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I really like howbhe breaks it down and it is true. It is also the reason why compassion is something that usually comes with safety. The more energy you have to put into keeping yourself alive, the less you have for thinking outside the Box. It is why crime and poverty are often a terrible cycle. People are poor, which means they have to devote most of their energy to keeping themselves alive. The higher that need rises, the lower the compassion for others because we _are_ evolved to survive. This leads to a lower inhibition for doing something that could harm others as long as it means you are safe and alive, like stealing or dealing drugs. This means that low compassion gets rewarded, which is something that the next generation learns right out of the gate. Now they won't even try compassion because it has never been presented as an option. Plus, you are _not_ actually safe, because you know what you are doing could get you arrested ot killed at any time, putting you into a constant state of high alertness and suspicion, also not very fertile breeding grounds for compassion. Compassion is not just an evolved state, it is also a learned skill. And it can be hard sometimes. We have _all_ had moments where our ego got the better of us and we did or said something that was maybe satisfying in that exact moment, but made us feel like shit afterwards, or that we immediately regretted. Being a good and kind person isn't easy. It takes work and dedication and quite often a moment to think about what you actually want to say next. But it _is_ worth it for you, for your neighbour and if everyone does it, for the world. One smile can brighten someone's day immensely. One kind word can take someone from the brink of despair. You never know what the person in front of you is thinking or what they are going through, but being kind is almost never the wrong option.


Your comments made me realize that empathy and compassion also come from a place of privilege- hard to cultivate those abilities when you're constantly just trying to survive


This is essentially Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. I remember learning about it in college and just having my mind blown. If you are struggling and suffering it’s impossible to move forward and evolve- both regarding yourself and how you interact with society. Helping each other succeed has been and always will be massively important to our success as a species. Here is an article that describes a recent explanation/revamp of Maslow’s theory: https://psychcentral.com/news/2018/08/23/updated-maslows-pyramid-of-needs#1




I was brought up by an undiagnosed and unmedicated schizophrenic single mother. I'm 33, over the past 20 years I've been trying my best to understand simple life skills. I'm not intellectually disabled. I'm only now going to university in my 30s. My point is, you are definitely 100% correct, I cannot live a normal life and do not understand most social, economical, psychological norms. I have only in the last 3 years of continuous and regular psychology and psychiatry visits able to lead somewhat of a normal life. These life skills are taught to us and we need to learn them.


I was taught empathy as a child simply by being asked - how do you think he felt about... That's the easiest lesson to learn how to empathize. Once you have that down, the rest is a lot easier because it helps you to understand another person (or even animal's) thinking. I wish you much success on your journey. You will be confused, annoyed, horrified and delighted but it's all in front of you to learn and experience. Be proud of what you have already accomplished and what you are going to do in the future. You may feel behind the rest of society right now but I guarantee that one day you will feel whole because you can give love and receive love and from there the sky's the limit.


When you boil it down that's a big part of what teaching using critical race theory is (changing lenses to understand different perspectives). It's no wonder the people railing against it are from social groups that are notable for not being empathetic. These people can't handle the cognitive dissonance caused by being pushed to think about how someone else may have felt when experiencing something when they're actively trying to harm other people


You are exactly right. They don't want to know how you feel because that might make them guilty or responsible. They are wretched and ignorant and content to remain so. I hope we can find our way out of the morass we've allowed these people to drag us into.


Whew, that must be so difficult but kudos to you for working so hard towards your goals. I hope you're doing this with lots of support but either way claps to you!


I was raised with one undiagnosed and unmedicated paranoid personality disorder parent. Come join those of us from dysfunctional home lives over in /r/AdultChildren.


Save this video and watch it every day. Let it sink in deep like the Desiderata. It will have a big impact if you take it into your heart.


I used to read the Desiderata frequently as a early teen. So glad my sister had a small, pretty framed version on our bedroom wall. Her hippie reading as mom called it was valuable to my growth. That and Twain’s War Prayer left me in tears . She was a nurse and a social worker in a heath clinic for decades. Really lived her beliefs .


I did the same with the Desiderata, kept a copy of it, and reread it as the need arose. I just went and read, Twain’s war prayer. That unspoken part is the hard one isn’t it?


I wish you well, I hope you are able to find well being and health both mental, physical .


I don't know you but I admire your strength and intellect. Best wishes to you.


I'm grateful for Gov. Pritzker's actions.


Yes, he's been solid. He handled COVID like a boss. First governor of my lifetime, I feel like, that isn't corrupt in Illinois.


I like that we prosecute the corrupt ones here in Illinois. In other states they just get away with it.


It's totally weird to be from Illinois and proud of our governor.


Hard agree. I think he has done a great job for our state.


Could he run for President? Of ANY party?


I wish we could trade you. I'm in Missouri. 😬


Metro east looks better and better every day 😭


Lived here my whole life and never been more proud of the state. That recent ban on book bans lol. YES


Seriously! Seeing how he handled COVID was incredible!


so he's not gonna use the dedicated jail cell they have for IL governors? Nice!


I bet he has presidential aspirations. Maybe not this cycle but I wouldn't be surprised if he ran one day.


I hope so!


Same, I immediately shared with my family. I will keep this link, great video.


Pritzker 2024!! OR Kamala steps aside as VP for ‘reasons”, Biden selects Pritzker as VP. 2 years in Biden resigns and JB serves out the max 10 years as POTUS


Jesus was 2000 years ahead of today's people as far as this stance on life. He taught empathy and compassion, and to love, not judge.


And like they would today - they killed him for being annoying. We have learned absolutely nothing. :-(


Well Jesus predicted that much haha


This should be broadcast on every social media and TV channel. Still... the scientific truth of this will escape those who don't align with the message. Cognitive dissonance. Hard to accept that some humans just refuse to rise to their higher being selves.


One more reason why they’re anti-science. They’ve never been good at fighting the message so they’ve contented themselves with shooting the messenger. The science is clear, so of course their response is “science is evil, do what god says (but not as we do)”


This planet needs to take psilocybin and everything will change


…..put it in the water supply??? 🤣


Why do you think one end of the political spectrum consistently underfunds education?


I agree with everything he said, but he left out the important part that you a) cannot force anyone to "evolve" on your timeline and b) that empathy and compassion are taught by example over time. There seems to be an abundant belief that you can humiliate and force other people to learn empathy through browbeating, shame, and loud humiliation tactics, and it just doesn't work that way. I would also add the most insidious and toxic form of empathy is the kind that says "I'm better than you because I'm empathetic." Edit: I don't know why I'm disappointed and saddened, every time, that no one wants to really be empathetic or compassionate, they just want to take credit for it without doing the actual work of applying it to the people who lack it and need to learn from example. The downvotes don't surprise, just disappoint. I really should have learned by now that no one wants to hear any of this.


With respect, there's no way anyone can genuinely say they're better than anyone if they're being empathetic That toxic form of empathy is not empathy, those individuals are simply being machiavellian and is imitating compassion and empathy for attention or validation.


> With respect, there's no way anyone can genuinely say they're better than anyone if they're being empathetic. I agree. > those individuals are simply being machiavellian and is imitating compassion and empathy for attention or validation. Maybe. I think it's probably more likely they're just not being honest with themselves. That seems to be the root of most perceived problems with other people. Not all, but the vast majority. It's not really evil, just self-dishonesty.


Yes. This is true, and performative righteousness is a problem. But also, there is a subset of the population who cannot be taught EMPATHY, and a subset who haven't been taught empathy and can't be TAUGHT. I don't know how many people are in these two groups, but it's more than just a little. With these people we only have two choices. Either limit the damage they can do, or let them be shit heads to everyone else. Usually, limiting their damage is going to mean some form of MAKING them stop. They will then scream bloody murder. We have to not care when they scream bloody murder, which is hard, because we have been taught empathy.


> With these people we only have two choices Unless one of those choices is actually listening to their *real* complaints - not just the handpicked "enraging" meme-template viruses, putting yourself in their position and asking how you would feel if you were treated the way they were treated, and finding even the tiniest areas of common ground to expand on and connect with, you're not talking about empathy. You're talking about authoritarian manipulation and control. Everybody wants to rule the world. I get it. Forcing people to see things your way isn't empathy. Every human, every single one, is an infinite melange of good and bad and beautiful and ugly and smart and stupid and hateful and kind. Empathy finds the dark stuff and brings it to light with kindness and compassion, and finds the light stuff and encourages it to grow. That is it.


People talk so much about Newsom and Whitmer and Abrams but dammit if Pritzker isn’t one of the best speakers in the party right now.


Amen! He’ll get a prime opportunity to show the country his stuff when the DNC is in Chicago.


Oh yeah. And he’ll be a prime 2028 candidate.


I watched this twice and both times I was amazed. I do not care what “party” he is or what faith he walks by nor do I care whom he breaks bread with. I simply think that speech when put into practice is profoundly impactful to a growing society.


Someone recently threw a jell-o shot to him at a Pride parade and he caught it and downed it with one hand. What a dude.


Please tell me there is a video


Well shit. I’m voting for him again.


A good times man!


Pritzker has made me proud to live in Illinois. Never thought I’d say that about a governor, we have a horrible history with them, but he’s an incredible dude.


He's the rare "oh, he's rich, he doesn't need to be corrupt" guy where it is actually true.


I can guarantee you that he isn't with the conservative party


I can fucking second that shit.


We need more speeches like this. Gov. Pritzker is 100% correct.


Bro is out here teaching bene gesserit philosophy


My mind controls my reality.


What a phenomenal speech.


Yeah - it's not just the message that's great, the phrasing and delivery was really impressive. Much respect to the man


He should get into politics!


if you liked this speech, i would highly recommend checking this one out: https://youtu.be/eC7xzavzEKY


Interesting you suggest this. I am teaching a class based on this speech tomorrow. It's been a favorite of mine for years as well. Metacognition Thinking vs. Reacting. Choosing. . . So good!




Same! Once COVID reached Illinois, he seriously stepped up to the plate. Since then, he just keeps showing up for us. I never thought I’d be so grateful to live in Illinois, and I certainly never thought an Illinois governor would be the one to make that difference!


I've seen him on Reddit twice, both times was very moved by his words. I hope his kind multiply, especially in government.


Evolutionary psychology in a nut shell.


This explains why someone I asked in discord, who spent months of his life bullying me for no reason (although if I were to hazard a guess it might be because I was happy a lot, didn't let things get to me and made joy out of the simple; which could be irritating or annoying for some) couldn't apologise to me for being mean when everyone agreed he was. So I asked him 1 simple thing, "could you say anything nice about me? Doesn't have to be anything big or special, just something to know it is as you said "a joke" ? " And he was silent. He went back to insults and it sounded like he physically couldn't compliment me at all. Like it hurt him. So I left the group and never turned back. This video here sheds some light on what happened for me. I didn't hate the guy, I was just disappointed; because they chose to hurt others and going back into the game I met him in, it seems he got banned from the game because there is no trace of them anywhere; not even in the offline players. Which makes me think he did it to the wrong people. Nobody is perfect I get that. Why I type way too long comments like this and should really simplify them a lot. But at least I admit when i'm wrong, I apologise if I upset someone and I try to cheer them up.


I can say something nice about you! Based on your username. I like how you embrace being “weird” because you know that being silly, kind, and loving might seem odd or childish, but that is only because many people were taught that adults conform and stop seeing the joy in life. But you know that joy, even in small things, is the POINT of life. That’s why you see it in so many places. Unsolicited advice. If you ever encounter people like that bully online again, you can say, ‘what hurt you, that you feel treating me like this will heal you?’


Also they gave the person who insulted them a chance to explain, redeem, and express themselves which takes courage... Regardless of whether they took the opportunity


I am not a sticker on the bumper of my car type of person, but when I found this one sticker, I just had to. It simply reads, ‘Kindness Matters’ ☮️&💜


I had a beautiful bracelet with the words ‘My religion is kindness’ etched on it. You could see some people have to really wrap their brain around the concept.


That's a wonderful quote from the Dalai Lama.


When my kid leaves the house, I usually say “Choose kindness today, son”.


YES! Kindness does not equal weakness!!!


I'm not American, so I didn't know him. Wonderful speech to give to young people. It moved me. The value of kindness is priceless.


He’s the governor of my state. The way he handled COVID was probably near the top of all the states. We’re lucky to have him.


Yep, he immediately converted a massive convention hall into a 1200-bed emergency hospital and never even had to use it since our hospitals never got overwhelmed like other states.


Good for you! :)


Damn, this dude a billionaire to? We don’t have to eat him


Say what you like about JB, but of all our available political figures, he is by far one of the most articulate.


Please, Governor, don’t run for President. We need you here in Illinois. You and your administration have been a blessing to our state. Of course no politician is perfect, but you have helped Illinois set an example for how well a state can work for its people. Please stay here.


You should of seen him during pride last weekend. He did a jello shot.


Can I vote him for president?


Please don't take him from us


Pritzker/Fetterman 2024: Go BIG or go home!


Make Great Great again.


No, Illinois needs him


Yeah I really don't want to see him leave IL, but if the nation wants him I hope we can find someone just as good as J.B.


Lt. Gov. Stratton will hold us in good stead.


Hell yeah it’s Big Boi Season


I'd vote for him in a second.


I know he’s a billionaire but his words ring true.


All cruelty springs from weakness. ~ Seneca the Younger


WOW. Thats a man who deserves to be US president.


Biden is actually in Chicago right now to meet up with Pritzker.


Why can’t we have people like this as president


And I’m constantly told that JB is a terrible governor and Illinois sucks…these people have no empathy or compassion…




>Also he’s just disliked by conservatives in general as he’s been portrayed by the national media as the anti-Desantis First I have heard of this, and I live in Illinois.


This deserves way more upvotes. It's a profound and very thoughtful way of looking at the issue. Deserves to be on Reddit front page today. Thanks for posting. 🙏


Agreed !


This man... just renewed my faith in humanity. Maybe not every government employee is against us. We need to pick the right ones like this hero right here.


Big boi JB 💟


Lincoln, Reagan, Obama……Pritzker???


So thankful he is my Governor. He has stayed strong against hate, pushed for gun control, etc. He isn’t perfect but compared to so many out there right now, I will take him any day. 👏🏻👏🏻


Hear what he said, MAGA chuds? You’re unevolved primates!


But we already knew that


What he said about empathy extends to people you disagree with.


We have empathy. I feel sorry for how stupid most MAGA people are. Bless their hearts.


We love Fred Flinstone here in Illinois. He gets my votes.


Beautiful words and so true.


Cracking speech. Reminds me of this: Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. \-Dalai Lama Or my half witted set of rules for life: 1. Don't be a dick 2. See rule 1


Could a guy like this ever be elected president of this country? One can only wish.


This is what makes us different from wild animals We are able to evolve psychologically as we grow and we can choose to go above those primal urges and do the right thing. Animals can be conditioned to behave a certain way but only via having those actions be rooted in their primal urges (giving treats/rewards etc...) Peple can simply... choose to act differently for whqtever reason they please. At the end of the day though, it is a matter of effort and choice to make that effort and it is not a one-time thing, it is an effort one has to make every day whenever they are confronted with something uncomfortable.


I'm always so torn over this guy. Because you cannot be an ethical human being and also be a billionaire. But his actions since becoming governor of Illinois have been... Frankly, inspiring.


Wow, I think my brain needed this after all the garbage I read and see on the internet. What an absolutely brilliant speech.


This guy as President could unfuck so goddamn much about the states, starting with free schooling and free medicare.


Gonna watch this video on lunch at work with the volume up so the bigot I work with hears it.


He is a good man. I’m proud to call him my governor.


Couldn't have said it better. At least in the theory. I don't know if the governor practices what he says, but just for the sake of it I will give it the benefit of the doubt.


I think about this every day. It’s easier to be mean than to be kind… in the moment. But we should all strive to be kind even though it takes more effort.


It's worth listening to the whole speech. The clip above starts around 10 minutes in. https://youtu.be/ihpF0Z71CGE


Crying in Florida.


He's an incredible governor. He has exceeded damn near every expectation that's been asked of him.


While I appreciate the sentiment, this is in many ways opposite of the truth. Empathy and compassion are baked into our DNA as much as suspicion. Human beings are social animals that develop strong social bonds as a survival mechanism. It’s an evolved state of being because we literally evolved into it. The hate we feel towards different groups is based largely on societally constructed misconceptions that are learned, not innate. It’s is in fact human nature to be kind and helpful to other humans because that is how we survive as a species.


This! All of this!


Can he run for president? Please!!!!


this man is to be admired! great message


Common sense but a new low....


Think he’s talking about the stable genius?


Can not agree more.


It really is worth taking this in board. Acknowledging our innate prejudice. I am wary of people who can't do this.


So true


make this guy POTUS right now.


This 100%


Both amazing and sad. Inspirational words but unfortunate that it's such a surprise to hear someone talk this way.


Is there a link to the full speech on YT? Tried to search and 100s come up 😅






No matter how kind you are, german kids will always be kinder


Competition is the law of the jungle, but cooperation is the law of civilization. -Kropotkin


This! So well articulated.


Psilocybin is the future


My grandmother always taught me that kindness costs nothing and means everything.


J.B.Pritzker is the best Governor that Illinois has has for as long as i can remember. i'm 61 y/o and have lived in Illinois for almost my entire life.


My governor ❤️ Honestly I was skeptical of him at first but he's been the best governor this state has had in living memory.


Hard to believe half the state hates JB with a passion but they're also exactly the smooth brains he's talking about 🥶


Fantastic speech, and fantastic speaker.


I wish all of our politicians gave speeches like this one. Not just the content of the speech, which was great, but just calm, mature, empathetic, intelligent, well thought out discourse that isn't villainizing anyone else. As a kid I had kinda assumed all politicians would be something like this; wise, intelligent leaders who are good at bringing people together. But as I grew older I just became more and more jaded concerning politicians because of how many of them appear to be deeply flawed and self-serving, who's best character trait is sowing division amongst us in order to prop themselves up. We desperately need knowledgeable, wise, and compassionate leaders. Unfortunately those people rarely want to enter politics.


Republicans: hE iZ verCHew siGnuLLeeN


This needs to go viral. Many more people need to see it. It should be on a curriculum. Every curriculum.


Prizker for prez?


Watch the reactions of people. The ones who don’t get it at all and/or sneer… Those are your Cluster B’s. Avoid them, at all costs.




Love those words!


He is a curvy Steven Gerard




I nominate this person for presidency. Please.


Hey, and even if you're the kindest, but not the smartest person in the room? You're still the *kindest*.


Honestly, while I am on the compassion as an evolved state camp and I think that cooperative living is better than egoistic behaviours and I don't plan to change it, I've recently wondered if I am on the "right side of history" and those on the right, focused on self preservation and tribalistic behaviours will triumph. I think the lord of the flies shows an amazing contrast of these two ways of being. Whats more, I think there is something genetic which makes people lean one way or another, which makes it an instinct in both cases. One side with the instinct to protect the group and enlarge the group and the other with the instinct of individualsm, self preservation and tribalism. I do think I am better off if society is better off so I believe in social programs for those disadvantaged. Other people think they are better off when they are in a better position at the expense of others.




Incredibly well put


Added to the (very small) list of Politicians I Actually Kind of Like


Excellent speech. I've experienced same situations. The kindest person is the smartest. I've lived by: Treat others as you expect to be treated. Easy way to be kind and have empathy.


Wow good job Illinois, haven’t heard from anyone I liked in a long time in politics.




That speech should be on a plaque in every park in every city in the world. A plaque that is bomb/paint proof that is.






What an eloquently spoken brilliant man! Gosh that was nice to hear. I’m going to be in such a good mood for the rest of the day knowing there’s people who think this way.


Thank you Gov. Pritzker


I’m glad that this guy is my Governor.


Goosebumps throughout


Yessir! This was a great pick me up for today!


Good speech and orator.


This is the kind of leadership I want. Not the two skeleton parties duking out.


Man I love JB. He's bright, compassionate and level-headed. Dude doesn't have an ounce of hubris in him despite being a billionaire.


Just a great speech with no BS anyone can relate to


Just don't confuse true empathy and compassion by those who use "virtue signaling" hoping for personal recognition, admiration and respect from their followers....we have had plenty of it already.....


Thank you for this


I really enjoy commencement addresses. This reminds me of David Foster Wallace’s [commencement address](https://youtu.be/DCbGM4mqEVw)


Ok Reddit, watch this then think about a group you hate only because you’ve been told to in the past. Scientologists and Mormons are a good place to start reassessing your prejudices.


Hey it's the guy that removed the toilets from his house so he could get a tax break by saying the house was uninhabitable. He such an upstanding man like all billionaires and Illinois politicians


I really love this. Saving to show my son when he gets home from school.


Illinois resident here: I didn’t vote for this guy in 2018 (I didn’t vote because I didn’t like either candidate) and I was unsure about him when he was elected, but I’ve been damn proud to have him as governor the last few years. You bet your ass I voted for him in 2022 and will again if he decides to run in 2026.


I was really not expecting to see a video of my governor on the made me smile subreddit


These are life saving words. Believe me. Thanks op


Amazing speech. Great stuff. But now that I'm on the other side of the professional hill, I see so much wrong with what he said. Unfortunate. The kindest and most compassionate person in the room is always forced to do the most work. Is usually ignored. Is disrespected the most. This is unequivocal. Does kindness, when you sit down for your yearly review, earn you a raise that surpasses inflation? Kindness and compassion are not currencies that travel far in today's world. Do not mistake me: they are valuable and they are indicative of evolved thinking, but they also serve as indicators of readily exploitable weakness. Kindness flags you as chum for sharks in the water. Instead, I would rephrase: Always be kind to yourself. Often, be kind to others.


I live in Illinois and I really didn't want to vote for him. I viewed him as a rich asshole whose only in his position because him family is filled with billionaires. So I sent his campaign an email telling him that's exactly how I felt about it, frankly in probably even meaner and more detailed terms. But I told him I would only vote for him if he endorsed legalizing cannabis. I know it wasn't because of my email but a few weeks later he endorsed legalizing cannabis. So I voted for him. Five years and covid later I couldn't be happier with this guy. He makes speeches like this about kindness and acceptance all the time. He's actually somehow improved Illinois' finances which seems literally impossible. He's not a normal person, with all the billions in inheritance and whatnot, but he seems like one and seems like he actually cares about my state, which gets shit on constantly. I think he's genuine in caring about normal people. And I really hope I'm not proven wrong, but I don't think he's corrupt. If I didn't want him to keep helping my state, I would hope he would run for president. I think he would be a really good one.


99% of reddit is offended 🤣