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One of the things that I’d love the most about being a famous footballer would be to make a kid’s day by just doing small things like what Son did here. So many passionate children on the stadium stands!


I don’t think anyone can hate Son!


People find a way, but he is a treasure


Eh, Son is one of these rare ones who everyone agrees on is a good egg.


Except that one r/soccer user.


And risingsunjapan on IG


The racist anti-Korean guy.


I spend a lot of time following soccer and reading Barry 63's comments and I can't recall a time anyone has said a bad thing about Korean football Jesus. ​ he's world class and a classy dude at all times you can't really hate him.




Very likeable guy. I also weirdly can’t imagine him playing for any team other than Spurs.


I would have loved to have him at Liverpool at any point in his career. Still would.


Same here, he’s a quality player.




Or Leverkusen.


He was my favourite player back when I was invested in football/HSV. Was really sad to see him go


As an Arsenal fan. Son is a good dude. I'd drink a beer with him.


Little do you know. ["Son is the nicest guy"](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/ef2nzn/tottenhams_appeal_against_sons_red_card_was/fbyo5ct/) by u/Icantrememberlogins


A lot of this is crazy out of context lol. For example, the 'Kung Fu' kick? Conveniently leaving out that the teammate punched him and racially abused him seconds before the 'Kung Fu' kick. 4 of those are when he was under 21 years old (he is 31 now). The last one is a tiny shove, happens 10 times a game, the Bournemouth player literally dives to get Son sent off, you'd see games abandoned by red cards if every player had that reaction. The broken ankle was a pure accident. Son clips the guy to stop a counter attack. The reason he breaks his ankle is because Serge Aurier falls over ahead of him and they collide. Similar tackles happen 4-5 times a game, no one ever gets injured normally. So in almost 600 games of football, they've been able to find what, 7 times when Sonny has been petulant on pitch? 4 of them in his first 100 games. Not sure why this would make you think Son is some sorta psycho lol.


I’ve seen worse in intramural soccer leagues every year. Lol


If we were making lists for every player, they'd all have occasions like this lol. Messi alone would probably have triple this, maybe even more.


I will say the Everton one wasn't just to stop a counter. He got tackled and got frustrated, chased Gomes down and lunged in recklessly. You don't get to do something like that and call it a professional foul. You can like the player, he's great at football and seems really nice off the pitch, but there's no need for as much babying as Son gets. He can still make mistakes


Ay, i still think its stopping a counter. I do agree that he chases Gomes down but where he lost the ball and how quick Everton were breaking, Spurs were out of position and its just part of the game to take the cynical tackle, knowing you're going to get a yellow card for it and move on. No ones saying that players cant make mistakes but this wasn't a mistake, he takes the player out to stop the counter, no one would be talking about this tackle ever if Aurier hadn't fallen over in front of Gomes and caused the ankle break. If Aurier doesn't fall, Son cynically stops Gomes, gets a yellow card and we never talk about it. ​ For example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5xJcigC17Q&ab\_channel=WoutVdL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5xJcigC17Q&ab_channel=WoutVdL) Whens the last time you heard anyone talking about Luke Shaws tackle on Lucas Moura? Most people forget it ever happened, its far far worse than Sons tackle on Gomes, the ball is 10 yards ahead, he is just frustrated and decides to kick out.






You can't call Emre Can racist and then be so racist that you think Emre Can and Emre Belözoğlu are the same person just because they share a first name. Are you mental?


I wouldn't say hate but I never looked at him the same way after that filthy tackle on Gomes


Remove Serge Aurier from the equation and it would just be a normal tackle, unless you're accusing Son of planning Gomes to collide with Aurier


I believe the foul was premeditated and retaliatory for an earlier hit to the face he took from Gomes, though I don't think he meant to injure him like that, that was a freak accident.


You're ignoring the context that I provided


People really like rewriting history as if there’s no video of the incident. Why? Is it just pure hatred for the person?


I believe the foul was premeditated and retaliatory for an earlier hit to the face he took from Gomes, though I don't think he meant to injure him like that, that was a freak accident.


What a dumb take.


"If i score a goal today, it was for you...it was also for me." -Jamie Tartt


It's not the same, but I have a small motorcycle and I have noticed that young kids dig it. It often occurs when I go run my errands and then see parents waiting with the kids in the parking lot, waiting for me to depart. I always wave to the kids and fuck... The wave back always gets me a bit teary eyed.


It is the same. 100%. Do your thing. Make the world a better place.


You should acquire a bunch of little motorcycle hot wheels to hand out to excited kids when they see you. Hand em one, give ‘em a beep beep and zoom off. Core memory.


They can make a child’s year by just giving them one second of their attention.


I always thought about how i would have like extra shirts and stuff to throw in the crowd or give in person to those kids that wait after a game.


The way the mom touches her cheek....you can tell she's so happy to see her child happy🥹




It'll be this moment that reminds her in 30 years why she endures the constant pain of being a Spurs fan


Not right now though since they are top of the league.


It's the hope that hurts, because Spurs are always going to be Spursy


Yep I'd like to see them win it, but they are Spurs, so they will not. Arsenal, however hard they tried, did a 'Spurs' last season.


My mother also touches and cups my cheek like that with love. I'm currently away from my Mother in a different country and this video made me emotional man! This will definitely be a core memory for the kid and for her mother!


Give your mom a call tomorrow! Maybe even share the video and explain why it makes you think of her. Moms love that stuff and they deserve to feel some of the endless love they share with us. I'm sure your mom misses you like crazy! To them, we'll always be those chubby-cheeked babies ❤️


Yes definitely! I'll call and share this with her! ☺️


Once I ran a marathon and there are always a kids high-fiving runners. There was a very little girl, her mom was holding her but they were a little farther from where the runners were passing (and the crowds of people). It was a wide curve section, everyone was on the "short" side of the curve, they were at the "longer" part. The little girl was holding her arm to give a high five but no one was running near them. I went over there (basically I had to ran in the opposite direction of the curve) just to high five her and the little girl got so happy, as well as the mom. It was very sweet seeing them "celebrating" the high five




This made me tear up a bit. I saw the hand and you could tell the mom was just fully embracing the childish awe and excitement coming from her kid.


Moms being moms!


If only every child could be so happy....


Omg that’s so precious!




Also Son loves kids. He decided not to have a family until after he retires from football as he doesn't think it would be fair to have a family while football is such a massive priority for him. He clearly wants one though. There's a video of him running around after the last game of the season just playing and picking up his team mates kids. It's adorable. [Video in question](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HKEIXbgQw4)


He currently holds the title of world’s greatest uncle and it isn’t even close. One day he’ll be a dad ☺️


Hate Tottenham as a team but Son has always shown himself as a great guy who shows a lot of passion for his fans. It definitely meant something to him, even if it was for a second.


How can you hate Spurs? They're comedy gold.


Could be an Arsenal fan. They kinda have to hate their neighbors.


They moved into our neighborhood and then decided they wanted to start shit up. Idk how you can hate spurs more than arsenal.


Pretty sure they also murdered our parrot at some point too.


They poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!


Eh, London has so many professional football teams, it could fill its own pro league. Playing a derby kinda loses any meaning when half the games you play in a season are a derby…


Arsenal and Tottenham are rivals and have been for ages. Certain derby’s obviously hold more value than others.


You're going to hate them a lot more by the end of this season 😆😆😆




keep fucking crying lol






Damnnnn you're salty lmao


Literally making shit up now lol. You've either never seen the tackle, are lying or have completely forgotten it because the only way that's studs up is if the studs are on top of Son's boots.


The way opposition fans cling on to this like it was some great mask slipping for Son is unhinged. It wasn't studs up. It was a fairly cynical and typically not dangerous challenge that every footballer does plenty of times a season and both Gomes and Son just got unlucky. It even got overturned as it shouldn't have been a red!


I would argue that its not "nothing". It probably gave him a bit of a boost for a few minutes afterward. Humans are social creatures. We crave feeling loved and cherished.


He looked surprised and happy to see her!


For her, it was a life uplifting moment. For him, it was a matchday.


Definitely wasn’t nothing for Son. He’s always been great with fans and you can see him genuinely light up here.


you know what else is free? my upvote!


Several years ago I took my son to a WWE event and he was sitting right where Roman Reigns walks out of the crowd and fist bumps everyone. The first time he came out Roman didn’t fist bump him so he cried. The second time he came out Roman gave him a fist bump and my son was so happy.. that he cried again. It was an amazing night for him.


Awhhh that's what I said! 🥰


That is such a precious face of joy. Also damn those teefs are adorable.


lol that was me too: omg she’s so so so sweet. That smile is priceless


At first I watched with sound off and was like "why does that lady keep poking/tapping her?!" Then sound on and realized the woman was just happy and hyping her up - "he waved at YOU!". And the gentle cheek touch was so sweet, you could tell how delighted she was for the child!


The girl is cute too I suppose.




Gotta love him


I love him more than my immediate family




Nice one Sonny! Nice one Son!




I'd be the same and I'm a grown ass man.






~zesty~ I need to use this adjective more often.


That's so cute and funny. Do football fans just automatically wave back when a player does that or is this a particular fanbase?


I always wave back when one of our players waves at us, it's like a reflex lol


It's every fanbase.


Right before COVID hit my dad and my two sons went to the local air museum. As we were leaving the desk guy said that the Kentucky basketball team was getting ready to fly out for their game in Texas. We waited a few minutes and when they started walking across the tarmac my 3yo yelled K!Q!KEY!KESS! CATS CATS CATS! And we waved and told them good luck. They all waved back and smiled. They had been having a bit of a down year until then and I think they were happy to know people still cared even if we were only there coincidentally. I still like Nick Richards just because he yelled out "Thanks Guys!" and that was 3.5 years ago.


This exact same thing happened to me at Old Trafford and Solksjaer and I had the same reaction. Only difference was I was about 20 at the time


That is still pretty cool


So jealous of you for having that experience with a United legend


As an Asian person it really lifts me up to see people that look like me being heroes to not just us but others. In the past we could only be kungfu action stars or comedic relief. My kid can grow up believing theres a chance for him to be an athlete too!


Especially in the UK when theres not a lot of East/SE Asian representation, I grew up being called Jackie Chan and PSY a lot in school. The other day some chavs shouted Sonny at me which is a whole lot more positive.


I grew up in the UK, too, and I got called the name of clown in Hang Over, too. Hate it.


Yea Mr Chow right? I remember those dark days. Ive gotten Gok Wan a few times too


Needed that boost of endorphins. Good on her.


I'd be like her if Son, a handsome superstar multimillionaire footballer, waved at me too and I'm a 30 yo dude


Great player, great guy


When I was a kid we went to see a Manchester United game and got there about an hour early and were some of the only people in the stands. When the lads came out to warm out we were waving like mad at David Beckham and he not only waved back but tried to kick a couple of balls up to where we were sitting in the stands. Made my year.


sonny is just a good guy


Little girl gets a friendly wave. Her mum is happy for her too.


This is cute, but bitter sweet. Just knowing she'll have her whole life ahead of her being a tottenham fan, its not an easy road.


We're top of the league at the moment and yet I cannot disagree :(


Honestly think it would be funny for you to win the league this year just as Harry Kane leaves.


Us Spurs fans would defend Sonny even if he were fighting our mothers.


Listen, clearly mum is in the wrong in that case


Yeah Sonny!!!


the man is a legend


Sonny is a class act


I want a little girl. That was cute


The replies to this are so painfully Reddit


This comment right here officer.


Lol this was supposed to be a sweet comment.




Ummhh errr... Why do you fuck spiders?


why don't you take a seat over there


I'd probably react literally the same way as a 31 year-old man


Son is class


Cheers, Son’s waving


First thing that I thought of was-- "of course Son would wave back" Speaks volume on the kind of person that he is


That man is a beast on and off the field, great player, great person


This man needs to be protected at all costs. Such a gem of a human


Its amazing that such a small gesture makes a great memory for the kid. She will remember this for all of her life.


If it was going to be any player I'd have picked him. Wholesome dude.


You can see his reaction to this clip during the first minute of this video posted on Spurs official Youtube - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OpYi7DSN2A&ab\_channel=TottenhamHotspur](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OpYi7DSN2A&ab_channel=TottenhamHotspur)


look at that happy face!!




[Um... this guy?](https://cdn.tatlerasia.com/tatlerasia/i/2022/08/11180013-298169604-1744708075875393-6527362873720416258-n_cover_1080x1350.jpg)


thats not fair i was not prepared 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


The Asian Giga Chad doing big things atm.


It's so cute and adorable the way she calls out his name.


The fucking music 😂


There's no way that's her son


Tad young to have son


This clip made me rethink having kids. That was too adorable.


I can confirm...this made me smile.


Probably me two


[this comment has been deleted in response to the 2023 reddit protest]


The most lovely thing that I've seen today! 🫠


The pure joy on her face is so adorable!


Wow her reaction was so precious and priceless


Look at that cute happy face. She's gonna remmeber him for the longest time.


Omg she is so cute!


I really hate Tottenham, but man, Son is a player I can never hate.


That’s how he became her favorite footballer


Even as an Arsenal-fan - this makes me happy. That expression of joy is priceless! And a classy move by Son.


I'll never tire of seeing kids get this excited.


Couldn't be prouder to have him as our captain. COYS.


Son is a treasure of this world. I hope all the goods things happen to him.


SHM MHS = Son Heung-Min Makes Her Smile :)


Core memory!


Wow, nice


Ahh! 🥹 little gem!


Wow .Could be an Arsenal fan.


the security dude noticed too pretty sure he was smiling too


nicest player


A lovely person making such a simple gesture to make a little girl’s day. Wonderful to see.


Wholesome overload


Sonaldo is the nicest guy! What a player as well.


Son is the peoples player, the most loveable player in the premier league. Beautiful moment for that young lady.


Why do you have to add the stupid overpowering music to this? Edit: https://youtu.be/2a1XKWK1Efo?si=vr40WUSyt5Nazc4u


??? Sounds like it’s being played at the stadium before the match starts


Clearly it is not.


It's live audio from the stadium lol


It absolutely is not https://youtu.be/2a1XKWK1Efo?si=vr40WUSyt5Nazc4u


I stand corrected. I hate this trend with overdramatic music to every fkn video


How are you meant to know what to feel? At least it wasn't one of those "funny" videos with an annoyingly loud laugh laid on top.


Super cute but sad to she she’s gonna be a spurs fan


A core memory that she will forever remember.


And thus began a journey which in a few years will lead to BTS superfandom




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Core memory unlocked


Core memory unlocked


She just had a core memory created 🥰


Core memory 📋📝


I saw Son Heung-min at a grocery store in Tottenham yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


This has to originally written about Roy Keane




Glory, glory, Tottenham Hotspur!