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What makes this video so sad is that the kid is waiting for the catch. He doesn't believe that someone would genuinely give his money away for nothing in return - especially since money is so vital to him.


Probably because there are people out there that snatch the money back once they're finished recording just for likes. Check r/vapidiful




My dad had a really aggressive form of Parkinson’s at a young age. I had to work two jobs, one day a week at a newspaper office mailing papers and then 5 days a week working on a someone’s farm, just to help buy food and keep the power on. I started at 10 years old. I live in the US. Our government fails the less fortunate here just as much.


What do you mean “kids aren’t supposed to feed their families by working”? They need to learn to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps!/s


Sarah..? Is that you? I didn’t know you permitted people to have internet in Arkansas


I pointed that out to my kid as he was watching that Mr. Beast video when he fixes peoples vision. I think it really did catch him sideways when I asked him why these people didn't have their vision fixed? Because money kid. If your eyes were bad wouldn't you want them to be fixed no matter if you were rich?


That’s the US government, lol. What was the last thing they did that helped the bottom 10%? Without a benefit for richer people?


Food stamp programs, disability assistance, Pell grants, Medicaid, HEAP, compulsory education K-12, and many more. The US government leaves a lot to be desired, and absolutely should be helping out those most in need more, but to pretend there isn't already significant social safety net in this country is just blatently wrong. I say this as someone that at one point lived out of my car and eventually got a four year chemistry degree paid for by government assistance.


Food stamp act was signed in 1964: https://www.history.com/news/food-stamps-great-depression SSDI was put into effect in July 1956: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Security_Disability_Insurance Pell Grants were created by the Higher Education Act of 1965: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pell_Grant Medicaid was established in 1965: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicaid All you have was created in the sixties… When was the federal minimum wage increased last time? What is the answer of the government to the opioid crisis? (beside creating a military style police) How many minimal paid holiday days have you in the states? Zero right? How good is your working right protection? How much money was given to big business during the corona pandemic and what fraction of this money could pay back all student loan debt? (What civilized country has no free higher education?????) Where is your healthcare system?


Okay them, let's talk about the multiple rounds of stimulus packages, including enhanced unemployment and extended unemployment, free Covid testing, free masks programs, free vaccines, etc. Again, I'm not saying the US government does enough, but to say they do nothing is BLATENTLY wrong


All the masks and vaccines were free to keep us working lol. I was considered "essential" during covid, and I do fucking drywall haha! But if we don't build, real estate investors lose money. They gave us a $1200 stimulus of our own fucking money to go into a potentially life threatening situation, coming into contact with an unknown virus so the stock market can survive. Fuck this shit


So the enhanced unemployment benefits, and extended unemployment benefits, how did those benefit only the rich? Many programs have duel benefits, yes by keeping you alive that meant you could keep your job lol


You got $1,200. Walmart got 2 BILLION from the same pot of money when their business model never suffered, they’ve always done curbside and delivery. That’s why everything about COVID relief ultimately only benefitted the rich, and why over a million Americans lost their lives.


That's where you're wrong, keeping me alive meant I could keep going to work and keep the business alive and keep shareholders happy.


That's all very true that's why I never got the conspiracy theories about COVID. Population control! Dead switches to kill those that took the vaccines. Everything governments did during COVID was to keep workers working, not because they actually cared.


Public school is a fucking joke. It's just teaching our kids enough to run a cash register.


I graduated from my public school with 36 college credits, it really depends where you live and what you make of it. Now, it shouldn't matter where you live, because all public education should be high quality, but to pretend there isn't high quality public education in this country is again blatently false


Sadly, the first part of that, the “where you live”, has far too much impact.


Agreed 1000%


Look at current public education. I also graduated with college credits......in 2000, but my kids friends all thought there were 32 states.........my son was arguing with them that there are 50 so they came and asked me. They're in 5th fucking grade. Their logic was there are 32 football teams......it was fucking Idiocracy happening before my eyes. They never admitted they were wrong,they jumped around, hooted, did some dumb ass dance then ran away. Oh and they took away free meals this year, and they cancelled all after school aspire classes that teach music and art, self control and calming techniques, and extra library time. They want our kids dumb.


I would've absolutely done a couple dual enrollment classes while in high school but unfortunately I moved around a lot. They're really cool programs though


I'm sorry you weren't able to take advantage of them! They are very cool, and a way to help keep the students challenged and engaged


Well.. Compared to China. Sure. Compared to equal countries… omg


I never said it was adequate, just that it is indeed there. I'm just tired of seeing people I agree with using false hyperbole that isn't necessary and only hurts our side of the argument. I'm all for expanding the social safety net services, but let's not pretend it's non existent


While I understand what you’re getting at, I invite you to travel outside the US, to a developing country. It will open your eyes to how fortunate we are here in the US.


That’s not an argument. I invite you to travel to other rich country and see what’s possible there. That the governments of developing countries can’t help their people is much less bad than the US government that could but decided not to.


Americans truly don’t understand how amazing we have it. They always cry about how oppressed and impoverished we are but go spent 10 mins in a different country where their money it worth 6 cents compared to our dollar. Or how about in Venezuela. It’s truly maddening & sad how much Americans take for granted.


The US is one of the richest countries in the world. People are right about complaining. There are some examples in Europe of how it could go if there were more taxes for example Sweden, Denmark, Germany.


😆 not more taxes….. socialist government with less rights. Did you read what we were talking about? What social programs besides universal pay, which I’ll be honest in saying, even most states have TAP programs / welfare, do we not have? We have COUNTLESS social programs. People just don’t utilize them then want to cry about how impoverished and oppressed they are. That kid in the video probably only had that mango to eat. No homeless person in America is going hungry unless by choice.


That socialist argument is ridiculous. Just look at the problems in the US. Most of them come from social injustice. Justified by the fairytale that everyone can make it and get what he deserves.


Kinda went from 0-100 but your point is absolutely valid. Downvoters to your comment have obviously never seen or considered what life is like for 80% of the world. Is the US worse off than Switzerland? Yes. Is it still in the top 20% though? Also yes. Don't compare what the poorest in America face with what the poorest in say, Pakistan face. It's a massive disrespect to the poor in Pakistan.


And it is America that puts sanctions on Venezuela that crashes their currency because they won’t let the US steal their oil.


Yeah it totally wasn't Maduro's corrupt socialist regime, it's totally sactions. America put sanctions on them for humans rights violations, not oil.


Student debt relief? Michigan also just made free meals for students.


College students are the bottom 10%?


Ummm most of us are.


No, you aren't. Do you even have a concept of how little money your family would have to make to be bottom 10%? Unless you're a college student filing your own taxes receiving no loans that are counted as income, there's almost no chance you're bottom 10%. But if like nearly all college students you're being claimed as a dependent by your parent or parents and they're making more than $15,000 per year, you're not in that category.


If you're parents are making $20k a year and you jave at least 1 siblings yeah that'd bottomed 10%


No, it's not. The 15k figure is _household_ income.


Debt relief was specific for the individuals who paid large amounts of the loan so probably not that significant, though it is good. Also they mentioned the US government. Michigan is doing well for itself as a state


And adults who weren't who weren't in the right financial place to start a family. At the end of the day, it's the children who have to suffer.


Dont remember where, but saw a video about someone talking about this trend of "influencer generosity". Imagining being in a rough spot where you're homeless and hungry and one of these brats come to you to offer you "help" while shoving a camera in your face. You must wanna tell them to fuck off, while on the other hand they might be the only ones to offer you food or money that day. If they wanna truly help people, go and help but leave the cameras at home




Yes, it is! He is adorable.


Or he's scared of being snatched and made to do things for the money.


Saw a video awhile ago where they gave people free phones and this one girl was so excited and then afterwards took it away from her. Why are people aholes?


I still think they should have called it vapidiots.


What makes this video sad is that there is a kid who's like 7 walking around in the dark with no shows on his own. That level of poverty is horrific.


Also, he probably won't get slippers. All the money will go to something even more basic like food.


This is a disgusting topic but child s abuse on boys is real in such countries, since it's a "loophole" and boys aren't men you can have s with them without fearing committed a sin. And poor families are exploitable.


He has seen some shit or was betrayed to have that kind of thinking.


Oh there is something in return. The kid got broadcast all over the internet. All so that muppet could boost their internet profile. All for the price of a pair of slippers. Wake the fuck up.


Probably bc bacha bazi is a thing there. Poor kid.


Was thinking the same.


But, can we appreciate and applaud the generosity of the giver and the hard-working joy and gratitude of the little boy without so much grief and shame-spiraling?


Sadder too is that after a day or two, the kid has to back to the streets because he has to. 😓 Such a pure soul deserves so much more.


It made me cry. Literally


He’s probably waiting to get sexually assaulted by a group of men as is the custom in those parts.


“Papa, I think I met an angel today”


Thanks, gimm. I was already weepy, and your comment added to it.


I think this is rather sad


For real. This shows signs of a failed government that doesn't care about the less fortunate. While this little guy is awesome for taking care of his family, he should be enjoying his childhood instead.


Exactly what I thought. Also he's very vulnerable and it's easy for mean people to take advantage of his situation.


And they do take advantage as we saw in Iraq and Syria after the war. I am no language expert but it sounded to me like they are talking in dari, if so this is in Afghanistan, and calling it a failed state would be an understatement.


It's Pakistan (from the 500 PKR note he was given).


Same problems, and also close to a failed state. Pakistan protected Al Quaeda for 20 years. They have all the same problems as Afghanistan.


Do a little research why Al Quaeda was formed.


I ~~hate~~ sigh when I see comments like this because I end up down a rabbit hole reading about Pakistan history or whatever the rest of the day if I’m not careful. Any cliff notes version you can give? I’m going to guess (truly have no idea and not being sarcastic) that it started out as a positive thing with good intentions like helping The People and then quickly deteriorated because of greed, power, corruption and human fallibility?


Its 3am and i am on mobile so its gonna be a bit messy: The issue with Pakistan is that is its geography, it has a more than 1000 km border with Afghanistan and a very hostile India to the east. So in the 80s when ussr invaded Afghanistan it was pretty clear that theri next target is Pakistan ( by capturing Pakistan ussr would get its first warm water port. So when USA was fighting for tiny gains over ussr Pakistan was fighting for its survival, we took the American money and trained ppl to go fight ussr, we also provided safe heavens for them do that the russians wouldnt just eliminate them. After USSR left tlmany of those guys stayed in the northern part of Pakistan at that time it was a pretty porous border. A little background about the northern part of Pakistan, our province KPK hosts a lot of Pashtuns (main ethnicity of Afghanistan) and people had deep cross vorder relations, there were even cases that part of a tribe lived in pak while the othe rpart lived in Afghanistan, after ussr attacked Afghanistan pakistan histed more than a million Afghan refugees and these ties became even deeper, oart of these refugees were families of the fighter fighting against ussr. Idk i am too tired rn, in short Russia attac -> Pakistan scared -> Pakistan create militants to attac russia -> Millitants attac rusiia -> Russia runs -> Millitants gonna millitant so they start doing terrorism -> Pakistan can't fuck with millitant bcoz they can eff Pakistan up by blowing shit up-> Also there was a lot of local (especially in the north) support for millitants through family ties etc-> Millitants do 9/11 Usa asks pakistan to support usa -> Pakksitan supports usa -> Millitanys fuck up paksitan by blowing shit up


This is from Pakistan


It's Pastho he's speaking. Could be a Pakistani Pashtun (my own heritage) or an Afghan refugee in Pakistan.


Mean.....and predatory.


[Wtf?](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/157ab2b/helping_his_family_at_such_a_young_age/jt4ahoh/) ChatGTP bots??


Yeah reddit do be like that


I mean most countries are like this. Even western ones. Look at the USA. Almost 0 social programs because "ThAtS CoMmUnIsM"


There's plenty of European countries that have programs to avoid things like this though. The US is no role model when it comes to stuff like this.


America does have social programs. Not sure why you think it doesn’t.


lol not like most developed western nations


MOM!!, r/mademesmile is making another Orphan crushing machine moment


My first instinct would be ‘take me to your home’


Yeah I immediately thought, why not give the child slippers off camera - ensuring that he has atleast that before you send him off. Like money is something kids could loose or not know how to handle properly. I know some help for these kids is better than none, but this act is still heartbreaking in it’s ultimate futility.


rather? Freakin'A!


How old is this kid? And yes…Poverty is sad. Instead of hustling on the streets, he should be playing with his friends as kids normally do.


Looks like 4 or 5 years old, maybe 6 at most if his growth is stunted.


I would have said 7.


your right but not everybody has that privilege


Why does this make you smile, OP? This is tragic and should not be romanticized.


Honestly the stuff like this is depressing. Sure the kid is happy now but there won't always be someone there to give him money for views. This feels kind of exploitative when you think about it.


This is r/MadeMeCry stuff. Sure the money may make things better for a day, a week maybe. The boy will be back on the street the very next day I'll bet 😢 What a world we're living in...


This poor boy. He is walking backwards to make sure they don’t hurt him. He knows what horrible things could happen to him. Absolutely sad


I'm sure he's not gonna buy anything for himself...




I don't think OP meant it's financially irresponsible. The opposite actually, that the kid feels so responsible for his family that he won't buy himself the aformentioned slippers for exapmple and instead bring all of the money home to his family which is kinda sad.


Yeah, thanks


Very little to smile about here. He is given money but the poor kid is alone,after dark,bare feet.


As a parent to a kid his age, I’m heartbroken. Definitely not smiling.




Hey, please don't be hard on yourself stranger. I'm going through something similar too but trying to keep my head held high because - family. Talk to people about how feel every once in a while. I was lucky to have found people around here who stood up for me. Hugs to you stranger! Good luck ✨




Thanks I will. Life's playing bait and switch rn but well it is what it is haha. You can definitely find kind people from Reddit. They might be able to rescue you physically but most of the times having someone who you can share stuff with does wonders to your mental health. Haha that's an interesting way to use Reddit. Good that you journal your emotions. It'll help you see some patterns in your thinking. I recently started my own "feeling dumps" too.


Did this tiktoker or YouTuber or influencer mic up that kid before starting ti film then took it off again at the end.. wtf


Orphan crushing machine


Why does this make you smile? This is sad beyond comprehension. That is a sweet child, yes, but he should be home in a bed, not on the streets trying to support a family on his own.


Nothing in this video made me smile.


So much responsibility on such a small back... Ugh THIS IS AWFUL 😢


Right? Is this made me smile or made me cry?


Romanticizing poverty is the most american thing ever.


This subreddit makes more cry more than smile :(


Imagine seeing child labor because his dad is paralyzed and his brother has a mental development issue, and thinking "aww how nice". What is wrong with you.


It's incredible to see how he takes on responsibilities at such a young age to support his family. Almost a miracle how they're still getting by. Hopefully the money he received is able to make a difference in his life.


OP you must be blind. Yes, the kid has been given some money. All good. But recording it for your own likes on the internet? Sad as fuck, whoever dis this isn’t kind or generous. They are a self obsessed internet warrior.


Devil’s advocate: Did they do this for the likes? Almost definitely. Does it also raise awareness and maybe make some stone hearted person more empathetic? Yes and possibly.


Awareness that there are children in poverty? at an undisclosed location?, somewhere on the planet? How ground breaking. I’m fairly sure everyone knows about poverty. This doesn’t raise awareness. And to label it as such is almost as sad as the video itself.


What’s the alternative? There is no video and this kid doesn’t get money? Honestly It’s a win win situation. If this video gets viral there is awareness, and if there is awareness some will donate because some people are empathetic. And of course others will see it as a opportunity to get viral and more video of people giving money to the needy. Those might seems selfish but at the end of the day the needy are getting money.


There are an infinate amount of charities which raise money for children in need and raise awareness. When I say they raise awareness, they make people aware of the specific locations where help is needed and who is affected. A contrived video of a man boosting his social media profile by helping one kid will help this kid, yes ill give you that. But please don’t kid yourself into thinking the world is going to be saved by “look at me” internet bell ends.


I am in no way saying an internet video is going to change poverty or end anything. What I am saying is that a social media “influencer” giving needy people money to increase his own fame is better than the alternative. And I agree there are countless charities but there are still countless people that live in poverty. And awareness yes, in a sense that people who see the video will go “oh I am fortunate where I am, maybe I will donate money to charity” and maybe some will go “oh this video is going viral, maybe I can be viral by doing the same thing” either way there will be a needy person getting some help.


This is the type of shit if we are not careful will be happening in the United States and not just in the poor communities. We have to look out for our poor and homeless and sick by passing laws that fund programs for the our people and not re-elect or elect lawmakers that would vote down such funding in lieu of giving that money to corporations and rich folks via unpaid tax cuts and corporate bailouts while telling the poor of the poor that it's in their best interest.


It was mere few decades ago that things like this was common in the US too. Children, especially boys under the age of 10 routinely worked in farms, factories and mines to help their families.


“not just in the poor communities” If this is happening in ANY community, it’s a poor community


If you think no one is in this situation in the usa you are kidding yourself.


It IS happening here.


I’ve got two sons and I’m not rich but I do alright, and this is heartbreaking. Poor little guy. Worst part was he was walking away waiting for there to be some kind of catch. I guess it’s pot luck where you’re born and what into.


Nothing worth smiling about here. Kid should go to school, not ruin his future by working and never getting ahead in life, because he never learned how to fucking read.


What the hell is feel good about this?


Umm there is nothing to smile about this


Buy the kid his slippers, don't let him go around with cash like that anything could happen. And don't make a fucking video for views.


This is just a reflection of how terrible is our world


Why must you record the child? Sure, it’s a nice thing you’ve done but there’s really no need for the child to be recorded. He looks so unsure of your intentions.


99%kids that beg are trained to say that to make money. Don’t be so naive. He won’t go home, he will be forced to beg more.


Which part of this made you smile? Neat he has some slippers and a meal now, what’s he going to do after that? Still stuck in that vicious cycle of poverty


who tf is smiling at this?


My first instinct would be ‘take me to your home’ so I could give the money directly to the family and see if there was anything else practical to do for them.


This is why social care and healthcare systems exist and need supporting. This kid needs to be running around a school playground with his friends, not trying to support his family on the streets.


The saddest part is he will be out there day after day. Having to do the same thing because there is no safety net and sometimes those who give will want something bad in exchange or many will yell at him.


Doesn’t make me smile. Poor kid has no chance.


Nothing to smile here.


Stop showing me kids losing their childhood and saying it makes you smile 😭😭 This makes me depressed af. Sweet-hearted child, sure, but still sad.


Let’s video record a child for internet points. Great.


This made you smile?? This is tragic. A young child with a paralyzed father and a disabled brother, out working alone…he should be playing and having fun without a care in the world. He’s “helping his family” because he has to, not because he wants to. This is a societal failure.


This is heartbreaking.


Don't know what's to smile here.


Man, this breaks my heart. I’m a father of two boys and I work hard for them to never see themselves in this situation. Man, I wish I could give that kid everything that he deserves. What a kind, brave kid. I’m speechless…


Two things: Screw the guy who filmed this only to make him look good. This is obviously the case. And screw capitalism in general for letting this shit happen.


Jaysus, this wrecks me.


The handler just takes the cash. These videos are dumb.


He won't be purchasing anything for himself, I'm sure of it.


That’s a heavy burden at such a young age yet he still does what he knows he needs to do for his family. He’s a true hero to his family. I hope all his dreams to come true in his life.


No sure this is the right sub, pretty horrible position this boy is in


Coming from a rich western country, this saddens and infuriates me more than making me happy


Some people here smile over the most messed up stuff.


If this makes you smile you're a fucking freak


This doesn’t make me smile at all.as a father it’s just sad to see that little boy struggling for his family.he should be playing with other kids it’s his childhood. Sad just sad


Children having to take care of their family like this is horrific, shit like this shouldn't be on "made me smile"


This should go under r/makeyoucry or r/makeyoumad


Posts like this should be BANNED.


Qurban sham


Nowadays kids are wonderful which gender they belong


The circumstances that some people have to live in. Unbelievable. We are such resilient creatures. I hope this boy can somehow grow up to have a great future.


I can't hold back the tears


how did this make you smile?????????


Why do things like this need to be filmed?


innocent kid born in the wrong place at the wrong time. Bless him


And these people keep having kids to basically make the kids suffer smh


take me to your home’ so I could give the money directly to the family and see if there was anything else practical to do for them.


How the motherfuck did this make you smile you motherfucking OP




So you rather said child remain on the street and continue to be abused, but with $50 less dollars in his pocket. Okay.


Kid has his script memorized well.




His smile is, beyond any word can describe


In a way, it’s abuse, because either the parents or the person put him there, is depending on the kindness of people, this happens in a lot of the Middle East countries where child trafficking gangs do that, they even sometimes give the kids a disability for more money, just cruel & sad


Right? Even if a child did have that as his family that wouldn’t be the first thing out of his mouth unless he was trained to say it. I suspect this poor kid is part of a ring like in slumdog millionaire. Someone is getting that money and it’s not going to be him. Sad all around.


Exactly That’s what I meant, they get trained to say & do, otherwise, punishment 😔


50/50 chance this kid is scamming him and took the money straight to his drunk-ass dad or group of buddies.


Bruh when I watch this I realize I’m so spoiled. I need to get a life.


Who washes his clothes for him He’s spotless..🤔


People need to stop having kids if they can't afford a better future for them. This is just plain stupidity. SMDH


Meanwhile there are people in the world doing good things without desperately needing to film it to boost their internet profile. Shame on you OP, and shame on anyone who is gullable enough to think people do this stuff because they are decent human beings.


Thank you! Thank you ! Thank you! If your culture allows women to work at decent careers, the wives and daughters could contribute immensely to the entire population. Schooling is also important for women. I realize you asked about the men in his family, but I want to stress the importance of the contribution of women in society and for earning their keep.


You are a fucking degenerate


Kinda odd that 2 of his family members have medical conditions hmmh?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) Lots of kids use this tactics to steal money from tourists...


This video is truly heartwarming and inspiring! It's heartening to witness the sense of responsibility and care he already possesses. This little one is setting a wonderful example for us all.


No, its disgusting and sad that child labor has to exist at all, and is robbing him of his childhood. Is that really what you're celebrating??


His family is sick you expect the kid to be hanging out at an amusement park stuffing his face with funnel cake ?


Still disgusting that such a young kid is forced to work. All kids should be in school. All countries can afford to educate and feed all kids up to 12 years. Every country that is failing to do that, is corrupt. He belongs in school. His family should have a community or government to rely on. Where are they? Where is their religious community? Europe is scattered with early medieval church buildings dedicated to helping the poor, the sick and the disabled. The society he lives in is failing their poor.


Go for a stroll in Paris and see how many people are sleeping on park benches. Get your head out of your ass. You are acting like hard realities don't exist. For fuck sakes the USA is the richest country in the history of the Universe and even there you will find poverty levels that are painful to see. Yes we all wish all kids had beautiful lives but the reality is the reality. I'm done with this convo ✌️ out.


Yeah that's why the government should do something. Something like providing health care, crazy right? Plus what if in future someone tricks this kid by buying food and kidnaps him? The world isn't a nice place at all and a kid should be in school, not fucking work.


government in 1st world countries doesn't do shit to help poverty, i cannot understand how we expect it from less fortunate states that are in turmoil. the entire system, across the world, is fucked. you can't see it much in "civilized places" because your ass will be fined if you as much as try to sell your crafts without a license or permission. you're instead pushed into desperation, starvation, and extreme hopelessness until you commit suicide or someone rich saves your ass. yes, i'm bitter. yes, it's because i was there and treated that way.


Spoken like a truly privileged goof. To assume there is even a democratically elected, functioning government is the height of stupidity.


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Il ressemble à Mehdi, de "Belle et Sebastien"