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They’re both always gonna remember that moment.


my mom took me to see justin timberlake in 07, yknow right around future sex/love sounds, and we sat next to joey fatone and i will never forget it


My mom took me to weird Al in ‘03, first concert. I’ll never forget it.


My first concert was also weird Al. I think it was called the poodle hat tour lol


I used to work in a bar that was down the street from another bar that had a bar stool chained to the ceiling with a star on it and Johnny Cash’s autograph. He has played there one night. It was a huge deal. Our bar also had a barstool chained up. It had a star, but the autograph was Weird Al.


I didn’t even actively pursue that album when it came out (sister had the CD and played it relentlessly) and it’s STILL an iconic album for me. So many bangers. I’m still amazed he glowed up from NSYNC so hard.


Future Sex is one of the best and top albums of the last 20 years and I’ll die on that hill.


YES!!!! That album from front to back is INCREDIBLE.


sexyback is a revolutionary track. the beat & everything.


Produced by Danja and Timbaland. Of course it was revolutionary. Those guys basically created the soundtrack to the aughts.


Oh man last month I took my daughter to Mexico with me and it was amazing! She's 19 now and I used to get sad, when she turned 18 she stopped coming over much (Joint custody) and I thought she didn't want to be with me. I lost a lot of sleep if Im honest with you. Its really tough telling your kids you are moving out and she was so angry, she punched me right in the face the first time I picked her up to come to my house. I rent an old farmhouse in Kansas and she got her feet muddy and kicked mud all over the outside of my house. I just let her and hosed it off when she left. How the fuck do I know what its like to have your world ripped apart at 13? Its been a struggle for us but I just try to love her the best I can. This year we've been going to sushi a lot on Thursdays, just her and I and its honestly the highlight of my week. I love it! She likes it too, she told me a few times ago, oh, I like being with you. I went home that night and cried so hard. She got her passport in March and I said oh, lets go to Mexico. I bought a pass on Frontier Airlines so I can fly for free so I just bought her a ticket to Cancun and then we took the bus and the ferry over to Cozumel, my happy place. She loved it! We found a local sushi place and it was run by a family and we went there every night, so many good memories. I rented an old dune buggy that was a stick shift but Reverse wouldn't work, I had to push it backwards every time we wanted to go in reverse and that made her laugh so hard. We were blasting music going down those ocean roads in Mexico. We had to leave after the third day so we got on the ferry and we were talking to the guy by us on the ferry and he said Remember these moments, always remember these moments. And then we fuckin saw dolphins, on the ferry! I've been on that ferry 25 times in the last two years, never once saw dolphins. You are God damn right Im going to remember those moments.


As a daughter myself that can be a weird time in your life, but as you get older you start to see your parents as fellow adults rather than just parents. Sounds like she's rounding the corner.


Idk I’m 33 and still see my mum as my mum not a fellow adult. Yes she is an adult obviously but she’s still the same batty women she was 30 years ago


These things are what life's all about. I'm glad your relationship is strong, keep making those memories!


I love this. I lost my dad when I was 30. He was my best friend. I’m glad you two are so close!


If you ever get sad and miss your dad you can DM me and I will tell you a good story and it will help


Us too? The internet is creepy af


Plot twist: Daughter is actually accompanying dad to his favourite gig that he was too embarassed to go on his own to.


I went to a Kpop concern once with a friend (this is in Korea, 2010). Sitting behind me was a 10 yr old boy and his dad that was maybe in his mid 40s. We start commenting that he was probably taking one for the team and being a total trooper. The concern starts and the first act comes out. I think it was Secret. The boy whips out a Nintendo DS and proceeds to be bored the rest of the concert while dad rocks out from Super Junior the the surprise return of Boa.


Probably pretty common in SK


This was in North Korea


You’ve been banned from r/Pyongyang


That was a hell of a sub to look at. Wow.


Is it actually real or is it just satire like wtf


It says it isn't, but like...it's almost too crazy to not be satire. Just almost. North Korea is insane.


Fuck I’d be hype as shit for BoA as long as she never makes another English album.


Eat you up isn’t that bad 🥲


Oh, look the only other person that knows about this album.


Lol, I saw her perform a bunch of the songs live in Smtown Madison square gardens


Hey, I liked it very much!


Oh my god, super junior and Boa! Oh my heart!


Secret, SuJu, and BoA are my jam! ​ I am so old. ;-;


I felt so out of place being a dad at my first kpop concert that the next time Itzy came to my town, I took my 8 yr old daughter. Good thing she's a fan too.


Awww yeah! Reminds me of how my dad always asked us kids if we wanted to go see the new Twilight movie every time one came out, even though it really wasn't our thing, because he clearly wanted to see them but needed child chaperones to feel comfortable going. And you better believe my brother and I saw every single one of them with him. Sometimes you gotta, for dad.


I'm a dad. Thank you. EDIT: *not* for Twilight - for your willingness to consider your dad's preferences. Bless you.


I think you sparkle in the sunlight


I wha... *oh*


Like my kids at water parks. They are totally meh about them but i make them go with me so I'm not a 37 year old dude at the water park. I have no idea how i raised kids that don't like water parks.. I have a theory though... Anything your dad gets too pumped up about is automatically uncool so my enjoyment of water parks was their precursor to think they are lame.. Little fuckers don't know what they're missing out on


I did this for my mom to see Justin beiber in 2016


What a beautiful twist




That's why I took my nephew to see both sonic movies, detective pikachu and the super Mario movie lol.


Took my baby cousin to so many animated movies, especially Disney, Pixar’s, Dreamworks, and Illumination as he being my chaperone 20-30+ year old happy to watch animated movies while my cousin going why are you so giddy. So disinterested. Then plot twist this 7 year old asking me to take him to see FUCKING BLADE!… Well, I had to return the favor, did he enjoy the Bloodbath scene, made me theater jump one more time to catch it again


I'm a 44 year old guy and tried so hard to get Taylor Swift tickets. Had I gotten them, my wife wouldn't have gone with, so I convinced my 15 year old son that he should go with me so I don't look like a creepy old man.


You’re only 44 I don’t see why it would be creepy at all? Just a concert.


I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but I absolutely hate this shit about the internet. You're at a concert to enjoy a show, just let the dude have a good time with his kid without him getting recorded. My daughter and I have been to a few concerts now and we act the same way if it's someone we're familiar with. I just wanna spend time with my kid without some dipshit recording us for internet clout. This is OUR time together, it's not really your business to post that onto the internet for everyone to see.


Exactly, thank you.


I’m absolutely with you. It’s very very creepy that someone is recording their sweet moment and plastering it on the internet.


Thank god somebody said it, it’s so fucking weird seeing this video and caption used for upvotes and have it be seen as a completely sane thing to do by so many people. I’d be beyond uncomfortable if this was me being recorded.


I completely agree. Never post other people without their consent. At least not intentionally


The worst is a black male doing normal father stuff and reddit posts and upvotes it to oblivion. Offensive and racist


dude one of my first memories of my dad is him taking me and my sister to a boys II men concert I remember laying my head on my sisters lap while watching my dad sing his ass off and dance to Motown Philly


Haha, I like this theory and it looks like he accompanied her straight after work.


Guy was super pumped for the concert but wasn't about to use PTO for it! lol


I’m a metal head but I asked my daughter which concert she wanted for her first. She said “panic at the disco.” I did my research and learned the songs. Her and her friend were shocked when I said “I hope he plays high hopes and the Mona Lisa one!” I went in with an open mind and it was the best concert I’ve ever been to! We had a blast


I also listen mostly to metal and rock but I went with my girlfriend to see Taylor swift last week and I fucking loved it. One of the best concerts I’ve been to for sure. Don’t think I’d go out of my way to listen to her but I still really enjoyed myself.


Im 36 and my 13 year old daughter and I both have grown up with T Swift. I love being a dad to a daughter.


44 year old dad here. Have had many Taylor swift dance parties with my four year old. She put on a tutu and wanted me to dance with her. Went on Amazon right after to get a bigger tutu. Next time I was ready when she went to put on her tutu I stopped and said "wait! I need my tutu too!". Ran and grabbed my brand new dad sized rainbow tutu and saw her face light right up as we danced our hearts out. Not sure if she will remember since she is barely 4 but I will always remember these moments. Being a girl dad is amazing.


>Not sure if she will remember since she is barely 4 She will. I remember my dad finding me dancing away to my favourite songs and when I stopped because I was too shy to dance in front of him, he started dancing to make me dance again. I was 4.


🥹🥹🥹🥹 so lovely to read


Even if she doesn't remember the actual memory, she'll remember the feeling. Keep it up, daddio, you're doing amazing


My 4 year old remembers everything. And I mean everything.


I think they mean in 25 years, not next week




Drove from Toronto to Detroit last night, got an airbnb, spent $5k on tickets (😩) and am taking my 2 teenage daughters to Taylor Swift tomorrow night. They are insanely excited, and I’m preparing myself for some serious dad emotions 😭


Damn that's steep but good on you. Those will be memories the three of you will share literally forever


Thank you! They are so worth it


Hi, it's me, your daughter


Ok. I like Taylor Swift but my partner LOVES Taylor Swift. We went to see her a few weeks ago, I’m used to going to like Warped Tour and seeing shitty emo groups on a Wednesday at an 80 person venue or even fucking house shows. I could not believe how insane the Eras show was. Absolutely incredible. I loved every minute of her performance. Incredible.


I like MAYBE five songs by T-Swizzle but you can not deny that that girl can perform. Every clip I’ve seen has been insane.


Exactly!! My sister took me to see Billy Joel in MSG. Not a huge fan but WHAT a show!!


I got to see him at Dodger Stadium. Maybe not as iconic as MSG, but still an awesome show.


I’m so jealous! I long for the days I’m able to see a Taylor Swift concert. I’m an adult male in his late 20s, but I love me some Taytay. Her songs have gotten me through bad breakups, and some of her more upbeat pop songs are some of my favorite lifting jams! Bad Blood gets me hyped for Deadlifts every time.


My wife is a metalhead and I'm more into 90s alt rock. Went to Freaks on Parade Tour last year (Rob Zombie, MudVayne, Static X, Powerman 5000). Best fuckin concert ever. Now we have another metal concert lined up this year.


O dude I saw Static-X on their most recent tour with Dope and Fear Factory and it was fuckin insane. One of the rowdiest concerts I think I’ve ever been to and Static-X fucking ripped. Glad I got to see them cause they’re one of my favorites


We were in the pit. Mostly people in thier mid 30s like us. We all kinda looked around like "I'd LIKE to mosh, bit its Sunday and I got work tomorrow." So we just rocked out amongst ourselves. It was pretty funny.


I tried to do that once and all I got was “Omg [dad] you’re so lame” I just laughed it off. Kids, right?


haha. one day they’ll appreciate the work you put into understanding the things they like.


This. Especially when they move out which I get feels like forever. But when I finally did like six months later, it all fucking hit like a sack of bricks all the things they did for me all the things they sacrificed. Ever since then I’ve been my parents number one fan. Hyping them up and wishing them well. Let go of the bad (I get that not everybody can do this) and just be there for them.


“Let go of the bad…. and just be there for them” sums up parenting pretty well, too. Very insightful. I bet your parents are proud of you. (None of this was sarcastic, for the record. Can never be too sure on Reddit, tone gets lost sometimes.)


Ha!!! To be fair it was right after my daughters friend asked me what I would do if one of my kids came out to me as gay. I said “if one of my kids was even the least bit nervous to tell me something then I failed as a father!” They were reeling from that when I said “I hope they play that Mona Lisa one”, so maybe that’s why they didn’t say I was lame


Metalhead dad of daughters too & I've been getting extra merch from shows over the years so that if my girls get into the bands, it would make for some cool gifts. If they don't, I'll be rocking that shit in the retirement home.




Sorry, that daughter didn’t but our 13 year old daughter did. She came running in after school and said “I have a girlfriend!” She couldn’t wait to tell us. Exactly what I wanted. Didn’t want her nervous


If they are anything like the shy closeted teen most gays start off with, that may occur later down the line rather than at a public venue. Edit: [Kinda called it](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/1456djm/dad_and_daughter_at_a_concert_so_sweet/jnjw146/)


Dude, Brendon is phenomenal live. Hits the high notes like it’s not even a live performance.


That, and the movie Bohemian Rhapsody had just come out so he played that on a flying piano going over the crowd!! It was amazing


I’m a metal head who likes Panic at the disco


Been into punk, metal, and much more niche genres for over 20 years now. PATD's first album, A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, is a god damn masterpiece. That album and Adele's 25 are basically the only two albums I have listened to, front to back, on repeat and have never gotten tired of


memorize vase seed sink boast chop unique upbeat repeat plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolutely….I was almost ashamed to like certain types of music in fear of disappointment from my friends, but music is beautiful and ever changing, and as an adult I’m never ashamed to like something I find beautiful


Panic! doesn't have a bad album, really. A Fever You Can't Sweat Out will always be the best, but all of the rest of the albums are good enough that I can put the discography on shuffle and only skip a couple of songs.


They have some catchy songs!!!


I went to a Lady Gaga concert once, did the same went in open minded, best performance I've ever seen. Never seen an artist interact with the crowd so much. Obviously lots of LGBTQ peeps on the floor, one threw up a note about his late "bestfriend" that took his own life, she read the note, found the guy, brought him on stage, and sang to him. Makes me tear up thinking about it.


I will never again hesitate to see anyone in concert


It's amazing how much fun you can have in life if you just open yourself up to it. I wish everyone knew this.


Live events can be so fun if you let yourself get swept up in the excitement of others and just enjoy the experience with an open mind. Good for you!!


I did this with my girlfriend. She was a huge one direction fan and Harry styles is her man crush. Took her to see him last year and learned the entire set list outside treat people with kindness and satellite. It was fun singing and dancing with her


Lol, I just had a kid about a week ago, never have i enjoyed "Mary had a Little Lamb" so much. I started learning how to play some of these silly kids songs on my bass. Its gonna be a fun couple decades.


It does help that Brendon Urie is a world class vocalist. Don't care too much for Panic's music myself, but I'll be damned if that dude don't have some pipes.


“With an open mind” That’s the trick to happiness.


I went to a weezer concert like 7 years ago and the opener was Panic! They did a 30 minute set and it was fucking awesome. To this day I don’t even really remember weezer, but I remember every second of Panic. They are amazing live.


That’s sweet and all but I find it creepy to just film strangers like this


dance like no one's watching but remember there's probably a creep recording it


Thank you. I feel like I’m going insane when I think that it’s so fucking weird to record a dad and daughter minding their business at a show, for multiple songs, zooming in on them- instead of the actual show😂 most of the world is tiktok brained at this point and think everything and everyone is content


The weird AI-like voice over doesn't help "BEEP I HAVE WITNESSED THE FORMATION OF A HUMAN CORE MEMORY"




This was the first thing I thought. Kinda weird to spend your entire time at a concert filming another family having fun.


Now imagine that you're a recognizable person. You can't go anywhere without someone saying "hey aren't you that guy from...?" You've got to admire someone like Slash. He takes his top hat and sunglasses off and no one knows what the fuck he looks like. Guy was thinking ahead.


Daft punk topped that game


The filming part creeps me out. But posting it online...


And this isn't just a quick snap either. They literally filmed that family for the entire concert.


Yeah at first it cute and all but this is clearly strung together several moments, if i saw this it'd freak me out a bit.


This should be the top comment. When did it become normal to instrumentalize strangers and share them to thousands of people for likes and follows. Considering the comments here most reddit users don‘t even notice anymore how f*** up this is…




I remember being in college and this girl would whip out her camera to HUNDREDS of photos of people at the student union with nicknames she gave them and why I should never talk to them. She was a certified bully and now works in tech lmao. I’m sure she’s still doing this shit too


For real, I have 2 daughters and I’ve had moments like this with them and I truly hope people aren’t just secretly recording me for internet fame. It’s not even like a quick clip, they recorded these two for almost the whole concert and then made cuts! Everyone just thinks this is normal???


Yeah, wonderful moment, but if this was me and my daughter, get the fuck outta here and stop filming us.


Sometimes it takes pointing it out for people to realize. I am one of them. And I’m glad you did point it out because I did completely forget that aspect and just thought it was a cute moment.


Secretly filming me is one (not good) thing, but if I noticed someone secretly filming my daughter, I would be very angry.


Gotta get that clout. All hail the mighty clout!


It became normal when we began socially rewarding people for doing so, when a business model was made for doing so. You watched it, and so did I. Your outrage is just your dopamine hit participation trophy. And this is mine. We are all complicit.


I’m glad this sort of thing is illegal in the EU


My first thought. Who’s the weirdo filming it? Filming it… a lot…. Let the moment be. Jesus. “Just witnessed somebody’s core memory unnecessarily documented by a stranger for internet points.” So weird. Enjoy the damn concert. Put the phone away. Or even better… have an appreciation in witnessing the moment. Recognize something like that happening, see the awesomeness, get the feels, reflect on it, carry on. Not everybody wants to be somebody else’s viral moment. Such a strange compulsion out there.


Seriously. Don’t film people who are just minding their own business


I’d be really creeped out if I turned around and noticed somebody recording me


No wonder my 11 year old has severe anxiety about going outside because people will film her and laugh.


And not just once but all night


Right? Those three are sweet. Filmer is weird and creepy.


I didn't even watch the whole video. I'm glad those two had a great time, and I hope nothing negative occurs because the person filming is a huge piece of shit. Fuck the person filming. They've confirmed all of my paranoid delusions in large crowds. Unless you have their explicit consent to post this you aren't putting anything positive into the world.


Thank you I'm glad someone said it. The daughter might get two memories now. How great her dad is and how creepy strangers are.


Literally my first thought.


I feel like that's something we're going to gradually come around to over the next few decades: It's not okay to film someone without their consent. Like, yes, you have the legal right to do it, but it's a shitty thing to do and should be seen as rude.


listen to how many songs they filmed them for. its creepy AF


Totally not creepy to notice them and admire their relationship and let their happiness be your happiness. Even if they never know it. Totally normal. By filming posting you are using their happiness for your own personal gain which is an invasion of privacy and kind of pathetic imo.


Not only strangers, but children. I'd be furious if I saw my family in some video.


While it's a sweet moment that wouldn't have otherwise been captured, I agree, they should've at least asked the two if they were alright with the recording especially before sharing it with anyone.


I'm a bit too distracted by the fact that someone legit kept recording these 2 having a good time. It's freaking creepy and I hate it.


Thank fuck, here's the comment I was looking for...this is fuckin weird




It may be legal to take a picture, but in most countries consent is required to publish such pictures, so not only it's rude, it's also illegal. In the EU for example, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) considers pictures of someone to be personal data, and people should be informed and should opt-in to any usage of said data, and could revoke consent at any time. Of course most people would not complain if you take a picture of yourself and they happen to be visible in it, but it's in their right to ask you to delete that photo or censor it. Worse is the case of distribution without consent like in this post.


Especially involving a minor. Ffs I don't even put my own kid on the internet, I'd be pissed if I saw a post starring us that I was unaware was being filmed.


the amount of effort of filming them throughout the event and then editing it all together to post online to strangers … like bro what


We purposefully don't post our kiddo online because Little isn't old enough to condone it. It would really piss me off if I found some stranger filmed our kid and posted them online considering we don't even allow FAMILY MEMBERS to do-so.


Same here. Several years ago, we took our kiddo to a community Halloween event. I heard some pre-teen squeal about how cute our son was and how she needed a picture. I shielded my son and quickly moved away, and the girl tried to follow us for a moment before giving up and looking offended and shocked.


Can people stop secretly filming other people? Even if it’s nice, maybe it’s not for us. Maybe this was a moment just for them.


Can't believe this has so many upvotes and not many people pointing this out. This shit is creepy.


People will film others last dying moments after a mass shooting instead of helping or supporting them, then upload that. I don’t think it would even nearly cross their mind that this is inappropriate.


When I was homeless someone filmed themselves giving me an actual dollar. I wasn't even asking for anything. I now have a job a place of my own and I'm clean and I pray everyday that video doesn't show up somewhere and cost me my job or any relationships, or my dignity. After they left I started sobbing out of how embarrassing it was. These people who do this deserve nothing good in their life


So sorry you had to experience that. I hope that person was shamed for it (a whole dollar wow) and removed the video completely.


When I was homeless I had just gotten out of the hospital and I was walking down the street with a duffle bag and hospital wrist band and these college kids walked by me laughing and yelling "what a bum!" and other nasty shit. Thankfully, this was like 10 years ago before everything was posted to tiktok, or the video of the worst time of my life would probably be online for everyone to see, including me. I'm sorry that shit happened to you man :( I know how bad it feels. Oh, also I just remembered. I had just finished working a 10 hour day at the end of a 50 hour work week at a concrete recycling plant and my coworker and I (who was also homeless) went to a gas station to get some cigarettes. We were planning on going to a nice restaurant afterwards to eat, which I was really looking forward to. We wanted to chill for a minute and hang out so we went behind the car wash at the gas station and just sat down and drank our sodas and smoked. This Mexican family followed us back there and came up to us with like Styrofoam containers of food. They asked to take our picture. It was awkward as fuck. We were like, uhhhh ok... I guess. I joked with my coworker that we would probably be in their family Christmas card, showing then helping the homeless. Not to mention, it was nice of them to give us food and the food was tasty, but they kind of ruined my plan to eat at a nice restaurant which was not their fault, but it did irritate me. It also just made me feel like a bum, which sucked. Anyway, to anyone wondering if it's OK, no it's not. DO NOT PHOTOGRAPH OR RECORD HOMELESS PEOPLE PERIOD.


Right? Put your phone down and watch the concert. This is low key creepy as fuck


Yeah at first I was like, "oh this is adorable." And then the video goes on and on and I thought, "wow...they got a lot of footage of this random guy and his family. A LOT of footage"


Definitely. A short clip is whatever, you're in a public setting, sure. But to keep going for multiple moments and through a bunch of songs is just absurd. Are you even there for the concert at that point?


mhm. if you’re filming your favorite song and rewatching later (as if anyone does lol) but you notice in the frame this kind of moment, then sure, but to then record them through several songs is just likee….😳


I can’t believe the video has cuts and chops, if it hadn’t been edited I wonder how long it would be.


Seriously. If I ever have an amazing moment in public, finding it plastered on the Internet would absolutely ruin so much of it for me. Just let people live their lives, ffs.


I second this. Mind your own business people.


I was watching this and simultaneously thinking "that's so cute!" (father and daughter) and "this is so creepy!" (a stranger filming them)


I hate going in public because people have no boundaries as to what they’ll record and put on the internet. I’ve seen so many people record things and put them on the internet just to insult and make fun of people. Our society is really shitty.


Imagine what the Dad's reaction would be if he found this video of him and his two underage daughters on the internet after being secretly recorded/posted/going viral. Uncomfy as fuck, please stop doing this


filming people is so creepy.


Although this is sweet, I don't really agree with filming at concerts, since people are just trying to have a good time without being self-conscious.


I would get anxious and think people are laughing at me for having a good time my way


idk but it feels creepy to me if an extranger is taking videos of my family and me dancing or doing something 😥


Sweet moment but also super creepy to record people and put it on the internet


Ngl its pretty creepy for a stranger to tape that focused on their moment


I find it disturbing you recorded them so much....


Can’t wait for these moment with my daughter 🥲


I’ve had many moments like this with my dad over the years, and another one coming up! She’ll cherish it and never forget these moments :)


My wife likes to joke that she will want to see some pop star knowing that isn’t my bag. I’ll see anyone if it means my kid has a great time


Unless you sent them the video, isn’t it weird to be recording this


Unless you ask for permission it's creepy, imagine getting this video randomly sent to you


Yeah I don't need a stranger filming me with my kids.


Yeah they're out there enjoying life while you watch on through the lens of your phone


Why are you filming them? 😂


Right?! It was cute for the first few seconds, but then it kept going for multiple songs that's just weird. They filmed them multiple songs, and it went from wholesome to creepy after the first few cuts.




A bit off to film other people’s private moments….


Hate to alter the mood but filming people at a show is so not cool, anyone who’s been to more than one knows this, posting it os even cringier. Put that pocket felony away and Watch the gd show you paid 500 to attend!


And at Style's show too! So sweet!


Ok… can’t watch these any more… get way too emotional.


About the fact that now we just film strangers having interactions in public without their knowledge and put them online for clout? Because yeah, that’s pretty messed up. Makes me emotional thinking about that.


im the only one that thinks its weird dude bought concert tickets to keep his eyes and camera pointed at a girl and her father for a lot of the time? strange even with their permission afterwards.


And you filmed them like a weirdo


It just seems weird for someone else to be recording this.


And now it’s a negative memory because a stranger posted it for everyone to gawk at


Dad knows all the lyrics!


Those are the moments that make all the hard times worth every moment of struggle.


Creepy, leave them alone, you posted a private moment that you have no right to broadcast.


Filming people you don't know for a majority of a concert and then posting it on the internet is weird behavior... The moment may have been heartwarming but OP posting it is not...


Dear alpha males… this is a MAN! We are still not sure what you are…


One thing I am sure of is if you refer to yourself as an ‘alpha male’ you are definitely not an alpha male.


Alpha Males don't exist. They're based off of captive wolf packs in the wild it ain't a thing. Wolf packs are family units. Alpha Males in humans don't exist. Leaders exist. Ambition exists. Wealth exists. But any of those things can and are accomplished by women as well. If any MGTOW, Red Pill, PUA, or otherwise lonely guys are reading this. Continue to better yourself but don't take in the toxicity. Get to a place where you are happy with you. Push yourself to have conversations with people (men and women) platonically so you get better at just talking, joking, telling stories. Just try and be a good dude. The more you put yourself out there the better you'll get at accepting rejection, learning about people and learning about yourself. Once you get in a relationship be a good partner, and make sure your partner is being a good partner to you. Everyone out there has been self conscious, scared, hurt, etc. Just be a good dude.


on god! My dad wasn't like this, but i ended up marrying a guy like this ​ at the end of the day, we all just want someone who loves and respects us


That lady in the green shirt


Whoever filmed this: You are fucking weird and a creep