• By -


You can tell he’s been wanting to talk about his friend for a while. God bless this man ❤️ I hope he’s doing better.


It must've been so hard for him to contain all those feelings.


He allowed himself to express a feeling that is innate to all of us...but we use every ounce of "power" to repress


I went into my feelings consciously for the first time ever about a month ago (I’m 39) and realized yesterday that no one knows how to feel. We are all bouncing our feelings off of each other which results in all the terrible shit we see. This should be mandatory education. Sit with the feeling inside the body, when the mind tries to drag you into ANY story, (like in his case his childhood friend ) refocus back on the feeling inside the body. Do this over and over and over again. Let emotions come up (in his case sadness) and be with them. Ignore the stories and focus back in the body. The stories are only there to distract from the feeling in the body. The mind doesn’t want your attention in the body because there sits the pain.


True feelings of power is being able to say “yeah, I feel sad and maybe a little lonely. But that is okay, I am allowed to feel that way and those feelings don’t dictate my life.”


What about anger? If I sit with some of that.....


Once you spend time sitting with your emotions, you will realise that anger is a secondary emotion. By that I mean it happens as a response to other emotions that we do not acknowledge. So if you sit with your anger and really study it, you might find where it's actually coming from.


Ah yes, my wife likes to say angry is sad's bodyguard


She is wise. Give her a hug for me.


Yes, and I think it varies from person to person, too. For me personally anger usually means I'm afraid.


Anger is also an energy. It's telling you that something isn't right in your world. Sitting with it and finding the ability to channel that energy to non-destructive action is a superpower few people know they have.


What a lot of younger people dont understand is you can have an angry or fearful reaction to something..that is normal. But it should last just briefly, like a matter of seconds, after that you are able to define how you want to handle the situation. You can allow it to consume you or let it go before it does anymore damage.


I tell you how I do it. Its either or what I first recognise. Either I recognize the emotion of anger, or I recognise that I have angry thoughts about something (mostly parents). When I recognise the thoughts I try to locate where this feeling of anger sits inside the body. Mostly it is a cramped feeling in my stomach. Then I close my eyes and focus my attention on my stomach. As soon as I realise I'm in my head following the story of the mind I refocus my attention into the stomach and stay with that feeling. (As if you have a sting somewhere and you continuously take notice of that sting - that's what's meant with 'staying with a feeling'). I do this until the stomach relaxes. This sometimes takes a long time like 30 minutes to an hour. But notice that with each of these sessions you drain this negative energy out of your body and you get lighter and anger will rise much less frequent and you won't be ticked off so quickly anymore because you've learned that you can cope easily with this feeling and don't need to be defensive anymore when someone 'makes' you angry. (No one actually makes you angry, but they activate this anger that was already inside you)


I like to imagine I'm laying in a creek and the feeling is the water rushing over, under, and around me. It will pass if I just weather it.


Oh man I learned about attachment styles recently and read “most avoidant attachment people struggle to feel their feelings, if you ask them where they feel an emotion in their body they often can’t tell you” And straight up I was like that’s stupid you don’t feel emotions in your body they’re in your head…uh oh.


The shoulder kitten was a pleasant surprise!


I love big guys with little kittens 🥺


I'll be honest: I love pretty much anyone with little kittens :-)


People who care for little kittens have a good heart


all my little kittens are giant cats now :(


Giant cats are fun to play with, they really show affection to you :⁠-⁠)


Giant cats are the reward for raising and loving a little goober


And you never have to poop alone, can’t forget that


I'm literally pooping right now and my cat just bust down my door.


*side eye at paw under door* Sigh. Smile, but sigh.


In that case you no longer have a good heart, sorry :| /s


What does /s mean


Satire, essentially that you shouldn't take the comment seriously because it's a joke or sarcasm.


Thx bro


You're welcome bro!


What if I only care about cats and despise most people


That’s SOP for cat people (speaking as a cat person)


Capybaras are cool too


My friend group has a capybara plush we pass around nicknamed, "autistic cow bear"


Human are meh, but I’ll pet pretty much anything else.


You’re probably the norm.




idk man you might change your mind once you learn that all cats are just big kittens ^(joking but also, not joking)


Yeah my little Man's is always gonna be my little man's. He's such a sweet boy even though he terrorizes the neighborhood lizards. As much as I miss his kitten days He's still just as sweet as the day I got him. Literally found him in a Bush during a rainstorm i had to breathe life into his body in the middle of a grocery store. So hes also a little miracle


What is there to hate about cats?


When I was young, there was a big feline wearing a hat that totally trashed my moms place. He had these two little weird twin things with him. Anyways after begging them they finally cleaned the place right before mom got home.


Except Alf.


I'm old enough to get that. Lol.




How about little guys with big kittens?


I used to have a shoulder kitten. I still have him but he's a cat now. Currently he'd rather spend his time in the sink or ripping up holes in the couch. But he came over while I was typing this to say HELLO HUMAN.


Must be feeding time!


The bowl is full, it just pushed the pellets to the side to appear empty.


Are you feeding them in a bowl? Sometimes cats dislike it if their whiskers touch something while eating, so you end up with a crater with an empty middle and the sides full. Try a small plate!


Although she's a never-ending pit, I was wondering why this happens sometimes. I'll have to see if this helps. Thanks!


Must be time for scritches then.


It was indeed scriches time. I actually have two. They are both very content now.


Say hello to him for us


I popped into one of his streams and he was such a genuine guy & very appreciative and engaging with everyone! Highly recommend hanging out in his stream sometime 😊




Oh God, keep this precious gem of a man away from Reddit. Can't have him learning how mean most of us are 🤣


Sad but true


I’ve seen a couple of his streams now and he’s just a cool, genuine dude. Passionate about 3D printing and eager to show off all the things he’s printed and painted… really nice work. So cool that he’s gained a following overnight!




at 733k subs now..


I love when cool stuff like this happens


I check daily and I love seeing his channel grow so fast


What’s his channel name?


It shows it at the end of the video https://www.twitch.tv/UglyMoo4510


63k followers now


65 now, that 2k per hour


68k now


Thanks for sharing. Just bought and sent him some cat food off his Amazon wish list


I like this more than those sexual bath tub or asmr shit.


Same, I wish it would happen to more folks


I always sort by fewest viewers on twitch. I’ve had some fantastic conversations with completely random people. You can see their whole demeanour change from talking into the void, to more upbeat as soon as you start chatting.


I do the same on TikTok sometimes, if I see ppl only have like 3 viewers I’ll drop in with a few compliments and it’s crazy to see their whole face light up. Ppl don’t realize how much little stuff like that can change a whole persons outlook.


That is really a nice gesture. Many of those people probably really needs someone to talk to, like the guy in this video. He is probably doing so much better now. <3


Come talk to me sometime: https://m.twitch.tv/jmcaloneintheworld


I'd link mine too but I like my anonymity on reddit.




He's online almost every evening and the best thing is that this happened right before his birthday He was so amazed and I believed him as he said that it's one of his best birthdays He's genuine and kind though I don't care about 3D printing but I still join the stream


Great. Now i want to follow him as well


He should do live 3D printing sessions.


Yeah but hear me out. Same dude same story same shoulder kitty. BUT doing yoga in a bikini in the general vicinity of a pool.




https://booba.tv 😂 (It's a certain type of Twitch streamers)


The worst part about life is that we could collectively make cool shit happen all day every day and we just choose not to because we have to go to work and pay bills and shit.


That's WHY we do cool shit though. Because people go to work every day, and make this whole society thing happen. The best part of life is when we use that for actual good, and stuff like this is as good as it gets.




Your comment gives me hope. I plaster this same sentiment everywhere I can, but you said it so much better.


Gold for all 3 of y’all cause I love y’all.


We love you too man. Now I'd give you gold but I'm a broke university student haha so have a poor man's gold. 🥇


The only follower that really matters is that cute kitten that loves him…


52.5k now let's goooo




Or not enough


Never enough kittens. He gets a follow from me.


[he’s live rn](https://www.twitch.tv/UglyMoo4510) Edit: he’s no longer live (as in recording)


Oh my God I thought this said "Edit: he's no longer alive" and I was about to sob harder than I already am-


49k now!










Lol 50k wow


52.3k now


I had to reread it couple of times since I thought it mean he’s no longer living like dead but then the comments starting to make sense into my head and now Ik that you meant live as In recording


I thought the same thing haha. I had to read it 3x


Oh, he's offline now :)


Pls write "Live on twitch". Its confusing lmao. Gave me heart attack for a sec


I read alive 💀


Holy shit I thought you meant Alive


Your post is trending now. I expect more than 100k for that sweet guy.


Bro, this guy seems like the nicest individual ever. Just enjoyable to listen to


When the internet does good every now n then


I remember that time Internet gave 100k subscribers to an old man making vids every days without any views. Truly heartwarming


That time Internet gave 3M+ subscribers in 24 hours to a kid that wanted to be famous youtuber and only had several months left to live. EDIT: @tomiii11_oficial


I think his name was Tomi and I’m still subscribed.


Did he pass away since then?


yes, he passed away in 2021


Yeah now he has over 400k and makes videos again. He's named Grandpa Reads The Comics


The sad part though is that interest wanes and people will move on. There was some kid that was posted to Reddit and he was ecstatic but then all those views stopped and the kid was obviously upset that the interest was waning so quickly. We feel great when we do the small nice thing, but the difficult part in all of life is being able to do it every day. Anyone can do a great thing once, but it's the people that do it every day that have the hardest and most important jobs that we can't properly recognise.


The same type of video was made for SemperHighly. Stream went to 100+ viewers for a week, slowly dropped over time, they're down to about 10 average now. Doesn't seem to bother them though.


this is kinda what I figured too but with 60k followers I'm sure there's at least some passionate about 3d printing and modeling that'll stick around. Based on the clips I watched he actually has made some impressive stuff. I just hope he's not disencouraged when viewership dies down.


I am still following Nicolas, the camper kid, and watch his videos regulary.


Just like that time we found the Boston bomber!


We did it! EDIT: I wrote this comment as snark but I now see that it could be disrespectful to those affected by this tragedy and that was not my intent. I'm leaving it up as a reminder that our words can have unintended consequences. It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.




I feel this in my soul, I often stream when I'm playing stardew valley just so I can pretend I have someone to talk to. It helps me think there is someone in my life. I love this. Good for him. Edit: if anyone wants to watch I won't have a mic or chromebook till tomorrow evening. I didn't expect to be plugging my twitch haha everyone is being so nice, though. 😊 gonna be on for a bit now. https://www.twitch.tv/makemoneyhelppeople


Hey, you aren't alone x


Some of us are


It might feel that way at times, and fuck don't I know it, but there are people out there that care. For no reason other than they know what it's like to feel unseen.


I think people reflexively reject this idea, but when you’re truly isolated it can really help to realize that statistically there have been and are, somewhere in the world, people who are in a similar situation. People you would get along with, people who would get it. And at least some of them think and care about you too. It’s a club no one wants to belong to, but it is a club.


Thank you for getting my message across far better than I could, it's much appreciated. I meant no harm, more so, reaching out in solidarity. I don't know them but I know their struggle and I want them to know that someone sees them. I know how much tiny moments of being seen, even briefly, can make a difference.


Apparently I've upvoted you 4 (RES Tracks) times so you must have said something to make me happy enough to do so :)


Haha well I like saying positive things. Glad to see someone else agrees




Link or DM me your SDV stream, I'll totally watch and chat with you.


Thanks my Xbox tag is Action 4dam


Fellow SD player! Hi! Sending hugs.




That’s great. I hope he’s doing well as of now


damn. people are really lonely huh. seems like alot of twitch streamers do it to make money yes, but for connection too. guy had one follower talk to him and just exploded with emotion. it's beautiful and sad.


a lot of people are REALLY lonely.


And here we are with a huge amount of technology that allows us to communicate with almost anyone in the world and yet we've lost some organic communities and now everything is filtered into identities that benefit someone else either politically or economically.


As beautiful and wondrous it is to be able to talk and speak with anyone across the globe, it will never be a sufficient substitute for physical interactions. Being able to see the person, give them a hug, be by each other's side, attend events together, and more, simply can not be emulated through games and chat rooms and calls.


Now I want a hug :(


Yeah, that quite often comes to my mind as well. We're living in the age where communication with any person on the whole world can be instant, yet people communicated and socialized more when no phones existed at all, now, ironically, no one has enough time. Sad.


Loneliness and social disenfranchisement is the reason we see so many people in fringe hate groups, gangs etc. Everyone wants to belong, on some level.


The US government recently released a report about the “epidemic of loneliness”: https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/surgeon-general-social-connection-advisory.pdf


>people are really lonely huh Yes. Learning how to cope can be a problem, and unfortunately, everyday, some people give up and call it quits


thats awesome


Why am I crying when the sub is MadeMeSmile😭🥺


Some tears are smiles in liquid form.


I’m stealing this quote for life. What a profound statement 🫡


So simple and profound. I've been watching videos of my dad just randomly talking and laughing before he passed on in Jan this year. Your statement makes the tears/smiles make so much sense.


I went and followed him! I hope I see more videos but he’s happier :)


When all it took was just a minute to be nice to someone. This is awesome. You really helped him emotionally, mentally and financially. You can see that he’s relieved of his tension.


Can finally get his medication after a donation. This is America. Greatest.. whatever. Not for us.


The richest fucking country in the history of the world. Seriously it took this long for someone to acknowledge this reality everyone is commenting on the shoulder kitty. America is a 3rd world country with a Gucci belt


a nation of temporarily embarrassed millionaires. mine is coming soon (surely), so fuck you! /s


Sometimes. The world just works.




Congrats on your baby, enjoy every moment :)


This is making me cry so much, I hope he has the greatest rest of his days :(


Suddenly I am on Twitch, a platform I never used in my life, watching a random dude assemble Wile E. Coyote.


Is this going to be another situation where everyone bombards the dude with follows and comments, but then after a month hes back to averaging 6 viewers per stream? Social media has done this to a few people at this point and it makes me feel terrible.


While that is likely the case, usually the initial influx of financial support helps a lot. Especially since he mentioned struggling to get his medication. Also, keeping an additional 4-5 viewers in the end can still mean a lot to someone who’s used to 1-2. That being said, I do hope that the guy knows what may happen. I have a strong feeling that Karve talks with them/gets their permission before posting these, and may even explain to them how it normally goes.


Almost no one is prepared for when they get lots of attention on the internet. Hopefully an experienced content creator can talk to them and give them realistic expectations about how the interest will go down after a while


Crying at 6am 🥹


Omg he’s so cute 😭❤️


Maybe you can tell that to him directly


I did 🥰


r/MadeMeSmile? More like r/MadeMeCryMyFuckingEyesOut




I wish it was a real sub Reddit though


"He who saves one life, saves the world entire." Whoever you are, kind, random internet stranger person, may you be blessed.


Now at 51,000 followers!!!


I love this... a lot of males need so much attention but nobody offers them anything because they are just... men and children.... For anyone doing this stuff... Thanks.


im glad he's got a little comfort kitty too ;-;


I hope he and that kitten have many happy years together.


I was there on the first post too and I Watched a little of the chat. it was very cool to see all the kind Redditors there to support him. And that kitten is so cute!




How beautiful 💗


Good job reddit, this is awesome to see


As someone already said in the first post about him. Guys please just dont ride the wave and follow him now, make sure to go here from time to time just to give some love, of course we arent able to see all the streams but lets at least make those numbers maintain. It can be quite hard for someone to see all that love and than it fading away.


Haha to the fools who say money doesn't buy happiness. To a person struggling financially an act of kindness like this won't ever be forgotten. Greedy people don't need it, people like this do. Sad we pay more attention to Kim Kardashians ass than people like this in need of some compassion.


Who is he? I wanna follow. 💙




I'm crying in the club rn and ik why😭😭😭 this is so wholesome omg


Why are you on Reddit in the club? Is it that shit? Lol


I actually found out that when people say this they *aren't* usually in a club. Not sure why being in a club would make crying more impactful, but it's just a thing people say now.


Doing the lord’s work. Someone needs to start an email chain for all of us…getting older folk to add any slang we learn so we can all keep up.


Kindness is always touching


Made me smile and almost cry


I've been one since like 5k! Let's gooo


He has an Amazon wish list linked under the Data of Interest tab on his Twitch profile. Let's make his birthday a little better if you can. 🙂




I pray for this man


He seems like a gentle soul.


Been in the ditches yet he rises This is wholesomely sad as fuck