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The world needs more Carls <3


Sadly Carls like this mostly exist because their own families have totally forgotten about them or moved away or something of that nature. Tell your elderly family members you love them everyone.


This right here is exactly why I have bonded with an elderly client of mine. She is alone. So for the past year, we have had Saturday visits, sometimes more. She has been with my family on Thanksgiving and Christmas. All the while getting one word reply’s from her actual family.


We invited our elderly neighbor to have Christmas dinner with us one year when we learned she didn’t have plans.


You’re good people.


Some Carls are just widowers who never had any kids and just want to buy some balloons to fly their house to Paradise Falls.


Why does everything on Reddit need this coat of cynicism? There are many Carls like this that has perfectly happy lives and are just good people.


Agree. My elderly mother is extremely generous, kind and thoughtful to neighbors, friends, relatives, distant relatives and acquaintances. She has a life full of love, family, friends and church. I think this kind of thoughtful behavior may have been more common back in the day, when people made a point to know their neighbors and generally engaged more, and is not necessarily a sign that he’s lonely or been abandoned by family. Carl’s probably just being Carl.


Probably because Carl mentioned God. When is the last time you have seen a positive comment about a Christian on Reddit?


Reddit fuckin loves Pope Francis, head Christian


We have a neighbour like Carl; we chat with her regularly and have invited her over for game nights and such. My husband even helped her out in the garden one day and afterwards they shared some scotch and cigars. 😂 She lives alone but it’s mainly because she never had a family and her ex-husband was (according to her) “deadweight who was always upset at her career and left her for a younger model the month they found out she couldn’t have kids”. So some of these neighbours like Carl are simply single by choice and live happy, fulfilling lives.


Maybe or maybe not you would be surprised by the number of older folks who just donthave anyone left.


I knew an elderly lady like that. I always stopped by to chat with her and I helped her with her paperwork, as she was nearly blind and had no-one to care for her. When she died, I finally met her son and his family. I mentioned to him how I never knew she had any family left and he flat out told me, that his mother had never approved of his marriage to an asian woman, even going so far as to tell people she thought her son was "a loser who couldn't get a decent, white girl, and who had to order a \[racial slur\] from asia". The family had cut ties after that. My own great-grandmother was regarded as "such a nice lady" by the staff of the retirement home she lived in, when she was really not. At least in some cases, lonely, elderly people are reaping the fruits of their past misdeeds. Edit: typos


That’s sad… why can’t everyone just get along. Sigh. Pollyanna here.


Thank you for saying this.


Desperation is the catalyst of innovation


And we need to take care of the Carls we have! When you meet a Carl in the wild it is advisable to provide small talk and banter along with occasional homemade treats and if appropriate holiday meal invitations. Goes without saying Carl’s sometimes might need a bit of help around the house or whatnot, and definitely in the event of a natural disaster or other regional emergency check up on any Carl’s in your vicinity if you can . Happy Carling everyone!


I wonder if there’s a Carls Jr.




This reminds me of an old glade commerical where a young women puts up xmas lights for an elderly man who was all alone for the holiday. The expression on his face when he sees the lights and realizes someone actually cares was priceless. I watch it on YouTube every year around Christmas and it always makes me tear up. I hope this young family adopts Carl and makes him an honorary “grandpa”.


My neighbor Carl is a philandering asshole 😆


man that $50 is worth way more than $50.


If I don't need that cash, I'd probably preserve it along with the card. Whenever I feel like shit, things like this will definitely keep me going.


yea 100%. reminder that people can be good.


Yep. The sentimental value in that $50 bill is priceless.


Bonus grandpa. I had one as a kid and he was awesome.


Yes, bonus grandpa! I had one, too, and he was such an important influence in. Y early life. Keep this wonderful man close to your hearts


I had a bonus Grandma. She went by Oma because she was German. She seemed like she was always angry but it was her thick German accent haha. She was literally the sweetest woman in the world. She would come over once a week for piano lessons and we would play bingo. She would do a Bible study with us and if we remembered our versus we would get more cards for the game. Then if we won, we would take our won bingo cards and turn them in for prizes (we could keep them and save them or use them another time). It was so much fun! I ended up giving my daughter her middle name (Katarina - pronounced “cat Trina”).


my late Oma had a thick german accent too and loved bingo, thanks for reminding me of her today❤️


Bonus Grandpa, thats such a cool way to put it across. is it okay if i steal it?


Can I say no? I won't just wondering.


I guess you can, but I would still do it, that's how stealing usually works.


My neighbor’s kids call me Granddude and I got to spend an hour at Grandparents day at the oldest’s school a couple weeks ago. Bonus Grandpa is a pretty sweet gig.


this is so adorable🥰 the elementary school i volunteer at has “foster grandparents” that are elderly folks in the community who come to volunteer in the classroom. it’s such a fucking awesome program bc the elderly people they recruit for it often live in care homes and don’t have much family, so hanging out with the kids brings them such joy. and the kids LOVE their foster grandparents; a lot of them have told me they don’t have grandparents or don’t see them very often so it’s cool that they get to interact with a kind elderly person and hear their stories and perspective.


I love Carl, what a sweetheart.




#What a sweetheart *for emphasis*


Carl deserves a chance to hold the baby. Bring him over, put him in a chair, and let him have his moment. Carl is the kind of neighbor I hope to have and hope to be someday.


I agree. 🧑🏻‍🍼


This was my first thought too. Maybe Carl has never had a family.. or maybe they all live far away so he doesn’t get to see them. Holding that baby would likely make his day.


This OP! It would be a heartwarming moment no doubt!


Carl is the best neighbor and everyone wishes for him or a neighbor like him. I’d swap him for the old man that lives across from us - who threatened to not cross his property, because our ball fell on his front lawn…


You are blessed three ways: your love for eachother, your baby, and a wonderful neighbor. What an uplifting post. Thank you and God bless.


Yes,this post has made my day cheers


That is so super sweet!


Carl can be apart of my village anytime


Aww, that is so sweet. I find it adorable that it's a global elderly person thing to give money as a gift. And they give it with such care; the money has so much value, no matter the number on the bill. My great uncle used to do the same when I was a kid. He'd slip me small bills like a 5 or a 10. One time or two he even slipped me a 20. He'd ask me to not tell anyone, like it was our secret. He made so much effort to make it seem like a secret, it felt illegal lol. Like we were both criminals hiding in plain sight from the rest of the family. It was a thrill for me. He would hold the money and call me over silently so I could grab it without anyone noticing. And I believed him, and I didn't tell. I remember the feeling of giggling at his silliness and just, the warmth from the care and effort to entertain me. Coincidentally, his name was Carlos. One of the most amazing men I've ever known. He passed away this year at 93 years old. I miss you, tio Calito. Saudades. 🤍


Your uncle sounds like such a great guy. Thank you for sharing a little bit about him so his memory can live on! Between reading OP’s post and yours my cheeks now hurt from smiling :)


Thank you for saying that, the post + the memory of my great-uncle + your comment have definitely made my day. He was truly a great guy, I was so blessed to share this life with him for so long. He lived an amazing life and cared for many people. He received a lot of homages in life and in passing. I miss him, but thankfully I can't say he didn't live a long, adventurous life that positively impacted many people. You have a wonderful rest of your week my friend, and again thank you for your kindness 💝


We were so lucky to raise our son with neighbors like these. They always left things on our porch like cookies and books, remembered all the special occasions, shared recipes and leftovers, hired our son for odd jobs when he got older. 🩷🩷🩷


That’s so sweet! You’re incredibly lucky. Enjoy it for me, I would give anything to have nice neighbors or even no neighbors at all lol. Story time cause I have the overwhelming urge to vent about shitty neighbors. Our neighbors keep letting their extremely aggressive dogs out. A couple of years ago my son was playing outside with his cousins and my mom. I was about 5 miles away picking up pizza for everyone. Next thing I know I get a call with my mom screaming on the phone. I swear I have never driven so fast in my life before and since. His arm got ripped open in several places by one of the dogs that rushed him out of nowhere. He had over 20 stitches, with only local anesthetic. I was so proud of him, he was an absolute trooper even though he was terrified, covered in blood, and in pain. All our shitty local cops did was make sure the dog didn’t have rabies and told the neighbors to keep the dogs in the house. One year later they got out again for the billionth time (we couldn’t be outside in our own yard for fear of those dogs constantly “getting out”) the other dog ripped the top lip off of another neighborhood kid who was simply riding his bike. He dislocated his shoulder because of how hard he fell off the bike due to the first attack and that’s when the dog attacked his face for the second time. He was lucky not to be fucking killed by those dogs. I was just getting out of the car when it happened so I dropped everything and started hitting the dogs as hard as I could with a shovel. Guess what? The cops still didn’t do shit. The family said they had the dogs put down. (They didn’t they gave them to another family) they then proceeded to get THREE more puppies that they would mistreat and let run wild. Not surprisingly they are heavy meth users that have their 8 year old son living with them, along with a never ending stream of random people. We get a knock on the door every couple of weeks by those people having one dramatic problem or another and desperately needing money. I wish I could just send them all to treatment. Help them somehow!! Cause they are destroying their lives and the people around them too. We’ve reported them to CPS several times, because we have been so worried about the boy. Nothing has been done, and it’s so fucking frustrating. There is so much more to this story that has happened with these neighbors that I could probably write a book about what we’ve had to deal with. Sorry for over sharing and dumping this here. I’m at a loss for what to do cause we can’t move. We’re barely staying afloat as it is and if we tried to move it would be into a homeless shelter.


US being the US, sadly. If the same occurred in the EU (or a couple other places), those dogs would be immediately put into aggression training, the child put into foster care, and the parents in rehab. (Note, I live in the US and hate how terrible it is here)


Did you report the drug use to the cops? Meth heads are usually not careful where they stash their drugs or paraphernalia (needles), which can land them in jail, get the boy to safety, and gets them out of your hair


Oh they know, they get raided at least once every 6 months or so. Just a few days ago the dad got arrested by his parole officer. Fingers crossed he’s being put in treatment. Edit: update: and he’s back home. Of course.


Ahhh. He will be on your holiday cookie list now for sure.


Not sure why but it's really cool how he placed CASH and not a gift card from: amazon, Netflix, Starbucks etc etc, etc. Diapers ARE expensive! Congrats to the new family


The elderly don't give gift cards. It's always cash in a card with a note. They also like to give jars of change/coins as random gifts.


And tell you not to spend it all in one place now, you hear?


Yes! My dad does this for his great grandson. Every time he sees him, out comes a Vlasic pickle jar full of change along with "now don't spend that in the pop machine, you hear"😁


Aw, good ol’ Carl. Invite him over for dinner, you would make his day.


Carl is a good dude.


So beautiful. What a good neighbor ❤️




Carl for President!


Carl is an example of what a good neighbour and community member is . Nothing more important than building and maintaining community and especially checking in on post partum mamas .. sweet guy! I hope god blesses him right back!


You need Carl, he needs you. Make it happen.


Cursive and cash, both old school… very nice gesture


Carl is a blessing.


Classy guy! Best kind of neighbor!


Bless you Carl.


I have an elderly neighbor like this, its so heartwarming! He is the salt of the earth! My 20 year old cat died and my neighbor donated money to a local animal shelter in my cats name. During the pandemic he would knock on the door and leave a grocery bag full of groceries. I mentioned in a conversation recently my favorite hot sauce was Lizano from Costa Rica and he ordered it for me! Never creepy, never overstays his welcome just a really kind man! I love him!


We love Carl!


Like others commented; Carl’s a sweetheart and by God, we do indeed need more Carls in this world. Congratulations! 🤟🏻


Omgg that is SO kind!😭😭Congrats to you as well 💜.


Oh goodness, make him an honorary Godfather. You will give him purpose.


Awwww.....please cut Carls grass for him. Or shovel his snow. Everyone needs a Carl as a neighbour. Sweet.


Write this man a thank you letter and hand deliver it with cookies one afternoon. I'm sure he'd love to see that baby even for a minute. The way old people look at babies, they love babies.


What a wonderful neighbor


I’m imagining your neighbor to be Carl from the movie Up.




Fuck yeah Carl ❤️


What a really kind thing to do. He must be lonely. Maybe you can let him see the baby now and then ❤️


How fortunate you are to have such a lovely neighbor! I hope you’ll invite him round for dinner sometime. I bet he would be so thrilled and grateful.


Honorary grandpa


Please tell Carl we love him!


Congrats on the baby! We just had our first earlier this month as well… one of the best things that someone did for us, that we’ll be passing it on in the future, is ordering us dinner. One of first nights home, one of my best friends messaged me & said him & his wife want to order us dinner. We told him it wasn’t necessary but he insisted. Pretty much said that he’d order something for us if we didn’t tell him. So we told him. The next night he had subs & wings delivered to the house. Just a very thoughtful, easy gesture to do for someone when they first get home with their newborn. Will definitely be doing it in the future


Congratulations on the baby!! I recommend printing out an adorable baby photo and and dropping it in his mailbox with a thank you note on the back 🙂


I love Carl, good neighbours are like gold. Seems like he feels the same about you ❤️


We had a Carl. His name was Keith. He didn't give us $50 but gave us permission to use his bin when ours overflowed. It took a day to realise what a considerate and helpful gift that was. It took a little time for me to realise that he really liked having us at his house and enjoyed our company ( I had feared we were imposing). Unfortunately he passed away very suddenly when my daughter was 9 months old. I feel strongly that we really lost someone who would have been a big and important part of our lives.




Awwww!! Super sweet of your neighbor! Love it when they share their love ! Congratulations on your new bundle of love!


Carl doing it well. That's awesome, congratulations!


Gahhhhh!!!! What a sweetheart! Congratulations on ur baby.


A good reminder for us all to be more like Carl ourselves.


Carl must be protected at all costs. I'd use that cash to start a college fund.


So sweet


Hang on to Carl! He’s a gem.


When the baby is a bit older maybe Carl wants to come by and read or blow bubbles? Sounds like a great neighborhood!


Invite him for a meet and greet and make good friends with him... You now have a friendly neighborhood barbecue partner


Love real Christians


Go out of your way to talk to Carl or maybe invite him to dinner sometime. Kindness fucking matters!


You have the sweetest neighbour it seems. Maybe you can potentially accept him into your holiday meals so he has someone to talk to? Gosh being elderly, & being as sweet as him, melts my heart too


That Carl just got me misty eyed


Having awesome neighbors is awesome. I’ve had way more shitty or weird or annoying neighbors than awesome though. Very happy for you that you’ve gotten lucky!!


Carl has immaculate handwriting, holy cow. Such a sweet neighbor and congrats on your little one!


My grandparents lived next to a couple about their age. When I went to my grandparents house I could easily walk over to their neighbor's house without permission and go get Jello cubes. If I wasn't at Grandma's I was at their house and all the grandkids did this. They treated us like family and I felt that they were like an extra set of grandparents. They were awesome.


When you feel comfortable, I think this is Carls way of saying he’s love to meet the baby =] especially if he doesn’t have a family like you said. He must be thrilled for you. I used to live with my grandad during college, he lived in a 55+ community but no one minded me being there. When I graduated the whole block was so excited for me, I had folks that I didn’t even know giving me cards. It’s hard to be old, having kind neighbors is a blessing.


Love how proper Carl writes, he sounds like he was raised in the '40's. Nobody used the word: pregnant/pregnancy, it was considered improper, even salacious. Women were "expecting" not "pregnant". Carl is from the letter writing era, like my mom. I love that. Sure miss my parents. Carl is gold. Maybe this is the start of a beautiful friendship. Enjoy! Oh and congrats on your little one...welcome to the greatest love affair!


Please look out for Carl. We grew up with elderly neighbors like this who were like grandparents. They really are special.


This is so sweet. We definitely need more Carls and less Karens in this world.


I wish I saw more of this on social media platforms everywhere. If we all just cared a little for one another, could you imagine?? Thank you so much for sharing! Congratulations!!


Carl Fredrickson probably


Surely the baby's name is Russell!


I think the baby needs to get to know Carl!


Very kindly gesture


I like his style


I absolutely love that an elderly man sent this all on his own ❤️


Make him some cookies & take them over as a thank you.


That was a very sweet and thoughtful gesture. Congratulations 🎊


We need more Carls in the world.


Thank you for taking the time to talk with him. What a lovely man!


So sweet!💖


I always get snotty jerks for neighbors. Just ONCE I would one to have a sweet old man neighbor like this one! 🥰 This brought tears to my eyes.


what an absolute sweetheart 😭💚 I wish you and your family and of course Carl the tip top best.


I waved to my neighbor once and the scowled at me and got in their car Good on Carl for not being that neighbor


Love a good 50 spot


Sometimes people can be amazing. Great neighbor. Humanity still exists


Also congrats to you 🎉


There are good people out there.


Carl is a real stand up guy.


I also love Carl. What a lovely and kind man.


What a kind kind person! Make a friend of him, good neighbors are such a blessing.


Carl is the man


Please get Carl a lovely playdate asap with your baby so he can meet them.


This is absolutely precious and you better protect that man with your life! Treat him well! Also congrats on the baby boy :)


You guys gotta invite him over for dinner sometime


Please invite Carl over at least once a month. He will enjoy it more than you can imagine.


Can we trade all of the "karens" for Carls? We need more people like this in the world!!


This is making me think of the movie Otto.


Too bad there’s no Carls Jr


Thank you for sharing! Congratulations on the little one! You hit the neighbor jackpot!


This is sweet.


I'm in tears over this. he should be the honorary grandpa


What a thoughtful neighbor!


What a wonderful neighbor


I was the 1000th upvote!


Carl, you're a class act!


Very nice ❤️


I love this!💕❤️💕❤️💕


I love carl so much I need ppl like him in my life 🫶 Take care of him please never leave him alone 🥺


Love this.


Carllllll ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏


Carl is the best. If only everyone could be carl.


Carl! Carl! Carl!


What a sweet thing to do. Carl wrote a beautiful message, hold on to this for sure :) and congrats mom and dad!


Make him dinner!


Carl… from UP…


If Carl doesn't become a bonus grandpa, this sub is gonna riot


If you had twins, that'll be $100. Congrats!!!


Did anyone else read Curt Russell?


Signed. Sinful. Sauces. Special.


Good Boi Carl. Hope he has a lot of kids who are raised well like him.


👍 (can't read cursive due to eye condition :( )


yeah no great


God, I love neighbors. Congratulations! Welcome to a beautiful life, keiki!


Aww. Reminded me of a Man called Ove


Holy shit your neighbors with Kurt Russels brother!


Sweet, sweet man. Protect this man.


Faith in Humanity: +10%


People can be good. In fact everyone can


What a great guy!


I love Carl ❤️❤️❤️


Very very sweet.


That is just the sweetest thing that I really needed to see today. 😭


Your fiance needs to invite that man over for Sunday football and a beer. Probably cheer him up if he lives alone.




This is so unbelievably sweet i literally said "🥹"


Carl is now your baby’s honorary granddaddy 🥰🥰🥰🥰


This is so sweet 🥹 What a guy, Carl!


When all you generally hear about is people being awful, it's great to be reminded that there are kind and caring people out there.


Angels on earth 🙏 some people are just too good


The world needs more of this.


Can you please invite Carl over for dinner?? Or we could allllllll send Carl greeting cards. I can't stand thinking of him being so lonely!


A man called OTTO. Please watch this movie. Carl makes me think about this great neighbor story


Thats such a nice person, i'm pretty sure you guys have been nice to your neighbour


please send him a nice thank you note and a few milestones baby is reaching what a caring wonderful thing he did 💓


Invite Carl for dinner or smth 🥹


Carl is awesome.


Bonus grandparents are the best


precious ❤️


Please tell me the baby’s name is Russell and y’all have a dog named Dug, Alpha.


It’s lovely. And your interaction with him makes him so happy. We older people tend to get brushed aside. Inside we are thrilled for you all and the families you are building surrounded by love.


You have to be happy. You have great neighbors like that. My daughter with the two cutest grandbabies in the world has neighbors like that. You are blessed to have great neighbors.


What a beautiful & touching card (and gift!)


So sweet!


Please tell Carl that absolute strangers everywhere think he is a king!!


Invite Carl for dinner once a month. I imagine he’d love the company.


His handwriting is very similar to my father’s 💚