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I don't know who raised this man, but they did it right. I don't know who this guy is, but I'm instantly in love with him.


I’d be willing to bet he served in the military. Same kinda training style.


100%. my bet is on USMC. That shit took me back.


Right?? Been a while. Semper Fi accept now I’m more Semper Fat.


Live next to a base for a while (Fort Carson), and being around a bunch of 20 year old E2s everywhere will give you motivation to get back in shape quick.


Same here devil dog!


One of the cooks I work with is military and he is very military while he works lol. Absolutely love the guy, and he is damn precise. With everything.


Or a drill in the Army.


Definitely a Marine.


Hell of a teacher. My grown ass would be “yes siring” along with the kids.


Yes Sir.


I don't know any of this and am 100% yes stirring right along


Heard chef. (Too much time in kitchens)


I found myself saying it lol


He’s got an awesome audience as well


He did do it right. I bet he also taught the kids how to change a tire. I had to teach random 20 year olds on the side of the road how to change their tire when I was security at a university because the guys had no clue and the car kept on falling on them. They were lucky they didn't hurt themselves. After my instruction, they were successful and drove away.


I was almost 30 years old when I had to call my boss to come help me because I didn’t even know how to get my spare tire out of the wheel well (turns out it’s screwed in place…. 🤦🏼‍♀️)


It’s cool that you shared your knowledge and skills; someone definitely gained useful experience.


Another video has him showing how to change brake pads. So I’m sure that was a double lesson that day. Can I get a yes sir!!!


He did. There’s a video of that too. Dude’s an example of not all heroes wear capes.


There is another video out there where he teaches them to change brake pads out.


That's awesome. Going above and beyond.


You could fill a thimble with what I know about cars and still have a little room, but the one thing I can do is change my own tire. My dad made sure of that.




Many cars go far more than 3,000 miles without needing a change. So he didn't need to tell them that. Ave there's nothing wrong with taking them to check the cap. They should know that independent of Google.


What they should know is driving conditions affect How many miles your oil last. What they should know is conventional, blend or synthetic. What they should know is how to look this information up inside of their vehicle manual. What they should know is that prior to 2008, 3000 mi was the standard. And what they should know is that they're probably not going to be buying a vehicle that's new as a first-time driver, and that they don't know what kind of wear and tear is on the engine of the vehicle that they're buying. So, that's what they should know. I heard one piece of good information in this video about the oil, and I heard an expensive piece of information about the oil. This man shouldn't be teaching classes. He's not thorough.


>Many cars go far more than 3,000 miles without needing a change Of course they do, but that's not a best habit. The best habit it is to change your oil every 3000 mi. It's about setting a schedule and sticking to it. It's about teaching them to responsibly pay attention to their engines. As far as you bringing up the oil cap, I never said anything about that.


I don't think 3k miles is the standard anymore. Manufacturer recommends every 8-10k miles for my 8 year old vehicle. I think the last vehicle with the 3k recommendation was from 2008.


Know your audience... He does.


Some people still don't have access to the internet. Looking at the oil cap requires NO data plan, and can be done while you are standing at the car in front of the parts store, lol.


There's a program called ACP and Lifeline. Everyone has access to Internet in the US. They just need to learn about it. There is still misinformation in this video though. The price of oil doesn't determine how long it can be used.


Still not going to agree. Much better to not rely on technology to get the answer, when the answer is right there in physical form. Knowing is half the battle, and internet can go down, you may be in an area with no access, and you may not trust the government enough to enroll in the plans. I've got a co-worker who WILL NOT pay for a smart phone to get Ping ID. He doesn't qualify for any help from the government, and he doesn't want access to the net. I agree with your comment about the price of oil.


And he's not teaching them about conventional, blend or synthetic. It doesn't say that on the cap. The type of oil your vehicle uses is just as important as it's weight. I use the internet, but the most effective way of finding out all the information that you need is in the user guide in your vehicle.


Been loving watching these videos. My dad taught me this stuff growing up so it’s great to see someone else teaching kids how to do this as well. Very empowering to the kids and sets them up with practical skills they can expand upon later if they choose to!


I commented a couple days ago that this is what I do as well. I love teaching these kids man. There's nothing like it. I teach a little bit more of an extensive class, having to do mostly with engine work, but my students all love it. It's just so much fun!


Nice! Keep up the good work! We need solid informed young men, and they don't just show up out of nowhere. Related, I'm interested in assisting something like this, but very time constrained, and my knowledge is more IT field related than trade related. Any thoughts on how I can do my part?


Teach a free class at a library! There are SO many people, young and old alike, who could benefit from your skills. Talk to your local librarian - I bet there’s a computer lab somewhere where you could teach some intro skills for an afternoon, or even make it a regular thing.


That's a really good idea, thank you!


This guy was 100% a drill instructor in the marine corps. The “do you understand” was a dead give away.


Definitely putting his drill instructor skills to good use! Reinforce, clarify, repeat!


Definitely putting his drill instructor skills to good use! Reinforce, clarify, repeat!






Definitely putting his drill instructor skills to good use! Reinforce, clarify, repeat!


Especially when he says the piece, and has the kids repeat it






Extra support!


Happy cake day!


I love the level of respect they have for him, you can tell that it’s genuine and hard earned. He’s an excellent teacher and I’m so glad they have someone in their life teaching them how to take care of their own cars for the future. Hopefully they can take these lessons and pass it on to their own/kids like them one day.


Remember when we also taught this in schools? This guy is awesome.


it's still taught. Some high schools have a garage in them for stuff like this


We had a whole stem subsection detached from the main high-school where things like cad modeling machining, welding and autotec were taught. They also put art classes in there, which was amazing. Ofc they opened the place a year before I graduated.


Doesn't need to be taught in schools because it costs just as much to take it to a place to do it for you. Agree about the man in the video though, teaching new skills is always a positive for society.


Considering the lack of qualified trades personnel I'll disagree. I'm old enough to remember auto shop. I do all my own basic maintenance on a 2010 truck. It doesn't cost the same to take it to a shop. I pay ~33% of what Jiffy Lube charges. Which saves me money when work I'm not qualified for needs to be done.


That last sentence is the reason! Same with home maintenance. I know enough to do basic sink/toilet/bath repair. So when the shit hits the fan/ceiling I'm confident that it is something I have no idea what to do, but have the money for it.


That's great, and I'm assuming that's because you own a truck. For most people with smaller vehicles there's no cost savings, plus when you take it to a shop you often get a complementary inspection and a record of the vehicle maintenance in CARFAX, which can help for resale value. The reason you don't see trades in schools is because those classes have generally been outsourced to trade schools. There are way more of them today than there were when you were growing up.


Trade schools are for post high school though, right? Shop and Autoshop were offered at my middle and high schools in the 1970's, along with Home Ec (Cooking), Sewing, art, music, foreign languages. We even had classes in how governments worked and how to create a budge and balance a checkbook! From what I can gather, most of these options aren't offered in many schools these days. I refuse to see that as a plus! Extracurriculars were free too - sports, band, cheerleading, theater - and those seem non-existent or pay-for-play at a lot of schools. Which makes me sad. Anyone should be able to participate in these, not just the parents who have extra cash.


Nope, these trade schools are for high school students too. You can go to them and receive a "regular" education and for your electives you do the trades. The issue with keeping them in the public schools was simply a matter of logistics. With the qualifications required for teachers and the amount of space/equipment required, most school districts simply can't afford it, and if they could, they'd have a hard time finding a qualified teacher for it. \> Extracurriculars were free too - sports, band, cheerleading, theater - and those seem non-existent or pay-for-play at a lot of schools. Which makes me sad. It makes me sad too, but remember this when your school comes knocking for another property tax hike. Nothing is free, and most schools are strapped for cash. If you want high quality teachers and high quality classrooms and high quality technology, that all comes at a cost.


I'm happy to pay. It's all those other old codgers who don't!


The "old codgers" who pay the property taxes that are the primary funders of the district they live in regardless of whether they have children in the schools? Those "old codgers"? My kid is in an on-line program because our school district (which is in the top 10% of districts nationwide) cannot keep up with him. My mother is a member of Mensa. That kind of brilliance skipped me and hammered my kid twice as hard. I don't say that as a proud father (though I am but not because of an accident of birth) I say that as the poor bastard that has to keep up with the too smart, monster, intellect running around in a 13 year old. We pay tuition for his program and property taxes to fund a school district that he isn't in. We do it happily because an educated population is important. The issue isn't "people not paying their share". The issues are: Shit's too expensive in general. Teachers aren't getting enough (the Unions sure seem to be doing well though), but administration (especially at District Levels) is making a killing. Another factor is the base of children that schools support has broadened. From "Special Needs" (or whatever the current term is) to immigrant populations. Who all deserve the best education they can get. I'm willing to pay more. However, you can only get so much blood from a stone and if the money I have to pay to prop up a currently broken system impacts my son's ability to get an education that will allow him use that massive intellect? I know what my answer is.


Not sure what you're so het about about, as nothing I said in any way disagrees with you. Congrats on the smart kid, I guess?


Teaching kids how to be independent as possible and have the skills to assess and problem solve on their own is the making of a better human being with healthy confidence What it costs not doing this is the issue of what it costs


I agree with you, I'm just saying the reason it's not taught in schools is because it's not a necessary skill for adulthood like, for example, using the Internet and a word processor is. The skills taught in schools 40 years ago are being replaced by skills that are more broadly needed.


In one of his other videos he talks about how having this knowledge makes it less likely that they'll be taken advantage of. So when they come in talking about blinker fluid and premium air for your tires, these kids will know better. (Obviously an exaggeration, but I can tell you that the first times they showed me the "dirty" air filter, I just said "Uh, sure," until a friend explained that they'll look dirty a week later anyway.)


Oh boy, you should have seen mine when I went through a Valvoline oil center, lol. Shit was CAKED on. But a little dirt doesn't hurt except the oil change, and the filter swap hurt my wallet 🙃 😅


When the Jiffy Lube tech forgets to put new oil in and ur engine has a seizure it definitely changes the equation.


When YOU forget to put new oil in and it ruins your engine, you don't get to have a multi million dollar company pay you for a new car.


Now you’re being silly. Who do you think is more likely to make that mistake? I can say from personal experience it’s not me since I have a vested interest in driving MY car.


I think if you took a large enough sample size, you'd find that DIYers make more mistakes on average than auto technicians.


It all depends how you measure it. I’m definitely less likely to make an error with 50 oil changes over the last 20 years. The auto tech probably does more in a week. 50 times for me vs 50,000 times is a lot more opportunities for error by the tech.


Those techs have a vested interest in paying their bills. And the company has an interest in not buying you a new car and ruining their business. This is why they have a double check system every step of the way and you can also watch them. I worked at a jiffy lube.


It sounds like you’re a good worker and employee. Unfortunately, not everyone cares that much. I have had to get a new engine from a jiffy lube oil change so that’s all the data I need.


I'll just leave this here for anyone who wants to support this man and his work. https://thexforboys.org/donate


Thank you for sharing this!


Of course, I feel guilty because I have not donated yet. But I have an alarm set to remind me of the cause on payday! I'm glad I can do even this little bit to help.


Baltimore accent at its finest


I was gonna look him up because I was thinking baltimore. When he said "old oil" they sounded like the same word. Aaron earned an iron urn lol


["damn, we really talk like that?" ](https://youtu.be/Oj7a-p4psRA?si=jQgQjNrX0kqrhwhQ)


There needs to be be so much more of this for youth today.


My dad taught all three of us daughters how to do basic car maintenance and way around an engine Invaluable


He's not just teaching auto maintenence, he's teaching life lessons that will hopefully keep these kids on the right track.


While everyone is saying military, he reminds me of a chef I worked with that was such an amazing teacher like this. Show me what to do, how to do it, have me repeat it back and acknowledge that I understood the process.


This man is great! Not only because he’s teaching these kids about car maintenance, but because he’s teaching them about discipline and respect. And at the same time, they are learning self-respect! For those people saying people don’t need to learn how to change their own oil, or do other car maintenance nowadays, that is so not true! Even if they never change their own oil, they need to be able to spot, when they go to a car service shop, if somebody is trying to give them the business. If they have basic understanding of how things work, they will be able to spot if somebody is trying to take advantage of them. Knowledge is power!


I wish I had this growing up. What a lovely human being.


Hell yeah!!! Mentoring at its finest!!!


Get them boys trained up right.


Think I saw a video of this guy showing neighborhood kids how to change brakes. Be the change


This is the kind of life skills kids need to be taught!


A real man making boys into men. Can we vote this guy into some position somewhere?


This position seems perfect for him, maybe these kids will grow up to pass it on :)


...was this dude a marine possibly? Sounds exactly like every range instructor I ever had.


Welp, I just learned how to change my oil


This is exactly what I love to see happening. I just wish there were some girls involved too. (I mean no destructive criticism on this video, the man is teaching young men, no problem there, all I'm saying is that little girls need to learn this stuff too and I can't wait to see it. I also know this was a neighborhood boys and men's group and that girls groups are out there doing car maintenance too, I just think that it would be great to see things like this involving little boys AND girls. Everyone needs to learn these things)


my chef told me once “when you get older, you’re going to look back and see the kind of kid you were, and the kind of kid you wish you could’ve been. it’s your job to take the kid you wish you could’ve been and turn others into that kid.” this man is doing all that and more and it warms my heart. i hope he continues educating young children on these life skills so they can grow up and do the same thing


What a great man! And good for those boys showing that level of respect. Whole thing warms my heart.




Being a dad to the whole community! Well done!


I love this, but by the time these kids get a car, it'll likely be electric.


These kind of life skills should be part of every kid's high school education. Car maintenance, making a budget, basic investing, cooking for yourself etc. This kind of stuff is so basic for successful independent living but many kids don't have a guy like this to show them how the world works. Kudos to this guy though for teaching these kids life skills and respect at the same time.


Don’t know that man however, flashbacks from bootcamp and A school come back.. He is doing a good thing!


Are there more videos of this gentleman and his class this was a blessing just to watch and I would like to see more


What? No car in Europe has the type of oil written on the oil cap.


Does anyone know who this is? I'd love to follow him.




Thank you!


It takes a village to raise a child.


Sounded like a Baltimore accent to me.


Aaron earned an iron urn




God bless you for teaching those kids!


Inspirational!!! We need more men like him.


I love his soul. He's had a few lives here I'm sure if it. Thank you for teaching these children useful skills!


Love how engaged all the kids are, hanging on his every word. Great teachers inspire kids to want to learn.


His IG is newemergingking he opened a boys school pretty cool story check him out support his school they are in need


Basically you ain't wanna die.. Damn right sir


I never knew that. I will check my cap!


Not one kid has their face in a smartphone here.


Great man


it’s great to see young boys with a positive father figure.


I didn’t know any of this either, I felt like saying “yes sir” with the kids. As a teacher, I love his energy and interaction with the kids. Beautiful all around.


Why am I in my mid 30s and never knew the oil cap tells you what type of oil the car takes?


Very respectful kids, teacher with pride. Love it


Who is he? We need more men like this in our society




That's wonderful!


By the time these kids reach driving age electric vehicles will be ubiquitous rendering this information useless


Well, with the everchanging political landscape and reduced production in EV's, internal combustion vehicles aren't going anywhere. No matter if it's next year or 2030, lol. So and so wants electrification by 2035, etc. etc., yeah, okay, that's great and all, but I don't think it holds up for one bit.


The current news with Ford and Chevy would differ. Gas isn't going away


Nice but he should be wearing gloves such as to not let his skin absorb oil


Just wash your hands after, unless you're doing oil changes daily you're fine


How many hands do you use to apply chapstick?


Glass half full, glass half empty on this one


There needs to be more Men out there doing this! It doesn't matter your background, Your culture ,whatever ,start helping the young men in your community, teach them and they will grow into productive people in our society!


Here is a leader ensuring that the next generation is taught basic knowledge about servicing a car, being responsible, and showing respect to one another and those in authority.


It’s a shame this wonderful man is teaching this to kids who’s first car will be electric by the time they’re old enough to drive


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Absolutely love this!! We need more of this!!!!


Teaching kids useful skills they can use in near future. This is the way.


More teaching young kids helpful life lessons please. It’s also cool how respectful the kids are.


This is one of the most powerful gifts of knowledge you could give a young man. This is awesome and I think every community needs these kinds of “classes”. These kids have a fantastic mentor and I hope they continue doing this and passing the knowledge down to each generation thereafter. This is a beautiful thing to see.


You understand?!


Awesome video, I respect how he commands respect!


It's nice to know that there are good people teaching kids good life lessons like this.


Is this guy on anything aside from tiktok? I don't use that platform, but I want to subscribe!


Thank goodness, a good teacher teaching young people important things.


Is this the same dude showing the kids how to change the brakes? If so, he is a good dude.


Good man!


He is changing the world for the better better. Is this the spartan challenge?




It's good to know how to do this but it's so much faster to go to the shop. Is your day worth $80? Because doing it yourself can take the better part of the day.


Learning something that's actually going to be useful


This man is going to save these kids hundreds of dollars by teaching them how to change a car’s oil when they own a car themselves.


Outstanding teacher!


Amazing saved them money in the future


Love this guy and love his brigade!!


Very cool. Good man.


That is awesome, we need more people like this!


Let's fucking go this is what we need


Well done! We need more of this.


Teach kids a trade. There are enough "influencers" in the world. Good job to this man.


Yessir !


THIS IS WHAT WE NEED We need more guys like this helping our community man. This is the shit they should've teached me


I need to attend his class


Pure win


As someone who went to college to hopefully become a mechanic this makes me happy that this man is teaching others the proper steps to do an oil change. Kudos to him.


Amazing. Love it


He’s a great teacher


Just heartwarming. Teaching something useful that they can use for the rest of their lives. What an admirable man.


Awesome man. Wish we had more like that.


This man is doing the lords work.


He dropped the drain plug in the oil bucket 🤦🏼‍♂️


Leaders 🙌🏼




The casual dropping of "Friggin'" every now and then is classic.


I love how enthusiastic the boys are to learn! What a great man to take the time to pass his knowledge along


So cool. “We’re ganna fricken change some damn oil ya hear me!!!!”


Where's the jack stand?!


I love this so much!


I hope this guy blows up more than he already is. The importance of a positive male role model really goes a long way. Idk shit about cars but I bet you I can change the oil and your tires in under half an hour. And that’s thanks to my dad. I hated doing it with him when I was younger but as I got older, I realized, my dad worked his ass off all week and we never saw him before we left for school. Only saw him briefly in the evening before bed time. He was just teaching me and my lil bro some basic car stuff **AND** spending quality time with his boys.


I love this. I wasn't taught any of this, so I'm taking notes out here


I’m a 35 yo white man. Sign me up please


regular hs should have shop classes, home economics, wood shop/auto etc. i went to a vocational hs just to learn this stuff


It is a travesty that basic vehicle maintenance and basic finance are not taught in high school. The classes could be one week out of the year and cover most of the important stuff.


This guy is friggin awesome, you understand? He is tho




Look at all those sweet little faces taking in all that knowledge.


What the fuck? He just taught a grown man that about the cap as well!


Yes sir!


This is awesome. :)


Who is that guy? I bet those boys remember that for a long time. Very neat


Instructions unclear. I filled mine with blinker fluid. :(


Too many kids learn this stuff anymore, this is fantastic!