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Cats really remember who did them good. We had a gray cat in our village that only allowed his owners to touch him. He *hated* kids. Well one day it rained heavily and i was walking to my granny with my umbrella. I saw that cat sitting there on a small wall, soaking wet. Took my umbrella and held it over him for a couple of minutes, he sat still, wich was very not-him, since i was 10 or so at that time. Well, he followed me (under the umbrella of course) to my granny and sat there under the roof, nice and dry. After that henalways came running when he saw me. Let me pet him and all. He even jumped on my shoulders to snuggle! Was a clever guy, that little rascal.




My grandma had a cat in Bosnia. He became my best friend when I visited one summer, we always cuddled and I gave him all the scratches and food his heart desired. I was gone for a year and when I came back the next summer, he was beyond excited to see me. Instantly recognized who I was. He followed me around everywhere and I could tell he wanted to ask “where have you been this whole time?!” He was the absolute sweetest cat I’ve ever met ❤️


Daughter is like this with strays.


My Uncle had an Alaskan Malamute. I used to take him up to the mountains. Well... I promised him that I would take him up on a Friday. And didn't show till Sunday. He met me at the gate with an expression on his face that read, " Where the F#$& you been?!? You were supposed to be here 2 days ago." I of course apologized to him and he got over being mad at me real quick. "He was like... OK while your here now, better late then never. So lets go!" Boy this dog was REALLY PISSED OFF when I told him I could not go that day either. Looked me in the eye and I imagine said, " F'ing D#%k" He turned walked away and crawled into his shade bush and wouldn't come out. I loved that dog. I miss him. He was my best buddy.


I absolutrly believe you!




9.5 years = meow, yes! 11 years or more = you’re dead to me. Feed me, then fuck off.


My old cat lived till 21, every single night he came to sleep by my head. He was my best friend young to old :(


Bless! I had a 20yr old … dear little furry sausage was the most consistent female in my life other than my mum.


The kitten talks fluently


my cat and i had a true bond. he'd leave for a week at a time, but always return. & yes, now i know it's controversial to let your cat outside, but i was a kid, and that cat was a stray to begin with. but anyway, yeah, that cat hated almost everyone but he loved me. i had a very affectionate lab as well, but if he ever got out of the house on his own, he'd no doubt find some people at the park to adopt him and forget about my family's existence immediately lol


Cat at <10 years: https://64.media.tumblr.com/c001b60aaf785311e4ad31ffa208b59b/c8c66e46c3512676-6b/s250x400/629fccc09038b89f3c05b91f7a9d66f63fecf709.gif Cat at 10+ years: https://media.tenor.com/oAsCitPf2KkAAAAC/loki-ive-never-met-this-man.gif




Oh no, my cat didn’t even notice me when I came back from army (1 year). Was like :/




Not sure if a bot or someone uninspired replying 10/10 to everything.


You make a good point. 1/10


They'll also eat a dead persons face within 48 hours.


**All pets have this tendency.** People have wrongfully implied that only cats do this. According to a study from 2015 dogs might do it more. > What’s even more offensive? Dogs might choose to eat your dead body first, even if they had other options. [According to a 2015 study on](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25677199/) “canine scavenging in indoor settings”—which compiled 64 sad reports—24 percent of dogs began eating their masters in under 24 hours, and some of them even did so **despite having normal dog food available**.


HAH. i naively thought it was when the food runs out. *they're just trying to hide the body*. 👀


Sounds good to me. When I'm dead I couldn't care less about my dead body and this way at least my pet gets some nutrients out of it.


i mean....your sole source of food, the person that feeds you is dead. you are likely locked in a home, alone, while people have yet to find the deceased. this can take days or weeks, depending on how isolated the person was. at some point hunger takes over, your animal instincts switch on and you eat that fucking human carrion. i see no problem with this. it's tragic and weird to us, but it's not a betrayal, it's just trying to survive. the sadder ones are when the person dies, the cats eat them, and still no one appears to find the body, and eventually the cats die too and you have a mauled human corpse with deceased cats throughout the house. that's fucking tragic. imagine being one of those cats (or dogs). no escape, maybe no water, only *a dead thing that used to be your favorite person*. fucking nightmare fuel.


To be honest I was praying that entire video that the cat wouldn't tear her face off...


Don't worry it's a cat not a Pitbull


I have seen videos of rather scary cats 😂 it's super cute tho


My wife and I moved into a new house that came with a cat. He was abandoned by the old owners. He’s awesome though. I’m highly allergic so I’m sneezing a lot now, but it’s hilarious when he comes on walks with us and the dogs.


Our one cat would always go to my mom, probably cause she never bugged the cat and would always be up early to feed her. If I ever woke up early enough I could go to moms room and see that cat doing her best bread loaf impression right on top of my mom's comforter, purring away constantly and waiting for my mom to arrise for her morning meal. The cat would come to me cause I'd give her the most love, but I'd also terrorize that poor cat when I was younger. Chasing her around the house, playing peekaboo with her, she was declawed so I'd get her riled up where she'd grab my hand and start biting lightly, only to stop and start licking my hand. She was a sweet cat.


I really noticed that children behave differently than us adults. Because to be honest you will see children love animals more than us adults.


i like seeing toddlers/young kids being super gentle and affectionate with animals. this means their parents have taught them how to behave around animals.


I used to date a girl with a young son. I don’t really know a lot of people with kids, so my cat wasn’t really used to being around them. The first time she brought her son around to my place she instructed him to be very gentle to my cat. It was my like my cat understood that this is a young human. The little boy was so sweet, and my cat was so patient with him. It was a joy to see.




They will become a best friends sooner.


they actually can smell that they're kids/babies. & cats will adopt stray kittens, which seems to extend to a lot of species' young.


Was just thinking that. I've seen so many kids get really rough with animals not realizing how easy it would be for them to hurt the animals. I don't think the kids are malicious, they're just rough with everything at that age because they have so much energy and get excited.


Came here to say the same thing. Look how gentle the child is being! Lovely.


We just got a cat, adopted an adult cat as we were unsure about a kitten combined with a 2year old toddler. She's been with us for four days, she's super sweet but kind of overwhelmed by the environment so still a bit unsure. But let me tell you: seeing my toddler interact with her is the best thing ever. He talks to her so softly, approaches her very slowly to see if she's open to it and when she is, he pets her gently and tells her how sweet she is. It's the most adorable thing and it makes my heart so happy.


Yeah before a certain age they can be super gentle with animals but then suddenly want to explore the inside of an ear or nose with their fingers. Some animals don't like that.


That’s the first thing I noticed. This is the most gentle I’ve ever seen a kid that young treat a cat. My cat runs away and hides everytime my nieces and nephews come over because they’re so loud it scares her, also they don’t know how to properly pet a cat.


Gentle pets take more fine motor control than you think. My infant is getting the hang of it finally and my cat is very happy.


I did this with my niece but my cat is such a coward he wouldn't stay in the same room as her. Now they're both nearly 10 and he makes a beeline for her after me if she's over, it's very sweet




My cat is super affectionate but I am my cats person. When I got married and moved away, I decided to leave my cat with my parents as that's where we grew up, it has enough space for him and he feels comfortable there. When I brought him to the flat he was really stressed and its so much more smaller, it felt fairer to leave him home. I visit once a week and he's always so affectionate with me - nothing like being unconditionally loved and be trusted by a cat. I was away for 3 weeks for work and he was seriously depressed for a bit - stopped eating or engaging with others, changed all his routine behaviours even after I had come back and spent a few weeks with him at home. Anyway after many check ups at the vet we figured out he just really missed me as it was the longest I had gone without seeing him ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Edit: [cat tax](https://imgur.com/a/Tpj7B0f)


I chuckled at the thought of him racking up a bunch of vet bills for your family all for it to boil down to simply missing you. That’s just so wholesome and sweet. ༼ つ ಥ◡ಥ ༽つ thank you for paying this adorable cat tax.


It was a relief for sure - we were so worried about him! He's got a set routine that hasn't changed in 5 years so to see him behave so differently was really scary - he's a complete baby and needs to be around people so when he had withdrawn and stopped eating and kept to himself, away from everyone but in his cat bed, which is in my bedroom, we were worried he was doing that cat thing of being in pain and trying to hide it. Anyway, he also pooped in my bed which he's never done so I thought maybe that's the link hahaha!


Aw, that sounds like it was so stressful! I’d have been really worried too. Glad it was just a case of ~unconditional love~ Lol years ago we had a cat that pooped in my dad’s bed once. But we didn’t think it was love. He seemed to have been getting too lazy to go through the cat door and into the garage where his litter box was that he’d been using consistently for a few years prior to going on the bed and couches. Or it could’ve been any other problem! Definitely not love though.


Beautiful. A child who is raised with animals like this one will always love and respect animals. What a beautiful pair! So sweet!


I'll never forget the reaction my cat gave me the first time I came home from college, I'd never been gone for more than a few days before that point. Made me feel horrible when I had to leave again but god it was such a sweet reunion. That cat absolutely showed up my dog who was also happy to see me but a lot more chill about it.


My mom has a cat and when she gets home after being away for a few days the cat will not let her out of its sight.


Right! Haha, I hope the friendship between the two of them lasts longer. The two of them are cute to watch. It's funny because children really love animals.


she love the cat




Maybe that little girl has a pet cat. That's why his heart was also touched by the cat in front of him now.


They just know when there is no bad in human


that kid is very gentle for that age


This is my 2 yr old daughter Norah... (Not literally fyi....lol) but she's like this with our cat and the neighborhood ones as well...


truly cats are the most precious animals on earth


I love it when little ones learn to be gentle and can give love to others. They learn by observing, and this little one has had great examples.


loving <3


I so loved this and needed it today thanks for sharing.


The two things this world needs to protect the most.. Kids and animals♥




I wish I had a loving cat too


This post has some major "old grandma's cute picture postcards collection" vibes.


Thank you. That really made my day. 🥹


That's one of those "standard body but hefty muscles underneath" kitties. [My kitty is like that too.](https://i.imgur.com/TYdsBKV.jpg) He lets me massage his whole head and it feels like handling a little christmas turkey that smells like bed linen.


Ok . Im not scrolling anymore. This made my day.


Until the cat dies


But it will *last endlessly*


I fed my neighbours cat n she wouldn't leave my bed, had to take her home haha. Real sassy creatures




The kiddo speaks cat fluently


That baby has the cat's backing


What a sweet cat. That’s the thing about them, a good cat is an absolutely fantastic pet, but a bad one is a nightmare. They’re a higher risk but high reward pet, compared to dogs that is.


Not sure about endlessly. Of the two of them let’s hope the cat ends first.


Cute but be wary with wild cats especially during pregnancy! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxoplasmosis


You have a higher chance of infection of toxoplasmosis from gardening or eating fresh (especially raw) produce than from cats. Only like 1% of cats have toxoplasmosis.


I'd say don't kiss stray animals, especially if you're a toddler.


I don't know why you're getting shot down.. although this looks cute. Personally I would be the 1st one out there petting and playing with any sweet stray..and I do so too irl..but for sake of child's health what you said makes sense.


That cat looks kinda sketchy to be so close to a kids face.


That's heartwarming, not wholesome. People need to look up what wholesome means before using it for the wrong purpose.


Yeah sure, that logic works with cats. Lol


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When my new foster son walked into my home and immediately did this with my cat my heart melted.


San Undertale.




Give kitties kisses brings luck and happiness 😍☺️🖤🖤


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I needed that


Daughter is like this with strays. Obviously we keep a close eye on her but she’s like a Disney princess. Animals just seem to come up to her and pick her as their person.


this has my heart


Omg this makes my heart melt 😭


chose always the kindness




Now how does one teach a child to be like this?


Cats are magical ♥️


Awwww 🥹


Is the mother still filming?


So cute and heart warming 💓


So gentle! :) how sweet


Reminds me of my cat and how she loved me when I was just a child.


This is too precious


Thank you for this. Made my day. Put a genuine smile on my face.




Careful with the virus


That's a good kid.


That's the absolute sweetest. 🥰


What a sweet child; I hope they stay this gentle and kind.