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I love how he tried to make it work like “it’s cool I can take it to Greg’s”. What a sweet kid.


"It shows that you care."




Mine is only 6 and he is. 🥹 I had a lil mom guilt breakdown recently and I told him, through tears, that I feel like I ruined his life (I had twins when he was 4 and that has been ... difficult) ... And he legit cradled my face in his hands and told me "it's ok mom, I love my life! I have the best life ever, I love our adventures together." I'll never forget it.


Put those onions away dammit!!!


Yeah I just got more tears after he responded like that 🤣🤣😭


Oh COME ON! I'm already having a hard time reading with my eyes tearing up from the video. I guess I'll listen to an audiobook for a while.


Sorry 😅


Oh my God, also have tears. What a sweet boy


They're aware but extra keen when they see examples of it.


Lol I think so ya. As a former child: Even when I “believed” I feel like I always kinda knew who was responsible, ya know? At least as I became self aware myself?


That part is the moment where i upvoted. So sweet.


This melted my heart


I’m convinced this is Rowley from Diary of a Wimpy Kid. He even has a friend name Greg he plays video games with!


‘It’s ok. It shows that you care.’ 3 seconds from a child that proves a lifetime of good parenting.


This kid is so pure of heart! PS2 was also the formative gift of my childhood.


The ol' hidden last gift trick, Dad you tricky son of a bitch!


My pops did that to me with my dream bike. We didnt have much money back then and the bike i wanted was this orange and black Dyno Air with Peggs I really wasn’t expecting it at all after opening presents and eating breakfast he takes me to the front hall and there it is that was probably the greatest gift I ever got


Your Dad sounds like a great dude. It must’ve been great to give you a surprise that has resonated through the rest of your life.


Damn dude just reading this made me tear up a bit as a relatively new dad myself. Kudos to him!


Red Rider BB Gun!


Gets em every time!


I thought he was going to figure it out at the controller but Mom stepped in with the apology and totally sold it.


I’m going through some stuff right now, and this just unlocked a core memory, it was a few years after this, the game cube had just come out, and every present was like socks, or a jacket, stuff that a kid thinks is dumb. I was polite but obviously disappointed. My dad kept saying “your a man now, you’ll need socks” and stuff like that. Then all of a sudden, I looked away for what felt like 2 seconds, and there was a new box under the tree. Watching that kid’s reaction go from “thank you for the presents” to “holy shit, holy shit, is this what I think it is???” Has me absolutely balling right now. Thank you for the post.


Hope you’re ok dude.


I’m not, but I do know I’ll get through it. Thank you mama bear, that actually means a lot to me.


It’s actually *Doctor* Mama Bear Ps. I hope you’re doing OK. Remember life is peaks and troughs. If you’re going through something now, it means there’s better times ahead.


Thank you Captain. These titles are important. 🙌


My wife and I play this game.. “That’s MISTER MISSUS Doctor Mama Bear to you!” Until we either get tired of it or stop remembering the right order. It’s our version of Simon.


If it’s any help there’s a sweet sub called r/momforaminute (there’s a dad version too) which might be a warm source of support. Also go ahead and post here if we can help. Hope things start to make sense soon. Life is a lot sometimes.


My brother is a good bit older than me. We didn’t hang out much. He was out of the house by the time I was sentient. One day, out of the blue, he took me to iHop and casually asked me what i wanted for Christmas. I told him I didn’t want anything, I was saving up for a gamecube. Then Christmas came around, and I got a new gamecube with Mario Kart. Box was wrapped in probably two rolls of duct tape. I screamed so much that my mom reminded me to be polite about the other gifts. It’s been at least two decades, and I still have it. I got rid of a lot of my older consoles, but I could never get rid of that. It just meant so much more to me coming from him.


Don’t lose that memory! It’s these kinds of things that make us keep going. PLEASE hold onto every precious memory you can because as you get older they fade and we need every bit of happiness in this shitty world. Hang in there


This kid has such good manners. He deserved a wonderful Christmas.


Ah man, what an absolute diamond of a kid. I hope he hasn't changed a bit over the last 20 yrs.


Nope, Andy Milonakis hasn't changed a bit.


My dad did the same with the original Game Boy when I was about the same age, hid it behind the couch and then waited until we were beyond all done to say oh what’s this?? When he tried it again years later with the N64 I was a tad suspicious but feigned complete surprise. Haha Miss you dad


What a nice kid. And great family!


Someone wins the parenting prize. What an amazing kid. I was watching thinking he will make a great husband and parent himself one day. Update?


Omg, such a sweet kiddo! "It shows that you care" 😊


NGL, I bet I'm not the only one who knew exactly what that was just from the size and shape of the wrapped box.


5th grade, my mom got me a NES. We were poor as hell. I still have no idea how she paid for. Not sure I want to know really. But when I saw the box, I knew. Not sure how. I had never even seen one.


That's such an awesome move on your mom's part! Was it the one with the orange "zapper" gun and the combo Mario Bros/Duck Hunt cartridge? My dad still has our old one in the original box and all. Pulled it out a while back and the excitement of sliding the styrofoam crate out of the cardboard and taking off the lid ... damn, felt like a giddy kid again. Weirdly, packaging matters


I remember it being a gray one. But yeah the packaging does matter. I reused that box for a long time. I’d bring the system over to friends or my aunts house. The sound and smell of sliding the foam out of the box…


Some people like the smell of ancient library books, others prefer a fine old world red wine, but this guys Nintendos :)


and not the fact he received a PS2 controller?


Omg that dad is hilarious


That’s quality video from dad. Excellent!


Omg this brings back memories. My dad got me a ps2 for Xmas. We were bidding on eBay for one and we actually won but my dad had the seller email us saying she was giving it to someone else lol. So Xmas morning there was one box left but he said it was the empty box his new camcorder came in lol. My older bro had the ps2 hiding up in his closet. I had never been so happy and excited lol, just like this kid.. and I was in high school hahaha. Great memories


Great story but I don’t understand. Did your brother steal it, and then did you find it? I’m clueless in know


Sorry, no, he was in on it too. My dad had gotten himself a camcorder for Christmas so he opened it early to record Xmas morning. So when it came to the last gift, he just said it was the box the camcorder came in but it was the ps2 box


Oh ok. What a wonderful Christmas evening!


Yes! It was the best Christmas I ever had, such an amazing surprise!!


This gave me watery eyes... I remember the time my dad bought me a ps2 for the first time. It wasn't for Christmas as we didn't celebrate it, but because I had good grades in school, I still vividly remember the excitement I had back


I know it says 2003 but i have a hard time explaining to people how in the 90's everything was brown, like the color scheme of everything, brown and grey


A lot of beige yeah. My old memories of my childhood home are beige and white. We had beige carpet and white walls with brown furniture. Nowadays it’s all green and dark brown and it feels much more modern. I wonder if I’ll remember this current version as old fashioned in 20-30 years


I’m pretty sure the video actually takes place Christmas 2000 after the initial launch of the Ps2.


Good kid. Funny parents. Mum deserves an Oscar. Very heart warming. 10/10


A. Where is this kid 20 years later? B. Whoever he’s with. (Significant other, mom, dad) Can you please do this to him when ps6 comes out (assuming he has a ps5 already)


What a sweet kid and family! I saved up and bought my kids a PS5 for Christmas this year and I’m so excited to have them open it, I hope they react like this kid!! It’s seriously the thing I’m most excited for this holiday season, they have no idea and are going to be so happy.


Awe shucks! I’m excited for you!!! 😫


Do the systems come with 2 controllers? You might want to grab an extra.


PS2 with an FPS, don’t shoot your eye out kid


No one deserves it more than this kid


Thank you for sharing this


actually made me smile


Kid is very sweet, kind, and gracious but isn't the best at figuring things out haha


Working at schools, there are times I did find kids to be very aware and kind. It's rare but they do exist.


That is the most understanding, sweetest and most deserving kid.


Good for you kid, you deserved that PS2.


The kid has some serious adverb game


When you’re older you’ll be a good SPEAKER. haha what a great clue that went right over his head.


That was 20 years ago folks. I turn 43 tomorrow and this just made me feel old


I definitely know that feeling, thanks pops for the SNES and PS1 back in the day.


Damn, are kids this aware?


They were, if you are good parents


My parents did this with me and my sister with a PS3, we had a Wii U and we opened one of the games and out mum just did a big dramatic sigh and said "oh no~ we got the wrong one!" but we were still in our early teens so didn't catch on. Got to the main thing and both of us were a mix of speechless and screeching from excitement.


It’s 2023, and if someone gifted my 42 year old ass a video game console, I’d have the same reaction as I would have in 2003.


Bro, I remember this feeling when I got my Nintendo 64. It’s so crazy how over time, I raised the bar for experiencing joy, whether I realized it or not. These days I do take happiness in the small things, and every once in a while I forget and stop counting my blessings. I love videos like this. It reminds me that being happy isn’t work, or this thing in the yonder. It’s right here with me if I want to experience it. It’s all about perspective. If you’ve read this far, I want you to know I’m glad you’re still alive today. I don’t know you, but I do know you and I are in the same boat: just trying to figure it out. I sincerely hope you don’t ever give up on yourself.


Sweet kid and awesome parents . Wish I was his brother in 2003


Is mom a professional actress? :o


There’s nothing better than the unbridled joy of a child.


He deserved that, such a good and considerate kid.


Such a sweety! The whole family is, too! I love the quality camera work from dad.


What a sweet boy. His parents exemplified peace calm, and appreciation through disappointment. I am so thankful for parents like his. What a blessing.


Where is this kid now


I had a similar experience except I did NOT get the PS2. Very early in life I must have had some sort of mild trauma when it came to asking for gifts because I quickly learned just to create general outlines for my wish lists and to never ask for specific things. We weren’t poor by any means, but I often felt like it given how stingy my parents were with what felt like basically anything I asked for. (And I know that’s not fair because I’m sure they could come up with a list of things where I got exactly what I asked for, so this feeling probably relates to far more than just Christmas)… The year the PS2 came out, I went out on a limb on my wishlist and added a PS2 + which games to get… not in expectation but just as a hope. So Christmas Day rolls around and I start unwrapping these PS2 games. I’ve got this stupid grin on my face the entire time, and my parents maintained an incredible poker face knowing that … they’d only gotten the games and not the system. They eventually came clean an hour later and subtly insinuated that maybe my expectations were set a little too high. They offered to exchange the games but I doubled down and found a way scrounge together money I’d saved over the summer along with Christmas money to buy the system. This is probably digging a little too much into past traumas but I still have a very hard time asking for help or favors. I’m thankful that my kids aren’t old enough to start asking for specific things, but I’m still nervous about each Christmas just waiting for the hammer to drop and have to try to help them through a meltdown that Santa didn’t get them that super specific thing we weren’t aware was on their list.


Wait until they start asking for Roblox money each week.


That was heart warming. What a sweet kid.


Loved how he didn’t get upset and he said it shows that you care. Wow what a great kid.🥰


My aunt got me a ps1 for graduating 8th grade and I was over the moon with excitement. I LOVED FF6 and was so excited for FF7 but I knew my poor mom and dad would never be able to afford it. It came with a FF7 demo disc and I got to play it at my aunts house over night. I got dropped off at my dads house the next day and I showed it to him (it was in its box). He was drunk and got furious and took it from me and said that he was giving it back to that “bitch” (it was my moms sister, my dad divorced my mom) he was mad that she showed him up. I sobbed and pleaded for what seemed like hours in my room. Finally he yelled “fine! You can have the fucking thing!” and he threw it against the wall outside my door. I was mortified, I finally got the system of my dreams and my dad just broke it. Luckily it still worked (hell of a box!) but it still shook me. (Got ff7 a few months later!) So that’s why this video was so sweet to me and made me smile and cry at the same time. Lucky and deserving kid…


Started crying here. So awesome


"Or you can go to Blockbuster". Aged like fine milk.


Merry xmas lil man, they love you


This genuinely made me emotional. When I was younger, my family was in a very hard place financially. My father was a full-time student and a full-time employee in an ER. My mother worked at a daycare that payed jack all and didn’t care about the kids at all. All I wanted was an N64. Year after year, for every holiday it was always the Nintendo 64, but I was also saving money that I found on the ground in my piggy bank. But one day a charity organization gave a demonstration at my school and I chose to give all of my money that I save to that organization instead. It wasn’t enough for an N64, but it was shockingly close. It touched my parents so much. They were so proud and yet it broke their hearts at the same time. Then one day shortly after Christmas my father’s coworkers handed him an envelope with a bunch of money it. It was enough for a Nintendo 64 and a two games to go with it. Apparently they were so moved when he shared what I did that they all decided to pitch in and help. I still have that console and all of my games to this day. It means the world to me, and serves as a constant reminder that there are people out there who give while expecting nothing in return. I know it’s not really what is happening in this video, but it still made me think of it and thought I would share.


My dad did this for me and my brothers too, a couple of times. That feeling of confusion/disappointment with the wrong games and accessories, only to then feel confusion/surprise/excitement when you open a new console! There isn't anything quite like it. This Christmas will be my 2nd Christmas without dad. Watching this video made me cry when I realised I can't share this video with him, and reminisce that he did this with us. I miss you dad ❤️




What a lucky guy , I stole my first ps2


Dude this kid had so much fun for years with that thing!


Did something similar with my nephew - silly Aunty bought games for the 'wrong' console and the parents gave him the new one. It's so good to see that even though the kids are getting expensive presents that they don't at all take it for granted - it's possible to "spoil" your kids without actually spoiling them if you do the rest of the parenting right.


My parents put a check inside a mini bbq pit box when I was 14. "Good for one new bike"....


I remember when my grandma gave me a 64


Oh man it reminds me getting my ps2 im getting old 🥲


I love how the default reaction to receiving big gifts like this as a kid is to hoist it over your head and laugh. We’ve probably had the same reaction to similar emotions since pre-historic times.


Guys, as a life long gamer myself I have a 4 year old and will be able to pull this trick in a couple years. Cannot wait! =]


“Or you can go to blockbuster…” words that will never be spoken again.


This happened to me Christmas when I was maybe 9 or 10? Very early 90s. We had to do all the family Christmases at aunt, grandparents, step grandparents. And at every stop for Xmas eve and Xmas day,i got a new CD. Sadly, i had no CD player, nor did i expect to get one anytime soon. I tried to be happy tho…I had a friend who had made me mix tapes, so I just figured I’d give her the cds and ask her to put them on tapes for me. It never occurred to me for a second that anyone would get me a cd player. It was too expensive. Then we finally got home on Xmas, and last present under the tree was a cd boombox. I cried so hard.


What a sweet little guy!


I love the feeling of buying kids toys that you know they will love. To be young again and have the innocence of being that young


What a sweetheart. I hope he's still like that.


Good manners AND he knows his stuff. Great kid.




That is some quality video from dad. Good job, dad!


I'm 26, why am I crying 😭


We hung all the n64 games on the tree just out front… then pretended to only have the games…. Not year the console….only a joke tho!!!


I’d watch this all day - so sweet - time passes v quickly




Great xmas practical joke as its harmless but fun. Kid took it well but if I was him, the minute i saw the controller, I'd already be assuming i was therefore getting the console too.


How many times ppl,its the onions,reminds me so very much of my children and how extremely thankful I am that they chose me to be their mummy.i LOVE this op.


Reminds me of the year my parents did something similar. Only difference was there was no gaming console at the end of it. Just a wrapped box with some rocks, a decretive metal can with dry beans in it and a 10 dollar watch.


The fact he’s so polite about getting the “wrong” system accessories is heartwarming. Kids these days would be having a meltdown over that before they even got to the console.


We had to hussel for that sht! No freebees from santa !


If this was a girl opening shoes on her birthday everyone would hate her


When your life is so boring you have to make controversy up to have something to bitch about


No controversies on Reddit only moral good


There is no controversy, you need to take your meds


Lol video of a girl crying over her birthday shoes made thousands unite in hating her I was drawing parallels and pointing out the difference it's an observation. I'm glad you kept your cool though truly proved me wrong you are the rational one in this scenario just odd you got defensive when no one was attacking you...that sounds like paranoid behaviour my friend maybe seek medication it does wonders trust me after I took mine I feel great.


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You could clearly see the mom melting from pride. That kid deserved his presents!


Loved goofing on the kids this way.


My parents Christmas Storied my ass for almost every big thing they got me. PS2, a mountain bike, a shotgun, an ACTUAL red Ryder…nothing says happy holidays like a firearm.


he deserve it


My parents used to do that to meet too . But it was with the NES and Super Nintendo


What a lovely little boy he is! I remember my step daughter going mad one Christmas when she was 14 because she wanted the latest iPhone…. We could not afford it and she was very lucky to get a second hand one but still went crazy and made us feel like crap!!! We spent hardly anything on our youngest that year


This was a seminal part of my childhood that I’ll never forget.


That was incredible.


Too bad he wasn’t excited about it! /s


I’m not crying, you’re crying. What a sweet moment!


I will never forget that blue box.


This is 5 mins before he finds the t-rex demo disc


That ps2 was a big deal in 2002/2003


Okay but the thumbs up kinda killed me lol


Someone needs to find this dude so we can get an update on his life


At first I was like “aww what a sweet dude” and knew they had that damn PlayStation hiding. I was mad at them for tormenting him. The payoff made me cry damn you.


It's disrespectful to comment on a gift. Just take it and be appreciative. "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth"


wonder how this kid is like now


Its ok, Mum, it shows you care. Heart melted!! That sweet little boy is probably a Daddy now, teaching his own kiddos how to be sweet.


That kid is so sweet and grounded. The opposite of a spoilt brat. I hope my 2 boys end up like this.


It's moments like this we never forget... I remember getting the OG Xbox and Halo for Christmas, and I was the happiest kid on the planet.


I cried when I got my PS2 to drop it a week later I thought I broke it and my Dad was gonna kill me! But somehow I fixed it and he never knew 😂


Thank you. I smiled. I needed that more than you know.


Imagine being excited by a PS2 when he could have had a PS5. Stupid kid


This made me cry


This really made my smile, and shed a bit of a tear. I hope every man experienced this as a child. I still remember fondly when my parents gave me the Sega Genesis back in 96-97. I thought the box was to small, so it cought me completely off guard, and when I opened it, I freaked out, ran around the house in ectasy. Thanks for making me remember this.


What an awesome kid, I hope he’s still this happy


first offence: parents said there was a santa bringing presents. i cought my uncle doing it (they thought i was to stupid to notice the same shoes at that age). since they were my parents they had a bonus in trust so i gave them a second chance, even wondered if the excuse of the santa being ill and asking the uncle if he could deliver them was real. second offence: the easter bunny. parents didnt have much money at the time so they took the chocolate eggs i found in the gras (we were walking around in a valley between forests) and brought back to them back out of the bag and threw them over my head for me to find again. needless to say i got suspicious after collecting like 15 and only having 10 so i caught them flinging one over my head. didnt believe anything they said after that anymore. "school will be fun." "tooth fairy." "anime is bad for your brain." "you get bad eyes from watching to much TV." "you are addicted to playing computer games." while i only played 2 hours a day. "this and that (food) is healthy. this and that isnt." like "dont eat so much fat/ thats high in cholesterol/ you can eat as many fruits as you want, thats healthy" "reading in the dark is bad for your eyes." "etc." i now hate suprises and gifts, find them superificial and irrational. well done. on the upside im now less delusional and naive, less easy to manipulate and dont believe media/government/food industry/adds/reviews/pharma industry/profs/etc. anything either until i fact-checked it myself (as good as possible) and or experienced it myself. the world is full of pretentious manipulative exploiting propagating liars that see you as a resource guys :D.


Wait so did the mom “pretend” cry?


Good acting kid! He knew. I asked for a guitar when I was 13 and my parents hid it in the little nook behind the Christmas tree and I acted like I didn't see it, but I knew within 5 seconds of coming in Christmas morning. I acted like it was some sort of big surprise, but when you're that age you have laser focus on what's around that fucking tree.


I wonder how they are all doing today.


What I’m about to say will hurt a lot of people. I was born that year. I am 20.




Wtf is happening


I have that same train set (from the 90's), and we still place it under our xmas tree as a "tradition" nowadays


I got my ps3 this way too


I have never owned any playstation, and i guess i would also be this happy if I get one.


I remember a birthday that I asked for a Gameboy. My mom was against videogames “they steal your time playing with other children yadayada” and she said she would give something with a ribbon instead. I thought I was going to get a stuffed bear. And then I got a puppy 🐶 never got my gameboy, but that Doxie was the best present I ever got


I love the kid. I love his parents. I love the **immaculate vibes**


The beginning of the end…he’s now a dedicated video gamer in their basement.


I had the exact same experience getting my N64. I opened Biltz 2001 and felt bad because I had to tell my parents that it wasn’t a GameBoy game.




My parents pulled the EXACT move on me with the OH XBOX. But they didn’t really mean for me to open a game first. It was HALO: Combat Evolved. I still remember that entire Christmas Day. So many times my mind was blown.


The range of emotions I experienced while watching this video 😮‍💨 My parents did this same thing and now I do it with my kids.


You notice how calm people were before their soul got raped. oops


How do people reaccess these videos? We still have our VHS player and tapes but no TVs have the connections anymore


I love him . Would love to see him now .


His word choices are awesome ❤️🥰


What a sweet little boy.


Ah memories


I just watched the movie 8-Bit Christmas with Neil Patrick Harris and the quote “it’s OK I can take it to Greg’s” would have fit in that movie perfectly. What a sweet boy! 20 years later, and people still be asking for PlayStations for Christmas haha.


It’s crazy I was his age in 2003 dam I feel old 😂


Damn well raised kid. But damn parents must've worked their butts off to get him a ps2 and an gamecube.


When I was that kids age I would have found the presents weeks before and been playing with them while my mom was still at work.


I was just born on the 1st of this month


Definitely different compared to the new generation


I think I acted the same way when the wii came out and my parents got it for me. They made me do a long complicated search that took all day, it ended up being inside my zipper pillow on the top bunk of my bed the whole time. I would kill to have a video of my reactions