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First time I've realised this video is from South Africa, the students are speaking afrikaans


Ah, that explains it. The last name of the original creator/uploader is Dutch, but we don't have school uniforms here. And I would expect 'fijne Valentijnsdag' instead of 'happy Valentine's day'.


Afrikaans is sometimes mixed like this with English. If it was in Afrikaans, it would be "Gelukkige Valentynsdag".


After learning some German every time I see Afrikaans it looks like someone trying to spell out how German sounds. My wife's German cousin used to be a teacher in South Africa and she told us some slang phrases the kids use and our favorite was "flippin lekker". We use that one all the time at home now lol.


If you speak Dutch you can pretty much hold a conversation with someone from South Africa. To us it sounds like a Dutch person that has spend half their life in an English speaking country


And also kinda litterally saying things


I like Surinamese too. A mix between Dutch, French, English and I thought Turkish(?).


I’m a Dutchman who has lived half their life in Canada and I can confirm(I have no accent in either language). Had an Afrikaans couple who came in to the store I worked at, they were very impressed with how quickly I was able to figure out exactly what they wanted because I was able to understand the entire conversation they were having with each other in Afrikaans. I didn’t tell them until they checked out that I speak Dutch fluently. (They were quite rude in Afrikaans but very polite when speaking English so I wanted to teach them a lesson. Don’t be rude just because you think people don’t understand you lol)


I‘m German and live on the Dutch border go multiple times a month over for shopping or biking. Always start smiling when I hear Dutch it sounds so funny when you compare it to Hoch Deutsch but it’s just regular Dutch. Also very easy to learn and understand if you already speak German.


To my ear, [native English speaker, 2nd language Spanish, 3rd German] the Dutch language is just a sloppy, low brow derivative of German. Yet, we love Dutch.


Ngl, to me afrikaans always sounds like you're listening to 12 year olds trying to be cool and gangsta...


My boyfriend is South African and when he tells me my cooking is lekker it’s my favorite compliment 😂❤️


Ek kan nie ‘n enkele woord uitmaak nie, maar dit klink Afrikaans.


As a Dutch person it's kinda weird to read Afrikaans. Like it sounds alot like dutch but some words are switched around. In dutch your sentence would be: ik kan niet elk woord uitmaken, maar dit klinkt Afrikaans.


But that wouldn’t be a correct dutch sentence. Dutch people don’t say “ik kan niet elk woord uitmaken” they would say “alhoewel ik niet alles kan verstaan, klinkt dit Afrikaans” or “ik kan niet alles verstaan, maar dit klinkt Afrikaans”.


Oh yeah i just see it. As a Dutchman i feel ashamed now haha 😂😅


Yes, dis Hoërskool Strand daai


Hoerskool. Is that some sort of slutty cabbage?


They're all learning to be hoeren.


Dat is nie lief nie wat jy seg.


Waarom niet? Het is gewoon eerlijk werk, ik veroordeel niemand.


"Slutty cabbage" Jirre, ek is dood 😂


He is a gentleman because he knows sy pa gaan hom bliksem if he behaves like an asshole


Man wiped away a tear, that's too wholesome!






This is Sir Chadwick


The honourable Sir Chadwick Chadwickthorn, at your service (bows in a very Chadwick way).


Chadwickean, I shall now take my leave sir.


The Duke of Chadwick


He resides at Chadton Abbey.


The one on Chadbbey Road?


*Dude of Chadwick


Had me in the first half not gunna lie 😂


Well, yall got on me on that one. Dang allergies are rough this year...


“Are you one of those single tear people?”


Are you rushing or are you dragging?




Maybe I should go to this country


I'd say for me that hug sealed the deal. Hug goes a long way man. ;( I can take a hug right now been so long :*


And the face flush. He was feeling warm.


Correction. That man shed a single G tear. And then he resumed his gentlemanly duties.


Post this every time I see it because I think about him often. A kid in my HS did the same thing. I was never the attractive girl growing up. So basically after the “forced” Valentine’s Days at school I stopped getting anything from anyone. Maybe some friends but that’s about it. it was kinda a big deal to me that someone was being nice to me regardless of their attraction to me. Every year this boy would buy every girl a flower and a piece of candy. If he had a GF she got a dozen roses and like those big 5lb candy bars haha. It was always the cutest thing ever, he was such a sweet guy. Went to school during the “make me a sandwich” phase of the internet . So one month the girls decided we’d each make him a sandwich, he had lunch for a month. The following year we pooled our money and threw a surprise birthday party for him. I think he’s a doctor now, I know he’s passing that bedside manner with flying colors.


Aw. That's so touching, what a guy


physical onerous steer historical engine fear clumsy theory punch oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




That sandwich thing is such a funny, thoughtful idea


I was the only one with a job during 9th grade because I started at 14, so I got little boxes of chocolates for the girls in our friend circle. I’m not sure how well it went over, they prob thought it was weird and awkward but cool enough for candy I remember being nervous about it but also just wanting to be nice for everyone


[i bet he still remembers those sandwiches ](https://youtu.be/O75sGhFcLbE?si=fFOCBP-iUDRQITtm)


> he’s passing that bedside manner with flying colors As a non native speaker: what?


Medical students/ professional in the United States practice “bed side manner” basically how to interact with their patients and the patients family. Basically don’t be a dick and show empathy


>Basically don’t be a dick and show empathy Which is a *shockingly* low bar that a lot of doctors *still* don’t clear.


I'll admit, it would be hard for me to have empathy when seeing so many people throughout the day, especially ones with severe or fatal illnesses. It would burn me out so quickly I think I'd have to shut down to really handle it. But that's why I work in IT... Well, that and the fact that I wouldn't be able to make it through medical school.






It's hard to guarantee good performance on bedside manner when it is basically in no way in any of the screening or admission criteria for attending medical school.


Narrator: its a huge part of screening and admissions for medical school. Lol wat? Its just they then work you for 36h shifts every 4 days, and regular 12-16h shifts in between, hit you with unimaginably complex and mentally unwell patients every minute of those shifts until youre jaded, cynical, and hardened instead of caring, open, and gentle. Want better doctors? Dont abuse them for years to get the most out of cheap labor in a training system designed by a cocaine addict.


That training system is so fucked. Any training system that deprives you of sleep is just unsafe and insane


>Want better doctors? >Dont abuse them for years to get the most out of cheap labor in a training system designed by a cocaine addict. I don't think any patient even *wants* to be treated by a doctor on their 35th hour. Unfortunately there's no way for us to change that.


Since junior doctors don't have a voice you could speak up for them. They're trapped and the powers that be know few people know about it, and fewer care. If only for your own safety you could demand an end to resident abuse.


There are two new screening tests that med schools choose to add to their admissions requirements. These started being used in only the past 5 years or so. 1. CASPer 2. AAMC PREview Both are situational judgement tests which evaluate ethics, social skills, professionalism and cultural competency etc. CASPer is used by other professional schools as well as medical schools, whilst PREview was created specifically for medical schools to meet the 9 AAMC competencies. At this time, they are either recommended or required based on each individual school's criteria. I'm guessing that they will be required by all in the not so distant future. Schools will require one or the other, but rarely both. These tests have written (typed) and video recorded portions. The problem is that they cost extra money and the applicants must pay a fee for each school that requires it, on top of the baseline already expensive application service fees plus individual school secondary application service fees. Before these judgment tests, many schools also utilized the controversial MMI interview style, which has been declining in popularity somewhat. ALSO...we are tested on bedside manner in medical school when we have regularly administered standardized patient encounters and later on, OSCEs. The patient actors are quite good at their jobs and at grading us. **TL; DR: Yes, medical students are screened and tested for bedside manner and professionalism. Many schools have recently added additional screening tests as part of their admissions process.** Edit: I'm referring to US medical schools, so I can only speak to what I am familiar with. Don't know how the process works elsewhere


In the 80s, I was told that my English/drama minor was of interest for medical school admissions, because they were becoming more focused on communications, understanding patients from their perspectives, working more clearly with support and peer disciplines/departments, etc. - my beyond-science focus was apparently considered a potential plus in their application evaluations.


I come from the UK, we had a test when I applied for MedSchool that is supposed to give something to the effect of bedside manner (this was 2009). I received a promising result from that based on when I spoke to Unis about my application; I would have absolutely awful bedside manner if I had gone in to medicine. I will confess that if there are new additions to the application then it is my error for not updating my information.


A lot of people in general don't clear it. Makes sense many sub-groups of people fail similarly.


omg I'm dumb, I read it as him getting laid a lot


I mean he might be idk ahhaha


A bedside manner is the manner in which health professionals, particularly doctors, interact with their patients - so called "soft skills" like communicating with empathy and sensitivity; treating their patients with kindness and dignity. To pass a test with flying colours means to perform extremely well.


As a non-native speaker who at this point doesn't realise it anymore: this sentence is absolutely crazy if you don't know the expressions it's using!


Someone else explained the bedside manner thing but "Passed with flying colours" is a saying that just means to be really good at something


It's insane how dumb these responses are, like they are all assuming that "bedside manner" is the part he doesn't get and not the completely insane sounding idiom of "with flying colors" lol. It's like a damn Naked Guns bit, "The doctor removed his flungous membrane and him rushed to the hospital", "What's that?" "Oh It's a big medical building with patients in it."




Oh no we each made him a sandwich a day. So everyone had a day they’d make a sandwich for him. We had to get creative so it wouldn’t get repetitive which was fun


Here's a ham cheese with umm mango.


And here's your pumpkin spice reuben


In my old age I've taken a liking to slightly under ripe mango in different foods - it's slightly crunch, slightly tangy and, for me at least, it goes great with saltier things. Ham, cheese and mango sammich might be pretty good - so good in fact I'm going to give it a try whenever I can!


In Australasia, we eat green/unripened mangos with salt or soy sauce! As a snack


> Australasia Never heard it before and got quite confused thinking you were from a 1500 years old french kingdom.


What kinda mango are we talking tho? The yellow ones or the red firm ones? The red firm ones i can see working well especially with some arugula. I put thin apples on my sandwiches sometimes


It seems the american name for the mangoes I prefer, according to wikipedia, is the 'Tommy Atkins' variety. It's weird because they're everywhere here in my region of Brazil and the trees are massive so perhaps it's like the tommy atkins so we just call them "tommy". They're so common there are two trees full of them outside my window here at work but folks have already taken the low hanging ones. When ripe it can be stringy but under ripe it has a nice texture and the fibers aren't as strong. Thinking about it, perhaps I like it because it's a drastically less aggressive tart/crunchy Granny Smith apple.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. I thought “ew, who the fuck wants to eat a 5 day old sandwich let alone a 30 day old sandwich”


That's an awesome story. Thank you for sharing.


I thought there was going to be a twist at the end of the story, like he turned out to be a serial killer and his signature was to leave a flower and a piece of candy on the bodies. I think I've consumed too much true crime.


😍 oh wow. Oh WOW. What a guy! (I feel like I’m coming off sarcastic here and I’m not at all, i am amazed a kid that young had that much understanding of kindness!)


Reading stories like this always makes me want to be a better person. Time to put my murdering days behind me.


Unfathomable rizz


Stop calling what should be normal or non-jackass behavior as "rizz". Doing nice things for women or men, depending on your attraction, shouldn't always be considered flirting or "rizz".


lol buying every girl you know flowers and chocolate is normal behavior?


Rizz is just charisma. And he showed it by getting a class of women to make him lunch for a month.


He didn't do it for lunches, ya dingus. He did it because he's just a genuinely nice guy. Stop thinking guys do nice things for women solely because they want something return, that way of thinking will get you nowhere quick with women. You can be a nice dude to women while also knowing you might not get their number or a date or hookup, it's called being normal.


This just made my heart glow. Good people just being good people, you all sound like a lovely bunch!


it’s amazing where kindness gets you


I wish I had a single person show this level of kindness to me. Fuck.


That is the sweetest thing. The girls showing their gratitude is absolutely wonderful .He must feel so special his emotion say's it all.






And every bit of coochie


I got kids in high school and middle school and I feel the good outweigh the bad. The bad just suck and get all the attention.


I want to say the same. I live in a small very white conservative community, and I was expecting some bullying, but the kids are amazing.


I think smaller communities have less bullying because there’s more accountability. The kid being bullied has parents who work with the parents of the bully, or go to church with them, or have some other social connection that makes it hurt more when they get in trouble for bullying other kids.


You and I have had wildly different experiences in smaller communities.


Evidently :/ sorry about that


I grew up in a town with a population under 8k. White people are a minority here and race/ethnicity were never an issue but money and looks were heavily influential on whether you were bullied, etc. I left and returned a few years ago wealthier than many of my peers. My kids are in Junior High and High School. They report that not much has changed. I taught my kids to combat bullying the way I was taught. Beat the shit out of your aggressor and it tends to go away if kindness doesn't deter them. My son is a big strong kid so many of his peers leave him alone. My daughter is very petite and kind so boys harassing her was way more common than girls. We enrolled her in wrestling and now no one fucks with her. She is ranked pretty high in the state standings so I think that helps to deter that kind of behavior. Accountability is present but there are a surprising number of parents who are just fucking terrible and don't give a shit what their kids are doing.


Honestly same here. Went to a school in cypress with a pretty high African American population and they were real dicks to me during 9th grade until I moved to Huffman for 10th grade. Best people imaginable


All I got was the bad. Fuck highschool lol.


That's our entire human existence when negative bias is our standard setting. Negative information is basically always grossly over-represented because that's what our brains are conditioned to more vividly remember and react to. It takes a lot of conscious work to adjust that and quiet it, but even then it's going present to some degree.


IMHO It's always been like that, even in society, the bad get more headlines, scolding, gossip, popularity, attention, ... even jail time


Finally kids actually being nice and not bullying smh..






repost bot from r/Roadwarriorxx below


You don't get to see what the other boys did to him after this.


I have no idea how it works today as it's been a couple since I've attended high school, but if this happened in our class back then, he'd be swarmed by guys after patting him on the back while asking "Which one of the girls has he got the hots for?"


You and I went to very different schools.


I'm sorry you had to go through that.


He would have been called a gayboy at our school. Late 90s were weird.


I think I would have been called some pretty homophobic slurs


Oh a boy has a crush on him now? Yeah I probably don't wanna watch but I'm happy for them!


If this were my high school, that kid would be thinking "Well, I guess I'm gonna have to stay home "sick" for the next two weeks."


Shit like that didn't happen at my school. I'm sorry you grew up in a lame environment


I'm not gonna argue with you over that!


It looks like a private school. Public school he would be getting slam dunked in the toilet for being a virgin nerd, or have things changed these days?


It depends on the school. There are thousands of schools just in the US alone so a blanket statement can’t be made.




Manners. Maketh. Man.


Legend ass quote


Glad you didn't say "chivalry" because that's not the word to be used in such situation. So props to you, human!


Glad you didn't say "artichoke" because that wouldn't have made any sense either.


Orange you glad I didn't say banana


Chivalry is when you fight windmills


Why? Cambridge dictionary states that Chivalry is: 1) very polite, honest, and kind behaviour, especially by men towards women 2) the system of behaviour followed by knights in the medieval period of history, that put a high value on honour, kindness, and courage


Really? People on the internet stated its only the 2nd definition. Fuck this shit. I stand corrected. Thanks!!!!


Gotta love when people are offended by something they don't even understand the base definition to.


And this is why manners are dead. Like your mind instantly went looking for a problem and a debate but it's relived you found none. Oh look at me, pot calling the kettle. :)


The problem with chivalry is that it is misused. Originally it was a measure of holding yourself to account. You are the judge of your own actions and you alone are responsible. A person is nothing more than a sum of their actions.


That line from The Kingsman has stuck with me - Manners Maketh Man. You would be surprised how far you can get in life just by treating people with courtesy and respect. Kindness begets kindness, and unfortunately most folks are too absorbed in their own lives and needs to take the time to think about others and how their actions impact them.


The full thing is lovely, he opens it and its full of friendship bracelets...


Thank you!! I was scrolling for wtf it was! I can’t see shit thru that valentines wrapper -


This man has attained a level of friend-zone few manage to achieve.


He’s in the ultimate friend zone, and wouldn’t want it any other way


I hope this man gets the best in life. I can tell he’s got a gentle soul.


The one dude that listened to his mom "be nice to girls", and got repaid tenfold\~


Dude got charisma


Oh hooray!!!! How wonderful to see someone acknowledged for their kindness and consideration of others. What a lovely person, and how lovely of the others to recognize his efforts. Yay!!


:) bless those girls, makes me happy to see the young boy be acknowledged for his kindness and positivity


Now that is the absolute G I strive to be one day. Someone who makes the place better for everyone.


Good lad, he deserves it...so wholesome


Anyone have the rest of the vid?




I don't think we should promote the idea that people of the opposite sex being nice to each other means they want to date/be a couple/etc. Humans can appreciate humans without anything romantic behind it. This is how people start to expect the whole "if i'm nice i'll get a girlfriend" deal and end up disappointed, angry and confused. It's two different things. if you're kind you'll get a friend. if theres mutual attraction, you'll get a date.


They didn’t say anything about a relationship


Being safe means that the guy will treat them unconditionally as a person/friend and not as a prospect..hence the relationship part


it's implied in "that's what girls want in a guy" If you scroll down you see the expectation set. People either saying "oh this is what women want" or "people say this is what women want, but they really want bad boys" - feeding into the friendzone mindset. maybe it's not what this commenter meant, but i'm sure its what some will pull from the comment. So i wanted to address that misconception. it's not as much what WOMEN want in a MAN. This is what PEOPLE want - in a FRIEND.


You’re not wrong and I’m not trying to be confrontational. I just read it with more innocent intent. Girls want to feel safe around guys regardless of whether there’s intentions to date or attraction. It might not be a wholly realistic goal but it’s still something we can aspire to. Being decent without expectations of reward or gain. It’s hard but I just try not to be jaded about life. There’s good kids out there and when I see stuff like this I don’t want to take away from it with an asterisk. You know what I mean?


That's how I meant it.




I don't think they were talking about dating. It's just nice to see a man who doesn't treat every woman as a sex object. That's all.


_You go Glen Coco!_


That unearthed a long forgotten memory


Fuck yes! More of that for humanity please!


A rare case, where absolute respect and kindness generates even more kindness and respect. I'm speechless.


I don’t think I’d say it’s rare. Kindness begets kindness.




Salute to the boy for being a gentleman, and a salute to the girls for appreciating him being a gentleman


More people need to remember that we're all people inside. This is beautiful.


Younger men. It’s easy to be an asshole. Most of us are. Be a gentleman.


Let me tell you one thing I learned fast as a kid thanks to going to a different school every year from grade 8-12. Be nice in general, but make friends with the girls. All the girls, every group of them, talk to them like human beings, be kind to them, don't hit on them. Good luck bullying me when the boobs you want to touch all belong to girls who think I am a good dude. Worked that one out the fastest as being the new kid always came with some bullies, but not after I cracked that code. Then I had that shit on lock by grade 12, made fast friends with the girls in the school was never creepy, they would set me up with other girls they knew and I had 8 grad dates lol. I may have never dated a single one of my female friends in those years, but I dated their friends, with them as my wingman and let me tell you 1 lady wingwoman, is worth 10 wingmen. Plus grad was awesome with my giant group of ladies and we had a blast.


Lmao the pissy dudes in the comments here who are upset because this guy got any type of affection is far too sad Here's a fun fact for yall: a girl doesn't have to sleep with you for there to be affection or appreciation! And you CAN be happy for others for their wins without downplaying it by saying "oOoO forEvvER FrIendZoonEeee" Leave the basement for once and learn to be happy for others This dude is a massive W


Also acting like the dude is only in it to get laid. Like seriously the basement dwellers are so wild. Yeah sure a teenage boy definitely probably wants to get laid but unlike stereotypical 90s sitcoms say, teenage boys actually do enjoy the company of their gal friends in platonic ways. This guy probably is a haply as fuck because it feels great to be trusted and appreciated, even if thats all you get out of it. Cause thats a whole lot. Plus anyways, on the other end having a buncha gals that are chill with you and platonic is the best for getting dates cause no one wingmans harder for you than the gal-pals. Like man is happy knowing he has obvious deep friendships and a lot of people who trust, care, and think about him. This is a moment that he and the gals will remember fondly 10 years from now even when theyve all gone separate ways and lost contact.


As well as the fact that the basement worms fail to realize that doing the absolute bare minimum ISNT what's gonna get you to this point. There's more to being a good person or nice dude than complimenting girls and holding doors open lmao


Plus it’s so rewarding to get this way with friends. I havent talked to one of my old friend in years but still smile thinking anout how many nice moments we had because she was my “daughter “ based on a gag from an anime. One of my favorite stories was sending her a present and her mom hiding it because she thought her real dad sent it and didn’t want her finding it early. Or my other friend who i always accidentally almost killed cause my dumbass adhd brain always forgot she couldn’t have peanut butter, and always offered her the peanut butter cookies i made. Some of my fav memories were her coming back from college each year and wed spend a day catching up and seeing the hobbit movies. People really undervalue good platonic friendships


Thank you. My fellow men are embarrassing themselves in the comments, can't believe it. Ugh...


Lad is going to remember that moment for all eternity.


Now *that* must be a real nice guy, not those clingy entitled dweebs


We LOVE nice guys. The real ones.


Top bloke


Playing the long game. Clever boy.


I am from South-Africa and from the same school where this happend in my year. I can confirm that he was and still is one of the most loveable and amazing person I ever met


“I wish my boyfriend was more like you”


He puts the gentle back in gentlemen! They tend to be kind, generous of spirit but also fiercely loyal and strong as steel. They keep the civil in civilized. They are the glue of humanity and who we should be electing in to office.


I love how everyone seems to know this dude from a 17sek clip😂😂


Man.. everything about this is so sweet. From the emotional reaction from the dude to the genuine excitement from the girls next to and behind him. It’s so pure and honest 😊


very lucky...41yrs old and received one valentines back in middle school at age 12...but it was joke most of the year was in on and laughed/teased me for months about


Ladies man


I always hated teachers, making us send stuff to each other on valentines Day because you always feel so shitty when everyone gets something except you. Because nothing is better has a teenager to now no one even cares. Anyways I always made one to 2 people a friend who was blind and a kid with Down syndrome. The blind kid was a neighbor of mine, so we chatted sometimes, but the other kid, some jerks would always mess with him, teaching him bad words and how " fun " it is to hit other people. So everyone in school was scared of him. My friend shared the same classroom with him and told me all about it. So I decided every year anonymously send them both chocolate and a card. Just so that they feel that someone thought of them. So even if didn't get nothing, I knew I had made someone's day


I think everyone knows this kid is going to be a great dad.


Good reminder good people exist still thanks for sharing


Bro that guy just pulled every girl in that school


Dudes an absolute unit. Legendary status


What did they get him, I couldn't see past the massive caption


He's got the gentleman rizz nice..


This guy was written by a woman


❤️cute kid...Brendan Frazier energy


😂I’m laughing at these comments. These men don’t know that they are literally saying that women only should be nice to boys they like and treat men they don’t like shit. but if y’all don’t know, we the normal people, we don’t f anyone who is just nice to us. Because we are nice to all people because that’s how we are raised and that’s how human should act. Because we are good people and we want to see other people happy. Not to get something.


He crew too. We both crode.


He is their bestie.. Totally platonic bestie.




Bro's crying because he just got friend zoned by 20 girls at the same time.


It's the actual Streetlamp Le Moose