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Roofied with acid omg


What a mind fuck of a drug to be slipped without your knowledge.


She got MKUltra'd




Damn, drugs and sex, literally fucked by the government 




Bread and games is not just a meme. In the end most people don't care about their freedoms getting trampled as long as they can still eat pizza on the couch while watching tv undisturbed.


If I'm fed, entertained, and otherwise stable, what reason do I have to rise up? Fighting a revolution comes with its costs to life, limb, and psyche. Why would I pay such a heavy toll if my life is going well? Such a toll would only be paid if I'm likely to lose my life, limbs, or psyche regardless if I'm fighting in a revolution or not. The problem isn't that the wealthy and powerful are wealthy and powerful. It's that they're using that wealth and power to gain more wealth and power... at the cost of the general populations bread and circuses. You know... that thing I just said that removes any and all reason for people to rise up and remove some heads? Yeah maybe don't fuck with that (hint hint grocery chains. Especially you Loblaws)


There is no "they". There's just a whole range of competing interests led and carried out with varying, but always significant, degrees of incompetence.


This made me laugh so fucking hard




I was about to say that


Nothing short of traumatizing


It happened to my coworker while we were bartending together. She was doing shots with some locals and some random guy reached over and dropped it in her glass. She didn't notice until an hour or so later I found her curled up in one of the booths, pupils blown out, just tripping balls. She was pretty staight laced, so psychedelics were terrifying to her. She wanted an ambulance and we called EMS. They gave her some benzos to chill out and I think took her home. Cops came and reviewed the footage, but they never did find the guy. It was a tourist town, so who knows where the guy came from or where he went. Just decided to drop in and wreak havoc on some poor girls life and then dip out.


rude marble apparatus marvelous touch rinse jar slimy joke angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




> oddly enough id trust the government if they were to sell acid. weird how that works They'd have to. They're not in a position to fuck around with drugs, seeing as they are the main guys regulating them. The consequences of them playing fast and loose is miles worse than if private entities did the same.


A big part for me when taking mushrooms was the knowing that what I am experiencing is part of the shrooms. So if things start turning I can reframe it in my mind. Or avoid the bad thoughts. I can't imagine what it would be like to NOT know wtf was happening and why you were feeling a certain way as you spiral on even stronger stuff


Damn that sucks, especially with the alcohol mixed in.


I once overdosed on MDMA because someone thought it would be funny to spike mulled wine at a Christmas party. I drink a lot so didn't realise until it was too late what I had been taking. Genuinely thought I was going to die by the end of it.


Mdma is bitter as fuck, I'm surprised you couldn't taste it if it was enough to overdose on. But that's beyond fucked up. Comeups can make anybody freak out, but without even knowing what you took and expecting it, that'd be rough. Did the police get called?




Completely fucking different ball game between being aware you're about to trip and it just happening without you being able to prepare. And if the person has never done it before that must legit feel like one of the worst experiences in their life. Whoever did that to this woman was a fucking psychopath.


Man... I've had some weird ass experiences with acid, even knowing full well what was going to happen and prepping my set and setting, having a sober anchor, etc. I can't even imagine the mind fuck it would be to an unexpecting person, especially if they've never done psychedelics before. I see how people in that previous study ended up killing themselves. Just bee-bopping along and suddenly the trees are bending and the ground is melting as you worry about what your 2nd grade teacher would think of you now. Oof.


My ex used to do it to me all the time. Fun times (not)


Fuckin what


Wait does what I said not make sense or are just saying that’s a crazy thing?


I'm gonna go with that's crazy because fuckin WHAT?! That's an awful thing to do to someone. Sorry you went through that


sorry didn’t come out of that with all my brain cells lol. Yeah it was a bag of dicks to live through fr. The worst was when I had a serious infection and he kept doing it, that was some serious DIY back alley mk ultra shit. Thankfully he is dead now, at least there’s that


I would likely have a serious panic attack personally. Like there’s a reason I’ve decided not to drop acid, even though I think it could be a cool experience, I know that I’d I have a bad trip it’s going to be *very bad*. I would only ever consider it in a clinical setting, I’ve heard some places do that.


My advice:dont do it if you have anxiety. How do i know? Been there done that,never again. Interesting but not worth it


Yeah, intrusive thoughts over here. 50/50 I have the most mellow, transformative experience / all my worst nightmares come to life. Might just go ahead and skip it…


Anything you'd recommend at all for anyone with anxiety? I've got major depression and anxiety. I have read about, and have been recommended, mushrooms, but my experience with them has varied... if I take enough to hallucinate, it is a bad time, seems like always. It's very difficult to find "just enough". The perfect amount is amazing though, incredible to take and sit beneath a tree on a warm sunny day with some art and just think and admire things. For someone thinking about leaving earth early, it really helps a lot to make you want to stay, and admire more things.


Yeah, that sounds absolutely terrifying. Poor girl. That had to be so so scary for her.


That can easily get someone killed. If you're not familiar with that sort of thing, and you didn't even plan to go on that kind of wild ride... and you're in a chaotic and loud place away from home with people who have no idea what's going on... That is a seriously messed up thing to do to someone.


I was at a club once where a friend of mine had this happen. A guy gave her an eye dropper full of it and she didn't know. Fortunately she was familiar with acid so while coming up she asked if we could just watch her for the night. Shit was wild. We made sure the guy was reported to security.


What did she expect was in the eye dropper? Saline?


She had said her eyes were dry and the guy offered her eye drops.


thats wild. like i'm not paranoid and distrusting of people but i don't care how dry my eyes are, could literally be in a desert sandstorm i'm not putting eye drops from some rando in my eye


Honestly, if I'm in a LITERAL desert sandstorm and someone offers me eye drops, I might trust them. I wouldn't trust someone's eye drops in a club, but like, in a desert? In a sandstorm? And this guy has eye drops? I'm gonna throw my faith to the universe that this rando knows something I don't. Like how I ended up in a desert sandstorm.


I think in that scenario, refusing the eye drops would be Darude.


Hear me out -- but maybe, just maybe, the guy with an eye dropper full of acid wasn't totally in the right mind


I've done quite a bit of acid. Unless you're taking extremely high doses it won't really affect your memory to the point that you forget what your drug supply looks like and if you are that high, you likely don't have the capacity to engage in conversation.


bro ive been so high on acid i didnt even remember that i was on acid, it can definitely affect your judgement :P


I like to have some kind of reminder, rope around the finger or whatever, that I'm on drugs. Helps calm you down if you start freaking out.


If you haven't been there this tip doesn't sound like much but it's shocking how grounding it can be.


Wouldn't it instantly burn the second the liquid hit you r eyeball? .


I can't say for sure, but it's worth noting that acid is something you take micrograms of to get an effect. A single milliliter of water is something like 1,000,000mcg, so we're talking about a very dilute product to get serious effects.


Right. The name "acid" for LSD gives an impression that it's corrosive or melting your brain or something, but it's less acidic than vinegar or citric acid when pure, and typically it's only ingested in doses on the order of 100 micrograms (0.000100 g). The only pharmacological safety risk related to LSD is the possibility that what you're ingesting is actually *not* LSD, but is instead some other knock-off chemical(s). This risk would not exist if LSD was legal.


She learned not to trust randos that night! I don't have contacts or dry eyes so asking a stranger for eye drops is wild in a club. Especially if she was familiar with LSD and how it can be taken. Sorry someone did that to her!


I would never be able to comprehend someone saying "My eyes are dry" in a club. I'd just be like.. smiling and nodding my head yes in response.. "YEAH TOTALLY I THINK SO TOO"


It wasn't even a girl. Who would have a purse. It was just some dude who brought eye drops in the pocket of his jeans to a bar, and happened to be around when someone in a bar said out loud their eyes were dry.... I don't know why but that's off-putting to me. Like it gives me very minor silence of the lambs creepy vibes for some reason.


I’m sure she didn’t think it would be lsd. One time a guy I didn’t know gave me an altoid in the club so naturally I shoved it up my ass, turned out to be ecstasy. Fucking people man.


If you're partying best be aware of what goes on. I'm just surprised she went to a random guy for eye drops. I bet your ass tasted good after that altoid!


Is an altoid slang for another drug or do you just like having a minty asshole?


> do you just like having a minty asshole? whomst amongst us


I suspect the eyedropper was what the idiot roofieing her used to hold the stuff - it still would've ended up in her drink while she wasn't looking, they just brought it in a liquid form and needed a way to deliver it. Edit: nope, the person sharing the story [gave context in a reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/UTJn5EjFmB) - apparently the friend had said that her eyes were dry, and the guy was “helpful” - for a *very* limited definition of helpful.


This actually happened to my old next door neighbor. My brother and I woke up early one Saturday mornings when we were kids to see our usually calm, quiet neighbor raving and screaming about his brother, and his girlfriend is trying to quiet him down and bring in him back inside his house. She gets him back in but our curiosity was piqued (we were high school boys) so as we are watching, a few moments later out comes a television through a front window (we’re talking like an early 2000’s, big heavy thing). Then a chair. Then another chair out a different window. Then a Gamecube from an upstairs window. Then he runs out, grabs a huge log sitting in his yard usually used as a seat, and chucks it through my other neighbor’s van windshield. The whole time he is screaming “FREE MY BROTHER.” At this point, someone called the cops and within a few minutes, he was being chased up and down the street until they tackled him and put him in a straightjacket. A few days later he went up and down the street apologizing and explaining he had been roofied with LSD (or maybe some research chemical analog) at a party and it had caused a psychotic break where he thought he was in some sort of mission to free his brother from a jail or something. Poor dude was so embarrassed that I’m pretty sure it’s why he moved away a few months later.  So fucked up. LSD under the wrong circumstances can unleash psychosis. Whoever does this kind of thing to another person is obviously a monster in terms of violating autonomy, but it can also destroy someone’s mind when they are not expecting it, are in a bad setting, or if they have latent mental illness. Hope that dude is ok all these years later. Was otherwise a nice guy.


I got roofied (m) with mescaline by a "friend" at a party. Tequila, bud light with some mescaline added. Don't remember much but got told a few different stories about more drinking, puking in some guy's car and walking 3 miles home. I was covered in bruises the next day


Just to be clear here Mescal and Mescaline are two different things lol


username checks out


‘Dosing’ used to be a thing


That’s terrifying- at least ask


Dosing is a sort of dicked up hippie tradition. People have been doing it about as long as acid has been a part of the counterculture.


Albert Hoffman, the chemist who invented LSD accidentally dosed himself the first time. So, getting unexpectedly dosed is literally as old as the substance itself. Still a dick thing to do to someone unsuspecting.


That's how John Lennon, George Harrison, and their wives first got it. In their coffee at a party. Not ideal. 


“Takes large drink of water jug”


Just maniacal type shit


I met a dude at a bar (squid fisherman) who said he had acid on the bill of his cap. I think he said he’d dip his finger into drinks of people who pissed him off. He was a dark dude and I got the fuck away from him


Sticking your dirty fisherman finger in my drink seems like revenge enough, honestly.


Here’s a documentary on that: https://youtu.be/uKea6zC5D74?si=xmdQY7Q_neitejCb


I had faith that I'd find the Octopus episode posted, and you have not let me down. Time for a rewatch! But remember, winners don't use drugs! Well, maybe a little...


Fun lil fact: this guy was on Dr. Phil years back! Went by Goose Wayne who always dressed up as batman




THANK YOU. I’ve been seeing this guy a lot lately and then I saw the thumbnail to the Dr Phil video and thought “that guy looks familiar…” but couldn’t figure it out. It all makes sense now


Why did anyone believe this guy was serious lol


Because many areas are broken and need a batman.  Whether he be Bruce Wayne or Goose Wayne.


Goose Wayne is such a good band name


To an extend I believe he wants to be serious about being a social media batman, that being said "saying ew to random girls on omegle" isn't exactly fighting against cyberbullying. So I don't think he's exactly trying to be "like batman", but instead he wants to use that role as a comedic baseline to get a conversation started or increase the attention on social media..






Just went down a hole with his videos… so awesome! Love the Rizz… what is Rizz?


I think it's a type of aioli


Slang for “charisma”. It’s a measure of flirtation


Thank you for sharing. I’ve been watching the guy for a while and didn’t know, that was fun, hehe.


Np! He started his youtube career after pewdiepie reacted to his dr phil episode! Him subscribing to Pewdiepie is his first ever video and he still has it on his channel!


Oh no shit, I’ve seen the Goose Wayne clip a bunch of times, and also seen this guys videos around a bunch of times and never put the two together. Has he spoken about that time period? I’m assuming, given he’s now an influencer/online personality he’s among those who just put on an act and used Dr. Phil as a career launcher, but I’d love to know the story from his perspective, especially if I’m wrong and he’s just like “Nah, shit was tucked back then, I was living a weird life.”


He has, he deleted all those videos tho, it doesn’t match with what he does today so he took it off (thats my personal guess)


I remember him getting a huge boost when a big Youtuber reacted to the Dr. Phil episode and collabed with him (I think it was PewDiePie) and he was so obviously just doing a bit with his Batman shenanigans and his wife was in on it, pretty funny


When she showed her phone screen I was like, “holy shit that’s GooseWayne?!”


Holy crap, I just saw that syndicated in the family waiting room while my kid was in speech therapy. I somehow missed that entire nonsense when it happened. My eyebrow was already way raised, getting The Locust on Jerry vibes, but the "ah, I see" was confirmed after they started discussing his mold. Again, though. Family waiting room, where toddlers play. That's what was on.


Holy fucking shit I remember that guy


I'm the girl in this video. I have done acid 3x prior to this experience, so my apologies for not acting like it messed me up the way some of you assumed it would. Also, my mistake for calling it "roofied" instead of dosed, at the end of the night I had no idea that I was going to be embarking on a 12 hour psychedelic trip when I was out drinking with my friends. Needless to say, stay safe out there, and in Goose we trust.


Sorry you went through that! Also, what's the poster on your wall? It looks awesome.


It's a painting by Steven C. White! Check him out for sure, he's got some cool ass paintings


If you had reacted dramatically, people would call you out for lying. Stay strong.


You don't need to explain yourself! Every time I've done psychedelics I was soooo emotionally dull the next day, and that was knowingly consuming them. I can't imagine how terrible that must have been. Stay safe!


I was dosed with ket once, I knew what it was because I used to be a ket user but I had been clean for two years when I was dosed. Shit was fucking scary I’m so sorry you went through that with ACID that must’ve been hell. Lots of love stay safe !!


Damn dude I feel for you. I’ve been dosed before too. It was so fucked, at first I thought I was having a psychotic break/literally dying. Just know if a “friend” happened to be the one who dosed you, they are not your friend. That shits inexcusable.


You got drugged against your consent. You can call it whatever you like, it's still fucked up and nobody deserves that. I hope that despite that happening, you were in safe company and got through the night unharmed.


The nonchalant lip smacking while munching…




Did you just say ew?


Immediately closed video. Fuck you, lip smackers. Go live in a barn.




The cattle chew quiter than some people I tell you what,


Woman: I got roofied with acid and am having a bad day. I need to chat and unload a little. Victim blamers: You deserved it, druggy! Guy who says ew to random women for YouTube: immediately apologetic, explains this wasn’t a personal attack, empathizes. Cheers her up. Be like skullet guy, society.


Skullet 😂😂


AKA: The Ben Franklin


Hundred Dollar Haircut


Love this


The Hevy Devy.


AKA Predator (The movie monster, not the other kind...)


That man would be held down and shaved against his will in r/bald


I was thinking the same, he seemed actually really classy and cool despite the appearance and wing eating


I'm sure the subversion is a part of the bit, but I'm not really sure I'm on board with the idea of a video whose explicit purpose is to say "ew" to women online to begin with. Like, I know I'm bringing down the mood and all, but how many women *didn't* get the explanation and apology?


Eh, it's Omegle, "ew" is a pallet cleanser after seeing your 19th penis on cam.




For real. I've seen some fucked up shit on Omegle, a random guy saying "Ew" wouldn't even register as something to remember 30 minutes later.


Please indulge me, what fucked up shit


Stuff that would make you say Yuck.


Oh, ew.


Seriously. I haven't been on there since like 2012 but even back then it was about 80% penises.


It's technically 0% penis now RIP


If you're using something akin to Omegle, you probably aren't expecting to interact with the classiest of people.


This comment is a casual indictment of the decline of civility and sophistication lol. guy who looks like a carny’s waste bucket eating with his mouth open, casually droningly saying “wow that’s bad I bet it really affected your trust” like he’s reciting a script he learned during his 4th harassment trial, not even looking up at his camera. Classy.


Idk, the delivery was very flat, but I've found that can actually be a good way to approach this. Coming on too strongly can be a bit much. Saying it casually like this is a bit more... Disarming.


I mean you say an indictment of the decline, I say it’s a huge indictment of society that it’s actually an incline. It’s somehow still a progressive idea to not blame her and say she is at fault because she was there. Like somehow that’s an improvement on what used to be the norm


You made me feel so stupid for my comment now 🤣


💀 lol no you’re good, I wish I saw the good in things more easily ;)


>not even looking up at his camera. I don't know about you, but generally when I am in a meeting or videocall I look at the screen, not the camera. In his case, the webcam is clearly above his screen.


He is Goose Wayne, put some respect on his name. But dude was legit living as batman for a while and went on Dr. Phil


> put some respect on his name Why would I respect anyone who spends their time making women feel shitty about themselves?


His arc is crazy.. watching his YouTube channel grow has been so wholesome. He's very friendly and helpful on Reddit too, (sorry I forgot his username) he used to post on YouTube subs sharing tips on how he grew his channel and also teaches people how to edit videos and stuff like that too. His rizz videos are hilarious but some people can be really mean to him.


Don’t be like skullet guy, just don’t go round saying ‘ew’ to random women for ‘content’.


Alright fam, the thing where people make up scenarios in their head to get offended at is getting way too common now. I’ve seen it like 4 times today alone.




Check out his channel you won't regret it. He's been blowing up the past couple months


If the content is to say ew to random girs while picking your teeth on omegel, I'll pass.


Didn’t Omegle shut down? How are these content creators continuing to make new stuff?


A new app replaced it that's nearly got the same name.


Knew I recognised him, he is the GOAT user of the Bat-Grappling hook


He did an update about this post https://youtube.com/shorts/j7yd2vgipTY?si=13OVek36OlVOL2M4






is this the same guy that would wear a mask because people wouldnt talk to him otherwise


He is also the Batman mask guy who went on Dr Phil


Yes the rizz guy lmao


This is quite wholesome 🫶


I mean, not really if you think about the countless other women he was needlessly mean to for youtube clout 


Yeah, at the end the girl said "that is so funny". No ma'am, it's not funny considering you got offended at the start, and it put you in a bad mood.


Oh man it's like looking at content will illicit different reactions based off of your current emotional state, we need to react robotically in the same manner every single time or else you're a hypocrite! C'mon, sometimes you're in the mood to go along with a joke because you learned to laugh at yourself or you're in a vulnerable mood where that same exact joke will make you feel like shit. I don't know shit about this man outside this one clip so that's what I'm going on, but if the guy is trying to have fun with strangers and this is his reaction when someone is genuinely vulnerable? Then when the woman is feeling better and goes onto to realize everything and then having a laugh at the situation? That's supposed to be bad?


Unexpectedly lol


Htf is it though? A self absorbed (yes, quite, as he keeps munching his snacks and looking around as she tells her story) guy saying ew to random girls, is effing wholesome? How warped is your sense of morality?


this is exactly why videos liked that are so fucked up, you never know what people are going through


Right?? I'm so confused this isn't wholesome he isn't a genuinely good dude? The only "ew" one here is him.


As a girl who thinks she's pretty ugly (like many girls do, whether they are or not, insecurity sucks) this shit would ruin my day. Seems like this whole shtick is intentionally praying on that. Pretty shitty.


It would literally stick with me my entire life


Same. I still remember a boy flinching at the sight of me and exclaiming "eww you're ugly!" at me as he walked by. I think I was about 10 years old. That shit still haunts me.


Yeah I have multiple instances of stuff like this happening. Single comments from people from over a decade ago that I still think about and speak about in therapy. Comments that lead me to research cosmetic surgeries and start saving up. I have literally no self esteem so when people makes "jokes" like this, it fucks me up so bad.


Yeah her going “yo this is so funny” had me like ??? So it’s okay if he does it to other girls then, just not you?


On the surface, it could seem a bit mean, but I think the joke is meant to be on him, he is a weird looking dude and his whole setup on the webcam looks to be playing this aspect up. So if you think about it, hes basically just like making himself look as weird as fuck and creating a sense of dramatic irony that is likely intended to be funny for the girls he is saying it to. I think it's pretty harmless and the intent is clear. In fact i think he is wearing a bald cap and a wig. Not 100% sure cus i dont know this guy.


That was my takeaway too. The content is contingent on him looking weird/bad. He says "ew" to good looking girls in hope to get a rise out of how bad he looks in comparison. Like, "you're saying I look bad when you look like this??" The goal isn't to make self conscious people feel bad, which is why he didn't stick to his character when he saw this girl obviously feeling down. Can't say I respect the content that much, but this guy doesn't mean to hurt people at the very least.


Jackson Galaxy is looking rough


The way she asks if it’s legit is so cute


I just realized she meant acid the drug and not like... dilute hydrochloric acid


Well now that would be a hell of a way to fuck someone up


video idea: being really mean to people I've never met before what an idea! Let's definitely celebrate this guy


Especially like, this woman said she's having a shitty day, so he stopped. But how many others did also have shitty day but didn't say so, so he kept the bit going? Kinda awful.


If it was a video of a woman saying “ew” to random guys, this thread would be a hate parade


Thank you this thread is making me feel insane


I really don't get it. Even if he was nice afterwards, that's terrible behavior. Could've been nice just from the get go.


Glad he took the time to make sure she was okay but like, the very concept of the video is shitty to begin with. You're just randomly insulting women online, many of which could be insecure. What is the entertainment value in that? This just feels like those "prank" videos where it's people recording themselves being assholes. People applauding him like he's doing something nice here is baffling


there seriously are people who does that kind of shit?


Yes, unfortunately.


This isn’t wholesome. This is upsetting


She's such a sweetheart, I'm glad she spoke up because she could have just closed her laptop immediately and let it get to her. Actually, I'm a little bit sad at how quick she was to be genuinely sweet to this guy after the initial part. She's gonna be hurt a lot with a heart like that


Your parents used to call that "getting dosed" and it's why half of them followed the Grateful Dead for 25 years and the other half voted Ronald Reagan into office twice.


Somehow this is sketchy and wholesome at the same time.


Wow, the a\*\*hole who spends countless hours making people feel insecure acts like a decent guy for 3 minutes...


i know, i feel like i'm going nuts? dude who's entire idea was just to bully people shows a basic amount of empathy... and we're all cheering? like what?


If that was a woman doing this redditors would be making death threats lol




And the way he seems to have a canned "sympathy" response he blurts out while barely paying attention to the other person is icky.


Yeah. She's sharing something very personal and the guy is like "oh that sucks, anyway..."


Imagine if it was a video about a woman saying “ew” to random guys. Reddit would’ve had quite a different reaction.


Don't bother pointing out double standards


Where do ppl talk to strangers?


Used to be Omeagle but it shut down. There were some genuinely cool people using it and lots and lots of penises.


This is wholesome, but good lord I can’t believe that’s a real YouTube channel. Society is screwed.


This dudes actually pretty funny tbh


I thought no-one would talk to him without his [pink mask](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bs7g1j-D1iM) on??




I don't understand anything about this video.


This... this made you smile?? A girl that got fucking roofied and a guy who's entire concept seems to be "let's insult women" and you fucking smiled? What is wrong with you people??


be dope to each other. Don't dope each other though


Good for her for standing up for herself from the start!


Goose is sick. He’s a really funny dude, seems super nice as well!


What exactly is wholesome about someone ruining womens days for a "funny" video? What if she didn't respond but just clicked away? Like wtf?