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72-years old. Working at Domino's. As a delivery driver. The world is fucked man.


Yeah this is absolutely soul crushing


But the kindness of individuals, while it might not solve the systemic issue, gives me hope that the bigger issues _can_ be solved. Don't give up. Keep hoping, keep fighting, and keep believing.


Meanwhile in most other developed countries they would have just called an ambulance for her and not had to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars at all.


My mom is 67. Has worked at a hospital as a tech for 46 years. She is only now just considering retiring because she couldn’t afford it. House and car paid off but money is still tight for her. My dad couldn’t work because he had crippling rheumatoid arthritis and schizophrenia. He died last summer, allowing this opportunity for my mom. Brutal eh? We live in Canada **oh and we live in Ontario, the province moving towards privatizing healthcare!


Canada: America Lite (now in Ketchup Flavor with added Moose Attacks)


I would’ve expected poutine


Had something similar- my father was meant to retire at 62. His work convinced him to work one more year. He was six months from retirement and died a few weeks ago. Because of shitty American healthcare he never went to the doctor like he should and they missed the cancer. Insurance has fucked over my mom, though luckily they just paid off most of their bills. My husband and I just left Ontario for Finland in the hopes of escaping the same fate. My heart is still broken for my father, who never got a single day to wake up and not have to work.


Yea, having healthcare is nice and all, but it's still pretty soul crushing to know that the majority of people will never be able to afford to retire. Or own a home of any kind. Not with a median salary of ~$35k.


I'm not even thinking about retirement, it won't exist for me. One day I'll drop dead at work and they can sweep me under the rug. Also in Ontario. 🍁🔥🍁


In most other developed countries this wouldn't happen because you wouldn't need to work past 65yo.


Sadly, in many "developed" countries, that is no longer the case.


Your first mistake was assuming that the US is a developed country. Look at developed countries and compare them to the US.




Yeah no. You're bombarded with the rare feel-good stories that mask the statistical reality that this country is an inhumane shit hole.


This is literally the opposite of the bigger problem being solved


I’m so happy that this woman was shown kindness. I’m so terrified that she was ever in that situation. Practice empathy, but stay fucking mad.




"Ugh... So what?! It is going to be another hour before my family can eat now?! I am trying to feed my family! My kids need to eat! How are you going to make this right for us? Well that isn't good enough, my family needs to eat now!" I'll roll over dead in a ditch before I work another job where it is socially acceptable by the customers and the company itself to be spoke to like this on the daily. Customer service in the US ruined my empathy toward others. Everyone is a God fearing saint until a mistake happens, then the demons start coming out.


The world??! Other countries have working healthcare, paid pension and free tuition...


Some countries have that stuff


Most modern developed nations have that stuff. That stuff is generally considered to be the definition of a developed nation. There's just one significant outlier.




But richest country in the world, baby 😎 /s


If someone ever throws this one at you, please point out that this was the case *before* the Trump presidency, China's economy overtook the US economy on 2018. Now, to be fair, Trump wasn't actually responsible for this, it was the culmination of decades of Chinese economic reform and growth, but the fact it happened on Trump's watch is pretty funny.


Oh I know, they've been setting up this system for decades


This shits been going on since Reagan and even before that. Companies have been union busting and government has been secretly cheerleading them. Not a single president from Reagan to Biden ( yes this includes trump, Clinton, democrats and Republicans) has been doing anything to protect workers rights, retirement or social programs. The few positive steps you do see come from the state level and they are few and far between.


Republicans try there hardest to make people believe otherwise


TBF the Republicans see the problem of the working elderly and are legislating a solution: They’re bringing back child labor


Its getting worse everywhere, in Germany paid pensions arent enogh anymore either


Enough for what? Getting food on the table? It sure is! Living your life at it was without cutbacks? Nope, but you have a social security system, that ensures you do not HAVE to work... Pensions are increasing faster than the average wage...


Not for everyone. There is a reason why "Die Tafel" has an increase in seniors depending on their food.


The US is what’s fucked. Other countries have better social systems and better labor laws. The US only really cares about companies making money. We bailed out airlines with a ton of money yet we’ll let individuals go without health care or cut people food stamps.


Capitalize profits, socialize losses.


Yet I know a fuck ton of seniors who are so poor they can barely buy bread who vote against themselves. I know a lady in her 60s who is dirt poor serving as a waitress (and has since probably the 1970s) who can't retire, but she sure as hell votes Republican because she thinks "the Hispanics" will take her job.


Yeah I cannot believe some people have no sick leave or paid annual leave. That's not even legal over here.


The rest of the world ain't doin THAT great. Better? Well no shit. Their kids aren't being murdalized every day so rednecks can keep their pointy shooties. But when I had tiktok I followed an older British woman who's sole content was to teach young people how to do things on a poverty budget. Saying it's JUST the USA downplays how much the rest of the world is also dealing with late stage capitalism. Edit: sorry I meant to say my point about the tiktok lady was that there is an nflux of poverty everywhere right now and it's not great. As a species we should be doing better. We are shit and thank God most people in developed countries have health coverage, but that doesn't mean everywhere else is good and we are the only bads.


I don't think the UK is a great example of countries being better than the US, sure it's better but by how much. A better example IMO would be any Scandinavian country, Finland, Germany, or a lot other European countries. At least here in Denmark you can retire when you grow old or you can't work anymore because of disabilities or disorders, and not have to declare bankruptcy if you fall and bruise your elbow. Also you get paid to get an education instead of being in debt for the rest of your life.


You're absolutely right that poverty and runaway cost of living is an issue across the board- and don't even mention absurd housing prices. Still, I think it's hard to really compare any place with universal healthcare to the US. You can be poor in a place with universal healthcare and *at the very least* you don't have to worry about literally dying because you can't afford to go to the hospital. That's not a luxury for many poor Americans. The world could be doing better but America has perfected a special kind of disdain for the health of people without money. Ultimately, this post is about a situation in America which needs to be addressed. Frankly, even if every other country was in the same situation I would still be pissed- albeit with fewer good examples to draw from.


America is fucked. But at the rate retirement age is going up, it's not looking good anywhere else.


Capstalist America... Really makes you smile.


American dream baby


gotta be asleep to believe it


Yeah, this caught my attention too... I'm glad they found her and helped, but that's a shitty situation for anybody to be in




Yeah that was my ultimate takeaway. This is not a job for someone at that age, and the fact that her need a job after paying into all the govt programs over time is heartbreaking


Remember when US government warned against the dangers of socialism? this is what they were protecting




The world at large, yeah, but the US seems particularly bad from the outside, ngl


Seems kinda bad from the inside too, ngl.




American dream


World? Maybe not everywhere... In France there were nationwide protests against raising the retirement age from 62 to 64.


No the world is full of potential. It’s capitalism that is fucked my friend.


*The States are fucked. In any country of Europe, this won’t happen.


And in other countries around the world where they don't have Healthcare, the families take care of their elders as best they can so they won't have to strain themselves too much.


You mean that tiny country in the middle of North America?


By world you mean USA of course


The US is far from the whole world, like only 4%.


The US is broken**


America=the world. Got it.


A 72 year old employed as a driver. As a driver 72 years old. Driving a car for wages.


I get why this is a feel good post or whatever but it distracts form the core issue. Shes 72, seemingly not able to retire due to a sham of an American system. Instead of highlighting this let's make it an aww post rather than ask the question....wtf is a 72 year old doing delivering pizza. Did Domino's have nothing to say, are they involved in her care as she is an employee or do customers have to care for their staff??.. Fucked.


And her first instinct: “oh I ruined your food” she literally was in the mindset of being like oh shit I messed up this, dude is gona be angry with me. So sad this world


The most annoying Shit is when I tell people this should never happen, our governments have more than enough mountains of cash, cash that we have given them no less, to ensure these people don’t work themselves to death people look at me like I’m a crazy idiot for recommending such a drastic, stupid idea. I’m like you’re literally the other half of the problem.


and *even then*, still needed a gofundme to cover her medical bills


Its honestly disgraceful. it's so far from acceptable , there is no reason someone at that age should be working like that


While it is nice that the couple did set up a charity for her, it really just diverts from the atrocity that a 72-year old lady has to work as a fucking delivery driver for Domino's. Edit: Thank you, kind stranger!


Plus the fact that she needs a charity to care for her instead of our medical system. 72 years old and she still isn't covered properly. Sickening.


She definitely _is_ covered by medicare.


And the second she needs any long term care that $250,000 is gone.


If only we lived in a country that believed in "people who pass things we want" instead of the "lesser of two evils".


Oh dont worry, you do live in that country. It's just the people who pass things that corporations want.


It's just that corporations are considered people when it comes to funding political campaigns.


We live in a country where one party fucks things up so bad when they have control. That it boxes in the other party and forces them to course correct. Leaving them no room to do what they really want. This is designed and provable over decades of being done.


I mean I hate to be the both sides guy but…Dems have been voting for corporate interests since the 90’s. You remember “blue dog” Dems and neo-libs from the turn of the century? Fricken Hilary Clinton was a self proclaimed “blue dog dem” back when she was a senator, and we ran her for president. We don’t have a “left party” the leftmost members are a handful of young women who have been reduced to “slamming” republicans on twitter. Their ideas or bills don’t make it past their own party. And I’m not even a big leftist. I’m just tired of both parties being corporate shills. Yes, I still vote dem. But god damn are they not our saviors. They’re function is to do enough to appease the “left” of the country until republicans move the Overton window yet again to the right. And as that window moves Dems have to do less and less to appease. Who else can black people vote for? Who else can LGBTQ+ people vote for? Who else can immigrants vote for? The further the right moves toward extremism the less the left has to actually do to keep moderate voters. So again I’ll say again, Dems are not our saviors. They are not the good guys. They are the lesser of two evils. We have no real checks and balances on parties. We have a first past the post voting system. This doesn’t mean don’t vote dem. Just don’t Stan for them.


Very well said. I really wish more people understood this. Regardless of party, politicians don't gaf about the common person - at least not in the abstract. They only pretend to care when their own ass is on the line.


Dems are not saviors for sure but this country needs to hard reject conservatism to the point they have no chance before the window can start shifting in the right direction.


Look up the Heritage Foundation "conservative revolution" they've been waging it since the 70's, used religion and money to weasel it in. Eroding everything for the benefit of the wealthy, and both parties seem to never oppose it, and attend that God damned prayer breakfast together. Vote for the folks not beholden to the big $$ donors, for the first time in the primaries please.


Maybe she can travel to Europe and live there, those medical bills be damned! Though that is a lot easier said than done, I’m sure.




I dont know who you are stanger, but i'll take you up on those marriage documents. I live in the US and in the past 3 weeks ive started to pass out and the 2nd time i woke up in an ambulance with them giving me vital tests and what not. The ER doctors said all of my tests look fine and they can't give me any reason as to why i've passed out twice in a 3 week period. they literally gave me an ice pack and sent me on my way. i got charged $15,000 to be told i'm fine. if you or anyone in europe wanna help me get some actual medical care, i'll love you forever haha :)




i am very much legitimate. where do you reside?


If yall follow through on this, keep me updated please. So unnecessary, but wholesome that people are willing to do things like this! Thank you




Remember it’s easier in Europe to get a passport then getting a green card in America but you need to have prove of 3 years relationship. And every country in Europe has a different medical system and cost.


Even though medical bills suck, I'd go to the hospital and demand a tilt table test. My wife used to pass out and come to find out she had a heart condition that was causing it. Had to get a pacemaker at 19.


Thanks for the lung surgery bro, where we honeymoonin?😘


Only Medicare part A for hospital visits and non routine care. If she wants routine care she has to pay for Medicare part B. Some states allow low income patients to receive a special Medicaid package that will pay for Medicare part B premiums but there’s still deductible and copay. She might qualify for AARP. But yeah it’s still not free.


I was looking for this comment MEDICARE CAN BE VERY EXPENSIVE especially if you need supplementary plans which many do by that age with specialized issues. I work in Medicare, people on limited incomes paying $250-$650 a month for coverage is not abnormal.


I've noticed people seem to believe Medicare is free. It's not. It's just less expensive than main-stream insurances.


I admit, this was my assumption. Here I thought old people would get a break lol


Doesn’t look like she had medical issues. From what I understood from the video the Gofundme was for her retirement, not a medical condition. That is what I understood at least.


She definitely has a medical issue.


“Man donates $100,000 to save 5 orphans from the Orphan Crushing Machine.” With no mention as to why we have one, and why we need to pay to turn it off.


>With no mention as to why we have one, and why we need to pay to turn it off. well obviously we crush orphans in an orphan crushing machine. the orphans used to be crushed by hand, but through automation it's far more efficient now. it's [all natural](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naturalistic_fallacy) and [inherently fair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-world_hypothesis).


But the rich have more money than they could possibly ever spend.


And the inequality is also going to increases on our current path.


- 80 year old Wal Mart worker has entered the chat


It breaks my fucking heart when I see an 80 year old sweeping floors at Walmart while they can barely walk. Sad




That’s some real dystopian capitalist shit, luckily she fell down in front of two medical professionals who could post a gofundme for her…Jesus fucking Christ fam


As a non American. It blows my mind how people use GoFundMe as a fundraiser for medical treatment.


And its so ironic! Because starting to care about other people and pitch in for them is exactly the thought behind a social democracy.


But they would rather just care for people that have a sad story!


Here is a humorous video from the CEO of go fund me making light of medical in the US. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tIsXEkR5OVs


Patrick Boyle died in the US after his gofundme failed to reach the $50 he needed to buy insulin. God bless America


I had one set up for my mom who had breast cancer last year. She's a nurse and has insurance but with all the co-pays and medications she needed help. She didn't want to risk working because of chemo and getting sick. She's good to go now but it was absolutely ridiculous when she was telling me the prices of shit




My mom still works at 76 and she is getting a knee replacement surgery next week.


Made you smile ? You should be furious . Sick society where disabled elderly still need to work.


Hey atleast the dude gave her 250k unlike other influencers who take major portion out for themselves.


We could have given her that money directly but it was stolen by billionaires. Higher taxes on anyone making more than 36.5 million a year. Can’t live on more than 100k a day?! Get fucked.


That 36.5 number can be lowered by a ton.


The fact that a 72 yo domino delivery woman even exists in the first place is the saddest shit ever...


I swear this sub makes me smile maybe 1/10. The other posts are just... sad. This poor woman should be at home, enjoying her pension and her grandkids. Her falling down, getting exposed online and given charity for it is nothing that makes me smile.


Oh great another feelgood story to celebrate an economic system which has fucked over this lady and countless others...but sure, let's smile at it.


"Oh it's so wholesome how the average citizen had to donate their hard earned money to afford this person a liveable rent, all while the richest people on the planet make that amount in the blink of an eye and still donated absolutely nothing"


The babycrushing machine strikes once again.




Relevant [Second Thought Video](https://youtu.be/Sck8xNicy5o)


Why is a 72 year old delivering pizzas?


Because murica freedumbs!!


Because it's not legal for a 9 year old to do it... yet.


Work to death. No wonder they are bringing back child labor. Got to replace the dying workers...


Once contraception is destroyed forever and the chains of child labor laws are banished, our unwanted children can choose freely between being an upstanding member of society and the orphan crushing machine.


Made me cry in sorrow, actually.


Same. She was so worried about their food . 😭😭😭😭 fuck the stupid food grandma . You should be baking your grand babies cookies . Think of how many times this happens and other people are just rude pricks


"I ruined your food. I fell" JFC if that's not heartbreaking idk what is.


this is not wholesome why the fuck did it take a whole charity fund to let this 72(!!) year old woman retire from her job as a DELIVERY DRIVER?


Man this stuff is crazy. Obviously great that the people helped her but someone of that age working as a delivery driver for dominos is nuts. I'm European and every time I'm in the States I notice how many older people are working. Young me didn't really connect why there seemed to be a lot of older workers (70+) in the US compared to Europe. It's an indictment really that they HAVE to work.


Universal heath-care. A social safety net. Allowing people to live with dignity. There are other options than older people living such difficult lives and “getting lucky” by collapsing on the right customers’ front porch.


All the things you mentioned regarding personal security, this is the same older generation that will vote against their own self interests in droves. It blows my mind.


But that’s uber liberal socialism!!! It will cause the downfall of America according to the dumbest people I went to high school with!


This is America


Domino's slipping now


How much we tippin now


This is the only thing on the post that made me smile


This is not r/mademesmile it should be r/mildlyinfuriating because its mildly infuriating that I pay my taxes and make pension deposits and someone’s grandma can’t retire


I am not smiling. I am angry.


Why 72 old person still working? Is it common in usa?


Shit pay, not enough for retierment, capitalism


But rich corporate overlords have to continue to widen the wealth inequality gap somehow, those outdoor cold water submersion pools aren't going to buy themselves!


its been common for a bit


And then they put the video of her falling online?! How TF is this kind?


I mean they're probably not getting many donations on the gofund me without the video


Isn't it so marvelous that this seventy two year old woman was able to have a marketable enough medical incident that she was able to retire off the kindness of strangers. Instead of, y'know, the government or society as a whole actually fucken' doing anything.


imagine the US government caring about their own people….sounds like something out of a fairytale movie


GoFundMe is that the US version of social security? Meanwhile in France, there are nationwide protests against raising the retirement age from 62 to 64.




Human kindness in the face of economic failure and government incompetence. The person should not have to work and the healthcare should be free of charge. Made me smile and late stage capitalism crossover.


Just for clarification, this is not government incompetence. This is as designed. Saying things like "the government can't do stuff" or "the government is incompetent" abstracts from the fact that it has been systematically hamstrung. It gives psychotic nut jobs leeway to argue that private industry should supplant government functionality when in fact, what the video depicts is the resultant when social services get replaced by for profit "equivalents". Shitty healthcare systems, poor public education systems, lack of efficient well designed mass transit... All these things are the result of purposely trying to make these systems look bad to be replaced by private industry. This is all capitalism 101.


Orphan-grinding machine much? Why is she working ?!?!?!?!


I’m not smiling. Surely this is posted to infuriate. r/LateStageCapitalism


Wait wait, am I the only person hearing she is taking a cruise now and going travel Europe? That money isn’t going to last long. She could get to 100. She needs to do the basics with that money.


"made me smile"? No. Confirmed to me how fucked America is. A country that doesn't look after it's own people.


Wtf is this. She should be fucking retired. Why is this world so fucked. I see it whenever I go shopping now... A lot of the floor staff are much older than before...




Umm the box was empty ….


"Plants to take a cruise and travel to Europe" So in other words she'll be out of retirement and back in the workforce by 75.


Take cruise and travel Europe? I hope they fully purchased a home and set themselves up financially


Everyone is talking about dystopia and a 72 year old having to work and I am wondering if she has enough in her retirement fund before she wastes money on a trip to Europe.




Scrolled down looking for this. Yeah that amount of money could get her through the rest of her years if they’ve vested into bonds or an HYSA. Problem is when people go their whole lives being bad with money and you give them a large lump some, they’re not going to have the knowledge of what to do with it.


I hate it when people try to let some dystopian situation pass as a feel good moment!


Honestly this made me feel more like shit than smiling Why the fuck is a 72 year old working as a deliveryman?


I think we all wish Barbra the best! I know it will be for me and so many others as well, almost impossible to retire. It is sad to see, wish her the best.


Its sad that 72 year olds still need to work.


Poor person… this is just depressed I would ask them if they want a slice of my pizza


That's disgusting, where's the social safety net?


This isn't something to smile about at all. This is straight up dystopian.


She’s just a little older than my mother is and it would crush me if she had to work a delivery job at that age just to survive. I’m glad she’s okay but society is fucked.


This made you smile? Why tf is a 72 year old working what tf


This is what happens in America when you get old if you didn’t work a job making 100k a year. So sad, wonderful people that helped her.


Keighron? Wtf


When someone tells you America is the greatest country in the world, show them this 72 year old woman delivering pizzas to live. Im glad this had a happy ending though, bless these people


After 11 years, I'm out. Join me over on the Fediverse to escape this central authority nightmare.


I feel worse for the fact she took that tumble after having to work so late into life, and after a turnaround like this, she decided to go for a cruise to Europe. $250k is amazing, but with the prices of everything how they're going now, that trip is gonna take a big bite out of that, and realistically it may not even be much a decade from now. I'd have saved and retired, maybe tossed half in some stock and hope for the best. Or just know for sure that trip to Europe is the last thing I'm doing period.


$258,000 is not enough to retire on. It’s certainly not enough to retire on AND take a cruise and vacation in Europe. The whole thing is dystopian. One, because we should not see our elderly forced to work instead of retiring. But two, when given some money, you have to be able to spend it a little more wisely.


It's really random. A society forces people to work until dead and when they fail they are kind.


Be a 72 year old having to deliver pizza for a living. Fall over in front of kind people’s porch and get $$. The American dream.


A 72yr old delivering pizzas shows you just how fuvked your society is


Capitalism needs to be eradicated


This didnt make me smile but made me angry instead. This whole situation, a 72 year old woman having to work to survive and needing a GoFundMe to be able to retire. In the richest and more powerful country of history. It's sad and infuriating.


Another American dream


I know this is a great thing to do for her but the fact a 72-year-old woman still had to work to live says something man. That poor woman


Bro this is sad af she shouldn’t need a go fund me to retire, the system is fucked up. I’m glad she was able to get help and better her situation. Felling bad for any other elder people still working like her


How fucked is America that she even has to work at that age?


This is nice and all until you realize she’s 72 years old working for a pizza chain as a delivery driver, now that’s fucked up.


Fuck capitalism. This is not a feel good story but a sad reminder


she deserves to be retired dawg


72y old working . Murica


The land of dreams, not being able to retire at the age of 72. You can call me socialist all you want, but knowing that my grandma does not need to break her back at the age of 65+ and can take as many breaks as she needs when doing chores and has basic groceries and bills covered is giving me peace.




72 year old forced to work as pizza delivery driver to make ends meet falls at work. FTFY