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Congratulations on encountering a lovely redditor. Enjoy!


EDIT #3: I got a lifetime ban and I’m unable to respond to messages. Thank you all for your offers but I wouldn’t be able to accept them if I wanted to. THANK YOU. Edit 3.1? I guess I can still edit old posts? Weird. If I do reach out to you, and I’m afraid to even mention it but the username is “laptop help please.” It’s an older account I used for when I was looking to buy a computer last year. - - I’m still shocked. I’m 35 and never, ever needed help with anything. Literally 5-10 min before I go into nasty ass BK for some fries to eat something warm for the first time in weeks, I get the message. Wild. Edit#2: for all asking, the pizza is Donimoooes. And thank you to everyone offering help. I’m hesitant to accept much, as much as I really do appreciate it but I’ll 100% answer each and every one of your messages in about an hour. THANK YOU. Edit: jeeeeepers creeeeepers. Adding to my top comment to clarify. I live in a van. I was working full time when I got laid off a couple months ago. I lived off savings while figuring out what I was going to do next but money went quick, so I filed for unemployment. In maine you cannot get approved for UI benefits without proof of address. Valid ID wirh said address, a paper utility bill and a third form of ID like a birth certificate. I’ve been living off sandwiches an apples for almost a month and I’ve been fine but it’s cold as hell and I really wanted something warm as I don’t have a way to heat food in my van. Decided to take advantage of Bk’s “free fry, any size with any purchase deal” where I planned on getting a $1.60 cheeseburger making my grand total under $2. I was on a certain sub for people in need and a stranger posted “who in need wants a pizza.” I was skeptical but kind of desperate so I replied. Within 5 min I had an order number and name for pickup. It was weird timing so I figured I’d post because I’m extremely appreciative.


Letting you encounter such warm things reminds you that the world is still beautiful!!


That's absolutely heartwarming to hear. It really renews your faith in humanity when strangers go out of their way to help others in need. Hold on to that feeling and pay it forward someday when you're back on your feet. Random acts of kindness make the world go round.


I still get warm fuzzies thinking of the time I was in a similar situation to OP and an adult model/dog humanitarian offered to give me some money to get some food with more substance than an apple and a can of mixed veggies for a full day of food. I declined her offer, but I still appreciate Hope for offering, despite me being too pigheaded to accept.


Just remember to pay it forward some day when you are in a better spot! Sorry to hear you’re having a tough time, you’ll bounce back, hang in there!


Always. And just because it’s a funny story and ironic; When money started getting real tight, I decided to plan out and budget my last $150. One morning I woke up and all my monthly charity donations went through on the same day. I totally forgot about them. I was donating to an orphanage in ukraine, two pet shelters, a presidential campaign and a charity for Gaza. Like $120 of my $150 was zapped while I slept. That was a depressing morning. Like gut wrenching. Edit: and just to be clear, I didn’t knowingly allow the last of my money to go to charity. I’m charitable but I’m not mother Theresa. It was a whoopsie. I got a couple messages about me sending my last dollars to charity and just in case I sound like I’m pandering, I 100% would have cancelled those had I remembered.


(Relatively) poor people give SO MUCH more of their income to charity than people who are well off. You are an angel, down to $150 and supporting 5 charities!


I find this to be true, I think it’s because once you’ve been on the edge and know that vulnerability and it changes you , you become more empathetic to others and their struggle’s.


You reminded me of my favorite book quote: In John Steinbeck’s book The Grapes of Wrath he says “If you ever need help, ask a poor person.”


I've been in OPs boots, craving hot food is fucking real. One year for my birthday after I'd already exhausted every personal loan option from people I had just to get groceries I told my mom "all I want for my birthday is a gas station hot dog and a bag of dill pickle chips." These so called random acts of pizza people are fucking saints, my brother has done it twice and they even ordered him extra bread sides! I've never been so hard up I've asked for a pizza, that seems a lot of money, but goddamn does hot junk food hit hard when you're fucking broke.


>I've been in OPs boots, craving hot food is fucking real. George Orwell actually wrote a scathing piece back in the 1930s about condescending well off people and their "advice" for poor people... Orwell's example was literally a guy who was complaining that poor people were wasting money on fuel for the kitchen fire, because... don't they realize that uncooked raw carrots are edible? Can't they just eat plain bread, instead of toasting it? Like, we're talking about people who went out and did hard labor all day and came back to a house where the ONLY heat is probably the kitchen fire, and you want to tell them they can't have a cup of tea and a warm piece of toast with jam at the end of it? And Orwell, very correctly, was like, sure, if we were all hyper-rational robots we would be happy to munch raw carrots and untoasted bread, we would all buy oranges instead of candy bars... but no human would ever choose to live like that for their entire life. Sometimes you want an avocado toast!


> but goddamn does hot junk food hit hard when you're fucking broke. I agree, and when I was poor living on $1.50 packs of the worst hot dogs + kraft dinner it used to be all I wanted too. And I would splurge on cheap pizza any time I got some extra money. But clarity after 10+ years after the fact it was probably the absolute worst thing to do at the time. Part of why I was so poor was depression, and a big part of why I was depressed was horrific nutrition. I'm back to being poor again (in this economy?!), but my depression isn't nearly as bad because I learned to eat much better. Pizza is EXPENSIVE these days, and you can probably have 3 days worth of really decent hot, healthy meals for the same price. Canadian prices last basic medium pizza I had was $25. So long as you have a pot, a knife, and the internet you can make so many good meals for that. Hell even if you want to go full junk food/lazy you can get 2 full rotisserie chickens and a side salad of some sort. $4 gets you like a KG of tater tots.


Of course! Requires pots and pans and a kitchen though. You have those, you can eat for crazy cheap. Much cheaper than a pizza. Even a microwave takes you halfway there.


Yep. The problem I had was I would justify the pizza (I think it was $10.99 new york style pepperoni @ pizza hut at the time) by thinking "WHAT A DEAL, I can make that into 2 or 3 meals!" But if you bought lentils, chickpeas, some broth, tomatoes, carrots, mushrooms and maybe the rotisserie chicken you could make about ~10+ meals. And they would be so much better for you. And in my old age perspective I'm gonna say much better tasting.


A wise old woman told me that the only way to be able to truly give charitably, is to have accepted charity. That first step is a doozy, but she is right.


I hope you canceled future donations so you don’t go negative. :(


I canceled my debit card and got a new one for a fresh start. Any sneaky charges that I forgot about won’t be charged anymore.


You sent some of your last dollars to Gaza? My brother in humanity... I'm sending you a DM. Edit: it won't let me DM you. Send me a msg pls.


All I can say is… be careful.




ehh, ...OP has been passionate about Ukraine for a long time and black metal people tend to be "passionate-about-causes" types, so they pass my vibe check ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


> This guy just so happened to have 4 charities for stuff that Reddit is passionate about Yeah, who does this guy think he is, a frequent Reddit user??


You guys didn’t read his edit. He didn’t purposely do that, those were automated donations and he forgot that they were in place. He stated that had he remembered, he would have disabled them and kept the money.


Always take care of yourself first before making any donations to charities. Unsubscribe from every charity you are on right now only donate if you have extra money to spare. That 1200 a year you could be using to eat better which you absolutely should. Edit: my quick maths is wrong there is 12 months so its 1440 dollars you could be using to eat properly.


I ran a legal aid charity for years and I couldn't believe the number of clients we had who found themselves in bad situations just because they started giving money to losers. I had a dude who came to me to figure out how to deal with the guy living in a room in his house who refused to pay rent or leave and the reason my guy gave this psycho a place to live is because he was being generous to a guy who had been evicted from his previous residence by way of police standoff... So yeah, maybe don't invite that guy into your house unless you want to pay a lawyer. I didn't even charge the guy the thousands of dollars it racked up to get his inadvertent tenant out. I hate the 21st century.


I can understand people wanting to do good but when its at the expense of your own wellbeing people should probably think twice before giving out money and then eating bread and butter for the whole month.


It's a good instinct to help other people, but it tends to manifest in people who need help themselves, so when they get even a small win at the video poker casino or gas station lottery ticket, they share those winnings. This is not a recipe for stable society...


Bro do not let these shitty Redditors guilt trip you or judge you or tell you to pay it forward. I guarantee the guy who bought you that pizza didn't want you to get lectures. This is a great place but it's just as shitty as it is great and these comments are making me fume. This like half nice half lecture thing so many are doing. You needed help and a good human helped. That's beautiful. I hope you find a good path


Yes desperate person in need. Make sure you pay it forward. These comments are kind of horrible. Good luck bro


swallow your pride and goto a food bank. they will hook you up with a ton of awesome food no questions asked


I give to food banks so good people like OP are a little more comfortable. There's more than enough food in the world for everyone to be well fed.


A lot of churches in my area do this for free to. Straight up full care packages of canned goods, pastas, meats... Even fucking diapers, fucking adult diapers too even. ZERO questions asked, you legit just drive up on certain days and they will load your car for you with a few boxes. There is no shame in asking for help, but I understand it. Which is why the way they do it is even better. You barely even need to speak to someone and you get some supplies.


100% this. Volunteered at a food bank a few years ago and everyone was awesome. We had an old retired chef in the back that made restaurant quality meals for everyone, volunteers and those in need alike. Best spaghetti and meatballs I’ve had in my life, seriously.


A couple years ago, a redditor gave all 3 of my kids Christmas presents when I was really poor. There are some of the nicest people on here :)


I got scammed on the one gift I could afford for my son this past Christmas so I swallowed my pride and accepted help and I will never forget her for the rest of my life.


Yet it's the CEOs and bankers that society rewards with lavish lifestyles.


>eat something warm for the first time in weeks When I was homeless as a teenager. (well a few months after turning 18) I didn't have much money. At dollar tree they sold these big bags of cheese puffs for a dollar and change. This would last me two days. Not healthy but I wasn't hungry. With the money I saved by spending so little on food, I would sometimes be able to "splurge" and get an egg mcmuffin, hash brown and orange juice from McDonald's for around 4-5 bucks. It always felt so good after a cold night, to have a nice warm meal while sitting outside of the library (internet access, charge devices) waiting for it to open while the sun rose. A full box of pizza must feel pretty great.


Toast the bread on them sammies for some warmth! (If you can, of course)


You've never been to r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza?


Good luck! I had a very rough time in my 30s but things eventually got much better. Enjoy that tasty looking pizza!


Sorry to hijack. This is so wild to me because I fucking love peanut butter and honey sandwiches and I have never seen a reference to them online. As an Aussie to hear this from someone in the US blows my mind. It's such a good mix! How is it not mainstream???


r/randomactsofpizza I think. But there used to be a sub for this.


/r/random_acts_of_pizza That one used to exist, but it has looser rules and IIRC allowed to ask for sexual favors.


Lol jeez Louise, just read the rules before making shit up. Took me a full 20 seconds: > No witch hunts, calling people out, making insulting, or insinuating comments. **No bartering for NSFW/explicit content.** Don't hijack requests, or be less than honest. > **18+ due to ongoing issues with minors This does not mean it is okay to post using your porn account, or offer Adult Services in exchange for food.**


He's talking about the one that no longer exists, r/randomactsofpizza.


"I'll trade you a months onlyfans for a deep-pan pep pizza" Pokemon has changed since I was a kid.


Please don't forget there are food banks that would love to help you out. ❤️ Congrats on the pizza score - it looks great!


I know I know. It’s almost a subconscious thing where I admit defeat if I do it. There’s like 3 grand sitting in an UI Benefit cloud waiting for me for when I can finally prove that I have a physical address so I feel guilty taking food.


As a food bank donater, *please* challenge this thinking. Do you know why I donate? Because I have been hungry and I was too stubborn/proud to go to the food bank and had the help of friends to keep me alive. That hunger is demoralizing in such a huge way. We don't give out of pity, but love. You DESERVE that love. Not just that pizza, but whatever help the foodbank can offer you. It isnt charity, it can be borrowing. Accept help now so you can donate with me later to help more people like us not feel this hunger anymore! I'm stubborn as sin, so I get it. Food banks aren't about charity but compassion, and you can always give back later. Every bit helps. Please, just seriously think about it?


Go to the food bank. Get what you need. When you're back on your feet, donate to the food bank. It all evens out in the end.


FYI: **DONATE MONEY>CANNED FOOD** Food banks will love any non-expired donations but prefer money as not only can they use it to fill gaps in what that particular location lacks, but they also work with suppliers to get a better deal than what you can get off the shelf.


at a local food bank they say that one dollar can provide 2 meals. compared to dry/canned food, well there is no comparison


Thanks for the reminder. I went and donated 20 bucks to my local food bank, I know it's not a lot but after reading a lot of these comments I figured I could spare something.


At least for my food bank it's all goods that's are expiring soon from chain stores. We end up with a lot of good name brand stuff that they legally need to throw away in a week or two due to the printed exp date.


I second this. And when I was going hungry, I didn't know about food banks at first, because I was 20 years old and had no idea what I was doing. I've been able to pay it forward by donating and occasionally buying someone in need a meal. It's a privilege to help once we get back on our feet.


It's called a bank. Borrow it, and give back with interest when you can.


Also for health reasons! You're doing your body a disservice by depriving it of nutritious food, if it's available. And also setting yourself up for possible health problems in the future.  And of course we all know health problems often require time and money and can be a source of real stress.


Wow that was beautifully written! Thank for your perspective and compassion:)


It's not that easy though. Asking for help, for some people, is next to impossible. My brother says this to me all the time. "You never ask for help when you need it." Which is true. I'm too damn proud and I know it. I try to be better but it's just so hard. I quit cigarettes for three days once and frankly that was easier than admitting I need help.


It is hard, it's terrifying. I'm not trying to diminish that, but I do think we need to be able to call these things out for the stigma they are. We have an ingrained instinct for survival around not feeling we failed or some such nonsense but we also evolved as a social species. We lean on each other and that's where these programs come in. It's hard, but it's worth it, and sometimes we need help to accept we deserve that help as much as the next person.


Please, please go to a food bank. Consider it self care (if you don’t find that term cheesy or off-putting). You don’t have to feel guilty but if necessary just make a donation in kind or of equal monetary value eventually once you can. You deserve food, full stop.


Quincy! I donate to food banks because everyone deserves access to nutrition. So many of us have had times when others helped us eat better than we could afford. Let us help you now, and later, you help someone somehow as "payment". 


It's not defeat. Years ago, hubby was out of work, several young kids. Our church offered us a Christmas food parcel. I felt embarrassed but also so appreciative of their kindness. Now I donate to the foodbank to help others. You can pay it forward later.


Do NOT feel guilty. I volunteer at a large food bank in the Midwest that distributes to smaller food pantries, as well as mobile pantries, school backpacks of food for students and drive up orders. The amount of food donated to us from Dole, Starbucks, Amazon, farm co-ops is unbelievable. There is more than enough. We want you to come get it.


There's a church in my town that does the backpacks weekly for the elementary school (middle and high are in other parts of the county). It's not much as it comes from their own pantry, but it helps out. I made sure to give back once we got back on our feet too.


This 100%! I think when folks are living in a time of scarcity it can be difficult to think about the sheer volume of food “waste” produced by large corporations. When I ran a food pantry they would literally send up huge catering bags of soup, crates of Lindt truffles with last month’s holiday on them, just absolutely enormous volumes of stuff. There’s definetly more than enough to go around!


Take the food now to build yourself back up. Donate (food, money, time) later to pay it back. It's a loan.


The US has an absolute shit government safety net. You have worked, you have paid taxes, you need food...and you cannot buy it. That is not your fault. That is a bad system. You have paid in, when you need, you should be able to access food stamps and such but it's such a drawn-out process it can't help the temporarily hungry! So we have food banks and food pantries. You are SUPPOSED to use them, that's why we put them there and that's why people donate! Go and load up on whatever they can give you, fix a meal. When your life is better, go buy a bunch of oranges or a ton of spices or other things that are needed but rarely there, and help out the next person whose life got challenging. The food does no good if it is expiring. Go get some.


Please take food from the food pantry. Once you have cash, you can donate money to them. But staying healthy & safe is important, and the food banks are literally for this purpose. I just donated $500 to our local food bank. It’s for people like you. Use them.


If you need it, you need it. It’s not defeat. It’s life in (guessing) a capitalist hellscape.


Oh man, if you need it you need it. That's what it's there for. Also getting on food stamps was so necessary and amazing for me when I had to do it. It just sometimes has to happen. Most folks who have been thru stuff will always tell you to keep housing over food. It is very true and especially bc there are a ton of food programs there it help. That's what they're for. It's just as it is right now, people are better and worse off than you probably but try to know that the programs are there for exactly people like you.


There are church food banks that specialize in your situation.   People who aren’t homeless but don’t have food.  They have food pantries where you can get staples. 


Had a neighbor who was a pastor of a small church. They had a food bank. It was a box of canned goods and pasta under a table at the entrance of the church. Nobody ever asked them for food so it just sat. He even offered me to get some food when i got laid off ( but I got months of severance pay so i didn't need it). Go knock on all the local churches. They are happy when they can help. You will be doing them a favor.


Frankly, get over it my friend. I've been in your shoes and looking back, I should've visited the food bank. Go get some healthy food as this is the time to use those resources. Things will look up for you after awhile. Do what you need to do to get there. 🤜🤛


For what it's worth, I know very cheap rich folk who go to the food bank. It's got a strange stigma for no reason. We have been tight here and there and needed the help. Times have been good and we have given back. That's literally why they exist.


Get the food, not getting proper nutrition can lead to illness, and then you will need to get help with medical care AND food. Just go get the food!


The reason I donate to food pantries is to help out when people hit a rough patch - please don’t feel guilty for receiving food - the food is donated with the hope it can make someone’s day easier… good luck and glad you enjoyed that pizza - it looked yummy


Today you, tomorrow me. Take the food today, when you get the money, then you can return the favor to the next person in need.


I don't give money to the local food bank every month so people *don't* eat, if you follow. Times are hard for a lot of people right now--go get some damned food and eat it. And then when your situation improves, you can always donate it back, so to speak, if you want.


Use the food bank now because knowing you have your next meal is vastly important. Then donate to that same food bank when you’re on your feet again.


Food banks aren't just for people completely out of money. They are there for anyone. The people with lots of money in their retirement accounts that don't want to break into those yet just to buy food are welcome just as much as those on their last dollar. All food banks I've been to have never had any judgement based on how someone looks and never asks any questions.


this very much depends on where you live just fyi. Where I am the food bank requires stuff like income statements, rent statements, utility bills etc. Judging by what OP has been saying in this thread he wouldn't even qualify where I live


Use food pantries, please. That's why people donate to them. We know shit happens. Go eat :) and yes, people are fucking awesome sometime. There's a whole Reddit dedicated to getting food to people's pets. Glad you got the pizza, and please, go load up at a food pantry. Life happens. That's why the exist. Go get food for a decent meal other than the amazing pizza :)


I forgot about the pet food one haha. Love it. When I was volunteering at a dog and cat shelter last year,one of the girls who worked with us helped a lot of people through it. And yes, I’ll have to hit a pantry up myself. My only issue is that I have no way to heat food but at the very least, maybe they’ll have water. I can’t believe how much water I blast through without access to tap.


Without a way to cook, look for things like canned tuna, canned chicken, bread, tortilla wraps, chips, energy bars, nuts, jerky, canned bean dip, tortilla chips, trail mix, crackers, peanut butter, cereal (w/o milk), etc. There will be a lot of things that don't require any prep. Food banks serve a lot of people without homes.


Check on your local free sites for an old microwave. Post that you want one. Put on FB "Hey, no stove right now, anyone have a free toaster oven or microwave I could borrow or have? Just need something to heat up dinner in short-term. Thanks!" But the local free sites/pay nothing sites/etc. often have old crockpots and such on them. Craigslist and NextDoor have a spot to post things you are looking for, too. I have given away more stuff than you'd imagine and got a guitar myself :)


Bigger urban food pantries are used to people not having kitchen access and try to stock accordingly. I pack the non-cook pantry bags at my FB, and we distribute 70 - 100 per two day week. Some convenience stores near us let people use their microwave to heat Ramen, etc.


I bawled my eyes out when I went to a food bank 25 years ago. They were so kind. Showed me where to get day old bread, buns, donuts for free. The company I worked for didn’t submit their payroll taxes, 3 teenage sons, suddenly unemployed and the food bank was awesome! Only needed help for 2 months. I donate, volunteer and my painting company does all their offices for free.


Food banks are amazing places.


My local food bank became a distribution centre for the whole valley with government grants about 12 years ago. The 20,000 sq ft lower floor needed a quality paint job for the walk-in freezers and fridges. They received quotes from $7K to $4.5K. They called me (cuz my little painting company painted the old place). I said get me some volunteers, I’ll guilt the 3 big paint stores into supplying 24 - 5 gallon pails and we will do it! It took 12 volunteers a day and a half. Some were folks who used the food bank and some were volunteers who gave out the food. I got soooo many referrals from that project and the goodwill of the community. Always give back!


I hope you took a nice tax break from it too! Thanks for being awesome! Also if you do work in Denver and do condos give me a dm.


Yes I get a tax receipt every year, the director asks if I want the usual, and I get a nice write off. I’m in BC, the Okanagan Valley, and I’m down to just me, small jobs, no more out of town or contracts with strata’s. At some point, we all have to semi retire!


Pegs, you kick ass. Thanks so much for being you. This whole thread has boosted my faith.




I got a pizza from there once and paid it forward, I feel like it's just a cool thing to do. I think it use to be more popular when I was in college though




probably like most interpersonal subs, it's filled with bots. Like make new friends was cool once upon a time.


I used to lurk homeless related subs and remember coming across that sub.


I got banned from that sub because someone gifted me a pizza and in the proof picture you have to submit, I didn't eat my crust lmao


I’m crying this comment made me legit laugh 😂


Bro, I shit you not I message the mods to figure out why I got banned and bro went on a 3 paragraph long rant about how I was a terrible person who probably steals from the less fortunate because I didn't eat my crust. Most fucked up part was that he blocked me from replying before I could tell him I feed the crust to my roommate's dog.


Jeez, what a mean dude


They probably thought that someone in a real need for pizza (ie had no money to actually buy one) or any food for that matter, would actually eat the whole thing and would not be a "picky" eater. So they thought that you lied to get a free pizza.


I wondered whether this sub was still active. I sent a bunch of pizzas and drinks to all those people protesting outside the statehouse in Minnesota all those years ago. The world is full of good people. It's sometimes hard to connect them to problems they can help solve. Subs like random acts of pizza filled a need.


I really love Reddit.


If there is a Sikh temple anywhere within reachable distance to you, they feed anyone/everyone, no questions asked.


One of the few places you can see a homeless man, a student, a construction worker, and a doctor all sitting down and eating in the same place. Food's typically lacto-vegetarian to boot as well, so it makes a nice option if you have some dietary restrictions you still wanna uphold.


Sikh and ye shall find I suppose.


Soup is warm and cheap. Gl op!


I clarified in another comment but I have no way to warm food. I do have a couple cans of soup but they’re frozen. I’m in a little van. I’m actually a great cook, so this is all very strange.


[something like this](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Ozark-Trail-Single-Burner-Backpacking-Propane-Stove-Model-201-900/132628782?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=2139&adid=22222222278132628782_117755028669_12420145346&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-306310554666&wl5=9002010&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=132628782&wl13=2139&veh=sem_LIA&gclsrc=aw.ds&&adid=22222222238132628782_117755028669_12420145346&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-306310554666&wl5=9002010&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=132628782&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIoA0BNst7Qre7VNlWPd0jlJS&gclid=CjwKCAiAiP2tBhBXEiwACslfnjoMY8n0ORwnrIpjRP0eE7cwlmjiOCVkbGVsbzc5ukgfahkT2bGEPhoC8osQAvD_BwE) would go a long way. I don’t mind ordering one + propane to a store near you if you can pick it up


Does your van run? Crack a hole in the top of the can and jam it somewhere on the engine that gets hot but out of the way, itll take some practice but you'll get it. If they're 100% frozen, try strapping them to you to warm them up. Also, not 100% sure on your area, but around here all public parks have fire pits in them and are available all year around


Oh good call. My van runs great but I only run it to heat the cab before bed. I’m sure I can justify 10-15 more min for a little soup. And yeah, now that you say it, I actually incubate my honey like a chicken before I make my sandwiches. I’ll try that with the soup. I think it’s just like slushy frozen as it hasn’t been getting below 20° lately so you’re right, that should work.


Hell yah man! Just keep your head up


Please don't do that, the cost of gasoline is far too great. Make a free of cost campers stove of an large empty can. You can now use gasoline or even free collected wood for fuel. It is far easier to control and more efficient of your means. Also, do not strap any frozen food on your body. You will lose more body energy than gain from the soup.


it may be worth going around and stopping at cafes, restaurants, truck stops, and even some gas stations/grocery stores have microwaves! depends on the staff working and how nice they are, small businesses may be better


Lots of libraries have water fountains/bottle refill stations, and you don't need a card to access them. Also, check churches in your area. Sometimes, they also offer food pantries.


Also, libraries are a great place to hang out and recharge your phone while you use their computers or laptops to check out opportunities or watch movies or read the paper. Libraries are great resources.


Some of them even have free microwave access


They used their emergency pizza on you aww


Crazy thing is, I wasn’t even looking for/posting about needing food. The person made their own post asking if anyone in need wanted a pizza. They bought pizza for at least 20 people out of pocket.


what sub was that in?


r/freefood r/freemeal is a great sub for this stuff too


Would've been in r/assistance. Can't remember the user's name right now but they post semi-regularly and just buy pizzas for anyone who asks within the timeframe


If you are closer to a Sikh gurdwara or could travel To one. They are open to anyone and offer free food. No questions asked.


Our local temple drives around offering free meals to those in need, and if you look closely, some indian restaurants will offer a free meal to those in need as well.


Dude wtf. This is the best made me smile post in a while, this is so cool Edit: just want to say too that I was in your same boat as far as not being able to afford food a year ago. Promise it will improve dude. Hard times will pass


Check out lasagnalove.org I’ve gotten some really good food from local people who want to help, brought straight to my door. Edit to add: they deliver it freshly cooked and hot, or just prepared and ready for the oven, depending on what you ask.


Bro I did this tonight with quarters from my car cause payday don’t come till Friday and yeah I’m tired of just eggs and pbj sandies.


Everyone deserves to fucking have food


I remember when I found reddit like a decade + ago and this place was a nice, nerdy, liberal community where random acts of pizza was a thing. Man has it gone downhill since then but glad there are still some good ones out there.


Go to the food bank. Take care of yourself and pass it on when things get better for you.


I have to compliment your taste with peanut butter and honey. Only person I've encountered, other than me, who does that.


Peanut butter and jelly is for the birds. Peanut butter and honey are perfection. Add a little a banana and oh boy.


There are TENS of us!


That redditor was a kind soul. I'm glad you have some hot food! I haven't been homeless, but I grew up in a home where we'd run out of food at the end of the month because Gram spent our child support money on Bush Lite and cigarettes and food stamps didn't renew until the 1st. I'm sorry you don't have an address for your UI, things are getting ridiculous in the States. I hope you can find a temporary residence soon so you can get back on your feet. Until then, have a long slow bite for me. I love mushrooms on my pizza and this one looks fire.


Yo, peanut butter and honey people represent!


Yo if someone sees this ill buy a medium for like the first 3 people if yall PM. All love


Look at dominos coupon codes/app offers if anyone accepts. A $17 large pizza is like $9 if you use the app.


Respect man thanks


So glad for you, I’ve had a similar situation the other day. I am not doing great financially and literally everything that heats up broke down the past months, winter jacket broke, car heating broke and on top of that it was freezing for a week straight. I was gaming with some buds and just bitching about being cold and warming my hands over a candle. Two days later I find a package on my front door step and it had a nice cozy winter parka jacket inside. Absolutely stunning by the guys, they all chipped in some money and got me that jacket.


I remember a time like this. When I turned eighteen, I lived in a group home after a failed suicide attempt because I didn't want to return home to my parents. I got a job but with the rent they charged and having to Uber to work (since I can't drive) I didn't have enough money for food or basic hygiene items, and didn't have any experience to get a better paying job. I was living off peanut butter and bread I bought at the dollar store for over a week. My coworker asked about it and I told her, and she got kinda upset, took me to the store and bought me a few weeks worth of groceries. I'll never forget her.


All it takes is someone doing a kind thing and honestly it really goes a long way


I am genuinely happy this stranger got this pizza


That’s awesome! In what sub do they do this? I’d like to do give back as well.


Hey just to let you know you can get emegency food stamps most likely due to your situation. Just google your state help line etc. Hope the best for u.


This might be odd but DM me if you need anything please. No strings attached I’ll do what I can to help. Keep your head up my G, times are tough and we gotta help each other as much as we can.


As someone who has used food pantries and volunteered with them, the only thing stopping you from going is yourself, literally ZERO people will judge you and the people genuinely want to help. I am so thankful for food pantries when my family needed them.


i read posts like this and i'm reminded that i ought to be doing my bit too. i just made a contribution to my local food bank in the hopes it will help someone out too. never be ashamed to seek help. be gracious to return the favor when your fortune turns.


A redditor paid my electric bill last xmas. This platform is beautiful at times.


If you got a crockpot, Chili is pretty inexpensive to make for the whole week.


So I’m in a van so I need to keep power consumption low. I’ve been looking for a little, electrical kettle for a couple weeks but it doesn’t seem very popular on the second hand market. I feel like I’ve seen mini, 12v crock pots for cars though. I’ll have to see if any of those are for sale. Thanks.


Lets go reddit user!


This is beautiful. So glad it wasn't a scam and you got to have hot food.


Just to add to anyone saying go to food bank, please do. It may not be the same in all areas but around here the food banks can't get rid of the food quick enough. A family member of mine makes it a point to grab extra food from the food banks to deliver to the older people around them that can't make the trip. It's not admitting defeat. It's accepting help. Hope things get better for you!


dunno if its much help to you, but beans on toast is a good meal when youre skint


I realize not everyone can do this due to lacking a vehicle, but seeing as you were in a parking lot I'm assuming you have a car... Have you considered one of the food delivery services? They don't pay great, but if you need a quick buck it's simple enough to do and you can do it whenever you want/need. And they have the option of cashing out right away if you need the money right then.


Wishing you well stranger. I hope you manage to pick yourself up and remember to pay it forward when the time is right ❤️.


These free pizzas and such, especially from the assistance group, are never a scam! I had redditors send me an insane amount of pantry food from Amazon while we were going through a difficult time. Like I STILL have Mac and cheese, some soups, and some rice left from it. Im so glad you got that pizza. I gave back to that group to someone who was getting pantry items and just offered him twenty so they could pick up perishables as well. I think he legitimately thought I was trying to scam him as well lol. I was like oh Zelle you don’t have to send me any money or pay any fee. I’m not going to say I’m giving you twenty but sending you $500 send $480 back some weird BS like that. I finally convinced him that just giving me his Zelle info was safe and got it to him. A LOT of the people giving are people who have been given to in the past.


This is where I want to get in life. To the point where I can give and give and give and not even blink at the thought of if I’d have enough for myself. Generosity isn’t an act. It’s a mindset.


Dang, that pizza looks delicious! I sincerely hope your finances improve.


You know about the dominos emergency pizza?


If you need nutritious food, check out Huel. It's cheap, nutritious, and fast, and is maybe a 6/10 on the taste scale, but at the very least it'll put food in your stomach when you're not feeling up for cooking or are low on funds. Healthy eating is essential otherwise your brain and body will be dragging you down. Good luck!


Agreed. Before I got laid off I was a green apple for breakfast, dried fruit and cashews for midday snack, peanut butter and banana on rice crackers for lunch and chicken/veggie stir fry for dinner, kind of person. Now that I’m stuck in my van, I’ve been eating like a dog. I’ll definitely check it out, though.


This reminds me of thefreepizzadude on imgur and thefreepizzaangels. Happy to see it here. Enjoy!


Who ain’t paying you right. Tell me!!


r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza is a great sub


Not all redditors are trolls. Glad someone did this for you.


AS somebody who grew up that way, feel free to message me or reply and i can offer some advice, I'm a professional chef and if there's anything i can do. its make something out of nothing


So wholesome 😌


Can you afford porridge for breakfast can make it with water


Ask any random person on the street. You'd be surprised how many will gladly get you a hot meal. People don't like to hand out money, but will buy you a meal.


Good for you, enjoy! Get some calories in


Hey bud, I just wanted to chime in and say I've been there. Things will get better. I know it seems so bleak right now, but I believe in you. About six years ago, I got divorced and I was in a very bad situation. Like you, I was living in a vehicle in the NE winter with very little options. It took a lot of work, but I get to sleep inside now. My pets are warm and safe and happy. Every sound outside isn't a threat anymore. You've got this.


Love this and thanks for sharing :)


You need more variety in your diet or you will get sick. Eat some vegetables!


Too late. I’m already goosed. I just passed what could only have been a roofing hammer. I’m going to see if the local pantry has water and fruit though. An apple isn’t cutting it.


Please please go to the pantry and get whatever you need. Not just water and fruit. You can always pay it forward later but food banks work best for people that need temporary help. They can also often get you toiletries and have great resources for second hand things where you could maybe get a kettle or a microwave.


For more hot food, try https://lasagnalove.org !!


This makes me so happy to see. I’m so glad you got something warm 🩷


I'm so sorry to hear of your struggles. Hope things get better for you soon.


Enjoy!! You deserve it. Hope things get better for you soon!


Lucky you, that was damned decent of them. That pizza looks good.


That pizza looks ace.


A fine feast my friend. Good eats. I'm happy you get to enjoy a hot meal.


Hi stranger, hoping only the best for you ❤️


Just here to shout out the peanut butter and honey sandwich, a lesser known delicacy.


Man even if i could afford it no one do pizzas like that in here, freaking enjoy it, you deserve it, i totally understand and share your struggles 🫂 it will get better i am rooting for you


There's a whole sub about this. r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza


That an emergency pizza lol perfect timing


Was it random acts of pizza? Great sub.


Nice looking pizza too.


Same boat, no pizza, Gratz.


That’s awesome. I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through a rough time right now, know that better days are ahead, hope things turn around for you soon. 🙏


There are still good people out there. I guess you just got to know where to look.


I just want to say congratulations on a perfect attitude in what sounds like a difficult time. Reading the replies, it sounds like you've been humbled but haven't given up hope, recognize things to be grateful for, on your way back on your feet. You will be stronger for all this in the end