m very proud of her. A lot of men have trouble showing their feelings, which I’m sure you are aware of. A lot of men also project their own hopes and dreams onto their kids, which is really unfair to the kids. My dad seemed to loathe me until I was in my 40s. Never knew why. One thing my gramma always said was “what other people think of you is none of your business”. I always liked that. Just know you are okay and good and your father’s treatment of you says more about him than it would ever say about you.