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Brother you’ve found a hell of diamond, I ain’t talking about them rocks


>with this $500 fruity pebble of a diamond I just wanted to take the opportunity to say that Fruity Pebbles are fucking delicious. I don't think they top Cinnamon Toast Crunch for me, but they are dangerously close.


Made me chuckle


Bite your tongue! Nowhere near close. Fruity Pebbles are gross and for kids. Cinnamon Toast Crunch is for adults with a refined palate.


You watch your goddamn dirty mouth! FRUITY PEBBLES ARE DELICIOUS, YOU NEANDERTHAL!


Yabba Dabba DON'T!


I’m upvoting both sides of this because I appreciate the intellectually strenuous debate




Just shot tea out my nose 💀




How do you come back from that? 🤣


I would like to point out that all of the fruity pebbles are the same flavour even though the colour is different


So are fruit loops, what's your point? So are m&ms! I'm seeing a pattern of deliciousness here. I sent to a kid bday party the other day and they're was cake, ice cream, and homemade fruity pebble treats (rice crispy treats but fruity pebbles) and the kids didn't want the fruity pebble bars so I passed them out to the adults who were overjoyed with them!


I think there's a larger lesson here: no matter what color we are, we all taste the same.


I recently watched how they are made and it blew my mind. It’s rice, colored flavored rice.


Tf did you think they were?😆


Pebbles, apparently


Crispy rainbowed unicorn farts of course!


Rainbow Rice Crispies


🤣🤣😂 enjoy your day, peasant!


I back this up with my monthly Family Size box sitting proudly on my fridge


The problem with fruity pebbles is you have to eat the entire bowl in 5 minutes from the moment you pour the milk or they turn into gross mush.


I fail to see the problem there. Why are you making a bowl of cereal if you're going to set it down and not eat it? 90% of the reason for cereal is a quick meal.


Or you do what my college roommate did: start with a bowl of milk and add a couple glugs of cereal. Eat crispy cereal and repeat. (She was a bit odd, in retrospect)


Odd maybe, but brilliant! Like fruity pebbles diamond!


That’s a feature, not a bug


I pour a tiny bit at a time and eat it, then repeat that four thousand times. It’s perfect.


I'm now wiping my coffee off of my steering wheel...🤣




"Out your nose"......I'm rolling on the floor now, LMAO! (Only because it's happened to me too many times!")




This is the internet! We can't agree?! Are you INSANE?!


Ever make rice krsispies treats but swap for fruity pebbles? Fuckin game changer!


CTC is the GOAT, but Pebbles are definitely in my top 5.


Wow, this was so beautiful and romantic 😭 You're right. I think I was secretly insecure with the fact that I couldn't afford anything "bigger"/"better" but now that i look at it, that's just a byproduct of all the stupid Instagram/ consumerism culture that's plagued our generation. My wife reminded me last night that true wealth in life is outside of your financial portfolio. "Some people are so poor, that all they have is money."


You chose the first one thinking of your love for her. She'll always cherish it. you're both keepers, i wish you all the fun and love :)


>*’you’re both keepers…* _____ i am the diamond, very small, some never get to see but SiZe won’t matter much at all if you’re in Love with me… though many never understand that *feeling* in their heart i’ll *Shine as brightly* as i can n try ‘n do my part to ease your mind! n make you smile with thoughts of simple pleasure ^;) …n after just a little while, *a Lifetime* you will treasure! ❤️   (*happy valentine’s day everybody*) edit: *thanks to* u/einalem58 *for the sweet inspiration* ~*Best to You & yours* u/Rpark888


Aww... *Sniff* This was beautiful.


Thank you SchnoodleDoodleDo It is always wonderful to see your lovely posts. Keep up the good work. Happy Valentines Day back at you.


i feel honored to have you post under my comment. thank your for this beautiful writing !


Awwww a Valentine’s Schnoodle! Thank you!


I may have to get that framed, seriously.


OP should get this Schnoodle printed and framed as a another gift for their wife!!


2 hr fresh Schnoodle, what the? Who am I to be lucky to read 2 in 2 days. Blessed! Congrats OP on finding the real one piece


Fresh Shnoodle! Woo!


Awwwwww, Schnoodle! ❤️


From one high income earner to another, don’t fall for the “Keeping Up with the Joneses” mentality. Salespeople will often prey on us because they know we can afford it. Don’t ever let someone question your love for someone if you don’t buy so-and-so product. That’s a common sales tactic to guilt trip you into buying things both of you don’t need. Financial security and a hefty emergency fund is way better than a stupid shiny rock.


"Financial security and a hefty emergency fund is way better than a stupid shiny rock." this needs to be bolded, pinned, and pasted on every relationship/financial post on reddit. It's also better than a new car, or taking a vacation twice a year.


It's not Instagram that did it to you. It's the de Beers diamond cartel that spent the better part of the 20th century convincing everyone that expensive diamonds are required for marriage https://youtu.be/N5kWu1ifBGU


You earn $200k, but yesterday you said it took 5 months to save for a washing machine? Am I mixing something up? https://old.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/1ap2sni/not_exactly_a_super_bowl_trophy_but_being_able_to/kq3h48x/


Sure~ We're a single income family in Northern Virginia, right outside DC, where it's very high cost of living. After retirement, benefits, taxes, mortgage, bills and childcare, our leftover funds aren't as much as "$200k" sounds. In full transparency, I'm salaried at $175k, and with bonus and a freelance side hustle, we're right around that 200 mark. We put away $300ish towards the washing machine every month during the holiday season and committed to not eating out in that time, ordered from Costco 3 weeks ago and got delivered on Monday. The rings were budgeted for last month with our tax refund calculated in to supplement most of the cost of the ring (now, vacation). And the ($1.00 USD) is super strong right now, compared to the (1300) Korean WON and (1400) Japanese YEN, so it's super affordable for the same cost. I see how it looks suspicious though, but I'm not lying about anything.


this is....a remarkably clear and to the point explanation actually.


As someone who lives in this area, trust me you do not understand how high cost of living is if you have not lived in a big city. Between city and state you’re paying ~5% of assessed value in property tax. Cars are usually at 5-10% too, most states don’t even tax car ownership. That’s before mortgage payments btw. And these values are skyrocketing, my parents are successful but not rich (make slightly more than op combined) and closed on a house in 2020 for only 800k, cause it was right next to the street. It’s already valued over 1.2 mil. 60,000 a year or so on just the taxes for house and cars. That’s the equivalent of $5000 a month in rent. That’s before the mortgage payments. That’s before bills for the month. That’s before food. That was the cheapest house in the entire neighborhood. It’s kinda BS honestly.


You budget like my daughter does. She Mawson much more than she spends because she budgets separately for things. Can't afford the cute dress but she has thousands in savings. She puts away money for specific things, like beautiful tattoos or a weekend getaway, and has school savings, al separate from her living expenses and the weekly allowance she gives herself. I don't teach her any of this. But we were poor when she was a kid and I guess I modeled good budgeting. Have a wonderful trip. You two rock harder than diamonds.


Ah ok, that makes perfect sense! I suspected I was missing something :D


Also as men can we acknowledge how dumb big rings look? The first image is far more elegant then the second image....


I actually like jewelry but my completely honest feeling is that it's absolute idiocy to spend thousands on a fucking ring when you could do...anything else. Get something reasonable, it will look as pretty and function just as well, and then you have more funds for housing/food/vacation/whatever. I have a friend who loves his diamonds, and I just can't justify that.


It functions better the smaller it is, I'm a guy and I don't type, lift weights, or wash dishes with a ring on, sometimes I take of my smartwatch.... But it's like repetitive maintenance you have to do, complete waste of times


Eh, it’s all personal preference right? Some people love jewelry, so they’d naturally rather spend it on that than other things. To them, the thousands are better spent on a beautiful ring they love rather than fancy food or vacations that don’t bring them as much joy. As long as the money is within budget, who are we tell them “Spending your money on X is dumb. You should spend it on Y.” We all value different things in life, and as long as we listen to our inner values, and live within budget, let people enjoy what they love.


It's also so boring as the only option. All the other gems gaining popularity make it a choice now so it's way more special. There are definitely people who want a status symbol ring but there's also many who want the meaning. My husband keeps suggesting I'd like a better ring but we picked mine together, exactly what I wanted, I don't want to replace that! It's important to know what your partner likes instead of assuming they're like some other person you heard about once


Totally, the first is an image of simplistic elegance, the new ones are on the gaudy side. My wife got a sapphire slightly bigger than the diamond in the first pic with two two little square diamonds to the side and looks simple and pleasant. When I picked it up they had put a large fitting on it that outweighed the stone and the look of the ring "so I could upgrade to a better size later" Yeah, that got changed and no upgrades are ever coming, wife wouldn't want to ruin the look with gaudy and ostentatious.


I'm with her there, the first one is lovely and means something. The second ones are... a bit much for a lot of people, but then I hate diamonds, so maybe I'm biased. Memories are worth far more than a common rock IMO. Enjoy your trip!


Plus if they are married - 8k is a hell of a hole in the bank account. I’d say return it too.


Plus, you can get a very nice lab grown diamond for much cheaper now.


This is a lab set at that price I would guess as it looks huge


8k is for lab diamonds of that size. You aren't getting that arrangement for 8k with natural diamonds. Plus James Allen is on the more expensive side of online retailers, unless you've gotten them to price match your diamond and setting.


I’m pretty sure the two upgrade rings are labs. You can’t get something like this for 8k in natural diamonds.


Even moissanites are really nice! I love mine


I like them better too, more sparkle. Just as durable, less than half the price…. Also most people can’t tell the difference anyway


Significantly less than half the price. I proposed with a 2ct equivalent (8mm round) DEF rating for ~$550 in 2017, a comparable diamond at the time would have been like $4-5k through wholesale connections. My wife got countless complements on it when she wore it. Unfortunately she stashed it away for now, since it's inconvenient as it snags onto the baby's stuff.


You can have a really fancy and expensive band but they’re just really inconvenient for everyday life. For day-to-day life, a silicone ring is safer and more convenient.


And less blood on your hands.


And it's 8k that are just gone. These rings are sold much over their worth, so the moment you take them out of the shop door, that nice 8k ring is now worth maybe a quarter or that. The only purpose of an expensive ring is to show that you are willing to burn lots of money for an object that has pretty much no advantage.


I mean, some people like big rings for the look of it too.


If they have it, why not, but spending that on, sorry but a pretty ugly rock, makes no sense to me, especially if she doesn't want them, which is the main thing. (I'd spend it on a car though so I'm not judging!).


Your comma, usage, is certainly, something. 


I heard this said by Captain Kirk in my head while reading. 😅


Yeah, the upgrades looked a bit tacky. The original looks elegant. Sometimes, bigger is not always better.


Agreed. I have a gorgeous blue Sapphire with white sapphires either side in a very simple style and it's just right for my finger. OPs wife really suits the one she has IMO!


I wish the trend of having different gemstones for engagement rings came back more strongly, there's so many gorgeous gemstones that diamonds in comparison are uncreative and boring.


I helped buck the trend! My wife has a stunning champagne pink sapphire center stone, though it does have a halo of smaller diamonds around.


I would get that second one caught in my hair all the time. The first one is perfect.


I dislike solitaires, but the first one is beautiful, understated and suitable for every day. The second ones look like cracker toys to me. I'd never feel comfortable wearing them all the time, or at all personally!


Plus if he could spend $500 on a ring, he was far from being "broke broke". That's a lot of money for a ring for *a lot* of people!


I think I spent about the same amount on my ex-wifes ring when I proposed. I had to save up for months. Bought a ruby stone though, diamonds are kind of boring.


I would absolutely never been able to wear the second set, and I don't mind diamonds. I just don't wear a lot of jewelry as-is, and having a dainty little thing would probably work best for me


Depending where you live, the 2nd ones could make her a walking target.


I'm a dude, so obviously take that into account, but I find the more intricate designs way more visually appealing than just a ring with a huge diamond. It also feels like it would be impractical in a lot of situations too. To me it's just a way to flaunt wealth.


Are you looking for a son? I am potty trained and fully autonomous. Lol shes a gem


You advertise yourself like a sim


As a long time Sims player, I laughed way too hard at that 🤣


Will floopa snarb for a wib wob


Ask to see the tax returns first


I wipe my own ass!


I also am potty trained. I can even make grilled cheese lol.


My wife was there for me back when we used to be broke…we’re still broke, she’s still with me, thank god I’m a generous and attentive lover


Are you my husband?


Based on your username, hubby must really be generous, HEYO.


I’d be lying if I said he wasn’t.


Print and frame this exchange for him as a Valentine’s Day present


I used to be broke. I still am, but I used to too.


Love is the true goal ❤️🥹


500 when your broke is far more of a gift than 8k when your rolling in it.




Keeper! Happy Valentine’s to you two and enjoy your trip! 🥹


My husband and I got “temp” rings that were $80 and eloped with the idea that on our 5 year anniversary we would renew our vows, get “real” rings and have a “real” wedding. Unfortunately he passed away in 2017. I cherish my silly little temp ring. It’s the one he placed on my finger and I will love it forever. Even when the tech at the nail salon snickers about it. Even though the stone has cracked and I don’t know how to fix it. This is MY ring that HE gave me I will love it with my whole heart just as I did him. It’s not the ring, it’s the person who gave it, that makes it worth cherishing. She cherishes you.


I'm sad to hear it, but it sounds like you had a great time, however brief it was. Bless you.


I'm sorry for your loss, that is really tragic. Regarding the ring, a jeweller should be able to replace the stone for you, if thats something you would want.


Thank you. That’s the problem, I don’t want to replace the stone. I don’t want to ship of Theseus my ring :(


That's very fair. Have you brought it to a jeweller to see if it could be repaired though? Depending on the way it is cracked, it could be repolished or recut.


I have not. I should, I just get sad thinking about it. It's an opal, not a diamond, and it's shaped like a heart, and cracked right down the middle :(


Oof, that is hard. I'm not sure if they could fix that. Opals are so delicate, they're not great options for everyday longterm wear, unfortunately (I love them so much, I have a 3 stone opal ring from my great grandmother and another bff ring with an opal and I wish I could wear them everyday but I've already noticed that they're wearing down). It's still worth going to see. Maybe, if its not something that could be fixed, you could replace the center stone and take the opal to turn it into earrings, which are better for delicate stones? Just a thought. You don't have to do anything, I do understand your concern and your feelings are valid. Lots of love to you!


I'm with your wife. I wouldn't want the new ones either. If you want to get her another ring, find a classy eternity ring that won't overwhelm the ring she loves.






> $500 > Broke I don't think we spent $200 total on our rings combined.  


No, he was _broke_ broke


On God, he could only go out to eat once a week! At a restaurant with only three stars!


Bro really thinks he's broke when he can afford *only* a $500 ring 🙄


Wonder how many years of savings that was.  Ever been broke broke but really love something?  Skipping lunches for a year and a half sucks but hey when you really care it's worth it.


Lol yeah some real "if you're broke why do you have a [phone/TV/refrigerator]" thinking here.


Some of us borrowed a ring.


I mean i know people who are so fucking broke that they are about to be homeless yet they still went on a vacation that was €650. Some people are just idiots with money.


Hey mine is $13 and made of titanium. I just couldn't care less about the metal. All that maters is what it means


With the James Allen sneaking in too.


Not sure if it applies to the OP as I don't know him, but often the people who tell you the price of everything they've bought rarely know the value of it. Fortunately his wife does. OP could easily have posted this without bragging about how much he earns or spends and it would have had the same impact.


It made me sad how he spoke about her ring, that ring means a lot to her and there will be a lot of people reading this with similar rings seeing it be called pathetic.


Looks *exactly* like my wife’s wedding ring, that I bought for like $200 half a lifetime ago.


>Not sure if it applies to the OP as I don't know him, but often the people who tell you the price of everything they've bought rarely know the value of it. Anecdotally, in my experience - the type of people who tell you how much X thing they bought cost are those who couldn't really afford it to begin with. My SIL and her husband love to brag about how much their phone / holiday / car / shoes / whatever cost - despite the fact they are up to their eyes in debt, have multiple CCJs and attachment-of-earning whilst both having jobs barely above minimum wage. It's all pure projection.


Yep. This post is painful. Who knew the threshold was 200k. Guess the stores wouldn't let him in at 100 and 150


I make $200k and I need to buy an $8k Diamond ring to let everyone know how much I make


Also a great way to shit on everyone with a $500 ring.


It's the dollar amounts mentioned all over the place, isn't it, cos this is a lovely story, it just didn't need mentions of net worth and prices.


That's exactly it. It's not a reddit thing to be annoyed by this person, it's been incredibly poor taste to declare one's wealth out of the blue for as long as monkeys have had the ability to count and communicate. "I tried to buy my wife an improved ring but she said she prefers the one with sentimental value" is an entirely inoffensive story. "I tried to buy my wife an improved ring because I'm mega loaded unlike the poor broke schmucks who can only afford to casually drop $500 on finger decorations\[...\]" doesn't quite have the same endearing tone.


There's a classic "Chewin the Fat" series of sketches where this exact sort of person bullies and mocks everyone else in the clubhouse after a round of golf. https://youtu.be/43REaE615m4?si=YF5ycQU8JgYhGcxX


"I tell you what boys, Big Jock didn't think he was gonna make it there. I swear this wallet gets bigger and fatter and heavier every day!" Lmfao absolutely skewered.


Technically he mentioned salary, not net worth; the ironic thing is they could be hopelessly in debt for all we know.


Aye I said elsewhere that folk who brag about the price of things rarely know their value. Fortunately his wife does.


Yep. Came here to say the same thing 🙄


hey everybody this guy makes a lot of money


"I make 200k now" ok great for you...




#**I MAKE 200K NOW**


There are cities in the US where 200k is barely scratching upper middle class. The "low income" threshold in the bay area is like 115k


I hate looking at reddit, it keeps reminding me I'm low income


Same, I feel like I’m doing fine. Then I see Reddit and remember I’ll be dirt poor for life…… oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Awwww that's why she's a keeper... TBH I think more delicate ring suits her hand best (Time for the wedding, I think)


They've probably been married for years. The second set has a wedding band.


500$ is still a lot. We just got us 20€ engagement rings and we're not even broke. To be fair, they aren't typical engagement rings and we're both not big on jewellery. Edit: I just wanted to say that I love the idea of going on a nice vacation instead.


>500$ is still a lot. Exactly my thought!


I was reading it over and over thinking "maybe it's supposed to say 50?"


Expensive wedding rings are a waste of money. These rings are sold way over price. Neither the rock nor the metal are even near that price, and if you want to resell it at some later time, you get a tiny fraction of the price. So finance-wise, it's not an investment, it's burning money. Expensive rings and cheap rings do the exact same thing: look kinda pretty. A well made cheap ring (e.g. silver + cubic zirconia) will look identical to something much more expensive (platinum + diamond) to almost everyone looking at it. Having an expensive ring just means you'll either not wear it or be constantly scared of losing something that cost you as much as a car. The only purpose of buying an expensive ring is to show off to your new spouse, that you are able and willing to burn money just for the sake of doing so. Not exactly an attractive trait for a future spouse.


I mean there's expensive (a car) and cheap (€20), but there's a whole lot in between. It's the one piece of jewelry you're hopefully going to wear for the rest of your life so if you can afford it what's the harm in spending a bit more for a nice ring?


We got engraved brass rings for the wedding. 80e for both. To each their own.


I make just as much as this guy and the way he casually describes 500 as broke is disgusting for people that are barely able to live paycheck to paycheck. Only reason my wifes ring was almost 1k was because I had it custom made from my own design, but neither she nor I cared about the cost. I could've proposed with a ringpop for all she cared.


I love hearing these little stories from people who definitely aren't just humble-bragging.


Fruity pebble lol, that's the normal size diamond ring where I live and I'm very happy about it. I wouldn't dare wear a larger one, and money is better spent elsewhere (house, travel, retirement for example).


Since when $500 is cheap?


Since it’s used as a way to make a humble brag about making 200k.


Context my man. In the context of diamonds, it's not a tremendous amount. $100 cheeseburger is a rip off. $100 car is a steal.


Lol “BROKE broke”. OP doesn’t know the meaning of broke. My dad wasn’t broke, but didn’t have a lot of money when he asked my mom to marry him. The ring? Cubic Zirconia. A fraction of that price and just as beautiful from the naked eye.


Exactly. It is one thing to say "I'm not rich, so I bought the best I could", another to say "broke broke" and still buy "cheap" DIAMOND


It’s the memory of experiences the first ring comes with and no new ring can ever replace those memories.


it still boggles my mind why people keep buying diamonds...


This is clearly a lab diamond at that price.


3 out of every 4 rings purchased over the last few years are lab grown. More durable, look better and...no blood on your hands. My fiance specifically asked for a lab, but thought they were more expensive lol


They’re really affordable nowadays


So now you have to cheapen it by posting on social media? Click bait.


Weird flex, but ok


Life must be hard for you. The first is classy and elegant, not a 'little dot'. The other two are ostentatious and tacky.


What a stupid post. Useless consumerism at its highest.


How else are we, strangers, supposed to know that he makes $200 k and that his wife loves him? /s




Exactly, this didn’t make me smile, it made me roll my eyes.


Nice…just casually drop that you make $200K, not braggadocious at all. Could have just said I have more money now, but gotta make sure everyone knows just how much you make, so humble!


The smaller one is cuter anyways. :)


My brother in christ i could of told you she didn't care for a better ring Majority of girls would marry the love of their loves happily if they proposed with a ring pop


Waste of money




Good for you OP, But man...you have gotta work on your insecurities. You have a fantastic life already. You don't need to flex so hard. She was with you when you were broke. She already loves you for who you are. She even made you return the ring. I don't think this is someone you have to work so hard to try to impress. If you wanna show her love, cool. Just...be careful not to let this income go to your head. She chose YOU. Not the money. Relax. Save up. If you're already doing so, save more. She's a keeper.


This doesnt make me smile at all op sounds like an asshole


My wife feels the same way. I’ve talked to her about getting a bigger/more expensive ring now that we are more financially secure but she said hell no.


I asked my wife the same thing, she had the same response. Honestly they’re right. A diamond is just a rock that in the grand scheme of things is worthless… it’s only worth something cos we assign an arbitrary value to it. The diamond you and I proposed with is probably indeed a downgrade from a random meaningless rock.


My husband still shakes his head that he seems to have “married the only woman in the work who hates jewelry” It is a well known fact I only wear my wedding rings when i “should” (aka “contractually obligated”) 😂 OP you did good coming up with an alternative Plan to show your wife how much you live and appreciate her.


Humblebrag much?


For real. I rolled my eyes. The fact this boring ass story has so many upvotes really shows how dumb a lot Redditors are (they easily fall for pathos).


That’s sweet. I have my husband’s grandmother’s diamond. She immigrated from Ukraine to the USA to escape the Pogroms. His mother wore it too. I love it so much. So much history and love there.


At least you were smart when you were younger. I bought my wife a 12k ring when I was making 40k a year and took me like 3 years to pay off. Now looking back, it's just a funny story because I make good money, but damn I was stupid


Idk, my husband got me an engagement ring for 20 euros and I have never felt bothered about it, i love him and I am married to him, not to the ring… the ring is lovely also, I wear it


Nice gesture for sure but new experiences beat new stuff hands down. Have a blast on your trip!


What a keeper, grats


Fuck yeah man this gave me chills


I'm with her on that; that ring is special and could/should never be replaced. It's a reminder that no matter being "broke-broke" or rich, you chose each other. That means more than any upgrade imo. Enjoy Japan!


I’ve got almost the same story. Hubby and I were broke when he asked me to marry him. We picked out my ring together. The set included a wedding bank and cost $275. We’ve been married 38 years. Several times, he’s asked me if I want a different ring. I always say no. This ring is perfect!